899. umbarAl ariyalAgA oLiyuLAr AnaikkAgi
sempulAl uNDu vAzhum mudalai mEl cheeRi vandAr |
nambaramAyadu uNDE nAigaLOm chirumay OrA
embirARkku ATcheyyAdE en seyvAn tOnRinEnE (28)

Oh the radiant One! The emperumAn who resides in srivaikuNTham (oLi uLAr)! Even the dEvas (umbarAl) like brahmA are incapable of understanding your glories. Yet when the elephant king Gajendran called out to you in surrender, you came rushing and severed the head of the crocodile that lives on raw meat. EmperumAn will never forgive pain caused to his devotees (bhAgavata apachAram). Even a dog has gratitude and serves its master, I regard myself lower than a dog. You are waiting to save those who surrender unto you by forgiving all our mistakes. What is the use of this birth if I do not intend to do bhagavat kainkaryam by surrendering myself? (28)

900. oorilEn kANiyillai uravu maTTroruvar illai
pAril nin pAda moolam paTTrilEn parama moorti |
kAroLi vaNNanE en kaNNanE kadaruhinrEn
AruLar kaLaikaN ammA arangamA nagaruLAnE (29)

kaNNanE! One who is easily approachable! On this earth, I have neither inherited any property nor do I have relatives or friends in a divyadEsam where you dwell. Knowing that you are the atmabandhu, I did not surrender at your lotus feet. One resembling the dark hue of the clouds(kAr oLi vaNNanE)! Your beauty filled with grace, attracts me. O paramamoorti (sarvEshwaran)! Who else other than you can remove the misery from my life and protect me. I have no one else to look upon. ammA! Here, I stand in front of you as I am your possession. (29)

901. manattilOr tooimai illai vAyilOr inSol illai
SinattinAl SeTTram nOkki tee viLi viLivan vALA |
punattuzhAi mAlaiyAnE ponni Soozh tiru arangA
enakkini gadi en chollAi ennai ALuDaiya kOvE (30)

Dear Lord! I have no purity in mind. It is filled with lust (kAmam), anger(krOdham), greed (lObham), fear (bhayam), hatred (dvEsham), arrogance(madham), stupid passions (mOham) and ill will (mAtsaryam). While conversing with people , I have never been pleasant or affectionate and rather used harsh words. I have always looked down upon all with resentment (seRRam nOkki). While with learned men I have always picked up fights and ridiculed them. Now after surrendering at your feet, I realized these actions of mine have no benefits. Please show me the path for salvation. You are the master and I am your servitor. I am your possession (Atmavastu) and hence are you not answerable if you refuse? You have come down from shreevaikuNTham, wearing tulasi garland, reposing in Srirangam with the Cauvery river forming a garland, just to protect your devotees (Ashrita rakshaNam). (30)

902. tavattuLAr tammil allEn danam paDaittAril allEn
uvartta neer pOla enran uTTravarkku onrum allEn |
tuvartta SevvAyinArkE tuvakkara turiSanAnEn
avattamE piRavi tandAi aranga mA nagaruLAnE (31)

I am not among those good humans who did penance, recited vedAs. I did not earn money to give donations or do annadAnam (or tadeeyArAdanam) which is considered auspicious. I planned and executed harmful deeds and earned bitterness from relatives and they too abandoned me. I became a cheat (tuRisan AnEn) by getting trapped in the beauty of red- lipped beautiful women hence I have become useless like saltwater. Not realizing the greatness of the human birth, you gifted me, I immersed myself in worldly pursuits. ranganAthA! I surrender unto you. Is it not your duty to correct me with your kalyANagunAs (attributes) and beauty? (31)

903. Artu vaNDalambum chOlai aNi tiruvarangam tannuL
kArtiraL anaiya mEni kaNNanE unnai kANum |
mArkkam onRu aRiya mATTA manicharil turiSanAya
moorkanEn vandu ninREn moorkanEn moorkanEnE (32)

Srirangam is the ornament of the world. It has beautiful honey filled thick groves with abundant flowers and bees hovering on them with contentment as if reciting Samaveda. O RangA! you reside here in a reclining posture. The dark hued kaNNanE! You are accessible to all ! I did not follow any means (mArgam onRu) to attain you. Some of them being--{karma yogam, gnyAn yOgam, bhakti yOgam, avatAra rahasyam, namasankeertanam or puNya kshEtra vAsam}. 

People are using this opportunity to attain you and get immersed in bhagavad kainkaryam. I am still ignorant about your greatness and my lowliness. I am very stupid, unintelligent and ignorant (mUrkkanE) who is still attached to my vasanAs. I am a criminal (tiRusan Aya). Yet, I stand in front of you begging you to accept me being very stubborn. (32)

904. meyyellAm pOha viTTu virikuzhalAril paTTu
poyyellAm podindu koNDa pOzhkkanEn vandu ninrEn |
ayyanE aranganE un aruL ennum ASai tannAl
poyyanEn vandu ninREn poyyanEn poyyanEnE (33)

SwAmin! I shunned the highest quality of truth in mind, speech and action. I got trapped in the clutches of beautiful women with open hair. I would praise them falsely. Hence I could not extricate myself due to the false passion. My lies can be compared to an ocean. AyyanE! I have lost the right path. aRaNganE! Desiring your grace, I stand before you as the one who lied and the one who is shameless.(poyyanE poyyanEnE) Forgive me! Those who are ruined and helpless are saved by you alone. (33)

905. uLLattE uraiyum mAlai uLLuvAn uNarvu onru illA
kaLLattEn nAnum toNDAi toNDukkE kOlam pooNDu |
uLLuvAr uLLiTTrellAm uDanirundu aridi enrE
veLgipOy ennuLLE nAn vilavara chirittiTTEnE || Thirty Four ||

Ranga! You reside in the heart of all as the antaryAmi becoming easily accesiible. Yet out of ignorance, not realizing your magnanimity, I posed (kaLLathE -- like poundraka vAsudEv) filled with deceit as if I was a great bhaktA and a bhAgavatA doing bhagavad kainkaryam. Actually, I have not done any kainkaryam. I never realized that I cannot deceive you as you are watching all this residing in my heart! I am feeling extremely ashamed of myself. I have not earned the status to stand in front of you, hence I leave you (velgi pOy) in search of a secluded place. O lord! You are omniscient and omnipresent. Realizing this, I laugh at myself so much that my ribs could split. (34)

906. tAvi anru ulahamellAm talai viLAkoNDa endAi
SEviyEn unnai allAl chikkena SengaNmAlE |
AviyE amudE endan Aruyir anaiya endAi
pAviyEn unnai allAl pAviyEn pAviyEnE (35)

araNganE! Once before, you reached out to all the worlds as trivikraman, pervaded into every being. You blessed every jeevA with your holy feet irrespective of their distinctions. My swAmiyE (entAy)! Not realizing your simplicity, and love for devotees, I have become a sinner (pAviyE). O red lotus eyed Lord(seNkaNmAlE)! Please shower your grace on me. AviyE (who is present as the panchapraNa vAyu in my body)! amudE( One laden with nectar of grace). I pledge (chikkena) to you that I will take refuge (seviyEn) in none(other devatAs) but only you (SRIMAN NARAYANA), which will last forever. endan Aruyir anaya! You are the one who has guided me (refers to his soul or AtmA) to reach you. Though I am a sinner(pAviyEn), dear Lord! You have accepted me overlooking my grave mistakes just to uplift this lowly person. I am a sinner who did not realize this (pAviyEnE). (35)

907. mazhaikku anru varai munEndum maindanE madura ArE
uzhaikkanrE pOla nOkkam uDaiyavar valaiyuL paTTu |
uzhaikkinrErku ennai nOkkAdu ozhivadE unnai anrE
azhaikkinREn Adi moortee arangamA nagaruLAnE (36)

 Angry over the cowherds for not offering food to him, Indra, showered heavy downpour of rain for seven days. MaindanE ( the young strong smart one)! Even before they realized the consequences, you protected every being of gOkul by effortlessly holding the gOvardhana mountain on your little finger. Will you not protect me from this terrible samsara? madhuravArE! (you are river of sweet nectar)! I got trapped in the net of beautiful women who had eyes like that of a deer, thus swaying away from you. You created in me the taste of your beauty and kalyAnagunAs and hence your glance is enough to protect me. Adimoorti! You are the creator and hence my mother too. Isn’t it your sole responsibility to protect me(the chEtanAs)? You took a sankalpam to repose in Srirangam to uplift the jeevAs. Hence, do you hear me? I wish to be redeemed by you alone? (36)

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