This is a pictorial representation of ANDAL'S  tiruppAvai pAsuram number 27 in a combination art of ManDala, Zen and WArli styles. The chakra portrays an insight into the tattva, hita and purushArtha of life.

KooDArai vellum seer gOvindA!

GovindA, Shreeman NArAyaNa is in the centre of the chakra, He is the ultimate goal to be achieved by jeevAtmAs. He is the Ishwara tattva, the universal entity, the director of the whole universe. Despite being the King of the world He rests inside our heart as the "antaryAmi" bhagavAn, brimming with compassion.

pADi parai konDu yAm perum sammAnam: 

 The hita is the means to attain him.  The path of prapatti (surrender) to reach bhagavAn is portrayed in the following circles. The 8 drums (paRais) represent the aShTAkshara mahAmantra which is made up of 8 aksharas. The jeevAtmA resorts to surrender and further meditates upon and sings His divine names which are the means for a jeevAtmA to become eligible for His grace (gift)

nADu pugazhum parisinAl nanDrAga, chooDagamE, tOlvalayE, tODE, sevippoovE, pADagame

The path of prapatti  or sharaNAgati is time-tested and praised by the great seers of the world. The reward for this is the purushArtham or the goal be attained by jeevAtmAs.  It is subtly explained by the various jewelry that BhagavAn adorns. The bracelets, necklaces, earrings, ear cuffs represented in the third circle portray the protection which the jeevAtmA gets when he experiences bhagavat anubhavam in His vicinity, namely feeling near Him (sAmeepyam), wearing His clothes and jewelry (sAroopyam), residing near Bhagavan with other muktas (sAlOkyam) .

enraNaiya palgalanum yAm aNivOm

The fourth circle contains BhagavAn's Chakra and Shankh which act as his ornament, and weapon to protect us in times of dire need.  Symbolically it also represents the shankh and chakra mudras which a prapanna receives by His AchArya when he gets initiated as a prapanna (samAshrayanam). This is indeed a moment of joy and feeling of being in eternal servitude of Shreeman NArAyaNan and none other.

ADai uDuppOm adan pinnE pAl SOru, mooDaneypeydu muzhangai vazhi vAra, kooDi irundu kuLirndElor empAvai.

The last circle houses the objects of eternal bliss. ANDAL explains the experience of ultimate bliss through elements like wearing new clothes, consuming sweet pongal dishes with dripping ghee (krishnAmRutam prasAdam) and most importantly being in unity with each other, taking other devotees also along with us to enjoy the ultimate bliss of the Lord (sAyujyam).


Smt. Malathi Balaji

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