AzhvAr enjoys both RAMAVATAR and KRISHNAVATAR in an elaborate fashion in these ten pAsurams.

328. kadirAyiramiravi* kalanderittAlotta neeLmuDiyan*
ediril perumaiirAmanai* irukkumiDam nADudirEl*
adirum kazhaRporutOL* iraNiyanagam piLandu* ariyAy-
udiram aLainda kaiyODu irundAnai* uLLavA kaNDAruLar. (1) 

328. If you are searching for, and want to find where RAma who wears an unparalleled crown that shines resplendently like the rays of thousands of sun put together is, here are the people who have seen Lord Narasimha with His blood filled claws. He tore open the chest of HiraNyakashipu who has a valorous chest and wears anklets that make sounds. (1)

329. nAndakam shanku taNDu* nANoli shArngam tiruch chakkaram*
Endu perumai irAmanai* irukkumiDam nADudirEl*
kAndaL mugizh viral seedaikkagi* kaDunchilai senRiRukka*
vEndartalaivan janakarAsantan* vELviyil kaNDAruLar. (2)

329. If you are searching for the place where RAma who has nAndakam (sword); pAnchajanyam (conch); taNDu (gadha); the resonating divine bow (saarngam); Shreechakra (discuss) is, here there are people who have seen Him break the bow in the yagna of Janaka MahArAja, the great among kings, standing as the perfect match for SeetA whose beautiful fingers are like the kAndal flowers. (2)

330. kolaiyAnai kombu paRittuk* kooDalar sEnai porudazhiya*
silaiyAl marAmaram eyda dEvanai* chikkena nADudirEl*
talaiyAl kurakkinam tAngichchenRu* taDavarai koNDaDaippa*
alaiyArkaDaRkarai veeRRirundAnai* anguttai kaNDAruLar. (3)

330. If you wish to see for sure the one who pulled the tusk of the kuvalayApeeDam elephant assigned to kill Him;  the one who effortlessly fought against Kara DhUshaNa and destroyed them; the one who pierced the arrow through seven trees, there are those who have seen Him with the army of monkeys watching them build the bridge out of mountains, across the vast ocean. (3)

331. tOyam paranda naDuvu soozhalil* tollai vaDivu koNDa*
mAya kuzhaviyadanai nADuRil* vammin suvaDuraikkEn*
Ayar maDamagaL pinnaikkAki* aDalviDai Ezhinaiyum*
veeyapporudu viyarttu ninRAnai* meymmaiyE kaNDAruLar. (4)

331. For those who are in search of the child who has taken the form of KsheerAbdhinAthan reclining on the milky ocean; swallowing all the worlds in His  stomach during the pralaya time, I will give you a way. There are those who saw Him when He fought and killed seven bulls to win the hand of the cowherd princess Nappinnai PirATTi. (4)

332. neerERu senchaDai neela kaNDanum* nAnmuganum muRaiyAl*
seerERu vAsakam seyya ninRa* tirumAlai nADutirEl*
vArERu kongai uruppiNiyai* valiyap piDittuk koNDu-
tErERRi* sEnai naDuvu pOrseyya* chikkenak kaNDAruLar. (5)

332. Are you searching for the supreme TirumAl, who is duly praised by BrahmA (NAnmughan), and NeelakanThan (shiva) who holds the shreepAda teertham on his tresses (JaTAmuDi)? There are those who have seen Him fighting against those who came on His way when he abducted RukmiNi on His chariot. (5)

333. pollA vaDivuDaip pEychchi tuNYcha* puNar mulai vAymaDukka-
vallAnai* mAmaNi vaNNanai* maruvumiDam nADudirEl*
pallAyiram perundEvimAroDu* powvam ERituvarai*
ellArum soozha singAsanattE* irundAnaik kaNDAruLar. (6)

333. If you are searching for the place where the blue hued gem coloured KaNNan who sucked the milk as well as the life from pootanA is, there are those who saw Him seated on the throne in DwArakA, surrounded by thousands of Devis. (6)

334. veLLai viLi shaNGku veNYchuDar tiruch chakkaram* Endu kaiyan*
uLLa iDam vinavil* umakku iRai vammin suvaDuraikkEn*
veLLaip puravik kurakku velkoDi* tErmisai munbu ninRu*
kaLLappaDait tuNaiyagi* bAradam kai seyyak kaNDAruLar. (7)

334. If you ask for the place where the Lord holding the resonating divine white conch and the sparkling chakra in his resplendent hand is, I shall show you the identification. There are those who have seen Him during the BhArata war driving a chariot with white horses and a victorious flag having a monkey on it. (7)

335. nAzhihai kooRiTTuk kAttu ninRa* arasarkaL tammugappE*
nAzhikai pOhap paDai porudavan* dEvagi tan siRuvan*
Azhi koNDu anRu iravi maRaippa* jayattiradan talaiyai*
pAzhil uruLap paDai porudavan* pakkamE kaNDAruLar. (8)

335. If you want to see DEvaki's son who enabled the whole day disappear with His chakra, when the kings stood protecting Jayatrathan, there are those who have seen Him alongside Arjuna, when he fought and killed Jayatratha. (8)

336. maNNum malaiyum maRi kaDalhaLum* maRRum yAvum ellAm*
tiNNam vizhungi umizhnda dEvanai* chikkena nADudirEl*
eNNaRkariyatOr Enamagi* irunilambuk kiDandu*
vaNNak karuNGkuzhal mAdarODu* maNandAnaik kaNDAruLar. (9)

336. Those who wish to see the Lord who swallowed the earth, the mountains, the wavy oceans and everything else during the pralaya times, and brings them back after dissolution! There are those who have seen Him married to BhoomADevi having dark hair, when he took the form of a wild boar that none can imagine, saving her from the underworld. (9)


337. kariya mugil purai mEni mAyanai* kaNDa suvaDuraittu*
puravi mugam seydu sennelOngi* viLai kazhanip puduvai*
tiruviR polimaRai vANan* paTTarpirAn sonna mAlai pattum*
paravu manamuDaip pattaruLLAr* paraman aDi sErvargaLE. (10)

337. PeriyAzhvAr who is blessed to be the supreme in the vaishNavite culture, hailing from Shreevilliputtoor where paddy grows in fertile fields and looks long like the horses face), wrote these ten pAsurams elaborately indicating the identifications of the dark cloud-coloured Lord. Those who recite these will become His devotees and reach the lotus feet of the highest God. (10)




Divya dEsham of SundarabAhu perumAl and Sundaravalli tAyAr.

338. alambA veruTTA* konRu tiriyum arakkarai*
kulam pAzh paDuttu* kula viLakkAy ninRakOn malai*
silampArkka vandu* deyvamagaLirkaL ADumseer*
silambARu pAyum* ten tirumAlirunchOlaiyE. (1)

338. This is tirumAlirunchOlai, the beautiful hill, the residence of the victorious shree rAma who destroyed the troublesome rAkshashas who were on a killing spree. This is the southern hill where the river called “silambAru” flows, resonating the anklet sounds (silambu) of the Goddesses who bathe here. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (1)

339. vallALan tOLum* vALarakkan muDiyum* taNGgai-
pollAda mookkum* pOkkuvittAn porundum malai*
ellAviDattilum eNGgum parandu* pallANDoli-
sellA niRkum seer* ten tirumAlirunchOlaiyE. (2)

339. This is tirumAlirunchOlai, the divine hill that houses the great Shri rAma, who cut the ten heads and shoulders of the powerful rAvaNa, and the nose of his wicked sister ShoorpaNaka. This is the famous hill where the sound of pallAnDu songs for  Azhagar perumAL reverberate all around. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (2)

340. takkAr mikkArhaLai* chanchalam seyyum salavarai*
tekkA neRiyE pOkkuvikkum* selvan ponmalai*
ekkAlamum senRu* sEvittirukkum aDiyarai*
akkAneRiyai mARRum* taN mAlirunchOlaiyE. (3)

340. This is tirumAlirunchOlai, the magnanimous golden hill which on the one hand protects its surrendered devotees from troubles and on the other hand protects the non-devotees by diverting their attention towards Azhagar for good. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (3)

341. AnAyar kooDi* amaitta vizhavai* amarartam-
kOnArkku ozhiya* gOvarttanattu seydAn malai*
vAnATTil ninRu* mAmalar kaRpaga tottizhi*
tEnARu pAyum* ten tirumAlirunchOlaiyE. (4)

341. This is tirumAlirunchOlai, the residence of Shri KrishNa who lifted the gOvardhana hill to protect the cowherds from the rage of Lord Indra who was not given his annual offerings. This is the sweet hill where the karpaga flowers shower honey from the sky. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (4)

342. oru vAraNam paNi koNDavan* poyhaiyil* kanchantan-
oru vAraNam uyir uNDavan* senRuRaiyum malai*
karu vAraNam* tan piDi tuRandODa* kaDal vaNNan-
tiruvANai kooRattiriyum* taN mAlirunchOlaiyE. (5)

342. This is tirumAliruchOlai, the permanent residence of KaNNan who saved one elephant called gajEndran who was caught in a pond and who once destroyed another elephant called kuvalayApeeDam sent by kamsan. Here in this grove, a male elephant and a female elephant quarreled and the female elephant walked away in anger. All trials having failed, the male elephant vowed in front of azhagar perumAl to patch them up. After some time, the female elephant came back to him soon and the couple walked around happily together again.  Such is the divine grace of this temple. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (5)

343. EviRRuch cheyvAn* EnRedirndu vanda mallarai*
sAvattagartta* sAndaNitOL saduran malai*
Avattanam enRu* amararhaLum nan munivarum*
sEvittirukkum* ten tirumAlirunchOlaiyE. (6)

343. This is triumAlirunchOlai, the residence of KaNNan who won the wrestlers sent by kamsan The sandal paste applied by the hunch back woman on KrishNa's chest did not fade away in the encounter. KaNNan lives in this tirumAliruchOlai, where even the dEvas and the Rushis worship and reach out to Him for protection from dangers. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (6)

344. mannar maRuga* maittunanmArkku oru tErinmEl*
munnaNGgu ninRu* mOzhai ezhuvittavan malai*
konnavil koorvERkOn* neDumARan ten kooDaRkOn*
tennan koNDADum* ten tirumAlirunchOlaiyE. (7)

344. This is tirumAlirunchOlai, the residence of kaNNan who supported the pANDavas by becoming a charioteer to Arjuna, giving him powers to bring out a spring of water through arrow shots, for the thirsty horses. This is the beautiful hill praised by mAran the king sporting a sharp sword and ruling from the southern city of kooDal Nagar. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (7)

345. kuRugAda mannarai* kooDu kalakki* veNGgAniDai-
siRukAl neRiyE pOkkuvikkum* selvan ponmalai*
aRugAl vari vaNDukaL* Ayira nAmam solli*
siRukAlaip pADum* ten tirumAlirunchOlaiyE. (8)

345. This is tirumAlirunchOlai, the residence of azhagar who sends the unbending arrogant kings to the narrow, dangerous forest. This is the wide hill where the highly devoted, six-legged, striped bees swarm around early in the morning, humming the thousand names of the Lord. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (8)

346. sindap puDaittu* cheNGgurudi koNDu* boodaNGgaL-
andip pali koDuttu* Avattanam seyappan malai*
indira kObangaL* emperumAn kani vAy oppAn*
sindum puRavil* ten tirumAlirunchOlaiyE. (9)

346. This is tirumAlirunchOlai, the famous hill where rAkshasas kill azhagar’s enemies in the sandhyA time by killing the prey but they offer the bali to azhagar before partaking their food. This tirumAlirunchOlai is the house of our Lord Shriya:pati and that of the wandering indragOpa insects (red velvet mites) that resemble His kovai fruit colored lips. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (9)

347. eTTut tisaiyum* eNNiRanda perum dEvimAr*
viTTu viLanga* veeRRirunda vimalan malai*
paTTip piDihaL* pagaDuRinchi senRu* mAlai vAy-
teTTit tiLaikkum* ten tirumAlirunchOlaiyE. (10)

347. This is tirumAlirunchOlai, the abode of pure krishNa who is seen moving around with His innumerable renowned wives of dwAraka. This is the hill where the female and male elephants meet each other again and rejoice being together thinking of azhagar. ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye! (10)

348. marudap pozhilaNi* mAlirunchOlai malai tannai*
karudi uRaihinRa* kArkkaDal vaNNan ammAn tannai*
viradam konDEttum* villiputtoor vishNu chittansol*
karudi uraippavar* kaNNan kazhaliNai kANbargaLE. (11)

348. These verses have been composed by villiputtoor viShNuchittan, whose only goal was to sing the praises of the ocean colored kamala kaNNan, azhagar, who resides in the beautiful groves of tirumAlirunchOlai.  Those who sing these ten verses with interest are sure to see the lotus feet of KrishNa. (11)

PASURAMS 349 TO 359 


349. uruppiNi nangai tannai meeTpAn* toDarndODichchenRa*
uruppanai OTTi koNDiTTu* uRaittiTTa uRaippan malai*
poruppiDaik konRai ninRu* muRiyAzhiyum kAsum koNDu*
viruppoDu pon vazhangum* viyan mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (1)

349. This divine mountain is the abode of Shree KrishNa. It stood witness to Him, when He won over Rukma who came chasing after Him in an effort to bring back his sister RukmiNi. This resplendent TirumAlirumchOlai has abundant konRai (laburnum) trees, with golden flowers and leaves. They seem to shower gold coins and rings lovingly! (1)

350. kanchanum kALiyanum* kaLiRum marudum erudum*
vanchanaiyil maDiya* vaLarnda maNivaNNan malai*
nanchumizh nagam ezhundaNavi* naLir mAmadiyai*
senchuDar nAvaLaikkum* tiru mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (2)

350. This divine mountain is the abode of the blue hued boy (maNivaNNan) who was the cause for the death of Kamsa, the elephant kuvalaiyApeeDam, the serpent, kAlingan, the maruda trees and the seven bulls. This immense TirumAlirumchOlai has serpents that spew venom and unveils itself to reach the cool full moon, trying to cover it with its red fangs. (2)

351. mannu naragan tannai* soozh pOhi vaLaitteRindu*
kannimagaLir tammai* kavarnda kaDalvaNNan malai*
punnai serundiyoDu* puna vEngaiyum kOngum ninRu*
ponnarimAlaigaL soozh* pozhil mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (3)

351. This divine mountain is the abode of the Lord who has the colour of the deep sea. He married the young maidens kept captive by NarakAsuran, after killing him. This densely forested, amazing TirumAlirumchOlai is covered with trees like punnai (mast wood), serunti (laburnum), pine, vengai (a tropical tree), kongu and konRai, whose golden flowers appear to be garlanding it! (3)

352. mAvali tannuDaiya* magan vANan magaLirunda*
kAvalaik kaTTazhitta* tanikkALai karudum malai*
kOvalar gOvindanai* kuRamAdargaL paNkuRinchi*
pAvoli pADi naDam payil* mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (4)

352. This divine mountain is the abode of the fearless hero as strong as a bull! He broke the barriers where MahAbali 's son, BAnAsuran held his daughter Usha and Aniruddhan (Krishna's grandson) captives. This TirumAlirumchOlai is where the gypsy women sing kurinji songs and dance in praise of Govindan, the cowherd boy! (4)

353. palapala nAzham solli* pazhitta shishupAlan tannai*
alavalaimai tavirtta* azhagan alangAran malai*
kula malai kOlamalai* kuLir mAmalai koRRamalai*
nilamalai neeNDa malai* tiru mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (5)

353. This divine mountain is the abode of the charming, handsome azhagan. He did away with sishupAlan who threw abuses at Him. This wonderful TirumAlirumchOlai is majestic, beautiful, cool, supreme, fertile and flourishing with beautiful gardens. ( TirumAlirumchOlai is given seven attributes, likening it to the seven hills of TiruvEngadam!). (5)

354. pANDavartammuDaiya* pAncgaLi maRukkam ellAm*
ANDuanNGu nooRRuvartam* peNDir mElvaitta appan malai*
pANtagu vaNDinangaL* paNgaL pADi madupparuga*
tONDal uDaiya malai* tollai mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (6)

354. This divine mountain is the abode of Lord KrishNa. He relieved pAnchAli of her sorrows and made the hundred wives of the Kauravas to suffer for the injustice. This blessed TirumAlirumchOlai is filled with the buzzing of the bees which are intoxicated with the nectar they have drunk from the gardens of this mountain. (6)

355. kanaNGkuzgaiyAL poruTTA* kaNai pArittu* arakkar tangaL-
inam kazhuvERRuvitta* ezhil tOL emmirAman malai*
kanam kozhi teLLaruvi* vandu soozhndu akalnAlam ellAm*
inam kuzhuvADum malai* ezhil mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (7)

355. This divine mountain is the abode of Shree RAma having strong shoulders. He demolished the rAkshasa race of LankA with his arrows for the sake of the thick braided SeetA. This beautiful TirumAlirumchOlai is surrounded by pure streams and lofty waterfalls, making it a paradise. (7)

356. erisidaRum sarattAl* ilangaiyinai* tannuDaiya-
vari silaivAyil peydu* vAykkOTTam tavirttu uganda*
araiyan amarum malai* amararoDukOnum senRu*
tiri suDar soozhum malai* tiru mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (8)

356. This divine mountain is the abode of the valorous Shree RAma. He destroyed LankA by showering arrows from his strong bow. He sits in this TirumAlirumchOlai, where all the Gods and Indra worship him and where the sun, moon and stars shine. (8)

357. kOTTumaN koNDiDandu* kuDangaiyil maNkoNDaLandu*
meeTTumadu uNDumizhndu* viLaiyADu vimalan malai*
eeTTiya palporuLgaL* embirAnukku aDiyuRaiyenRu*
OTTarum taN silambARuDai* mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (9)

357. This divine mountain is the abode of the faultless one (Vimalan). The one who dug up the Earth taking the VarAha avatar, measured the earth, taking Tiruvikrama avatAra and swallowed the earth, taking KrishNa avatar. This awe inspiring ThirumAlirumchOlai is endowed with the cool silambAru which submits all the wealth it has accumulated along its path, as offerings, at the feet of the Lord. (9)

358. Ayiram tOLparappi* muDiyAyiram minnilaka*
Ayiram paindalaiya* ananda sayanan ALum malai*
Ayiram ARugaLum* sunaigaL palavAyiramum*
Ayiram poompozhilumuDai* mAlirunchOlaiyadE. (10)

358. This divine mountain is the abode of Anantasayanan, who displays a thousand arms and a thousand gleaming crowns, reclining on the thousand hooded AdisEshan. This beautiful TirumAlirumchOlai is embellished by thousands of rivers, streams and thousands of gardens. (10)

359. mAlirunchOlai ennum* malaiyai uDaiya malaiyai*
nAliru moortti tannai* nAl vEdak kaDal amudai*
mElirungaRpagattai* vEdAnda vizhupporuLin*
mElirunda viLakkai* vishNu chittan virittanavE. (11)

359. This divine mountain is the god of mountains, the head of all the eight directions, the confluence of the four Vedas, the all-giving, ultimate Karpaga vruksha, the enlightening ray and the essence of VedAnta. Such is the glory of TirumAlirumchOlai as described by Vishnuchittan. (11)



4.4 PeriyAzhAr describes the greatness of the divya desam TirukkOTTiyoor [ near kAraikudi] and its devotees. 

The moolavar perumal is uragamallaNayAn in bhujanga sayanam. tAyAr is tirumagal nAchchiyar. Utsavar perumAL is sowmya nArAyaNa perumAL

360. nAva kAriyam sollilAdavar* nALtoRum virundOmbuvAr*
dEva kAriyam seydu* vEdam payinRu vAzh tirukkOTTiyoor*
moovar kAriyamum tiruttum* mudalvanai sindiyAda* ap-
pAva kArikaLaip paDaittavan* enganam paDaittAn kolO! (1)        

360. TirukOTTiyoor is the place where devotees are ever honest, truthful, good hosts when it comes to serving food [ virundhu OmbuvAr]; they learn and recite vedas [vedam payinRu] dedicatedly and do bhagavad ArAdhanam regularly. This perumAL is the one who has always protected BrahmA, ShivA and Indra [moovar kAriyam tiruttum]. How could He create sinful people [pAva kArigalai] who will never think [sindiyAda] of Him? (1)

361. kuRRaminRi guNam perukki* kurukkaLukku anukoolarAy*
seRRam onRumilAda* vaN kaiyinArhaL vAzh tirukkOTTiyoor*
tuRRiyEzhulaguNDa* toomaNi vaNNan tannai tozhAdavar*
peRRa tAyar vayiRRinai* peru nOy seyvAn piRandArgaLE. (2)

361. TirukkOTTiyoor has devotees who are faultless, noble, never jealous and do bhAgavata kainkaryam. Here resides the sapphire coloured Lord [too maNivaNNan] who swallowed the seven lokas [Ezhu ulaguNdAn]. Those who do not worship him are born to give pain to their mothers who bore them. (2)

362. vaNNa nal maNiyum maragadamum azhutti* nizgaLEzhum-
tiNNai soozh* tirukkOTTiyoor* tirumAlavan tiru nAmangaL*
eNNak kaNDa viralhaLAl* iRaip pozhudum eNNagilAdupOy*
uNNakkaNDa tam oottai vAykku* kavaLam undukinRArgaLE. (3)

362. TirukkOTTiyoor has beautiful groves and creepers and porches studded with diamonds and emeralds. Here devotees do nAma japam of the countless names of the Lord [tirumAl]  Yet, how can some live by stuffing and swallowing food in their mouth without reciting His names even for a second? (3)

363. uragamellaNaiyAnkaiyil* uRai shankam pOl maDavannangaL*
nirai kaNam parandERum* sengamala vayal tirukkOTTiyoor*
naraka nAsanai nAvil koNDazhaiyAda* mAniDa sAdiyar*
paruku neerum uDukkum kooRaiyum* pAvam seydanatAn kolO! (4)

363. The Lord who is sleeping on the soft snake bed [uraga mEl aNayAn] is the one who frees us from hell [naraka nAshanai], resides in TirukOTTiyoor having fields with beautiful lotuses around, and flocks of swans resembling the conch in the Lord’s hand. What sins have those committed, who do not utter the Lord’s name? Even the water they drink and clothes they wear have committed sins. (4)

364. Amaiyin mudukattiDaik kudi koNDu* toomalar sADippOy*
teemai seydu iLavALaigaL* viLaiyADu neert tirukkOTTiyoor*
nEmisEr taDangaiyinAnai* ninaippilA vali nenchuDai*
boomi bArangaL uNNum sORRinai vAngi* pullait tiNiminE. (5)

364. In this kshetram, TirukkOTTiyoor, where the Lord resides with discus [ nEmi sEr thadakkaiyAn],  fishes play mischievously jumping over the back of turtles and knocking fresh flowers. Those who reside here and refrain from taking the name of the Lord, are a burden to mother earth. They should be fed with grass instead of rice. (5)

365. boodam aindoDu vELvi aindu* pulanhaL aindu poRikaLAl*
Edam onRumilAda* vaN kaiyinArhaL vAzh tirukkOTTiyoor
nAdanai narasinganai* navinREttuvArhaL uzhakkiya*
pAda tooLi paDudalAl* ivvulagam bAgyam seydadE. (6)

365. Hail to the greatness of the sacred dust of the devotees who live in TirukOTTiyoor, praising Lord Narasimha (nAdanai narasinganai) !! The earth is fortunate and blessed to have them. These devotees devotedly perform the five sacrifices [ velvi aindu],  having control over the five senses [ pulangal aindu] and  the five subtle elements [aindu pOrigaL]. (6)

366. kurundam onRosittAnoDum senRu* kooDiyADi vizhAchcheydu*
tirundu nAnmaRaiyOr* irAppagal Etti vAzh tirukkOTTiyoor*
karundaDa mugilvaNNanai* kaDaikkoNDu kai tozhum pattarhaL*
irundavooril irukkum mAniDar* ettavangaL seydAr kolO! (7)

366. The devotees staying in the auspicious TirukOTTiyoor must have done great penance. Here the vaidikas [ nAn marayOr], learn the vedas and continuously recite them. Cowherds graze cattle with stick from wild lime tree [kurundam]. They celebrate many festivals folding their hands and worshipping the dark cloud like Lord [karuNtaDa mugil]. (7)

367. naLirnda seelan nayAsalan* abimAnatunganai* nALtoRum-
teLindaselvanaich* chEvakangoNDa sengaNmAltirukkOTTiyoor*
kuLirnduRaikinRagOvindan* guNampADuvAruLLanATTinuL*
viLaindatAniyamum irAkkadar* meedukoLLakilArkaLE. (8)

367. The beautiful eyed Lord [ sheN kaNN mAl] of TirukOTTiyoor made Selvanambi his devotee, who was righteous, modest, wise and full of bhakti. The devotees here always sing the greatness of GovindA, such that even rAkshasas cannot take the grains that grow on this land. (8)

368. kombinArpozhilvAyk* kuyilinamgOvindankuNampADuseer*
semponArmadiLsoozh* sezhungazhaniyuDaittirukkOTTiyoor*
nambanainarasinganai* navinREttuvArkaLaik kaNDakkAl*
empirAn danasinnangaL* ivarivarenRuAsaikaLteervanE. (9)

368. The glory of TirukOTTiyoor is that, in the dense orchards, cuckoos sing the glory of gOvindan's guNas. It is surrounded by fertile fields and fortified golden hued walls. Here, whenever I see devotees worshipping and singing the praise of the lord Narasimha, I consider them to be the true representatives of the Lord [ EmpirAn chinnaNgal]. That will fulfil my desire. (9)

369. kAsinvAykkaramviRkilum* karavAdumARRilisORiTTu*
dEsavArttaipaDaikkum* vaNkaiyinArkaLvAzhtirukkOTTiyoor*
kEsavA! puruDOttamA!* kiLarsOdiyAy! kuRaLA! enRu*
pEsuvAraDiyArkaL* endammaiviRkavumpeRuvArkaLE. (10)

369. When it comes to serving food to devotees or doing anna dAnam [sOr iTTu], the people in TirukOTTiyoor are generous, selfless, honest and benevolent. They would even take the extreme step of selling themselves to do the good service to a devotee. They would always praise the Lord saying kEshava, purushOttama, kiLaR sOdiyAy. Such is the greatness of this kshetram. (10)

370. seedaneerpuDaisoozh* sezhungazhaniyuDaittirukkOTTiyoor*
AdiyAnaTiyAraiyum* aDimaiyinRittirivAraiyum*
kOdilpaTTarpirAn* kuLirpuduvaimanviTTuchittansol*
EdaminRiuraippavar* iruDeekEsanukkALarE. (11)

370. Those who sing these ten pAsurams will become devotees of hRusheekEsha,  says the faultless paTTarpirAn of Puduvai. He makes this request to those men wandering without singing the praises of the ancient God of TirukOTTiyoor surrounded by fertile fields and flourishing waters. (11)


4.5 AZHVAR'S ADVICE:  AzhvAr advises us to involve in nAma sankeertanam and hence name our children after His divine names, so that we utter His nAmam automatically.

371. AsaivAy senRa sindaiyaragi* annai attan enputtirar boomi*
vAsavAr kuzhaLAL enRu mayangi* mALum ellaik kaNvAy tiRavAdE*
kEsavA! purushOttamA! enRum* kEzhaLAkiyakEDilee! enRum*
pEsuvAravar eydum perumai* pEsuvAn pugil nam paramanRE. (1)

371. Even as the soul is leaving the body, not letting your mind to waver and lament - "my mother, father, children, land and my wives with fragrant hair”, cry out KESAVA, PURUSHOTTAMA, THE BLEMISHLESS VARAHA MOORTY!!. No words can explain the bliss that one gets by chanting their names. (1)

372. seeyinAl seRindERiya puNmEl*seRRalERik kuzhambirundu* engum-
eeyinAl arippuNDu mayangi*ellai vAy senRu sErvadan munnam*
vAyinAl namO nAraNA venRu*mattagattiDaik kaigaLaik kooppi*
pOyinAl pinnai ittisaikku enRum*piNaik koDukkilum pogavoTTArE. (2)

372. Even at the death bed, when wounds all over the body become putrid and swarm with flies, getting fainted and unconscious and before getting into the fag end of life, if one utters "NAMO NARAYANA" with folded hands, he will attain the abode of heaven. Having attained the abode of nityasooris, they will not allow him to go back. (2)

373. sOrvinAl poruL vaittaduNDagil*sollu sollenRu suRRum irundu*
Arvinavilum vAytiRavAdE*andakAlam aDaivadan munnam*
mArvam enbadOrkOyil amaittu*mAdavan ennum deyvattai nATTi*
ArvamenbadOr pooviDavallArkku*aravataNDattil uyyalumAmE. (3)

373. Even at the last hour, if our relatives surround us and ask about all the hidden wealth and treasures, we would not be in a position to open our mouths. Before such time if one is able to build a beautiful temple in the heart, consecrate the unparalleled "MADHAVAN" and offer Him the flowers of bhakti, he will be saved from the miseries of Yama. (3)

374. mEl ezhundadOr vAyuk kiLarndu* mEl miDaRRinai uLLezha vAngi*
kAlum kaiyum vidir vidirttERik*kaNNuRakkam adAvadan munnam*
moolamagiya oRRaiyezhuttai*moonRu mAttirai uLLezha vAngi*
vElaivaNNanai mEvudiragil*viNNagattinil mEvalumAmE. (4)

374. Even at the time when the "prANa vAyu" raises itself up, palpitating the heart and choking the throat, the hands and legs shudder; before the eyes could slowly fall into deep eternal sleep, utter the single Moola PraNava Mantram which is the essence of all Vedas and holding on to it for three mAtrAs (3 times measure), at the same time, thinking of the ocean coloured Lord, one can attain "Paramapadam". (4)

375. maDi vazhi vandu neer pulan sOra*vAyilaTTiya kanchiyum meeNDE*
kaDai vazhi vArak kaNDamaDaippa* kaNNuRakkam adAvadan munnam*
toDai vazhi ummai nAygaL kavarA*soolattAl ummaip pAyvadum seyyAr*
iDaivazhiyil neer kooRaiyum izhaveer*iruDeekEsan enREttavalleerE. (5)

375. Even before you urinate unconsciously due to the fear of death; before the liquid food you take chokes the throat and spills from the corner of the lips; before death -the first eternal sleep occurs, start praising "HRISHIKESA". If you can do that, the dogs of Yama will not devour your thighs; the servants of Yama will  not poke you with their spears; you will not lose your dress midway. (5)

376. angam viTTavai aindum agaRRi*Avi mookkinil sOditta pinnai*
sangam viTTavarkaiyai maRittu*paiyavE talai sAyppadan munnam*
vangam viTTulavum kaDaRpaLLi mAyanai*madusoodananai mArbil-
tanga viTTu vaittu* AvadOr karumam sAdippArkku* enRum sAdikkalAmE.(6)

376. Even before loosing the five senses from the body with people sitting around keeping their fingers under the nose to verify if the breath is still there and after confirming, placing the head down,- think, realize and meditate on "MADHUSUDANAN". Those who surrender themselves to the one who rests on the vast deep ocean will certainly be His kainkaryaparas eternally. (6)

377. tennavan tamar seppamilAdAr*sEvadakkuvAr pOlap pugundu*
pinnum vankayiRRAl piNitteRRi*pin munnaga izhuppadan munnam*
innavan inaiyAn enRu solli*eNNi uLLattu iruLaRa nOkki*
mannavan madusoodan enbAr*vAnagattu manRADigaL tAmE. (7)

377. Even as the ruthless people control the male calves for pulling the carts, so will the Yamadootas with their pAsa kayiru drag one forcibly without their consent to the YamalOka. Before death could occur like this, if you bring "MADHUSUDHANAN" who is the king even for Yama, in your mind, and meditate upon His qualities, you will be certainly blessed with Paramapadam. (7)

378. kooDik kooDiuRRArgaL irundu* kuRRam niRka naRRangaL paRaindu*
pADippADiOrpADaiyil iTTu*narippaDaikku oru paguDam pOlE*
kODimooDi eDuppadan munnam*kowttuvamuDai gOvindanODu*
kooDiyADiya uLLattarAnAl* kuRippiDam kaDandu uyyalumAmE. (8)

378. Forgetting the bad deeds, the relatives join together and talk in praise of the deceased and cry. They will even sing in praise of him and cry. They will then place the body on the pyre and close it with a new cloth and these cunning group of people will take you for the final rights. Before this could happen, if you meditate on the great qualities of "GOVINDAN" who wears the rare Koustubham in His heart, you will be eternally saved from entering the Yamapuram. (8)

379. vAyoru pakkam vAngi valippa*vArnda neerk kuzhik kaNkaL mizhaRRa*
tAy oru pakkam tandai oru pakkam*tAramum oru pakkam alaRRa*
tee Oru pakkam sErvadan munnam* sengaNmAloDum sikkena suRRa-
mAy* oru pakkam niRka vallArkku*arava taNDattil uyyalumAmE. (9)

379. At the time of death, the mouth may become disoriented, eyes may shed tears, the kith and kin, parents and wife will cry their heart out. After death they will burn the body. Before such a plight occurs, if you accept the lotus eyed Lord as your destiny and engage in divine activity, you can escape the cruel punishments of Yama. (9)


380. settuppOvadOr pOdu ninaindu*seyyum seygaigaL dEva pirAnmEl*
pattarAyiRandAr peRum pERRai*pAzhit tOL vishNu chittan puttoorkkOn*
sittam nankorungit tirumAlai*seyda mAlai ivai pattum vallAr*
sittam nankorungit tirumAl mEl*senRa sindai peRuvartAmE. (10)

PeriyAzhvAr explained about the miseries that occur during the time of death, and the attainment of Paramapadam, for those who surrender at His feet. Those who recite these ten verses written by Shreevilliputtoor ViShNuchittan will always be thinking of Lord SRIMAN NARAYANAN. (10)



4.6 In the order of Vedas describing praLayam (cosmic dissolution) first and then the creation (shRrushTi), AzhvAr elaborates death first in the previous pAsuram and the birth in this pAsuram.

381. kAsum kaRaiyuDai kooRaikkum* angOr kaRRaikkum-
AsaiyinAl* anNGavattap pEriDum* AdargAL!-
kEsavan pEriTTu* neengaL tEnittiruminO*
nAyagan nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (1)

381. Oh, Strees who name your children after a few chEtanas and acEetanas and desirous of getting money, jari bordered silk saree, and a tuft of paddy !! Rejoice naming your children after KESHAVAN'S. The mother of children whose names are after sarvEshwaran NARAYANAN, will never ever enter hell. (1)

382. angoru kooRai* araikkuDuppadan AsaiyAl*
mangiya mAniDa sAdiyin* pEriDum AdargAL!*
sengaN neDumAl!* sireedarA! enRuazhaittakkAl*
nangaigAL! nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (2)

382. Oh, mothers who desirous of getting a piece of cloth around your waist, name your children after the human beings who perish! Oh Ladies! Call your children by the name of SRIDHARA, the name of the red lotus eyed KrishNa, the form of Vishnu, for the mother of those children will not enter hell thereafter. (2)

383. uchchiyileNNeyum* suTTiyum vaLaiyum ugandu*
echcham polindeergAL!* en seyvAn piRar pEriTTeer?*
pichchai pukkagilum* embirAn tiru nAmamE-
nachchumin* nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (3)

383. Oh, those who are blessed with the wealth of children!! Desirous of the oil for smearing the forehead, gemstone to adorn the forehead and some bangles, why do you name your children with human names? Even if you have to beg for your living, if you name your children with His divine names, the mother of the children bearing the name of SHRIMAN NARAYANA will never enter hell. (3)

384. mAniDa sAdiyil tOnRiRRu* Or mAniDa sAdiyai*
mAniDa sAdiyin pEriTTAl* maRumaikkillai*
vAnuDai mAdavA!* gOvindA! enRuazhaittakkAl*
nAnuDai nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (4)

384. By virtue of karma, if you give human names for those who are born as humans, it will not lead you to the path of mOksha. Give them the names of our ParamapadanAthan and call with the names , MADHAVA!! and GOVINDA!! The mother of the children who have the name of NARAYANAN will never ever enter hell. (4)

385. malamuDai oottaiyil tOnRiRRu* Or mala oottaiyai*
malamuDai oottaiyin pEriTTAl* maRumaikkillai*
kulamuDai gOvindA!* gOvindA! enRu azhaittakkAl*
nalamuDai nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (5)

385. For the one who is born full of flesh and born out of your body of flesh and named after the same imperfect reservoir like you, there are no ways and means to attain mOksha. Instead if you name your child and call  ''GOVINDA, GOVINDA'', the one who has all greatness, the mother of the child who has the name will never ever enter hell. (5)

386. nADum nagarumaRiya* mAniDa pEriTTu*
kooDiyazhungi* kuzhiyil veezhndu vazhukkadE*
sADiRap pAynda talaivA!* dAmOdarA! enRu-
nADumin* nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (6)

386. To get a popular name from the locals of the country and the scholars of the cities, do not name your children with the common human names and become subordinate, and fall prey in the ditches. Instead, desire to call them as DAMODARA!! , the one who destroyed ShakaTAsura. The mother of the children who have the name of NARAYANA will never enter hell. (6)

387. maNNil piRandu maNNagum* mAniDap pEriTTu* angu-
eNNam onReNNi irukkum* Ezhai manisargAL!*
kaNNukkiniya* karu mugil vaNNan nAmamE-
naNNumin* nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (7)

387. Oh ignorant humans bearing the names of the humans who are born out of this earth and die into the same, who are not concerned and worried about your upliftment! Come out to call the child with the names of ''TIRUMAL'' who is like the dark rainy clouds which is a feast for the eyes. The mother of the child who has the names of NARAYANA will never enter hell. (7)

388. nambi bimbiyenRu* nATTu mAniDap pEriTTAl*
nambum pimbum ellAm* nAlu nALil azhungip pOm*
sem perundAmaraik kaNNan* pEriTTu azhaittakkAl*
nambigAL! nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (8)

388. If you name your children with the ordinary being's name like 'Nambi', and 'Pimbi', the charm might vanish in a few days. Oh trustworthy ones, please name your children after the most beautiful red lotus eyed Lord, "TIRUMAL". The mother of the child named after NARAYANA will never ever enter hell. (8)

389. oottaik kuzhiyil* amudam pAyvadu pOl* ungaL-
moottirap piLLaiyai* en mugil vaNNan pEriTTu*
kOttuk kuzhaittu* guNAlam ADit tiriminO*
nAttagu nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (9)

389. Like the sweet nectar that springs out from a rotten ditch, give your child who is the embodiment of the dirt and all excretory waste, the names of "LORD TIRUMAL". Give the dark cloud coloured EmperumAn's name and dance and rejoice with a divine feeling while calling him. The mother of the children who have the name of the lord NARAYANA, which is even good to the tongue, will never ever enter hell. (9)


390. seeraNimAl* tiru nAmamE iDattERRiya*
veeraNi tolpugazh* vishNu chittan viritta*
OraNi oN tamizh* onbadODu onRum vallavar*
pEraNi vaikunTattu* enRum pENi irupparE. (10)

390. He most valorous ViShNuchittan who has won over the worldly pleasures, describes elaborately the glories of divine names of emperumAn and advises to name our children after His divine names. Those who chant these beautiful ten verses in tamizh will live in Paramapadam forever blissfully. (10)



4.7. TIRUKANDANKADINAGAR -  PeriyAzhvar enjoys the glory of PurushOttaman perumAL (neela mEghaperumAl) in dEva prayAg, the divya desam called tirukanDankaDinagaram. The deity is called RaghunAthji by the people of dEva prayAg.

391. tangaiyai mookkum tamaiyanai talaiyum taDinda* em dAsaradi pOy*
engum tanpugazhAvirundu arasANDa* em purushOttaman irukkai*
gangai gangai enRa vAsagattAlE* kaDu vinai kaLaindiDukiRkum*
gangaiyin karaimEl kaitozha ninRa* kaNDam ennum kaDinagarE.  (1)

391. DAsharati rAma who severed shoorpanakhA's nose (rAvaNa's sister) and Khara's head (rAvana's brother), was the most famous king of the world. He resides as PurushOttaman perumAL in tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram divya dEsam standing on the banks of river Ganges, where, just as people bow down with their joined palms saying "gangai, gangai", their miseries vanish. "em puruTottaman irukkai kaNDam ennum kaDinagare" (1)

392. salam podi uDambin tazhalumizh pEzhvAy* chandiran vengadir ancha*
malarndu ezhundaNavu maNivaNNa uruvin* mAl purushOttaman vAzhvu*
nalamtigazh saDaiyAn muDikkonRai malarum* nAraNan pAdat tuzhAyum*
kalandizhi punalAl pugar paDugangai* kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (2)

392. The shade-giving cool moon and the red-tongued fiery sun are themselves afraid of the blue -ewel colored tirumAl. That Lord purushOttama who grew tall to measure the universe resides in tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram where the Ganges flows sparkling with the confluence of konRai flowers (laburnum) showered on Lord Shiva's head and the tulasi leaves offered on Shreeman NArAyaNan's feet. em puruTottaman vazhvu kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (2)

393. adirmugam uDaiya valamburi kumizhtti* azhalumizh Azhi koNDeRindu* angu-
edir mugavasurar talaigaLai iDaRum* em purushOttaman irukkai*
sadumugan kaiyil saduppuyan tALil* shankaran saDaiyinil tangi*
kadir muga maNi koNDizhipunal gangai* kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (3)

393. The residence of my Lord PurushOttama who holds the resounding right coiled conch (valampuri), and the chakra that severed the head of the asuras, is tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram. Once, when the Lord took the trivikrama avatAra, the pAdya teertham offered by Lord BrahmA from his hands to Shreeman NArAyaNan's feet, fell on Lord Shiva's head and flowed down to become the Ganges, the banks of which river this divya desam stands. em puruTottaman irukkai kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (3)

394. imaiyavar iRumAndirundu arasALa* ERRuvandedir poru sEnai*
namapuram naNuga nAndagam visiRum* nam purushOttaman nagar tAn*
imavandam toDangi irungaDalaLavum* irukarai ulagiraittADa*
kamaiyuDai perumai gangaiyin karaimEl* kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (4)

394. Whenever the devas like Indra are filled with pride, the asuras trouble them and then the devas resort to Lord PurushOttama who destroys the asuras with his weapons. tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram is the city of that PurushOttaman standing on the banks of the pure Ganges that starts from the HimAlayas and ends in the sea, removing the sins of all the devotees who bathe here on both its banks. em puruTottaman nagartAN kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (4)

395. uzhuvadOr paDaiyum ulakkaiyum villum* oN suDar Azhiyum shaNGkum*
mazhuvoDu vALum paDaikkalam uDaiya* mAl purushOttaman vAzhvu*
ezhumaiyum kooDi eeNDiyapAvam* iRaip pozhudaLavinil ellAm*
kazhuviDum perumai gangaiyin karaimEl* kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (5)

395. Lord PurushOttama who protects us with the strongest weapons namely plough (kalappai), pestle (ulakkai), bow (vil), blazing chakra (On chuDar Azhi) , shankh (sangu), axe (mazhu) and sword (vAL), permanently resides here in this divya desam tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram along the Ganges which has the fame of washing all the sins accrued in the previous seven births just within a second. em puruTottaman vazhvu kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (5)

396. talaip peydu kumuRichchalam podimEham* salasala pozhindiDak kaNDu*
malaip perum kuDaiyAl maRaittavan madurai* mAl purushOttaman vAzhvu*
alaippuDait tiraivAy arundava munivar* avapiradam kuDaindADa*
kalappaigaL kozhikkum gangaiyin karai 
kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (6)

396. Lord PurushOttama of MathurA fame, who held the Govardhana mountain against the torrential rains in order to protect the cowherds, lives here in tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram, where the most austere sages bathe and perform yagyas on the banks that erode due to the gushing Ganges. em puruTottaman amarvu kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (6)

397. viRpiDittiRuttu vEzhattai murukki* mElirundu avantalai sADi*
maRporutezhap pAyndu araiyanayudaitta* mAl purushOttaman vAzhvu*
aRpudam uDaiyaaiyirAvadamadamum* avar iLampaDiyar oNsAndum*
kaRpa kamalarum kalandizhi gangai* kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (7)

397. Lord PurushOttama who defeated the soldiers sent by kamsa, broke the tusk of the kuvalayApeeDam elephant, jumped on it's head to kill the mahout and the wrestlers.  He resides here in tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram which graces the Ganges where the waters from the head of the bathing "airAvata" elephant flow beautifully carrying in its course the sandal paste applied by the Goddesses, and also the karpaga flowers. em puruTottaman vazhvu kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (7)

398. tirai porukaDal soozh tiN madiL tuvarai vEndu* tan maittunanmArkkAy*
arasinai aviyaarasinai aruLum* ari purushOttamanam arvu*
nirai nirai aga neDiyanayoobam* nirandaram ozhukku viTTu* iraNDu-
karai purai vELvip pugai kamazh gangai* 
kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (8)

398. KrishNa, king of the beautiful dwAraka surrounded by the waves of the ocean, supported his pANDava brother-in-laws (sister draupadi's husbands) in the war and retrieved the land for them. That Lord PurushOttaman resides in tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram, where cows are well maintained in rows on the banks of the Ganges; a number of sacrificial posts (yoopam) are ready; and both the banks are always filled with the smoke of yagyas (sacrifices). em puruTottaman irukkai kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (8)

399. vaDatisai madurai sALakkirAmam* vaikunTam tuvarai ayOddi*
iDam uDai vadari iDavagai uDaiya* em purushOttaman irukkai*
taDavarai atirat taraNi viNDiDiya* talaip paRRik karaimaram sADi*
kaDalinai kalanga kaDuttizhi gangai* kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (9)

399. My Lord PurushOttaman who lives in the northern divya desams namely MathurA (vaDatisai madurai), sAlagrAmam, vaikunTham, dwArakA (tuvarai), ayOdhyA and badarikAshramam (vadari), lives here in tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram, where the Ganges brims with waves shaking the mountains as if to split the earth, and pounces on the trees standing at its banks and finally whirls up the ocean in the end. em puruTottaman irukkai kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (9)

400. moonRezhuttadanai moonRezhuttadanAl* moonRezhuttAkki* moonRezhuttai-
EnRu koNDiruppArkkuirakkam nankuDaiya* em purushOttaman irukkai*
moonRaDi nimirttu moonRinil tOnRi* moonRinil moonRuruvAnAn*
kAntaDam pozhilsoozh gangaiyin karaimEl* kaNDam ennum kaDi nagarE. (10)

400. My Lord PurushOttaman is kind to those who understand and meditate on the true meaning of the praNava mantra consisting of the three letters akAra, ukAra and makAra which has been set to meaning, according to the rules of the three syllabled nirukta (etymology), and embedded into the all protective three-word tirumantram (ashTAkshara mantram). 

tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram with beautiful groves along the Ganges is the residence of that Purushottaman who took three steps and measured the three worlds taking three forms vAmana, Upendra and trivikrama and showing His three attributes namely shEshitvam (The only Master of everything), sharanyatvam (the only protector to be resorted to) and prApyatvam (the only goal to be achieved).  To sum up, by reciting the ashTAkshara mantra the jeeva assures himself that Lord PurushOttaman is antaryAmI (all pervading), the upAyam (the means) and the upEyam (goal). em puruTottaman irukkai kaNDam ennum kaDinagare. (10)

401. pongoli gangai karaimali kaNDattu* uRai purushOttaman aDimEl*
vengali naliyA villi puttoor kOn* vishNu chittan viruppuRRu*
tangiya anbAl seyda tamizh mAlai* tangiya nAvuDaiyArkku*
gangaiyil tirumAl kazhaliNaik keezhE* kuLittirunda kaNakkAmE. (11)

401. The great Sreevilliputtoor ViTTuchittan, totally unaffected by the miseries of kali, has offered these tamizh pAsurams with ardent love at the feet of Lord PurushOttaman of KanDam kaDinagaram flanked by the gushing Ganges. Those who use their tongue to recite these pAsurams will be blessed with the merit of bathing in the Ganges at the feet of Lord PurushOttaman at DevaprayAg. (11)





402. mAtavattOn puttiran pOy* maRikaDal vAy mANDAnai*
Oduvitta takkaNaiyA* uruvuruvE koDuttAnoor*
tOdavattit tooymaRaiyOr* tuRai paDiyat tuLumbiengum*
pOdil vaitta tEn soriyum* punal arangam enbaduvE. (1)

402. Tiruvarangam is the kshEtram where Lord Krishna resides. As Gurudakshina, Krishna brought back the son of Sage Sandeepani steeped in penance, in the same state in which he drowned in ocean (prabAsa teertham). Vedic scholars live in this kshEtram and bathe in the river Cauvery, making the river more pure. The water splashes along the banks where honey from the blossoms drip and make Tiruvarangam divine. (1)

403. piRappagattE mANDozhinda* piLLaikaL ainAlvaraiyum*
iRaippozhudil koNarndu koDuttu* oruppaDitta uRaippanoor*
maRaip perum tee vaLarttiruppAr* varu virundai aLittiruppAr*
siRappuDaiyam aRaiyavar vAzh* tiru arangam enbaduvE.(2)

403. Tiruvarangam is the royal residence of KrishNa who brought back the vEdic scholar's four newly born sons who vanished soon after they were born. In this kshEtram, vedic scholars perform homams and provide annadaanam for all the people. (2)

404. marumagantan sandadiyai* uyir meeTTu, maittunan mAr*
urumagattE veezhAmE* gurumugamAyk kAttAnoor*
tirumugamAy sengamalam* tiru niRamAyk karunguvaLai*
porumugamAy ninRalarum* punalarangam enbaduvE. (3)

404. This kshEtram is KrishNa's abode ! Krishna was the sole reason that the pANDava clan was saved from extinction. He saved his nephew, Abhimanyu 's son, while still in Uttara's womb. He stood by the pANDavas, giving them advice and guiding them all through, to restore their rights to their kingdom. This Tiruvarangam has red lotuses which are like His tirumukham, and karumkuvalai flowers, which resemble His complexion and the kshEtram itself is His divine TirumEni. (3)

405. koon tozhuttai sidakuraippa* koDi avaL vAykkaDiya solkETTu*
eenReDutta tAyaraiyum* irAchchiyamum Angozhiya*
kAn toDutta neRipOhi* kaNDakaraik kaLaindAnoor*
tEn toDutta malarchchOlai* tiruvarangam enbaduvE. (4)

405. This kshEtram is where Lord RAma resides. Listening to the evil counsel of Kooni, Kaikeyi banished rAma to the forest for fourteen years, abandoning His loving mother Kaushalya and His beloved kingdom. He went to the dense forest and killed the demons and rAkshasas. This Tiruvarangam kshEtram has abundant gardens and groves with flowers dripping honey. (4)

406. peruvarangaL avaipaRRi* pizhakuDaiya irAvaNanai*
uruvarangap porudazhittu* ivvulaginaik kaN peRuttAnoor*
kuruvarumbakkOngalara* kuyil koovum kuLirpozhil soozh*
tiruvarangam enbaduvE* entirumAl sErviDamE. (5)

406. This kshEtram is TirumAl's Abode. Having received bountiful boons after performing penance, the arrogant rAvaNan was becoming a menace to the devas and mankind. Lord rAma killed him and saved the world from further damage! Tiruvarangam, is a kshEtram which is fertile and flourishing with crop cereals ( kuravu), kOngo flowers in full bloom and cuckoos pleasantly singing. (5)

407. keezhulagilasurar kaLai* kizhangirundu kiLarAmE*
Azhi viDuttu avaruDaiya* karuvazhi tavazhippanoor*
tAzhai maDalooDurinchi* tavaLa vaNNa poDi aNindu*
yAzhinisai vaNDinangaL* ALa vaikkum arangamE. (6)

407. This kshEtram is the abode of Lord nArAyaNa who destroyed the asura clan, in the underworld, with His Shree Chakra and routed them completely. This tiruvarangam has gardens with pandanus flowers (tAzham poo) into which bees stray to feed on the nectar. They come out, covered with pollen grains. Dizzy with the honey that they have drunk, they buzz as if playing the lute(yAzh). Such is the scenery in this sacred kshEtram. (6)

408. kozhuppuDaiya sezhum kurudi* kozhittizhindu kumizhtteRiya*
pizhakkuDaiyaasurarhaLai* piNam paDutta perumAnoor*
tazhuppariya sandanangaL* taDavaraivAy eerttuk koNDu*
tezhippuDaiya kAviri vandu* aDitozhum seer arangamE. (7)

408. This sacred kshEtram is the abode of tirumAl, who vanquished the asura and their blood gushed like a bubbling red river, littered with the carcasses of the asuras. In this Tiruvarangam, flows the Cauvery which pulls down the sandal trees along its banks and washes them with her fierce, swirling waters and pays obeisance at the feet of arangan. (7)

409. valleyiRRu kEzhalumAy* vAL eyiRRu seeyamumAy*
ellaiyillA taraNiyaiyum* avuNanaiyum iDandAnoor*
elliyam pOdu irunchiRai vaNDu* emberumAn guNam pADi*
mallihai veN shangoodum* madiL arangam enbaduvE. (8)

409. He with the strong horn on His face, in the VarAha avatar, lifted the Earth (darani), and with His shining teeth sharp as sword, tore into the asura HiraNyakashipu in the Narasimha avatar. The Tiruvarangam kshEtram is His abode. In this kshEtram which has tall fortresses, even bumblebees hum the Lord's nAma, while sucking honey from the white conch-like fragrant Jasmine flowers. (8)

410. kunRADu kozhu mugil pOl* kuvaLaihaL pOl kurai kaDalpOl*
ninRADu kaNamayil pOl* niRamuDaiya neDumAloor*
kunRADu pozhil nuzhaindu* koDiyiDaiyAr mulaiyaNavi*
manRooDu tenRalumAm* madiL arangam enbaduvE. (9)

410. This kshEtram is the residence of neDumAl who is coloured like the rain bearing clouds which are playing amidst the mountain peaks, like the kuvalai flowers, like the deep ocean, like the beautiful, dancing peacock. Tiruvarangam with its tall fortress is caressed by the gentle breeze which blows from the mountains and enters the groves where maidens with slender waists stroll. (9)

411. paruvarangaL avaipaRRi* paDaiyAli tezhundAnai*
seruvarangap porudazhitta* tiru vALan tiruppadi mEl*
tiruvaranga tamizhmAlai* vishNu chittan virittana koNDu*
iruvarangam erittAnai* Etta vallAr aDiyOmE. (10)

411. ViShNuchithan has sung these pAsurams praising the valour of Shree RAma who killed rAvaNa and removed his arrogance (seruvaranga porudazhitta). Those who recite this tiruvarangam garland of tamizh verses on Sri Rangantha will become the devotees of the slayer of two demons Madhu and KaiTabha (iru arangam). (10)


4.9 AzhvAr describes the greatness of Tiruvarangam [Shreerangam] or tiruvaranga tiruppati divya desam. The moolavar is periya perumAL, utsavar namperumAL and tAyAr is ranganAyaki.

412. maravaDiyai tambikku vAn paNaiyam vaittuppOy* vAnOr vAzha*
seruvuDaiya tisaik karumam tirutti vandu ulagANDa* tirumAl kOyil
tiru vaDitan tiru uruvum* tirumangai malar kaNNum kATTi ninRu*
uruvuDaiya malar neelam kARRATTa* O! salikkum oLiyarangamE. (1)

412. Srirangam is the abode (iDam OLiarangam] of Lord Rama who handed over His pAdukAs [maRavaDiyay] to His brother Bharata to rule AyodhyA till his return from exile. To protect the devas, He killed the southern LankA king Ravan. The ruler of the universe resides here with His consort MahAlakshmi (tirumangai) whose lotus-like eyes can be compared to the beautiful neelam flowers swaying in the breeze. (1)

413. tannaDiyAr tiRattagattu* tAmaraiyAL agilum sidakuraikkumEl*
ennaDiyAr adu seyyAr* seydArEl nanRu seydAr enbar pOlum*
mannuDaiya vibeeshaNaRkA* madiL ilangai tisai nOkki malar kaN vaitta*
ennuDaiya tiru varangaRku anRiyum* maRRoruvarkku ALAvarE? (2) 

413. Here is my Lord of Srirangam (yennuDaya tiruarangar) who made VibheeshaNa the king of LankA and till today His grace falls on him. Such is HIS compassion towards His devotees. Even if tAyAr complains about them, He will not accept but convince her saying that the mistake will be for a good reason. Hence, how can devotees think of praising other Gods? (2)

414. karuLuDaiya pozhil marudum*kadak kaLiRum pilambanaiyum kaDiyamAvum*
uruLuDaiya sakaDaraiyum mallaraiyum*uDaiya viTTu Osai kETTAn*
iruLakaRRum eRikatirOn* maNDalattooDu ERRi vaittu ENi vAngi*
aruL koDuttiTTu aDiyavarai*ATkoLvAn amarum oor aNiyarangamE. (3)

414. He who resides in the beautiful Srirangam (Ur aNiarangam), is full of sympathy, compassion and mercy for His devotees (aRul kOditiTTu aDiyavarai). He destroyed the rAkshasa who had taken the form of Arjuna tree (marudAm), killed kuvalayApIDam (kaLirum), asura Pralamban, the asura Kesi (in horse form), shakaTAsurA (in a cart form) and the strong wrestlers (mallaraiyum)!! The Lord uplifts the people who worship Him. He keeps a ladder for those who have totally surrendered to Him, then He helps them to reach Paramapadam with the help of the lustrous sun rays, removes the ladder and embraces the jeevan to do eternal service to Him and enjoy eternal bliss. (3)

415. padinARAm Ayiravar* dEvimAr paNi seyya tuvarai ennum*
adil nAyagaragi veeRRirunda* maNavALar mannu kOyil*
pudu nAN malark kamalam *emberumAn ponvayiRRil poovE pOlvAn*
podu nAyagam pAvittu* irumAndu pon sAykkum punal arangamE. (4)

415. The sixteen thousand wives of KrishNa serve Him with great dedication in DwArakA and He thus resides in Srirangam like a new groom. This is the abode ( mannu kOvil) of our Lord of Srirangam surrounded by lotuses which stand erect with pride considering themselves to be the lotus from the Lord’s navel and they woo the other flowers. (4)

416. AmaiyAy gangaiyAy* Azh kaDalAy avaniyAy aruvaraihaLAy*
nAnmuganAy nAnmaRaiyAy* vELviyAy takkaNaiyAy tAnumAnAn*
sEmamuDai nAradanAr* senRu senRu tudittiRaincha kiDandAn kOyil*
poomaruvi puLLinangaL* puLLaraiyan pugazh kuzhaRum punal arangamE. (5)

416. He who resides in the great Srirangam in sleeping posture (kiDandAn kovil) is very regularly visited by the great sage nArAda who loves to sing His praises. He is the one who took the form of tortoise (AmayAy). He is the Ganges, Earth, mountains, BrahmA, the four vedas, the sacrifices and the offerings too. Here, even the birds sit on beautiful flowers singing the praise of GaruDa, His vehicle. (5)

417. maittunanmAr kAdaliyai mayir* muDippittu avarhaLaiyE mannarAkki*
uttaraitan siRuvanaiyum uyyakkoNDa* uyirALan uRaiyum kOyil*
pattarhaLum pakavarhaLum* pazha mozhivAy munivarhaLum paranda nADum*
sittarhaLum tozhudiRaincha* tisai viLakkAy niRkinRa tiruvarangamE. (6)

417. Srirangam is the abode of the Lord who stands up like a monarch for his devotees. The Lord, out of extreme affection, fulfilled the vow of Draupadi and made her knot her hair again. He crowned His brothers in law (maitunanmAr) as the pANDava kings. He protected the child of uttarA (uttarai taN siruvanai). This kshetram tiruvarangam is like a powerful torchlight which brightens all directions wherever devotees sing His praise, saints recite the vedas and siddhas worship Him. (6)

418. kuRaL biramasAriyAy* mAvaliyai kuRumbadakki arasu vAngi*
iRaippozhidil pAdALam kalavirukkai*koDuttu uganda emmAn kOyil*
eRippuDaiya maNivaraimEl*iLanAyiRu ezhundARpOl aravaNaiyin vAy*
siRappuDaiya paNangaLmisai*sezhu maNihaL viTTeRikkum tiruvarangamE. (7)

418. Our swAmi of Srirangam (emmAn kovil) taking the form of a brahmachAri, put down the pride of King MahAbali and with respect, crowned him the king of the netherworld. He rests on Adisesha who spits diamonds from its mouth which shine as bright as the morning sun rising from a gem studded hill. (7)

419. uram paRRi iraNiyanai* ukir nudiyAl oLLiya mArbu uRaikka oonRi*
siram paRRi muDiyiDiya kaN pidunga* vAyalarattu ezhittAn kOyil*
uram peRRa malar kamalam* ulagaLanda sEvaDi pOl uyarndu kATTa*
varambuRRa kadirch chennel* tAL sAyttu talai vaNakkum taNNarangamE. (8)

419. I humbly bow to the Lord of Srirangam (talaivaNgum ten arangamE) who grasped the chest of asura Hiranyakashipu (iraNiyanai), split it open with his sharp nails, scooped out his eyes while he was wailing loudly with pain and whence his crown too fell down. The beauty of this kshetram are the big blooming lotuses resembling the holy feet (sEvadi pOl) of trivikrama perumAL and tall and healthy paddy plants bending their heads to worship Him. (8)

420. tEvuDaiya meenamAy AmaiyAy * EnamAy ariyAy kuRaLAy*moovuruvil irAmanAy* kaNNanAy kaRkiyAy muDippAn KOyil*
sEvaloDu peDaiyannam*sengamala malarERi oosalADi*
poovaNai mEl tudaindezhu*sempoDiyADi viLaiyADum punal arangamE. (9)

420. Srirangam is the abode of the glorious Lord who took the magnificent forms (avatarAs) as a fish, a boar (EnamAy), as Narasimha, as ParasurAma, RAma and BalarAma (mU uruvil irAmanAy), as KrishNa, and finally will take the form of kalki (karkiyAy) that will end the world. A male swan climbs on a lovely lotus with its mate and jumps on flower beds, enjoying, in this beautiful kshetram tiruvarangam *(punal arangam)* surrounded by water. (9)

421. seru vALum puLLALan maNNALan*seruch cheyyum nAndakam ennum-
oruvALan* maRaiyALan ODAda paDaiyALan*vizhukkaiyALan*
iravALan pagalALan ennaiyALan*Ezhulaka perum puravALan*
tiruvALan inidaga*tiruk kaNkaL vaLarhinRa tiruvarangamE. (10)

421. Srirangam is the abode of that lord who fights his enemies (sheruvAlum) riding on GaruDa (puLLALan), carrying the nandakam (sword). He is the Lord of the vedas, day, night, the enormous seven worlds. He who is invincible and kind is my swami with Goddess Lakshmi on His chest, resting joyfully in Tiruvarangam (tiru arangamE). (10)


422. kainnagattiDar kaDinda*kanalAzhi paDai uDaiyAn karudum kOyil*
tennADum vaDanADum tozha ninRa*tiruvarangam tiruppadiyin mEl*
meynnAvan meyyaDiyAn vishNu chittan* viritta tamizh uraikka vallAr*
ennAnRum emberumAn iNaiyaDikkeezh*iNaipiriyAdu iruppar tAmE. (11)

This is the divine and favorite abode of that perumAL of Srirangam who removed the sufferings of elephant Gajendra with His fire like discus (kanal Azhi). He is worshipped lovingly in southern and northern lands. If devotees recite these ten pAsurams composed by ViTTuchitta, the true devotee of the Lord, they will be blessed to reside at the lotus feet of The Lord (emperumAn iNai adi kiZH). (11)




arangattu aravaNai paLLiyane means the Lord reclining on the serpent bed.

PeriyAzhvAr imagines the sufferings relating to death and prays to Sri RanganAtha well in advance, to protect him while at the death bed.

423. tuppuDaiyArai aDaivadellAm* sOrviDattu tuNaiyAvar enRE*
oppilEn agilum ninnaDaindEn* Anaikku nee aruL seydamaiyAl*
eyppu ennai vandu naliyum pOdu*angu Edum nAnunnai ninaikka mATTEn*appOdaikku ippOdE solli vaittEn*arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnE! (1)

423. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishEsha! The already exalted and surrendered bhAgavatas are convinced that you will protect them.  Though I am not worthy of it, I have now come to You for protection because you have once shown your mercy on Gajendra elephant who cried out “Adi moolame”.  When I become old and fall in the death bed, I may not remember you.  Hence, I am praying now itself well in advance.  Please protect me. Oh RanganAtha!  appOdaikku ippOdE solli vaittEn, arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE (1)

424. sAmiDattu ennai kuRikkoL kaNDAy*shankoDu chakkaram EndinAnE!*
nAmaDittu ennai anEha taNDam*seyvadA niRpar naman tamarhaL*
pOmiDattu un tiRattu ettanaiyum* pugA vaNNam niRpadOr mAyai vallai*
AmiDattE unnai solli vaittEn*arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE! (2)

424. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishESha and holding the shankh and chakra! Please think of me when I am suffering on my death bed. When the agents of Yama, folding their tongues in anger, come vehemently to punish me for my bad deeds, Your mAyA will spell me into not remembering Your name for many janmas. Hence, I am uttering Your many names now itself when all my indriyas are in good condition ( five gyaana indriyas (sense organs) namely eyes, nose, tongue, ears and skin; five karma indriyas (function organs) namely hands, legs, mouth, excretory and genitals.  Please protect me. Am iDattE unnai solli vaittEn arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE. (2)

425. ellaiyil vAsal kuRukach chenRAl* eRRi naman tamar paRRum pOdu
nillumin ennum ubAyamillai* nEmiyum shankamum EndinAnE!
sollalAm pOdE un nAmam ellAm* sollinEn ennaik kuRikkoNDu enRum
allal paDAvaNNam kAkka vENDum* arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnE! (3)

425. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishESha, holding the shankh and chakra! When the messengers of Yama stand at my door waiting to take me to hell, I will not have the strength to fight with them. Hence I am uttering Your many divine names now itself so that You will show mercy and relieve me without any suffering. allal paDA vaNNam kAkka vENDum arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE. (3)

426. oRRai viDaiyanum nAnmuganum* unnai aRiyAp perumaiyOnE!
muRRa ulagellAm neeyEyAki* moonRezhuttAya mudalvanEyO!
aRRadu vANAL ivaRku enReNNi*ancha namantamar paRRaluRRa
aRRaikku, neeennaik kAkka vENDum* arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnE! (4)

426. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishESha! Your greatness is unknown even to Lord Shiva riding on the single bull and Lord BrahmA having four heads. You are the entire universe and you are the three lettered praNava mantra.  When the messengers of Yama (yamadhoota) discuss saying, “This man's life is over, let us catch him",  You must protect me on that day and relieve me without suffering. aRRaikku nee ennai kAkka vENDum  arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE. (4)

427. paiyaravin aNai pARkaDaluL*paLLi koLhinRa parama moortti!
uyya ulagu paDaikka vENDi*undiyil tORRinAy nAnmuganai
vaiya manisaraip poyyenRu eNNi* kAlanaiyum uDanE paDaittAy
aiya! ini ennaik kAkka vENDum*arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnE! (5)

427. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishESha! Oh Parama moorti, (The ultimate master)! It is you who created Lord BrahmA from Your lotus navel for the purpose of creating life on earth. It is again you who created Yama (time) for ending life, thereby making life mortal.  My master! Henceforth, please guard me against the messengers of Yama. aya ini ennai kAkka vEnDum arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE. (5)

428. taNNenavillai namantamarhaL* sAla koDumaikaL seyyA niRpar
maNNoDu neerum eriyum kAlum* maRRum AkAsamumAki ninRAy!
eNNalAm pOdE unnAmam ellAm* eNNinEn, ennaik kuRikkoNDu enRum
aNNalE! nee ennaik kAkka vENDum* arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnE! (6)

428. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishESha in tirupArkaDal! You are the Earth, water, fire, air and ether (pancha bhootas). The agents of Yama are cruel and harming.  Whenever I can, I am reciting your names. Oh, sarvEshwara! Please consider my prayers and protect me during my last hour. annalE nee ennai kAkka vEnDum, arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE. (6)

429. senchol maRaip poruLagi ninRa* dEvarhaL nAyakanE! emmAnE!
enchalil ennuDai innamudE!* Ezhulagum uDaiyAy! ennappA!
vancha uruvin namantamarhaL* valindu nalindu ennaip paRRum pOdu
anchalam enRu ennaik kAkka vENDum* arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnE! (7)

429. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishESha! You are the substance of the vEdas! The Lord of Lords! My sweet Master! The flawless nectar! My father, the bearer of the seven worlds! When the scary agents of Yama come to take me during death, Oh, annale (sarvEshvara), You must be there for me and console me saying, “Fear not!". anjalamenRu ennai kAkka vEnDum, arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE. (7)

430. nAnEdum unmAyam onRaRiyEn* naman tamar paRRi nalindiTTu inda
oonE pukEyenRu mOdum pOdu* angEdum nAn unnai ninaikka mATTEn
vAnEy vAnavar tangaL eesA!* madurai piRanda mAmAyanE!*en-
AnAy! nee ennaik kAkka vENDum* arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnE! (8)

430. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishESha! Oh magician of MathurA! The Lord of the celestials! I am unaware of all your illusionary powers (mAyA shakti). After my death, when the servants of Yama show me a body, beat me and tell me to enter into it, I will lose my ability to remember you. At that time, Oh my strong master! Please save me! AnAi nee ennai kAkka vEnDum, arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE. (8)

431. kunReDuttu Anirai kAtta AyA!* kOnirai mEyttavanE! emmAnE!*
anRu mudal inRaRudiyA* AdiyanchOdi maRandaRiyEn*
nanRum koDiya namantamarhaL* nalindu valindu ennaip paRRum pOdu*
anRangu nee ennaik kAkka vENDum* arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnE! (9)

431. Oh Lord of Srirangam reclining on the AdishESha! My darling who lifted the Govardhana hill to protect the cowherds! From those days to this day, I dont remember having missed your beautiful and radiant form, the divya mangala vigraham.  I have always been thinking of You.  So, after my death, when the terrible servants of Yama come to punish me, you should come on that day to my place and protect me as I would have lost the mental strength to think about anything. anRu angu ennai kAkka vEnDum, arangattu aravaNai paLLiyAnE. (9)

432. mAyavanai madusoodananai* mAdavanai maRaiyOrhaL Ettum*
AyarhaL ERRinai achchudanai* arangattu aravaNaip paLLiyAnai*
vEyar pugazh villiputtoorman* vishNu chittan sonna mAlai pattum*
tooya manattanaragi vallAr* toomaNi vaNNanukku ALar tAmE. (10)

432. VishNuchittan has praised in the above verses, Lord RanganAtha reclining in Srirarangam who is called by many names like MAyan, Madhusoodana, MAdhava and Achyuta as hailed by the vedic seers and the cowherds of the Ayar clan! Those who sing these ten pAsurams with a pure heart will become true servants of the pure gem, Lord RanganAtha. (10)



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