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2.1- APPUCHCHI KAATTUDAL - means showing scary faces.
Children show scary faces to scare others but in turn get scared. Here, AzhvAr enjoys this stage considering himself a cowherdess (iDaichi).
poychchoodil tORRa* poRaiyuDai mannarkkAy*
pattoor peRAdu anRu* bhAratam kai seyta*
attoodan appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (1)
palar kulaiya* nooRRuvarum paTTazhiya*
pArttan silai vaLaiyat* tiNtErmEl munninRa*
sengaN alavalai vandu appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (2)
kALiyan teeya paNattil* silambArkka pAyndADi*
vEyin kuzhaloodi* vittakanAy ninRa*
Ayanvandu appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (3)
maruTTait tavirppittu* vankanchanmALap-
puraTTi* annAL engaL* poompaTTuk koNDa*
araTTan vandu appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (4)
tiruDi neykku AppooNDu* nandan manaivi kaDai tAmbAl*
sOppooNDu tuLLi* tuDikkat tuDikka*
anRu AppooNDAn appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (5)
soppaDat tOnRit* toRuppADiyOm vaitta*
tuppamum pAlum* tayirum vizhungiya*
appan vandu appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (6)
sitta manaiyAL* asOtai iLanchingam*
kottAr karuNGkuzhal* gOpAla kOLari*
attan vandu appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (7)
124. Did yashOdA adopt Him or give birth to Him? She goes by with Him even for the unwanted deeds. This KuTTi KaNNan who has thick black hair scares us by showing "appUchchi". (7)
kuvalayat tungak kariyum* pariyum irAchchiyamum*
engum paradaRku aruLi* vankAnaDai*
aNGkaNNan appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (8)
kadaRik kaikooppi* enkaNNA! kaNNA! enna*
udavap puLLoorndu* angu uRutuyar teertta*
adakan vandu appoochchi kATTukinRAn*
ammanE! appoochchi kATTukinRAn. (9)
villALanai* vishNu chittan viritta*
sollArnda appoochchi* pADal ivaipattum vallArpOy*
vaikuntam manni irupparE. (10)
PASURAM 128 TO 138
128. aravaNaiyAy! AyarERE!* ammam uNNat tuyilezhAyE*
iravum uNNAtu uRangi neepOy* inRumuchchi koNDatAlO*
varavum kANEn vayiRasaindAy* vana mulaigaL sOrndu pAya*
tiruvuDaiya vAymaDuttut* tiLaittu udaittup parugiDAyE. (1)
ittanaiyum peRRaRiyEn* empirAn! nee piRanda pinnai*
ettanaiyum seyyap peRRAy* Edum seyyEn kadam paDAtE*
muttanaiya muRuval seytu* mookkuRinchi mulai uNAyE. (2)
vandu ninmEl poosal seyya* vAzhavalla vAsudEvA!*
undaiyar untiRattarallar* unnai nAn onRu urappamATTEn*
nandagOpan aNisiRuvA!* nAn suranda mulaiyuNAyE. (3)
panchiyanna mellaDiyAl* pAynda pOdu nondiDum enRu*
anchinEnkAN amarar kOvE!* Ayar kooTTattu aLavanRAlO*
kanchanai un vanchanaiyAl* valaippaDuttAy! mulaiyuNAyE. (4)
mAyandannAl valaippaDukkil* vAzhakillEn vAsudEvA!*
tAyar vAychchol karumam kaNDAy* sARRich chonnEn pogavENDA*
AyarpADikku aNiviLakkE!* amarndu vandu en mulaiyuNAyE. (5)
innisaikkum villiputtoor* inidamarndAy! unnaik kaNDAr*
enna nOnbu nORRALkolO* ivanaip peRRa vayiRuDaiyAL*
133. Oh Lord who resides in "Sreevilliputtoor", where the women folk have waist as thin as a lightning and lofty hair with swarming bees! Everyone looking at you do say, "What penance did she do to get such a child in her womb? Oh, HrisheekEsha who has brought such praises, come and drink the milk. (6)
kaNDavarkaL pOkkozhindAr* kaNNiNaiyAl kalakka nOkki*
vaNDulAm poonguzhalinAr* un vAyamudam uNNa vENDi*
koNDu pOvAn vandu ninRAr* gOvindA! nee mulai uNAyE. (7)
134. Hey Govinda! Married couples desire to get a son like you, and keep looking at you and don't leave you. Young girls adorning themselves with flowers swarming with bees, desirous of drinking the sweet nectar from your divine lips, would come and stand to carry you with them. Hence come fast to drink milk. (7)
un tirumalindu tikazh mArvu* tEkka vandu ennalkulERi*
orumulaiyai vAy maDuttu* orumulaiyai neruDikkoNDu*
irumulaiyum muRaimuRaiyA* Engi Engi irunduNAyE. (8)
135.Oh, the great one who turned the two wrestlers opposing you, into ashes! Come and jump on to my lap and start drinking the mother's milk, enjoying and drinking at intervals too. (8)
sengamala mugam viyarppat* teemai seydu immuRRattooDE*
angam ellAm puzhudiyaga* aLaiya vENDA amma! vimma*
angu amararkku amudaLitta* amarar kOvE! mulai uNAyE. (9)
136. Oh! DEvadEva who gave the precious nectar (amudam to the dEvas while churning the "pArkaDal", in the previous yuga! Do not make yourself dirty by playing in the streets, as the sweat and dust particles stay on your lotus like face, similar to pearls scattered on the lotus flower. Please come and drink the milk. (9)
pADippADi varukinRAyaip* paRpanApan enRu irundEn*
ADiyADi asaindasaindiTTu* adanukkERRa koottaiyADi*
ODiYODip pOyviDAtE* uttamA! neemulai uNAyE. (10)
137. When you come running fast, you come dancing and swaying majestically in tune with the kinkiNi sound of your anklets. Seeing those, I think that are you not the same "ParandhAman"? Hence do not run away, come and drink the milk. (10)
138. vAraNinda kongai Aychchi* mAdavA! uNNenRa mARRam*
neeraNinda kuvaLai vAsam* nikazha nARum villiputtoor*
pAraNinda tolpugazhAn* paTTar pirAn pADal vallAr*
seeraNinda sengaN mAlmEl* senRa sindai peRuvAr tAmE. (11)
138. These pAsurams calling KaNNan to drink milk, have been composed by the famous "Vishnuchitta" of "Villiputoor" where "Kuvalai" flowers spread their fragrance as they bloom in the ponds. Those who recite these pAsurams will be blessed to have the mind that thinks of the Lord. (11)
PASURAM- 139 TO 151
2.3 - KAADU KUTTAL - YashOdA calls KaNNan to pierce His ears, uttering His twelve names.
kAppArum illai kaDal vaNNA* unnait taniyE pOy engum tiridi*
pEyppAl mulai uNDa pittanE!* kEsava nambee! unnaik kAdu kutta*
The ear boring ceremony generally takes place after 12 months along with the first year birthday. So, AzhvAr enjoys 12 pAsurams with twelve names of Lord VishNu in this Tirumozhi.
139. Oh, Lord who is bluish like the sea, your father who has gone a long way and has still not returned. The valorous Kamsan is very wicked. You keep wandering everywhere, no one is here to safeguard you. Oh! The one who drank the poisonous milk from pEychi! Oh KESHAVA with a great heart! All the boys and girls of AypADi are gathered here to see the ear boring ceremony. I am ready with the betel leaves and nuts to give them too. (1)
naNNit tozhum avar sindai piriyAda* nArAyaNA! ingE vArAy*
eNNaR kariya pirAnE* tiriyai eriyAmE kAdukku iDuvan*
kaNNukku nanRum azhakum uDaiya* kanakak kaDippum ivaiyA! (2)
140. Oh, NARAYANA who never shuns away from the hearts of your devotees! The one wearing the beautiful coral chain on your waist and tinkling anklets on your lotus feet. Come to me! Oh swAmi who is beyond imagination! Without hurting your ears, I shall put the thread through the holes. Come and see these lovely golden earrings. (2)
veyyavE kAdil tiriyai iDuvan* nee vENDiyadu ellAm taruvan*
uyya ivvAyar kulattinil tOnRiya* oN suDar Ayar kozhundE*
maiyanmai seitu iLa Aychchiyar uLLattu* mAdavanE! ingE vArAy (3)
141. Oh, MADHAVA who was born to uplift the yAdavas in this cow herd clan, (Ayar kozhundE)! I have brought the most precious fish shaped emerald earring. I will see to it that it hardly hurts you while wearing. I shall give you whatever you desire. Oh the one who makes the young girls fall for you, please come here! (3)
guNa nanRu uDaiyar ikgOpAla piLLaigaL* gOvindA! nee solluk koLLAy*
iNai nanRu azhagiya ikkaDippu iTTAl* iniya palAp pazham tandu*
suNa nanRu aNimulai uNNat taruvan nAn* sOttampirAn! ingE vArAy (4)
142. Oh, GOVINDA! The kind hearted cow-herd children have worn diamond earrings that hang down from their long ears. If you listen to me and wear this beautiful earring, in addition to the sweet jackfruit, I will give you milk too. I beg you, please come. (4)
kOttuk kuravai piNaindu ingu vandAl* guNam koNDu iDuvanO? nambee*
pErttum periyana appam taruvan* pirAnE! tiriyiDa oTTil*
vEyt taDandOLAr virumbu karuNGkuzhal* vishNuvE! nee ingE vArAy (5)
143. Oh, Lord VISHNU who has such thick black lofty hair, loved by the broad shoulder ladies! You don't listen to me even when I beg or worship you. I will not mind, rather appreciate when you do the "Kuravai" dance with curly haired ladies. Oh PirAnE, if you let me put the thread in your ears, I will give you large appams. Please come here. (5)
maN ellAm kaNDu en manattu uLLE anchi* madusoodanE enRu irundEn*
puN Edum illai unkAdum aRiyum* poRuttu iRaip pOdu iru nambee!
kaNNA! en kArmukilE! kaDal vaNNA* kAvalanE! mulai uNAyE (6)
144. When I bet you for eating the sand, you cried so loudly that even the whole space above could hear. When I looked into your mouth, I got scared seeing the whole universe. I realised that you are our "MADHUSOODANA". Without wounding your ears I will fix your earrings, please bear with me, my protector, come and drink the milk. (6)
malaiyai eDuttu magizhndu kalmAri kAttup* pasu nirai mEyttAy*
silai onRu iRuttAy! tirivikkiramA!* tiruAyar pADip pirAnE!*
talai nilAppOdE un kAdaip perukkAdE* viTTiTTEn kuRRamE anRE (7)
145. Oh! TIRUVIKRAMA, you ran away saying, "I don't want your milk", and threw away the earring too. Carrying the gOvardhana mountain on your finger like an umbrella, you saved the cow herds from the stone rain. You grazed the cows. You broke the bow in rAmAvatAra. Oh, chieftain of AyarpADi, it's my mistake that I didn't pierce your ears in the infant stage, when you could not hold your neck up. (7)
anpuRRu nOkki aDittum piDittum* anaivarkkum kATTiRRu ilaiyE*
vanpuRRu aravin pakaikkoDi* vAmana nambee! unkAdukaL toorum*
tunpuRRana ellAm teerppAy pirAnE! tiriyiTTuch sollugEn meyyE (8)
146. KaNNan tells YashOdA, "Once, when I ate the sand, you were concerned and shouted at me. Not even listening to those who tried to stop, you bet me. Now my running away is not my fault". Oh ! VAMANA NAMBI, who has the "GaruDa" (the enemy of the snakes) on his flag, Oh! reliever of the sorrows, I shall put the thread on to your ears so as the hole does not close. Please come. (8)
kaiyaip piDittuk karai uralODu ennaik* kANavE kaTTiRRu ilaiyE*
seydana solli sirittu angu irukkil* sireedarA! unkAdu toorum*
kaiyil tiriyai iDukiDAy inninRa* kArikaiyAr siriyAmE (9)
147. KaNNan again says, "You believed that I stole the butter, as others said, and punished me by tying me to the mortar in front of everybody". For which YashOdA replies, "Oh, SHREEDHARA!, if you keep laughing at what happened and wasting the time, the holes in your ears might close. Before the girls laugh at you please come and wear the thread. (9)
tAriyAdagil talai nondiDum enRu* viTTiTTEn kuRRamE anRE*
sEriyiR piLLaikaL ellArum- kAdu perukki* tiriyavum kANDi*
ErviDai seRRu iLaNGkanRu eRindiTTa* iruDeekEsA! entan kaNNE! (10)
148.When KaNNan asked, "How does it matter and what is the loss for you and the ladies who laugh at me, if my ear swells and hurts?", YashOdA replies, "Oh! HRISHEEKESHA, it is my fault that as a baby I left you without piercing, thinking it might hurt you. Oh! KaNNA who killed the bull ariShTAsura and the calf asura, vatsAsura! Look at all the other Ayar children with their pierced ears. (10)
eNNattuL enRum irundu* tittikkum perumAnE! engaL amudE*
uNNak kanikaL taruvan* kaDippu onRum nOvAmE kAdukku iDuvan*
paNNai kizhiya chakaDam udaittiTTa* paRpanAbA! ingE vArAy (11)
149. Oh! Lord, who always stays in the mind of the young girls who adorn their hair with fragrant flowers. Oh, our eternal sweet nectar, PADMANABHA who killed shaKaTAsura, I will give you fruits. With no pain, I shall put the ear studs, please come. (11)
150. vA enRu solli en kaiyaip piDittu* valiyavE kAdil kaDippai*
nOvat tirikkil unakku ingu izhukku uRRen* kAdukaL nondiDum killEn*
nAvaR pazham koNDu vaittEn* ivai kANAy nambee*
mun vancha makaLaich chAvappAl uNDu sakaDiRap pAyndiTTa* dAmOdarA! ingE vArAy (12)
150. KaNNAn says, "Why do you force me and pierce my ears, what is the benefit? My ears will pain, I won't come". YashOdA replies saying, "I have kept your favorite jamun fruit here. Oh DAMODARA who killed pootanA and shakaTAsura, please come". (12)
151. vArkAdu tAzhap perukki amaittu* makarak kuzhaiyiDa vENDi*
seerAl asOdai tirumAlai sonna sol*
sindai uL ninRu tigazha* pArAr tol pugazhAn puduvai mannan*
panniru nAmattAl sonna* ArAda andAdi panniraNDum vallAr* achchudanukku aDiyArE (13)
With all the love, yashOdA brought the emerald earrings to put it on kaNNan's ears. The famous Villiputtoor PeriyAzhvAr composed these verses keeping in mind her words. Those who sing the twelve verses with all the twelve names of the Lord will be His eternal devotees. (13)
2.4 - NEERAADA AZHAITTAL - Calling KaNNan for taking bath.
YashOdA wants to give KaNNan a bath and make him eat fruits and food before he goes to bed at night, as he kept playing through the day and made himself untidy.
tiNNena ivvirA unnai* tEyttuk kiDakka nAnoTTEn*
eNNey puLippazham koNDu* ingu ettanai pOdum irundEn*
naNNalariya pirAnE!* nAraNA! neerADa vArAy. (1)
152. KrishNa runs away refusing to have a a bath.
YashOdA says: You have covered your arms with butter while scooping butter from pots. Your body is smelling of butter smeared all over. Definitely (tiN ena), I will not allow you to go to bed like this tonight (i iRA).
KrishNa replies: Smell (kuNungu) of butter (veNNey) is normal with cowherds. Why should I take bath?
YashOdA says: kaNNA, You are not only smelling of butter but your body is also covered with dust because you have been playing outside all day. I've been waiting for you with oil (eNNey) and soap nut/shikAkAi (puLippazham) for a long time. Oh! Lord who is not easily reachable with one's own effort (naNNal ariya pirAn), NARAYANA! Please come for a bath. (1)
tenRik keDumagil* veNNey tiraTTi vizhungumAkANban*
ninRa marAmaram sAyttAy!* nee piRanda tiruvONam*
inRu nee neerADa vENDum* embirAn! ODAdE vArAy. (2)
153. KrishNa again runs away outside and playfully puts some ants into the ears of few calves. He also claims that He and calves are friends, and they won't get angry.
YashOdA tries to persuade KrishNa : If you scare the calves by putting small ants into their ears, they will get irritated and run away. Then, you will not get cow's milk and thereby the butter too. How will you eat butter as you do now? Moreover, How will I get to watch you gathering and gulping butter? Oh! Lord (rAma) who slew the seven 'mara' trees! My Lord (empirAn), today being your birth star 'tiruvONam - shravaNa nakshatram", you must definitely have bath today without dodging me. Don't run. ( tiruvONam is the birth star of Lord nArAyaNa. To indicate that Lord nArAyaNa is indeed born as krishNa, PeriyAzhvAr refers to krishNa's birth star as tiruvONam). (2)
Aychchiyar ellArum kooDi* azhaikkavum nAn mulai tandEn*
kAychchina neeroDu nelli* kaDArattil poorittu vaittEn*
vAytta pukazh maNi vaNNA! manchanamADa nee vArAy. (3)
154. I was not scared when you killed the pootanA demon while drinking her poisonous milk. Even when all the cowherd women gathered and warned me not to give milk to you, I fed you out of pure love. I have boiled water along with gooseberry leaves and kept it in a wide-mouthed vessel. Oh! the celebrated, blue gem (maNivaNNA)! Please come for having bath (manjanam). (3)
vanchaka pEymagaL tuncha* vAymulai vaitta pirAnE!*
manchaLum sengazhu neerin* vAsikaiyum nARu sAndum*
anchanamum koNDu vaittEn* azhakanE! neerADa vArAy. (4)
155. You kicked shakaTAsura who came under the instruction of KamsA and killed him. Oh! Lord, you sucked the milk as well as the life of the cunning demon pootanA. I have gathered turmeric paste (manjaL), a garland of red lotus flowers (senkazhuneer), aromatic sandal paste (nARu sAndu) and collyrium (anjanam) for you. Oh beautiful Lord, please come for bath. (4)
soppaDa nAn suTTu vaittEn* tinnal uRidiyEl nambee!*
seppiLa menmulaiyArkaL* siRupuRam pEsichchirippar*
soppaDa neerADa vENDum* sOttampirAn! ingE vArAy. (5)
156. I have prepared excellent appam and snacks for you. I have also mixed jaggery (akkAram) with milk. If you wish to eat them, you must take a nice bath and become fresh. Otherwise, all the young girls will mock and laugh at you behind your back. I beg you with folded hands (sOttam), Oh Lord (pirAn), please come and have a nice bath. (soppaDa - nice)(5)
kaNNai puraTTi vizhittuk* kazhakaNDu seyyum pirAnE!*
uNNak kanikaL taruvan* olikaDal Oda neer pOlE*
vaNNam azhagiya nambee!* manchanamADa nee vArAy. (6)
157. You roll the oil pots, pinch and wake up the sleeping babies making them cry, scare them by turning your eyelids upside down and do more intolerable mischiefs. Oh! Our beloved Lord, I will give you fruits to eat. Oh! KaNNA with the complexion of the roaring sea, please come and take bath. (6)
piRandaduvE mudalaga* peRRaRiyEn embirAnE!*
siRanda naRRAy alartooRRum* enbadanAl piRarmunnE*
maRandum uraiyADa mATTEn manchanamADa nee vArAy. (7)
158. Since your birth, I have not got to see the milk, curd and the churned butter from the 'uri'. EmpirAne! I will be very cautious not to mention anything that puts you down in front of others, so as not to give a chance for others to say that this mother is finding fault with her own child. So please come to have bath. (7)
pintoDarndu ODiOrpAmbaip* piDittukkoNDu ATTinAy pOlum*
nintiRattEn allEn nambee!* nee piRanda tiru nalnAL*
nanRu nee neerADa vENDum* nAraNA! ODAtE vArAy. (8)
159. You tied a palm leaf on the tail of a calf in the meadows, you shook the "vilAmaram", by throwing the calf on it so as to make the fruit fall and thereby killing the asuras in it. You caught the tail of the "KAliyan" snake and danced on his head. I know not all your character. As it is your auspicious birth day, without running away, please come to take bath Oh! nArAyaNa. (8)
kANa peridum ugappan* Akilum kaNDAr pazhippar*
nAN ettanaiyum ilAdAy!* nappinnai kANil sirikkum*
mANikkamE! enmaNiyE!* manchanamADa nee vArAy. (9)
160. I may be happy to see your untidy body smeared with dirt as you went inside the cowshed, but the others who see you will mock. Oh, Lord who never feels shy! If Nappinnai sees you like this she will laugh at you. Oh, precious gem! Please come to have a bath. (9)
161. kArmali mEni niRattu* kaNNa pirAnai ugandu*
vArmali kongai yasOdai* manchana mATTiya vARRai*
pArmali tol puduvaikkOn* paTTar pirAn sonna pADal*
seermali sendamizh vallAr* teevinai yAdum ilarE. (10)
161. PeriyAzhvAr, the famous Puduvai Bhattar, has sung this tamizh song on how YashOdA PirATTi gave bath to the dark complexioned KaNNan. Those who sing these verses will be free from bad deeds. (10)
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2.5 - KUZHAL VAARA KAAKKAIYAI AZHAITTAL - YashOdA invites the crow to come and comb KaNNan's thick hair.
munnai amarar* mudal tani vittinai*
ennaiyum engaL* kuDimuzhudu ATkoNDa*
mannanai vandu kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
mAdavantan kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (1)
162. The beloved of Nappinnai, rests on the ocean in TiruppEr Nagar (kovilaDi, appakuDattAn). He is the king of all the Gods, the primordial, unique seed, He is KrishNa, the protector of me and our clan. Oh crow! Come and comb mAdhavan’s hair. kuzhal vArAy, akkAkkAy! (1)
mAyach chakaDum* marudumiRuttavan*
kAyA malarvaNNan* kaNNan karuNGkuzhal*
tooydaga vandu kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
too maNi vaNNan kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (2)
163. He is the one who drank milk from the evil pootanA. He is the liberator of the maruda trees and the destroyer of shakaTAsura. He has a pure body like blue sapphire and like the violet kAyA flower. Oh Crow! Come and help me comb and groom his hair. kuzhal vArAy, akkAkkAy! (2)
veNNey vizhungi* viraiyauRangiDum*
aNNal amarar* perumAnai Ayartam*
kaNNanai vandu kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
kArmugil vaNNan kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (3)
164. He swallowed the butter that I had kept in the uri (hanging pot) and ran away quickly and pretended to rest. Oh Crow! come and groom the hair of my dark cloud coloured Kannan, the God of Gods. kuzhal-vArAy,akkAkkAy! (3)
kaLLavasuran* varuvAnait tAnkaNDu*
puLLidu venRu* poduk kOvAy keeNDiTTa*
piLLaiyai vandu kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
pEymulai uNDAn kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (4)
165. He split open the beak of the bakAsura, the asura which came in the form of a big crane and hid in the valley. Oh Crow! come and help me comb the hair of my KaNNan who drank milk from the breasts of the devil PootanA. kuzhal vArAy, akkAkkAy! (4)
paRRi eRinda* paramantirumuDi*
uRRana pEsi* nee ODittiriyAdE*
aRRaikkum vandu kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
AzhiyAntan kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (5)
166. As he grazed the cattle, he threw VatsAsuran who came as a calf, onto the vilvam tree, which shook and shed down its fruits. Oh Crow! Don’t fly around everywhere wandering and just crowing sweetly. Come every day and help me comb his hair. kuzhal-vArAy, akkAkkAy! (5)
azhippAn ninaindiTTu* avvAzhi yadanAl*
vizhikkum aLavilE* vEraRuttAnai*
kuzhaRkuaNiyAkak kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
gOvindantan kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (6)
167. When NarakAsura thought of afflicting Indra and the Gods, in the blink of an eye, KrishNa destroyed him and the other asuras with his discus (chakra). Oh Crow, Come and comb his hair and make my gOvindan’s hair beautiful. kuzhal vArAy, akkAkkAy! (6)
uNDaRku vENDi* neeODit tiriyAdE*
aNDattuamarar* perumAn azhagamar*
vaNDottu iruNDa kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
mAyavantan kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (7)
168. Oh, crow! Don’t be happy just flying around and searching for food and water which people give in the ceremony of their dead ancestors. (pitRus/prEtas) - (pinDam/neersOru). Oh, Crow! Come and comb the two bumble-bee like tresses of mAyavan, the preceptor of Gods, my KaNNan. kuzhal-vArAy,akkAkkAy! (7)
sandach chadumukan* tannaip paDaittavan*
kondak kuzhalaik* kuRandu puLiyaTTi*
tandattinseeppAl kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
dAmOdarantan kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (8)
169. He created the four-headed BrahmA (nAnmukhan) on a beautiful lotus springing from his navel. Oh, Crow! Come and help me untangle my dAmodaran’s thick hair which has been washed bright with soap nut/shikAkAi (puLi aTTi), and comb it beautifully with a white comb made of ivory. kuzhal vArAy,akkAkkAy! (8)
muniv ulaginai* muRRum aLandavan*
ponnin muDiyinaip* poovaNai mElvaittu*
pinnEyirundu kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy!
pErAyirattAn kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy! (9)
170. He measured the whole world and puzzled the queens of mahAbali chakravarti. I am putting him on a soft bed. Oh, Crow! You come from behind and comb the beautiful golden hair of my KaNNan who has 1000 names. (pEr AyirattAn). kuzhal-vArAy,akkAkkAy! (9)
171. kaNDArpazhiyAmE* akkAkkAy!*
kAr vaNNan vaNDAr kuzhal vAra* vAvenRa Aychchisol*
viNtOy madiL* villiputtoor kOn paTTansol*
koNDADi pADa* kuRugA vinaitAmE! (10)
171. Bhattan, the chief of Villiputtoor surrounded by high-walls that touch the sky, composed these "kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy" pAsurams that describe how the cowherdess YashodA called the crow to comb KaNNan’s hair that swarms with bees. Those who sing these pAsurams with joy will be relieved of the effects of bad karma. (10)
2.6 - OR KOL KONDUVARA VILAMBUDAL - Yashoda asks a crow to bring a grazing stick for KaNNan to play and graze the cows. (kOl in tamizh refers to stick)
tAlik kozhundai* taDangazhuttil pooNDu*
peelittazhaiyai* piNaittu piRakiTTu*
kAlippin pOvARkuOr kOl koNDu vA!
kaDal niRa vaNNaRkuOr kOl koNDuvA. (1)
172. He wears a twig chain with a turtle pendant (tAli kozhundu) around his round neck, a little arrow in his waist band, and matted peacock feathers in the back. He cuts sticks from the fences, makes arrows and plays running behind the cows. Oh! Crow! Bring a grazing stick for my ocean coloured KaNNan. Or kOl koNDuvA! (1)
engum tirindu* viLaiyADum enmagan*
sangam piDikkum* taDakkaikku takka*
nal angamuDaiyadOr kOl koNDuvA!
arakku vazhittadOr kOl koNDuvA. (2).
173. My son KaNNan wanders around everywhere playing in KOngu nADu's tirukuDandai, tirukOTTiyUr, and tiruppEr nagaram, etc. Oh, Crow! Please bring a suitable, well-formed, round grazing stick, which is smeared with red lacquer paint (aRakku), for my son’s hand that holds the conch {shankh}. Or kOl koNDuvA! (2)
poRuttiTTu edir vanda* puLLinvAy keeNDAn*
neRitta kuzhalhaLai* neenga munnODi*
siRukkanRu mEyppARku Or kOlkoNDuvA!
dEvapirAnukku Or kOl koNDuvA. (3)
174. He killed the angry Kamsan and He split open the mouth of the disguised crane bakAsuran. KaNNan’s locks of hair sway beautifully on both sides as he runs along the cows to race them. Oh, Crow! Bring a grazing stick for the God of Gods. Or kOl koNDuvA! (3)
tunRumuDiyAn* duriyOdanan pakkal*
senRu angup bAradam* kai eRindAnukku*
kanRugaL mEyppadOr kOl koNDuvA*
kaDal niRa vaNNarkku Or kOl koNDuvA. (4).
175. My KaNNan promises one thing and always abides by it every time. Our Lord went as a messenger to DuryOdhana, pAnDava’s enemy who did not want to part with his wealth, and made the paNDavas come victorious in the bhArata war. Oh, Crow! Bring a grazing stick for the sea colored KaNNan to graze the calves. Or kOl koNDuvA! (4)
ooronRu vENDip* peRAda urODattAl*
pAronRi bAradam* kai seydu pArttaRku*
tEronRai UrndARku Or kOl koNDuvA
dEvapirAnukku Or kOl koNDuvA. (5)
176. KaNNan went as a messenger to Duryodhana and asked him to give the pANDavas’ land back to them, but Duryodhana refused to give them even one town. KaNNan angrily started the bhArata war, drove Arjuna’s chariot in the battle and got victory for the PaNDavas. Oh, Crow! Bring a grazing stick for Him, the God of Gods. Or kOl koNDuvA! (5)
neelakkaDaluL* neDungAlam kaN vaLarndAn*
bAla pirAyattE* pArttarkku aruL seyda*
kOlappirAnukku Or kOlkoNDuvA!
kuDandai kiDandArkkuOr kOl koNDuvA. (6).
177. At the end of the world, baby KaNNan rests on a banyan leaf. Eternally, He rests on the Adishesha in the blue waters. He granted his grace to Arjuna in the BhArata war. Oh, Crow! Bring a grazing stick for the beautiful lord of KuDandai. Or kOl konDuvA! (6)
uRRavaDivil* oru kaNNum koNDa*
akkaRRaik kuzhalan* kaDiyan viraindu unnai*
maRRaikkaN koLLAmE kOl koNDuvA!
maNivaNNa nambikku Or kOl koNDuvA. (7)
178. Oh Crow! When rAma and seetA lived on the golden chitrakooTa mountain, you wounded seetA. So, the dense haired rAma plucked one eye of yours for that. Now before he gets angry and destroys the other eye, bring a grazing stick for this blue sapphire colored lord. Or kOl koNDuvA! (7)
mannan maNimuDi* pattum uDan veezha*
tannigar onRillA* silaikAl vaLaittiTTa*
minnu muDiyaRku Or kOl koNDuvA!
vElaiyaDaittARku Or kOl koNDuvA. (8)
179. He bent the matchless bow for the sake of Seeta, the one with a waist as thin as lightning. He killed the ten-headed rAvaNa, the king of LankA. Oh Crow! Bring a grazing stick for Him who built a bridge to bring seetA. Or kOl koNDuvA! (8)
minnilangupooN* vibeeDaNa nambikku*
ennilangu nAmattaLavum* arasenRa*
minnilangAraRku Or kOl koNDuvA!
vENGkaDa vANarkku Or kOl koNDuvA. (9)
180. He cut off the heads and arms of rAvaNa, the king of LankA in the south,
and gave the country to VibheeshaNa, saying, “You will rule this country as long as my name persists in the world.” Oh Crow! Bring a grazing stick for the brilliant crowned rAma, the one who lives in the TiruvEnkaTam hills. Or kOl koNDuvA! (9)
mikkAL uraitta sol* villiputtoor paTTan*
okka uraitta* tamizh pattum vallavar*
makkaLaip peRRu* makizhvar ivvaiyattE. (10)
181. The BhaTTan of Villiputtoor has composed these “Or kOl koNDuvA”
pAsurams in line with YashOdA’s words calling the crow to bring a grazing stick for her beloved child. Devotees who master these ten tamizh pAsurams will be blessed with good children and live happily. (10)
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2.7 POO CHOOTTAL - YashodA calls KrishNa to deck him with flowers.
kAnakam ellAm tirindu* un kariya tirumEni vADa*
pAnaiyil pAlai parugi* paRRAdAr ellAm sirippa*
tEnil iniyapirAnE!* seNbaga poochchooTTa vArAy. (1)
182. Oh KaNNA! Don't go far into the forest, lest, your already dark divine TirumEni loses its luster! You steal and drink milk from the pots to the delight of some, while those who complain about you, laugh at you. Oh Lord sweeter than honey! Come and adorn yourself with champa flowers (shenbhagam). (1)
uruvuDaiyAy! ulagEzhum* uNDaga vandu piRandAy!*
tiruvuDaiyAL maNavALA!* tiruvarangattE kiDandAy!*
maruvi maNam kamazhhinRa* mallikai poochchooTTa vArAy. (2)
183. The dark rain clouds reminds us of you! You were born to bring forth the seven worlds. Oh! 'The Beloved of MahAlakshmi', reclining in Tiruvarangam! Come and wear the fragrant jasmine (malligai). (2)
kachchoDu paTTai kizhittu* kAmpu tugilavai keeRi*
nichchalum teemaigaL seyvAy!* neeL tiruvENGkaDattu endAy!*
pachchai tamanagattODu* pAdiri poochchooTTa vArAy. (3)
184. Oh, Lord who resides in tiruvEnkaTam! You climb the multistory (machchODu) castles of the girls, enter their homes and tear their blouse (kachchu - kanchukam) and silken clothes (paTTu). You tear their bordered sarees (kAmpu tugil) and give them so much trouble everyday (nichchalum)! Do come and adorn yourself with green damanakam (maru) and pAdhiri flowers. (3)
maruvum tamanakamum seer* mAlai maNam kamazhhinRa*
puruvam karuNGkuzhal neRRi* polinda mugiRkanRu pOlE*
uruvam azhagiya nambee!* ugandivai sooTTa nee vArAy. (4)
185. Don't stand on the streets and trouble the young AyarpADi girls! Oh delightful boy, with dark curly hair and shining forehead, looking like a young calf! Come and willingly wear damanakam (maru) and the scented marukozhundhu. (4)
kaLLavarakkiyai mookkoDu* kAvalanai talai koNDAy!*
aLLi nee veNNey vizhunga* anjAdu aDiyEn aDittEn*
teLLiya neeril ezhunda* sengazhu neer sooTTa vArAy. (5)
186. You split the Heron's beak and broke the tusk of the lofty elephant, KuvalayApeeDam. You chopped the nose of the evil shoorpaNakha, and cut off the heads of RAvaNa. But, I, without fear, beat you, when you gobbled up the butter! Do come are wear the red lilies ( senkazhuneer) that blooms in the clear, cool pond. (5)
karudiya teemaigaL seydu* kanjanai kAl koDu pAyndAy!*
teruvinkaN teemaigaL seydu* sikkena mallarhaLODu*
porudu varuginRa ponnE!* punnai poochchooTTa vArAy. (6)
187. You fought the seven bulls, to marry Nappinnai. You killed Kamsa, who always had evil plans. You teased the AyarpADi girls. You killed the wrestlers. My precious gold! Come and wear these punnai flowers. (6)
maDangoL madi mugattArai* mAl seyya valla en maindA!*
iDandiTTu iraNiyan nenjai* irupiLavaga mun keeNDAy!*
kuDandai kiDanda em kOvE!* kurukkatti poochchooTTa vArAy. (7)
188. You are my king who deftly throws the pots and dances kuravaikoottu with the girls, whose face glow like the full moon and make them go mad with their love for you, my son! You split Hiranyakashipu's chest into two. My king who lives in TirukuDandai! Come and wear mAdhavi (kurukkatti) flowers. (7)
sAmARu avanai nee eNNi* chakkarattAl talaikkoNDAy!*
AmARaRiyum pirAnE!* aNi arangattE kiDandAy!*
EmARRam ennai tavirttAy!* iruvATchi poochchooTTa vArAy. (8)
189. You befriended the asura seemAligan, and beheaded him with your Sri Chakra. You, the omniscient who resides in Tiruvarangam! Don't disappoint me. Come and adorn yourself with iruvATchi flowers. ( a variety of jasmine) (8)
190. aNDattamararkaL soozha* attANiyuL angirundAy!*
toNDarkaL nenjil uRaivAy!* toomalarAL maNavALA!*
uNDiTTu ulaginai Ezhum* OrAlilaiyil tuyil koNDAy!*
kaNDu nAn unnai ugakka* karumugai poochchooTTa vArAy. (9)
190. Surrounded by the dEvas, you dwell in Paramapadam. But you also dwell in the hearts of your devotees. Oh! The Beloved of MahAlakshmi! You swallowed the seven worlds and slept on the banyan leaf! Do come and wear these manOranjitam (karumugai) flowers. So I can see and delight in you! (9)
191. seNbaga malligaiyODu* sengazhuneer iruvATchi*
eNpagar poovum koNarndEn* inRu ivai sooTTa vAvenRu*
maNpagar koNDAnai* Aychchi magizhndurai seyda immAlai*
paNpagar villiputtoor kOn* paTTar pirAn sonna pattE. (10)
191. This decad is sung by BhaTTarpirAn of Villiputtoor who talks of how YashOdA happily called for KaNNA to deck him with 10 type of flowers like champa, jasmine, lily, damanka, maru etc. (10)
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2.8 - KAPPIDUDAL - YashOdA calls KaNNan to ward off the evil eyes on the beautiful KaNNan.
TIRUVANDI KAPPU OR SAYA RAKSHA - KAppu means “casting off or removing evil eye”. andi/sAya means 'evening twilight' or 'sandhyA kAlam'.
mandira mAmalar koNDu* maRaindu uvarAy vandu ninRAr*
chandiran mALigai sErum* sadirarkaL veLLaRai ninRAy*
andiyam pOdu iduvAkum* azhaganE! kAppiDa vArAy. (1)
192. Indra, BrahmA, Shiva and all other gods are standing at a distance, holding beautiful flowers and praising You. You, whose abode is TiruveLLarai Kshetram where the moon touches the palaces and the people are intelligent. Come, Oh beautiful child! It is evening now. I will cast off the evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy! (1)
ninRu ozhindEn unnaik koovi* nEsamEl onRum ilAdAy!*
manRil nillEl andip pOdu* madiL tiru veLLaRai ninRAy!*
nanRu kaNDAy en tan sollu* nAn unnaik kAppiDa vArAy. (2)
193. The calves you grazed haven’t returned and their mothers are crying. Don’t you love me? I have been calling out for you. Its getting dark. Please don’t stay on the streets. Listen to me for your own good, ‘The God of veLLarai!’ Come, I will protect you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy! (2)
appOdu nAn urappappOy* aDisilum uNDilai ALvAy!*
muppOdum vAnavar Ettum* munivarhaL veLLaRai ninRAy!
ippOdu nAn onRum seyyEn* embirAn! kAppiDa vArAy (3)
194. You knocked down the sand houses and messed up with play-food of the beautiful girls who where playing with sand. I scolded you and you went away without having food. My ruler of the world living in TiruveLLarai where rishis live and gods praise you three times a day! Oh, my beloved child! I will not hurt you. Come, let me save you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy! (3)
eNNarum piLLaikaL vandiTTu* ivarAl muRaippaDu kinRAr*
kaNNanE! veLLaRai ninRAy!* kaNDArODE teemai seyvAy!
vaNNamE vElaiyadu oppAy!* vaLLalE! kAppiDa vArAy (4)
195. Whenever you are with friends, you are naughty and destructive. They complain that you threw sand on their eyes and kicked them. Oh, KaNNan! The generous one! The ocean coloured Lord of tiruveLLarai! Come, I will protect you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy! (4)
ellAm un mEl anRi pogAdu* embirAn! nee ingE vArAy*
nallArkaL veLLaRai ninRAy!* nAnachchuDarE! un mEni*
sollAra vAzhtti ninRu Etti* soppaDa kAppiDa vArAy. (5)
196. There are thousands of naughty children from this village. Yet, you are always blamed for everything. Oh, Light of my wisdom! One who stays in TiruveLLarai where good people live! My Beloved One! I will praise you from top to toe. Come, I will protect you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy ! (5)
vanjippadaRku viDuttAn* enbadOr vArttaiyum uNDu*
manju tavazh maNimADa* madiL tiru veLLaRai ninRAy!
anjuvan nee angu niRka* azhaganE! kAppiDa vArAy. (6)
piLLaiyarasE!* nee pEyai piDittu mulai uNDa pinnai*
uLLavARu onRum aRiyEn* oLi uDai veLLaRai ninRAy!*
paLLi koL pOdu iduvagum* paramanE! kAppiDa vArAy. (7)
198. Oh, My Prince! One who killed the evil ShakaTAsura, destroyed the two arjuna trees to release the sons of Kubera from a curse and killed the devil pootanA. I wonder what else you might have done! One who stays in the flourishing TiruveLLarai! Oh, hightest one! Its time to go to bed. Let me protect you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy! (7)
kumba kaLiRaTTa kOvE!* koDum kanjan nenjinil kooRRE!*
sempon madiL veLLaRaiyAy!* selvattinAl vaLar piLLAy!
kamba kabAli kAN angu* kaDidODi kAppiDa vArAy. (8)
199. The God of TiruveLLarai! One who is surrounded by golden walls! You have given me the greatest joy. Even Gods do not know who You are! You killed the elephant KuvalAyApeeDam, You were a Yama to Kamsa. You are being raised as a precious child. Look! There is a beggar wearing a garland of skulls. Run quickly and come. Let me protect you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy! (8)
tarukkEl nambi! sandi ninRu* tAy sollu koLLAy sila nAL*
tirukkAppu nAn unnai sAtta* tEsuDai veLLaRai ninRAy!*
urukkATTum andi viLakku* inRu oLi koLLa ERRukEn vArAy. (9)
200. Oh! The one who stays in the prosperous TiruveLLarai! Great seers skilled in reciting Rig vEda are standing near you holding conches with water. Oh! Dear child! Please come! You stand on the crossroads and argue with me. Its evening now. I will light the lamp and wait to give you divine protection from evil eyes, on your return. KAppiDa vArAy! (9)
mAdarkkuyarnda asOdai* magan tannai kAppiTTa mARRam*
vEdap payan koLLa valla* vishNu chittan sonna mAlai*
pAda payan koLLa valla* pattaruLLAr vinai pOmE. (10)
201. YashOdA, the best among women, protects her son from evil eyes. With the grace of the auspicious PerumAL of TiruveLLarai with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth! VishNuchitta, who knew the benefits of Vedas, made YashodA’s words into pAsurams. If devotees recite even one part, their bad Karmas will disappear. (10)
2.9 - VENNAI VIZHUNGUDAL / BALAKREEDAI VARNANAM - Childhood pranks of KrishNa and Gopis' complaints.
kaNNa birAn kaRRa kalvi tannai* kAkkakillOm unmaganai kAvAy*
puNNil puLippeydAl okkum teemai* puraipuraiyAl ivai seyya valla*
aNNal kaNNAnOr maganai peRRa*
asOdai nangAy! un maganai koovAy. (1)
202. A Gopi’s complaint to YashOdA : Your son gulps butter, breaks the pots causing so much noise . We can’t stop him. Just as a wound burns on pouring sour juice, his behavior hurts us. He is different from his elder brother. Oh Lovely YashOdA! You should stop your son. Call him! (1)
kariya kuzhal seyyavAy muhattu* kAkutta nambee! varuhaingE*
ariyanivan enakku inRu nangAy!* anjana vaNNA! asalagattAr*
paribavam pEsa tarikka killEn* pAviyEnukku ingE pOdarAyE. (2)
203. YashOdA calls KrishNa: Come my dear child! VAmana, come! You are the best of the KAkutstha dynasty! kAkuttha Nambi with dark and a beautiful face! Oh, lovely neighbours! He is my beloved child! She calls KrishNa, "Come ‘anjanavarnA! ( body as dark as kohl)! I am hurt hearing complaints about you. Don’t you feel sorry for me?" (2)
uruhavaitta kuDattoDu veNNey* uRinji uDaittiTTu pOndu ninRAn*
aruhirundAr tammai aniyAyam seyvadu tAn* vazhakkO? asOdAy!*
varuha venRu unmagan tannai koovAy* vAzha oTTAn madusoodananE. (3)
204. Another complaint: YashodA! There is no end to your son’s pranks. He enters our house, swallows the melted butter and breaks our pots. Is it right to behave like this? MadhusUdanA does not allow us to live in peace. YashOdA! Go, call your son. (3)
teNtiraisoozh tiruppEr kiDanda* tiru nAraNA! ingE pOdarAyE*
uNDu vandEn ammaM enRu solli* ODi agampuha AychchitAnum*
kaNDedirE senReDuttu koLLa* kaNNapirAn kaRRa kalvidAnE. (4)
205. YashOdA calls for KrishNa: Come! Oh dark colourd one! [KonDalvaNNA] ! God of Srirangam [KoyiRpiLLAy], Lord Shreeman NarAyaNa of TiruppEr ! KrishNa came running and said, 'I have come only to eat’. Hearing this, filled with compassion, YashOdA embraces him, takes him on her lap. She could not get angry. This is the loving trick of Her dear child. (4)
mElaiyakattE neruppu vENDichchenRu* iRaippozhudu angE pEsi ninREn*
sALakkirAmam uDaiya nambi* sAyttu parukiTTu pOndu ninRAn*
Alai karumbin mozhi anaiya* asOdai nangAy! unmaganai koovAy (5)
206. Another gOpi’s complaint: I milked the cow, kept the milk on the stove, and went to borrow some fire from my neighbour. While I was chatting with her, the dear Lord of tiru sAlagirAmam divya desam drank the milk, knocked the pot and ran away. Having a voice as sweet as sugarcane, Hey YashOdA! Call your son with your sweet voice whihc is as sweet as sugarcane. (5)
EdEnum solli asalagattAr* EdEnum pEsa nAn kETka mATTEn*
kOdugalamuDai kuTTa nEyA!* kunReDuttAy! kuDamADu koottA!
vEdapporuLE! en vENGkaTavA!* vittaganE! ingE pOdarAyE. (6)
207. YashOdA calls KrishnA: Oh my son! Come to me now. Please don’t refuse. Neighbours are complaining about you. It’s painful to hear them. You are a happy little one! GiridhAri! [ Kundru YeduttAy] dancing while balancing pot on your head (KuDamADu KoottAy)! The essence of Vedas! My God of VenkaTA hills! Come here. (6)
panniraNDu tiruvONam aTTEn* paNDum ippiLLai parisaRivan*
innamuhappan nAn enRu solli* ellAm vizhungiTTu pOndu ninRAn*
unmagan tannai asOdai nangAy!* koovi koLLAy ivaiyum silavE. (7)
208. Another gOpi again: I made 12 types of sweets with rice, yellow lentils, jaggery, ghee and milk, for tiruvONam festival. I gave him some. He asked for more. I very well know his nature! Finally, he gobbled up everything and says he wants more. YashOdA! Is this behavior to be proud about? Call your son. (7)
nEsamilAdAr agattirundu* nee viLaiyADAdE pOdarAyE*
toosanam sollum tozhuttaimArum* toNDarum ninRa iDattil ninRu*
tAy sollu koLvadu tanmam kaNDAy* dAmOdarA! ingE pOdarAyE. (8)
209. YashOdA to KrishnA: Oh, kEshava! Come here. Don’t say No! Don’t go to unfriendly people’s places to play. Keep away from those who say bad things about you. Come here! Obeying your mother’s words is your duty. dAmOdarA! Come here. (8)
ennagam enRu nAn vaittup pOndEn* ivan pukku avaRRai peRutti pOndAn*
pinnum agampukku uRiyai nOkki* piRangoLi veNNeyum sOdikkinRAn*
unmagan tannai yasOdai nangAy!* koovi koLLAy ivaiyum silavE. (9)
210. A gOpi compaints: I kept some sweet laDDoos, seeDai, eLLu urunDai [sesame laDDoos] in a vessel. I went out. Your son entered my house, ate everything and even checked for butter in the hanging pots [Uri]. I am aware of many more of his pranks. YashOdA, Call your son! (9)
illam puhundu enmagaLai koovi* kaiyil vaLaiyai kazhaRRi koNDu*
kollaiyil ninRum koNarndu viRRa* angoruttikku avvaLai koDuttu*
nallana nAval pazhangaL koNDu* nAnallEn enRu sirikkinRAnE. (10)
211. One more complaint: O lovely YashOdA! Your son is very clever. You get upset if we complain. He came home, called my daughter, removed her bangles, went away from the backyard, gave it to a berry seller in exchange for sweet berries (nAvalpazham). When I asked him about the bangle, he laughs and says he has never seen them! (10)
212. vaNDu kaLittiraikkum pozhilsoozh* varu punal kAviri tennarangan*
paNDavanseyda kireeDai ellAm* paTTar pirAn vishNu chittan pADal*
koNDivai pADi kunikka vallAr* gOvindan tan aDiyArkaLagi*
eNtisaikkum viLakkAki niRpAr* iNaiyaDi en talai mElanavE. (11)
212. PattarpirAn, VishNuchittan composed these songs on the Lord of Srirangam, surrounded with Cauvery river and groves with swarming bees. Whoever sings these pAsurams will become a devotee of gOvindA. They will be like lights that brighten up all 8 directions. I bow to them and worship their feet. (11)
2.10 - AYAR MANGAIYAR MURAIYIDUDAL - The complaints of the young girls to Yashoda about KaNNan's mischiefs.
sERRAl eRindu* vaLaitugil kaikkoNDu*
kARRin kaDiyanAy* ODi agampukku*
mARRamum tArAnAl inRu muRRum*
vaLaittiRam pEsAnAl inRumuRRum. (1)
213. Oh! YashOdA, kaNNan came and threw muddy slush on us when we were playing in the river bank. He took away the bangles and the silk clothes that we had kept for our play and fled swifter than the wind and hid in the house. He never even replied when we requested Him to give it back . We are worried that our friendship and our days with Him will be done and finished from now on. inRu muRRum! (1)
eNtisaiyOrum* iRainji tozhudEtta*
vaNDamar pooNGkuzhalAr* tugil kaikkoNDu*
viNtOy marattAnAl inRu muRRum*
vENDavum tArAnAl inRumuRRum. (2)
214. The moment His ear studs, necklace and the lofty hair hung and swayed divinely when He bent to pick the clothes disrobed by the girls, the dEvas and Rishis from all eight directions pleaded and praised Him. He still grabbed all the clothes of those having hair swarming with bees and climbed atop the tall tree. Despite our plea, if He does not return it, we are finished and done. inRu muRRum! (2)
viDampaDu nAkattai* vAlpaRRi eerttu*
paDampaDu paindalai* mElezha pAyndittu*
uDambai asaittAnAl inRu muRRum*
uchchiyil ninRAnAl inRu muRRum. (3)
215. KaNNan jumped into the pond which once had huge petaled lotuses before KAlinga could occupy it and stirred it up, so as to make him come out and grasped the tail of the poisonous snake. He climbed on its poisonous fuming hood dancing and shaking His body until the snake surrendered to Him. We fear that we are done and finished with Him. inRu muRRum! (3)
216. tEnugan Avi sekuttu*
panangani tAneRinditta* taDam perum tOLinAl*
vAnavarkOnviDa* vanda mazhai taDuttu*
Anirai kAttAnAl inRu muRRum*
avai uyya koNDAnAl inRumuRRum. (4)
216. He destroyed DEnukAsura who was disguised in the palmyra tree and brought down the fruits of the tree. He lifted the huge gOvardhana mountain and protected the cattle and the cowherd group. With this KaNNan of miraculous deeds, we fear our days are finished. inRu muRRum! (4)
pErttavar kaNDu piDikka* piDiyuNDu*
vEyttaDam tOLinAr* veNNey koL mAttAdu*
angu AppuNDu irundAnAl inRu muRRum*
aDiyuNDu azhudAnAl inRumuRRum. (5)
217. Entering into the houses of the iDaichiyar folks in TiruvAypADi, He ate the curd and drank the milk. At one time when He attempted to take the butter, He was caught by the broad shouldered women. He allowed Himself to be caught. Because of that KaNNan, we are done and finished. inRu muRRum! (5)
uLLattin uLLE* avaLai uRanOkki*
kaLLattinAl vanda* pEychchi mulaiyuyir*
tuLLa suvaittAnAl inRu muRRum*
tuvakkaRa uNDAnAl inRumuRRum. (6)
218. As a small infant with the cruising walk, He gauged the intention of the PootanA who came like a mother and sucked her life to death. Due to such a KaNNan, we are finished today. inRu muRRum! (6)
moovaDi tAvenRu* iranda immaNNinai*
OraDiyittu* iraNDAm aDi tannilE*
tAvaDi ittAnAl inRu muRRum*
taraNi aLandAnAl inRumuRRum. (7)
219. In the guise of a brahmachAri, He went to King Mahabali's yAgam and asked for 3 measures of land, measured the whole universe with one step and for the second step itself, wanted another place. With such Lord, we are done and finished. With the one who measured the whole space, we are done and finished. inRu muRRum! (7)
vAzhu mudalai* valaippattu vAdippuN*
vEzham tuyar keDa* viNNOr perumAnAy*
AzhipaNi koNDAnAl inRu muRRum*
adaRku aruL seydAnAl inRumuRRum. (8)
220. When GajEndran got caught by the strong teeth of the crocodile that was living in the cool stream along with screw pine (tAzhai), and Ambal flowers, He who is the Lord of Nityasooris, assigning the great TiruvAzhi AzhwAn, (Sudarshana Chakra), killed the crocodile. Because of this KaNNan we are done and finished. With the Lord who saved the elephant from its agony, we are done and finished. inRu muRRum! (8)
221. vAnattu ezhunda* mazhai mugil pOl*
engum kAnattu mEyndu* kaLittu viLaiyADi*
EnatturuvAy* iDanda immaNNinai*
tAnattE vaittAnAl inRu muRRum
taraNi iDandAnAl inRu muRRum. (9).
221. The one who is like the dark rainy clouds in the sky. He took the form of a wild Boar ( VarAham) which fearlessly loiters around in the forest happily. He brought back the Earth on His horn from the deep oceans killing HirAnyAkshan and kept it in its place. Oh, KaNNan who did such deeds! We are worried that our connection with Him is done and dusted. inRu muRRum! (9)
222. angamala kaNNan tannai* yasOdaikku*
mangai nallArkaL* tAm vandu muRaippatta*
angavar sollai* puduvai kOn pattan sol*
ingu ivai vallavarkku* Edam onRillaiyE. (10).
No evils will near those who recite these ten pAsurams written by Puduvai BhaTTan, on the good hearted young Aychiyar girls complaining of KaNNan to YashOdA. (10)