PASURAM 881 TO 889


881. nATTinAn deivam engum nalladOr aruL tannAlE
kATTinAn tiru arangam uibavarkku uyyum vaNNam |
kETTeerE nambimeerhAL geruDa vAhananum nirka
chETTai tan maDiyagattu chelvam pArttirukkinReerE (10)

People swayed by their rAjasic and tAmasic gunas, built temples (nAttinAn) and worshipped various lesser dEvatAs for their short-term benefits (nal arul). Out of immense compassion (kAttinAn), arangan graces the devotees desirous (uybavarkku) of His divya katAksham (uyyum vaNNam). Oh people, who thoughtlessly go looking for favours (selvam) from other dEvatAs , listen to me! Here is Periya PerumAl, on His mount GaruDan, waiting to shower His benevolence on you. Why do you look to other dEvatAs for favours? (10)

882. oru villAl Ongu munneer aDaittu ulagangaL uyya
cheruvilE arakkar kOnai cheRRa nam sEvakanAr |
maruviya periya kOyil madiL tiru arangam ennA
karuvilE tiruvilAdeer kAlattai kazhgikkinReerE (11)

He is the one who shot a single arrow to stop the raging ocean (Ongu munneer) to save the entire world.  He is the valiant warrior (sEvaganAr) who killed the rAkshasA king Ravana, in the war (seruvilE) that ensued. He is the Periya perumAl who has chosen to reside in Tiruvarangam temple, which is surrounded by high ramparts.  Without realizing this, Oh people, those who have not been blessed even while inside the mother's womb, you are wasting your time. (11)

883. namanum murkalanum pESa narakil ninrArhaL kETka
narakamE chuvargamAhum nAmangaL uDaiya nambi |
avanadu oor arangam ennAdu ayarttu veezhndu azhiya mAndar
kavalaiyuL paDuginrAr enRu adanukkE kavalginREnE (12)

AzhvAr tells about the power of chanting bhagavan nAmA.

Mudgala ( muRkalan) was well known for all his grave misdeeds. On his death, the servants of yamA, proceeded to take him to yamalOkam. However, yama gave him due respect, saying that, though he was steeped in sins, he had once donated cows chanting the name of krishnA, owing to which he deserved to be in swargam.

Hearing the conversation between yamA and mudgala, all the souls in narakam rejoiced and felt they were actually in swargam. Such is the power of bhagavan nAmA. Tiruvarangam is the abode of this Perumal with impeccable keerti (nambi). Instead of celebrating and chanting His name, these ignorant folks (aLiya mAndhar) fall prey to samsAric desires and suffer. I feel sorry for their plight. ( kavalgindrEn) (12)

884. eriyu neer veri koL vElai mAnilattu uyirgaL ellAm
veri koL poonduLaba mAlai viNNavar kOnai Etta |
arivilA maniSar ellAm arangam enru azhaipparAgil
poriyil vAzh narakam ellAm pullezhundu ozhiyum anRE (13)

The earth is surrounded by the ocean with splashing waves, emitting the smell of flesh ( veRi). Only the enlightened AtmAs( mAnilathu uyir) realise the glory of the Lord wearing the fragrant thulasi garland as the Iswaran of all the dEvatAs. If only the ignorant (arivilA) people, who are still caught(pori) in the spell of indriyAs, utter arangA's name, the entire hell will be devoid of sinners and become barren. (13)

885. vaNDinam muralum chOlai mayilinam Alum chOlai
koNDal meedu aNavum chOlai kuyilinam koovum chOlai |
aNDarkOn amarum chOlai aNi tiruvarangam ennA
miNDar pAindu uNNum chOTTrai vilakki nAikku iDumin neerE (14)

AzhvAr is annoyed with people who do not chant bhagavan nAmA.

This tiruvarangam kshEtram is full of gardens with buzzing bees and flocks of peacocks dancing about. The clouds (kondal) gather over the orchards and Koels call out to each other. This is the holy abode of sriranganAthan, who is the swAmi of all dEvAs(aNdarkOn). The ignorant folks (miNdar) who don't realise this, do not deserve to eat their food and it would be better to give that food to the dogs. (14)

886. meyyarkE meyyanAgum vidiyilA ennai pOla
poyyarkE poyyanAhum puTkoDi uDaiya kOmAn |
uyya pOm uNarvinArgaTku oruvan enru uNarnda pinnai
ayya pADu aruttu tOnrum azhaganoor arangam anRE (15)

PerumAl, who has Garuda on His flag, shows His true compassionate roopam (meyyan) to Astikas, even to me, who has been unfortunately wasting my time in pursuit of mundane pleasures. He hides His true roopam to the non-believers ( poyyan). This beautiful Lord, residing in arangam, is the only one who can rescue (uyyapOm) us from the samsAric bonds,  establishing His supremacy without a doubt.(15)

887. choodanAi kaLvanAgi doorttarODu ichainda kAlam
mAdarAr kayar kaN ennum valaiyuL paTTu azhunduvEnai |
pOdarE enRu cholli pundiyil pugundu tan pAl
Adaram peruga vaitta azhaganoor arangam anRE (16)

AzhvAr is moved by perumAL's extreme compassion towards him.

I have dallied in all adharmic ways (sUdan). I have been conceited (kaLvan), in assuming that I am independent of Iswaran. I have been constantly immersed in samsAric pleasures ( thoorthan). Later, I was caught in the web of tempting glances of women. But my Swami, out of immense love and compassion, prevented me from going astray (pOdarEy endru) and entered my mind (pundi) to reside there permanently and reform me! (16)

888. virumbi ninRu Etta mATTEn vidiyilEn madiyonru illai
irumbu pOl valiya nenjam iRai iRai urugum vaNNam |
churumbu amar chOlai choozhnda aranga mA kOyil koNDa
karumbinai kaNDu koNDu en kaNNiNai kaLikkumARE (17)

 I have not sung your praise lovingly. I have not performed any action ( vidhi ilEn) to deserve your benevolence. I have not even realised ( madi ilEn) the concept of Iswaratwam. My heart is like steel, devoid of bhakthi. Gradually my heart softened (iRai iRai), as I stood enraptured, enjoying the dharshan of emperumAnAr, who has chosen to reside in the temple of tiruvarangam,  surrounded by many groves where bees are buzzing. (17)

889. ini tirai tivalai mOda eRiyum taN paravai meedE
tani kiDandu arasu cheyyum tAmarai kaNNan emmAn |
kani irundanaiya chevvAi kaNNanai kaNDa kaNgaL
pani arumbu tirumAlO en cheygEn pAviyEnE (18)

Basking in the darshan of arangan, AzhvAr is emotionally drained. 

The sweet, frothing waves roll over in the Cauvery, which is like the cold, turbulent sea. Here, my lotus eyed Swami rules (arasu seyyum), lying in yOganidrA (kidandhu). My eyes shed tears of joy, while having the darshan of this Kannan, who has red lips like the kOvai fruit. The tears prevent me from enjoying perumAL's divyadharshan. Oh, what can I do?! (18)

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