அவுணன் உடல் கீண்டு உகந்த,* 
சக்கரச் செல்வன்தன்னைக்*
Ari uruvAy avuNan uDal keeNDuganda 
chakkara selvan tannai

Did Narasimha use the sudarshana chakra to kill HiraNyakashipu? What is sudarshaNa’s role in Narasimha avatAra? 

SudarshaNa shatakam – 76 by Shri KooranArAyaNa Jeeyar has the answer to this.

वाणी पौराणिकी यं प्रथयति महितम् प्रेक्षणम् कैटभारे:
शक्तिर्यस्येषु दंष्ट्रा नख परशुमुख व्यापिनी तद्विभूत्याम् ।
कर्तुं यत् तत्व बोध: न निशितमतिभि: नारदाद्यैश्च शक्य:
दैवीं व: मानुशीं च क्षिपतु स विपदं दुस्तरामस्त्र राज: ॥

vANI paurANikI yaM prathayati mahitam prekShaNam kaiTabhAre:
SaktiryasyeShu daMShTrA nakha paraSumukha vyApinI tadvibhUtyAm |
kartuM yat tatva bodha: na nishitamatibhi: nAradAdyaishca shakya:
daivIM va: mAnusheeM ca kShipatu sa: vipadaM dustarAmastra rAja: ||

Ancient scriptures reveal that Sudarshana is the sankalpa shakti of ParavAsudEvan, the Lord residing in Shree VaikuNTham.   The meaning of SudarshaNa is “one having auspicious vision or "one who is handsome”.  Known as the eternal weapon of Lord vishNu, SudarshaNa is hailed as Ayudha purusha by Agama shAstras. SwAmi vEdAnta dEsikan addresses SudarshaNa as AyudEshwara, the Lord of sixteen weapons. SudarshaNa is a part incarnation (amsha) of Lord VishNu.   Revered as chakkarattAzhvAr and a nityasoori, He is always at the disposal of Lord nArAyaNa, ever ready to implement His orders. சக்கரத்தாழ்வாரின் பணியில்லாமல் ஒரு காரியமும் நடைபெறாது.

During varAhAvatAram, SudarshaNa was present in His tusk or canine teeth (damshTrA). 

During NarasimhAvatAram, sudarshaNa manifested in his nails (nakha). (The mantrAjapada stOtram of Ahirbhudnya Samhita also mentions नखाग्रैः शकलीचक्रे यस्तं वीरं नमाम्यहम् |)

During ParushurAmAvatAram, He was present in His axe (Parashu), 

..and in the appropriate weapons He chooses for the other avatArams (vyApinee tvadvibhootyAm). 

For instance, during rAmAvatAram, SudarshaNa was present in His arrows, and even in the blade of grass that killed kAkAsura. It is also stated in kishkintAkANDam 4.3.14 that HanumAn addressed rAma as the one having many arms that are lengthy, spherical and like iron beams.  (आयताः च सुवृत्ताः च बाहवः परिघोपमाः | AyatA: cha suvRutA:, cha bAhava:, parighOpamA:). Commentators interpret that the plural word “bAhava:” reveals that Lord rAma showed His four arms (two having shankha and chakra) to HanumAn. 

In vAmanAvatAram, SudarshaNa entered the pavitram with which vAmana pricked ShukrAchArya who was blocking the mouth of the kalasha in the form of a bee, during udaka-dAnam.
In matsyAvatAram, SudarshaNa made His presence in the horn of Matsya who killed the demon Hayagreeva.

In koormAvatAram, the demon svarbhAnu drank the amRuta given by mOhini by hiding in between the sun and the moon on the dEvas side. Before he could swallow the amruta, VishNu cut him into two pieces with His chakra. The two pieces were rAhu and kEtu who avenge the moon and the sun by eclipsing them with the power of the little amRuta they consumed. 

In krishNAvatAram, He was in fact born with four hands, two hands holding the shankh and chakra. On dEvaki’s wish, He hid them until He killed kamsa. 
  • KrishNa cut the head of His aunt's son SishupAla who hurled 101 contemptible abuses against Him and the pANDavas.
  • The king of karusha city impersonated krishNa out of jealousy, calling Himself “Paundraka vAsudEvan”, and ordered krishNa to give up His weapons. In anger, KrishNa killed Paundraka, along with his friend kAsirAja with his sudarashana chakra. KaasirAja’s son Sudakshina created a demoness to avenge krishNa, but KrishNa send His blazing sudarshana chakra which burnt the demoness, sudakshina and the city of kAshi to ashes.
  • KrishNa also killed bANAsura's thousand hands with His sudarshaNa chakra.
SudarshaNa follows VishNu everywhere so much so that He was present in the tip of the arrow of Lord Shiva during tirupura dahanam. While Shiva used meru as the bow and AdisEshan as the bow string, VishNu became the arrow and sudarshana became the blazing tip of the arrow.

The true form and inherent nature of SudarshaNa is difficult to comprehend fully even by sages like nArada. May this astra rAjA of limitless power banish all dangers of dEvas and manushyas.

Jaya Jaya Shree Sudarshana

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