By Shri periya nambi / mahApUrNa

आपाद चूडं अनुभूय हरिं शयानं
मध्यॆकवेर दुहितुर् मुदितान्तरात्मा |
अद्रष्टृताम् नयनयॊर् विषयान्तराणाम्
यॊ निश्चिकाय मनवै मुनिवाहनं तम् |

ஆபாத சூடம் அனுபூய ஹரிம் ஶயானம்
மத்யேகவேர துஹிதுர் முதிதாந்தராத்மா
அத்ரஷ்ட்ருதாம் நயனயோர் விஷயாந்தராணாம்
யோ நிஶ்சிகாய மனவை முநிவாஹநம் தம்

ApAda chUDaM anubhUya hariM shayAnaM
madhyEkavera duhitur muditAntarAtmA
adraShTRutAm nayanayOr viShayAntarANAm
yO nishchikAya manavai munivAhanaM tam.

munivAhana - tiruppANAzhvAr was carried by the sage LokasAranga muni on his shoulders to the swAmi sannidhi of Shri Hari reclining amidst the banks of the rivers kAveri and KoLLidam.  Let me meditate on tiruppANAzhvAr who on seeing the beauty of Lord RanganAtha, eulogized Him from feet to crown and declared that henceforth his eyes would not see anything other than the Lord. 


By Shri tirumalai nambi

காட்டவே கண்ட பாத கமலம் நல்லாடை உந்தி
தேட்டரும் உதர பந்தம் திருமார்வு கண்டம் செவ்வாய்
வாட்டமில் கண்கள் மேனி முனியேறித் தனி புகுந்து
பாட்டினால் கண்டு வாழும் பாணர் தாள் பரவினோமே

kATTavE kaNDa pAda kamalam nallADai undi
tETTarum udhara bandham tirumArvu kaNDam chevvAy
vATTamil kaNgaL mEni muniyERit tani pugundu
pATTinAl kaNDu vAzhum pANar thAL paravinOmE

We bow at the feet of pANar (tiruppANAzhvAr), who was carried by LOkasAranga muni to Rangan’s sannidhi directly and who eulogised the beauty of the Lord’s body (tirumEni), lotus feet (kamala pAdam), beautiful tirupeetAmbaram (nallADai), lotus navel (tirunAbhi), girdle (udarabandham), chest, (tirumArvu), neck( kaNTham), red lips (chevvAy) and bright eyes (kaNgaL) as seen by him.



TiruppANAzhvAr gets his first glimpse of Periya perumAL, and is overwhelmed by His graceful presence, reclining majestically on the five hooded AdisEshan.  He starts composing pAsurams, describing perumAL's divya angam, starting from His holy feet, tiru pAdam! 

927.amalan Adi pirAn *aDiyArkku ennai ATpaDutta
vimalan *viNNavar kOn * viraiyAr pozhil vEngkaDavan**
nimalan ninmalan needi vAnavan * neeL madiL arangkattammAn * tiruk
kamala pAdam vandu* en kaNNinuLLana okkinRadE (1)

 Oh the Flawless one (amalan), primordial one (Adi)! One who magnanimously (pirAn) made me (an outcast), a prime devotee among Your bhaktas! You are the one with immense glory(vimalan), the Lord of the dEvAs (viNNavar kOn), residing on the holy mountain,  tiruvEnkaTam, which is full of glorious gardens spreading fragrance. You are favorably disposed to your devotees (nimalan) and always willing to overlook their faults( ninmalan). You are the Lord of Paramapadam, where justice prevails( needi vAnavan). Oh ranganAthA,  reclining on AdisEshan,  in the temple surrounded by high ramparts! The sight of Your Divine lotus feet (kamala pAdam) remains etched in my eyes! (1)

928. uvanda uLLattanAy * ulagam aLandu aNDamuRa *
nivanda neeL muDiyan * anRu nErnda nisAsararai **
kavarnda vengkaNaik kAkuttan * kaDiyAr pozhil arangkattammAn * araich
chivanda ADaiyin mEl * senRadAm ena sindanaiyE (2)

Reluctantly taking his eyes off perumAL's tiru pAdam, AzhvAr's heart is now captivated by His peetAmbaram.
Oh Lord! As trivikramA, with delight, You measured the three worlds and your crown reached beyond the space! Later, in rAmAvatAra as kAkutsan, You destroyed the rAkshasas,  who dared to wage war against You, with your powerful arrow. You recline in tiruvarangam which is surrounded by fragrant gardens. My mind is now captivated by the sight of the grand crimson pitAmbaram worn around Your waist (arai chivanda ADai).   (2)

929. mandi pAy *vaDa vEngkaDa mAmalai * vAnavargaL
sandi seyya ninRAn *arangkattu aravinaNaiyAn **
andi pOl niRattADaiyum * adan mEl ayanaip padaittadOr ezhil *
undi mEladanRO * aDiyEn uLLattu innuyirE(3)

You are the one who resides in tiruvEnkaTam,  where monkeys leap from branch to branch  and nityasoories (vAnavar) worship You with flowers. You recline on the magnificent AdisEshan in tiruvarangam. The vision of Your peetAmbaram,  in the colour of sunset, and the resplendent navel (ezhil  undi), from where the lotus bearing brahmA arises, is indeed etched in my heart! (3)

930. saduramA madiL chUzh * ilangkaikkiRaivan talai pattu
udira OTTi * Or vengkaNai uyttavan * Oda vaNNan **
maduramA vaNDu pADa * mAmayil AdarangkattammAn * tiruvayiRRu
udara bandam *en uLLaththuL ninRu ulAginRadE (4)

The waist band, udarabandham, reminds AzhvAr of Krishna leela when Yashodha tied the mischievous Krishna to the mortar.
 You sent back rAvaNa, the king of Lanka, surrounded by fortresses on all four sides, when he became defenseless,  and knocked his ten heads with Your single powerful arrow! Oh! The ocean coloured one, (OdavaNNan), reclining in Srirangam,  which is filled with humming bees and dancing peacocks! The beautiful ornament that adorns Your waist- the udarabandham, fills my heart and leaves me entranced. (4)

931. pAramAya *pazha vinai paRRaRuttu *ennait tan
vAramAkki vaittAn * vaittadanRi ennuL pugundAn **
gOramA tavam seydanan kol aRiyEn * arangattammAn * tiru
Ara mArbadanRO * aDiyEnai AtkOnDadE (5)

The sins that I have accumulated over all my previous janmas are now a huge burden (bAram Aya) on me. But You have relieved me of all my samsAric attachments (paRRu aruttu)  and magnanimously made me Your ardent devotee (vAram). Besides, You have also entered my heart and soul! What penance did I perform to deserve this privilege,  I cannot fathom! Oh ranganAthA! Your divine chest, adorned by MahAlakshmi (tiru) and the splendid pearl strands (Aram) has totally enchanted me. (5)

932. tuNDa veN piRaiyan * tuyar teerttavan * anjchiRaiya
vaNDu vAzh pozhil sUzh * aranga nagar mEya appan **
aNDaraNDa pagiraNDattu * oru mAnilam ezhumAl varai * muRRum
uNDa kaNDam kaNDeer * aDiyEnai uyyak koNDadE (6)

You gave salvation to shivA, who wears the crescent moon(thuNda veNpirayan)on his locks and rid him of his agony. Oh rangA! You reside here, in tiruvarangam, where bees, with beautiful wings buzz around in the gardens that abound. You swallowed the universe, the dEvas, the planets, the earth, the seven mountains and everything worth a mention, during pralayakAlam. The darshan of Your Divine throat, tirukanNdam, that performed this miraculous feat, is indeed my sole saviour!   (6)

933. kaiyinAr * suri sangkanal Azhiyar * neeL varai pOl
meyyanAr * thuLaba viraiyAr kamazh neeL mudi em
aiyanAr ** aNi aranganAr * aravin aNai misai mEya mAyanAr *
seyya vAy aiyO! * ennaich chindai kavarndadhuvE (7)

My swAmi! (aiyanAr) The one wielding the coiled conch (suri sangu) and the fiery ChakrAyudham, and with tirumEni like the mountain range (neel varai), wearing the tulasi garlands and the dazzling crown! You recline on the AdisEshan in yOganidrA, in the beautiful town of tiruvarangam.  Oh! The one of immense glory (mAyanAr) Alas! I have lost my senses to Your red, coral coloured adharam ( mouth)! (7)

934. pariyanAgi vandha * avuNan uDal keeNda * amararkku
ariya Adip pirAn * arangkaththamalan mugaththu **
kariyavAgip puDai parandu * miLirndu sevvari ODi * neeNda ap
periyavAya kaNgaL * ennaip pEdaimai seydanavE! (8)

You came to the rescue of PrahlAda and tore apart the mighty asura father (pariyan avuNan), HiranyAkshan. You were not easily approachable by even BrahmA and other dEvas (amararku ariya), when you took the narasimha avatAra. You are the cause for the universe (AdipirAn). You are pure and unblemished and reside in arangam. Your bright, broad, dark, sparkling, glorious eyes, with fine red lines spread across, in Your tirumukham, mesmerises me.  (8)

935. AlamA marattin ilai mEl *oru bAlaganAy *
nyAlam Ezhum uNDAn * arangkattu aravinaNaiyAn **
kOlamA maNi Aramum * muttut tAmamum mudivilladOr ezhil *
neela mEni aiyO! * niRai koNDadu en nenjinaiyE (9)

Oh ranganAtha! You lay on the banyan leaf as a small baby, after having swallowed the seven lOkas.  The sight of Your infinitely lustrous (mudivillA) sapphire coloured tirumEni,  adorned with beautiful gem studded (maNi  Aram) ornaments and pearl strands, (muttu tAmam) fills my heart with the ultimate joy!  (9)

936. koNDal vaNNanaik * kOvalanAy veNNey
uNDa vAyan * en uLLam kavarndAnai **
aNDar kOn aNi arangan * en amudinaik
kaNDa kaNgaL * maRRonRinaik kANAvE (10)

Oh arangA, with the complexion of the rain laden clouds! The One, who as gOpAlan has lips permanently smeared with butter! You have me totally entranced! Oh Lord of the dEvAs! My Divine nectar! My eyes, after having been blessed to have Your blissful dharshan, does not desire to see anything, even the darshan of paramapadanAthan!   (10)
After completing the ten pAsurams, tiruppAnAzhvAr merged with the Lord in the presence of all the other devotees.


The uraiyur azhagiva maNavALa temple is believed to be the birthplace of tiruppANAzhvAr. Hence every year, in this temple, the annual avatAra utsavam is celebrated on kArtigai rOhiNi nakshatra.  The day is also celebrated in Srirangam temple as follows. The utsava moorti of tiruppANAzhvAr is taken on a procession to the Srirangam temple. The happiness of tiruppANAzhvAr is enacted beginning with vishvaroopa darshanam of Lord RanganAtha.  AzhvAr is honoured with a garland, a silk parivaTTam on his head, a shawl around his shoulders and some sandalwood paste from Lord RanganAtha. He is then taken to tAyAr sannidhi and nammAzhvAr sannidhi with bhattars reciting amalanAdipiran and other prabandhams. The entire ritual is called “keezha paDi sEvai" or "keezha irangi sEvai".



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