ANDAL follows her father and AchArya, PeriyAzhvAr, in singing PALLANDU for the sarvEshvara, Shreeman NArAyaNa. Let’s sing 24th tiruppAvai along with the maNDala art and enjoy every line of the pASuram that celebrates kRishNa’s guNa chEShTitas.

1 (start from centre) – anRu iv ulagam aLandAy aDi pORRi !

PallANDu to Trivikrama’s feet that once measured the entire universe! 
What a display of VishNu’s grandiose to MahAbali and all the celestials! 
What a fortune that the universe was blessed with the touch of His divine feet.
Didn’t Akroora roll on the dust embedded with KrishNa’s footprints distinguished by symbols like lotus, barely corn and elephant goad! Oh, What an ecstasy?

2- senRangu tennilangai seRRAy! tiRal pORRi !

PallANDu to Rama’s prowess that destroyed LankA for the sake of dear SeetA Devi!

The expeditions from AyOdhyA to LankA!!  Wasn’t it an epic journey in which RAma and LakshmaNa faced many ordeals walking on foot across AyodhyA, PrayAg, ChitrakooTa, DaNDakAraNya, PanchavaTi, kishkintA, RAmasEtu, SuvElA and LankA?  Unimaginable for us enjoying today’s luxury yAtrA package.

3. ponRach chagaDam udaittAy! pugazh pORRi !

PallANDu to little krishNa’s fame, which was attained by kicking ShakaTAsura, the demon in disguise of a cart, to fall into pieces! (KrishnAvatAram).  

Of all the fame, why this fame is so special? This happened when KrishNa was just around three months old and was trying to turn around. Marking this important milestone of the divine child’s growth, YashOdA arranged a utthAna ceremony.  While she was busy with the arrangements, our little krishNa became a hero!

4. kanRu kuNilA eRindAy! kazhal pORRi !

PallANDu to KrishNa’s little feet that gripped the earth tight for Him to swirl the huge calf demon vatsAsura and throw it on the tree demon kapitAsura, knocking them both at the same time!

5. kunRu kuDaiyAy eDuttAy! guNam pORRi !

PallANDu to KrishNa’s compassionate guNa!  Sausheelyam means the good natured character where in compassion flows from a higher level to lower level.

With his little fingers, He lifted the gOvardhanagiri like an umbrella and held it high to give shelter to the innocent and helpless cowherds against incessant hail rains caused by Indra. He showed His sausheelya guNa carrying it not for just one day but for seven days, allowing normal life to go on. Incredible again!!

6. venRu pagai keDukkum nin kaiyil vEl pORRi !

PallANDu to the spear that annihilates the enemies and brings victory! 

Did KrishNa use a spear (vEl)? Ever since NandagOpa saw kriShNa being attacked by demons, he always held a sharp spear to guard his dear son kriShNa from the smallest of troubles. So, it is believed that KrishNa and the gOpas also carried spears,  readily equipped to fight enemies. ( ANDAL says this in tiruppAvai 1 itself -  “koorvEl koDuntozhilan nandagOpan kumaran” ).  

7. enRenRu un sEvagamE Ettip paRai koLvAn !

After extolling Him in shaT rasas (the above mentioned six flavours), ANDAL reminds krishNa that He must favour the mARgazhi penance of her and her friends who have come praising Him, yearning to serve Him eternally with their folded hands.

8. inRu yAm vandOm irangElOr empAvAy !

ANDAL truly stands as our representative leader requesting KrishNa to shower his benign kaTAksham on us. 

This reminds us of charama shloka from Bhagavat GeetA which says that the one and only way to get KrishNa’s blessing hands of protection (abhaya hastam) is to surrender to His divine feet. (tiruvaDi)

सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज |

अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच: || 66||

sarvadharmAn parityajya mAm Ekam sharaNam vraja

aham tvAm sarvapApEbhyO mOkshayiShyAmi mA shuchah (66)

PallANDu to our dear ANDAL!



Smt. Malathi Balaji

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