kArkODal pookkAL - ANDAL opens her heart to the flowers and birds who are busy with their routines.

Even After promising nooru taDA veNNai and akkAravaDisil to azhagar perumAL of tirumAlirunchOlai, KrishNa did not come.  ANDAL continues her pining to the flowers and birds of the rainy season, as she gets more anxious to unite with KaNNan.


kAr kODal poo, blue flame lily

597. kArkODal pookkAL kAr kaDal vaNNan em mEl ummai 

pOr kOlam Seidu pOra viDuttavan enguRRAn | 

ArkO ini nAm pooSal iDuvadu aNi tuzhAi 

tArkODum nenjantannai paDaikka vallEn andO || One || 

597. Dear dark blue kODal flowers! (blue flame lily or kAndal flower). 

You bloom beautifully in the rainy season spreading blue hue all over the place. But, You are reminding me of KaNNan's ocean colored tirumEni.  Where is he? Why hasn't he come? Has kaNNan sent you as His weapon to wage a war against me? Oh! To whom shall I go and complain? He controls everything. I am not even capable of controlling my heart which is adamant in searching for His divine tulasi garland (aNi tuzhAy). I am helpless! 

kAr means rain, kODal poo is flame lily (gloriosa superba), kArkODal poo referes to the kODal flower that blooms in the rain, especially summer rain. (1)

tonRi poo, kODal poo, red flame lily

598. mEl tOnRi pookkAL mEl ulagangaLin meedu pOi 

mEl tOnrum SOdi vEda mudalvar valangaiyin | 

mEltOnrum Azhiyin venjuDar pOla chuDAdu emmai 

mARROlai paTTavar kooTTattu vaittu koLgiRRirE || Two |

598. Oh tonRi flowers (red flame lily - red kAndal flowers) shaking atop the tree, swaying with the wind.  

You remind me of the glowing chakram in the hands of divine Lord shining in Paramapadam as the paranjOti.  He is the vEda mudalvan, the parama purushan extolled by the vEdas.  Do not burn me like you do with your enemies. Instead, cool me down by carrying me up to join the group of muktas who have attained liberation from samsAra (mARRu Olai paTTavargal). (2)

kovai maNATTi, ivy gourd creeper

599. kOvai maNATTi nee un kozhungani koNDu emmai 

Avi tolaiviyEl vAyazhagar tammai anjudum | 

pAviyEn tOnRi pAmbaNaiyArkum tam pAmbu pOl 

nAvum iraNDuLa vAittu nANiliyEnukkE || Three || 

599.  Dear kOvai maNATTi (scarlet gourd, ivy gourd creeper)!  
Your lovely fruits are breaking my heart by reminding me of KaNNan’s beautiful red lips.  But do you know? He has twin tongues like that of His dear AdishEsha. With one tongue He says that He would come soon and take me. But with the other tongue He says that He never said so. Though tired of His double standards, I am shamelessly pining for him. What a sinner I am that He is eluding me! (3)

mullai pirATTi, jasmine creeper

600. mullai pirATTi nee un muruvalgaL koNDu emmai 

allal viLaiviyEl Azhi nangAi un aDaikkalam | 

kollai arakkiyai mookku arindiTTa kumaranAr 

Sollum poyyAnAl nAnum pirandamai poyyanRE || Four || 

600.  Oh mullai pirATTi (jasmine creeper) looking like a chakra (Azhi nangAy)!
Your fresh white bloomy smile reminds me of my kaNNan’s smile.  I fall at your feet doing sharaNAgati to You! Please don’t torture me. In RAmAvatAra, when shoorpaNakhA crossed her limits and wanted to marry Lord RAma, He promised that He would not give up those who even pretend to be His friend and so He left her with little punishment.  Then why has he not kept up His promise in my case? Is it all a big lie? Or is it a lie that I am born to the great PeriyAzhvAr? Don't I deserve to attain Him? (4)

kuyil, cuckoo bird

601. pADum kuyilgAL eedenna pADal nal vEngaDa 

nADar namakkoru vAzhvu tandAl vandu pADumin | 

ADum karuLa koDi uDaiyAr vandu aruL Seidu 

kooDuvarAyiDil koovi num pATTukkaL kETTumE || Five ||

601. Oh cuckoo bird singing happily! What kind of song are you singing? Horrible! I am unable to enjoy it in the absence of KaNNan.  Do some help. Be on the look out for the garuDa flag of tiruvEnkaTamuDaiyAn (karuLa - garuDa). Out of mercy, if my emperumAn comes and unites with me, then we shall both call you and hear your sweet song together.  Until then, please don’t sing. I can’t bear it. (5)

kaNa mayil, group of peacocks

602. kaNa mA mayilgAL kaNNapirAn tirukkOlam pOnru 

aNi mA naDam payinru ADuginreerku aDi veezhginrEn | 

paNam ADaravaNai parpala kAlamum paLLikoL

maNavALar nammai vaitta pariSidu kANminE || Six || 

602. Oh gorgeous peacocks wandering in musters! Your beauty and color remind me of my blue hued kaNNapirAn's tirukOlam.  Your age old expertise in dancing is evident from your graceful performance. I fall at your feet.  Please stop your dance now. I cannot relish it because of my separation from the Lord. Resting eternally since many years on anantAzhvAn with dancing hoods, this maNavALa perumAL has only bestowed upon me the great gift of falling at your feet. Look at my pitiful condition! (6)

603. naDamADi tOgai virikkinRa mAmayilgAL ummai 

naDamATTam kANa pAviyEn nAnOr mudal ilEn | 

kuDamADu koottan gOvindan kOmirai seidu emmai 

uDai mADu koNDAn ungaLukku ini onRu pOdumE || Seven || 

603.  The peacocks paid no heed to her and continued dancing.
Oh, graceful peacocks walking stylishly! You are expressing your love by spreading out your feathers. Who will not be attracted to your dance? But I am a sinner who is not well disposed to enjoy your dance. That gOvindan of who also entertains His cowherds and the cows by dancing with pots (kuDam ADum koottan), has stolen all my joy, my bangles, my sleep and my beauty. I am already sad. Is it nice of you to irritate me more by displaying your happiness? (7)

Srivilliputtur Andal and Rengamannar, Adipooram

604. mazhaiyE mazhaiyE maN puram pooSi uLLAi ninra 

mezhukooRRinAr pOl ooRRu nal vEngaDattuL ninRa | 

azhaga pirAnAr tammai en nenjattu agappaDa 

tazhuva ninRu ennai tadaittu koNDu ooRRavum vallaiyE || Eight ||

604.  Oh rain! While making the idols of the Lord, first a figure of wax is made, then it is coated with clay from outside and later the wax is melted out.  In the same way, my handsome Lord azhagapirANAr, residing in tiruvEnkaTam once embraced me from outside and my heart melted from inside leaving me empty. Dear rain! Wait! Do not shower now! You first unite us and then shower on both of us.  Let me experience that bliss. (8)

kaDal, ocean

605. kaDalE kaDalE unnai kaDaindu kalakkuruttu 

uDaluL pugundu ninRu ooral aruttavarkku ennaiyum | 

uDaluL pugundu ninru ooral arukkinRa mAyarkku en 

naDalaigaL ellAm nAgaNaikkE senRu uraittiyE || Nine || 

605.  Oh Ocean, You gave kaNNan your place to sleep (pArkaDal).  But He churned you with the mountain and extracted the nectar. In the same way, He has penetrated my heart and perturbed it to a great extent.  I am sure you can understand my plight as you have also undergone similar sufferings during churning. Why don’t you explain all that is happening to AdishEShan, the serpent floating on You?

சென்றால் குடையாம் இருந்தால் சிங்காசனமாம்,
நின்றால் மரவடியாம் நீள்கடலுள், என்றும்
புணையாம் மணி விளக்காம் பூம்பட்டாம் புல்கும்
அணையாம், திருமாற்கு அரவு

senRAl kuDaiyAm irundAl singAsanamAm
ninRAl maravaDiyAm nIL kaDaluL enRum
puNaiyAm maNiviLakkAm pUm paTTAm pulgum
aNaiyAm tirumARku aravu

(Poygai AzhvAr, Mudal TiruvandAdi - 53)

ANDAL thinks that serpent, AdishEshan will support her because He is the most intimate servant of VishNu who acts as the umbrella, throne, sandals, bed, lamp, dress and pillow for Shreeman NArAyaNa reclining on the milky ocean. 

Andal Rangamannar

606. nalla en tOzhi nAgaNai miSai nambarar 

selvar periyar Siru mAniDavar nAm Seivaden | 

villi puduvai viTTu chittar tangaL dEvarai 

valla pariSu varuvipparEl adu kANDumE || Ten || 


ANDAL's close friend is worried on seeing her viraha tApam (pangs of separation from KaNNan). Seeing her panic, ANDAL says:

Don't worry my dear friend!
My great Lord namperumAL having AdishEshan as His float-bed is reclining in pArkaDal, the huge milky ocean (nam parar). 
He is boundless wealth as He has the precious Shree in His chest (selvar), 
He is the supreme controller (periyar).
We are just small human beings.  What can we do to bring Him here?

I have now found the way to experience Him. My father VishNuchittan is the only way. He has already tasted krishNAmrutam by calling Him with sweet little words like - 'poochooTTa vArAy! neerADavArAy! KrishNa will definitely come to see my father. Let me watch Him and take the guidance of my AchAryan Shri PeriyAzhvAr.

Thus, ANDAL NAchchiyAr concludes this tirumozhi with a final note that says that  bhAgavata sambandham and AchArya sambandham is essential for sustenance in this earth and beyond.

By Smt. Malathi Balaji




  1. Congratulations for your excellent work.

  2. Namaskaram Malathi
    This is for your consistent efforts of bringing different stories to us. Thoroughly enjoyed reading and appreciate

  3. Super !!! Well explained and this is beautiful which springs from inner need, which comes from the soul

  4. Excellent words that shows Andal Nachiyar's feelings. Great Work Malathi👌👌

  5. Humble Pranaams,
    Sincere thanks to everyone for your kind words of appreciation and support.

  6. Super. ஆண்டாள் திருவடிகளே சரணம்.
