A list of common terms used in vaishNava parlance.

1. emperumAn எம்பெருமான் - Lord, Lord NArAyaNa, Our Lord

2. emperumATTi எம்பெருமாட்டி - Lordess, Lordess ShreedEvi, Our Lordess

3. pirAn -  Lord

4. pirATTi - Lordess

5.  aDiyEn - The servant of Lord NArAyaNa, Used to denote the subordinate self without the ego 'I', Having surrendered to Shreeman nArAyaNa seeking his feet as the sole refuge, vaishNavas say 'aDiyEn' instead of 'I'.

6. dAsan - servant, servitor of Lord NArAyaNa

7. perumAL - Lord NArAyaNa, VishNu idol

8. tAyAr - Lordess, Mother, Lordess Lakshmi, Mother ShreedEvi

9. kOyil, kOvil - temple

10. perumAL kOyil - vishNu temple

11. periya kOyil - srirangam temple

12. divyadEsam - A VishNu temple sung by one or more of the AzhvArs, temples for which AzhvArs have performed mangaLAshAsanams.

13. mangaLAshasanam - Poems that glorify vishNu deity in temples (sung by AzhvArs and AchAryas)

14. divya prabandhams - 4000 hymns sung by AzhvArs, also called aruli-cheyal

15. pAsuram - A hym or verse of the 4000 divyaprabadhams

16. taniyan - the laudatory verse preceding a poem, in praise of the author.

17. phala shruti - usually the last verse of the poem or shloka that grants the reciter specified, favorable results.

18.  aDivaravu - A short line to remember the first word of every verse of a poem or shloka. 

19. tirumAl - Lord VishNu

20. tirumagaL - Lordess Lakshmi, ShreedEvi

21. maNmagaL - Lordess Bhoomi dEvi, boodEvi

22. nAchchiyAr - the wife (Aychchi) of Lord nArAyaNa

23. ubhaya nAchchiyAr - The two consorts of Lord VishNu namely shreedEvi and bhoodEvi.

23. kOdai, kOdai nAchchiyar - ANDAL, daughter of VishNuchittan/PeriyAzhvar, consort of Lord RanganAtha into whom she merged.

24. nityavibhooti - Vaikunth, the permanent abode of Lord NArAyaNa, Paramapadam

25. leelA vibhooti - Lord vishNu's universe and his avatAras.


........some more......coming sooooooon


  1. Isnt it GodhAdevi. KodhA is wrongly used in Tamil?

    1. kOdai is the tamizh name for ANDAL. KOdai means a garland of flowers or a woman having beautiful hair. gOdA dEvi is another name of ANDAL. Please read more about ANDAL and her names at
      You may also listen to discourse by Smt. Prabha Senesh on the topic at





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