PASURAMS 908 TO 916.


908. teLivilA kalangal neer choozh tiru arangattu Ongum

oLiyuLAr tAmE anRE tandaiyum tAyum AvAr |

eLiyadOr aruLum anrE en tirattu embirAnAr

aLiyan nam paiyal ennAr ammavO koDiyavArE (37)

The radiant (oLi uLAr) AZHAGIYAMANAVALA! You reside in srirangam surrounded by the beautiful but turbid and coloured (slightly muddy) cauvery river which envelops you with affection. I wail helplessly to you as you are my father and mother. I have none to look upon. You need not use any weapon { you used the chakra to rescue gajEndran, lifted a hill to protect the cowherds} to redeem me as you are the means and goal to me. Isn’t your katAksham {your mere glance-(eLiyadu Or aRuLum anRE)} enough? araNgane! You are my master (empirAnAr) and I am your servitor. Deeming me fit for your grace, I wish you address me as paiyyA or my little fellow (nam paiyal) with compassion than calling me as Azhveer! How can you pretend to sleep and refrain from answering me? Is the Lord so hard hearted (kodiyavArE)! (37)


909. mEmporuL pOgaviTTu meymmaiyai miga uNarndu

Amparichu arindu koNDu aimpulan agattu aDakki |

kAmbara talai chiraittu un kaDaittalai irundu vAzhum

chOmbarai ugatti pOlum choozh punal arangattAnE (38)



AraNganE! one who resides in the beautiful kshEtram of srirangam, you are always delighted when a chEtanan unloads all his burdens of samsAra, holds on to you by surrendering at your holy feet. This is very difficult as we (jeevAs) get drifted away from you due to prakruti sambandam and vasanAs. To realise the true nature of our soul (Atmaswaroopam), we need to control our senses(aim pulan), shun the qualities of ahankAram (kAmbara talai sidaithu), selfishness (mamakAram). KaiNkaryam to emperumAn alone should be our purushArtham. With your cool grace I wish to reside as a paramabhAgavatAa vAzhum sOmbar) at your doorstep permanently at your service. (38)


910. aDimaiyil kuDimai illA ayal SaduppEdimAril

kuDimaiyil kaDaimaippaTTa kukkaril pirapparEnum |

muDiyinil tuLabam vaittAi moi kazharku anbu Seyyum

aDiyarai ugatti pOlum aranga mA nagaruLAnE (39)


Oh, the one residing in tiruvaraNgam adorning the tulsi malA around your crown! You are extremely delighted if a bhaktA does service with the intention of serving only you (emperumAn). A true devotee surrenders at your tiruvaDigaL (holy feet-mOykaRku). He serves you ceaselessly and that becomes the prapannA’s ultimate goal to make you happy. araNgane! He does what pleases you and refrains from doing whatever displeases you. Even if a person is born in the lowest caste and yet completely surrenders unto you ( like shabari, jatAyu, guhan, hanuman and vibheeshana), the chEtana is praised by you (emperumAn) and thus remains closest to your heart. It is worthless if chaturvEdis, learn the vedAs, gain knowledge but refrain from doing bhagavat kainkaryam , not realizing the absolute truth that you are the master and we are your possessions. (39)


911. tiru maru mArba ninnai chindaiyuL tigazha vaittu

maruviya manattarAgil mAnilattu uyirgaLellAm |

veruvura konRu chuTTiTTu eeTTiya vinaiyarElum

aruvinai payanadu uyyAr arangamA nagaruLAnE (40)

One who adorns the beautiful periya pirAtti (TIRU means tAyAr - one who recommends us to perumAL for salvation-purushAkAra bhootai) and the mole srivatsam (maRu) on His chest is the periya perumAL who dwells in srirangam! PerumAl and pirAtti have a special attachment towards the prapannas. We (chEtanAs) beings in the universe are bound to do blunders like killing of animals. Some sins have been earned during our lifetime or previous births. If we realize our crimes, repent for the vile deeds and surrender at Your (emperumAn’s) holy feet, we will not have to bear the punishments (as in hell) since You will forgive them unconditionally. araNganE! Residing as antaryAmi, you( here emperumAn and pirAtti) guide us in the right path to salvation by pervading our thoughts, actions and deeds (sindayuL tigazhavaithu). (40)


912. vAnuLA ariyalAhA vAnavA enbarAgil

tEnulAm tuLabha mAlai chenniyA enbarAgil |

oonamAyinagaL cheyyum oonakAragarhaLElum

pOnagam seyda chEdam taruvarEl punidam anRE (41)

DevanE! One who resides in paramapadam !The celestial beings consider themselves to be favoured by you. Yet, you are not easily accessible to them. A chEtana may have accumulated abundant sins in the past. If he transforms considering You (emperumAn) as the means and goal then he (jeevA) becomes praiseworthy. You are pleased with such bhaktAs who constantly think of You (periya perumAl). O the beautiful one who has adorned on your crown the honey dripping tuLasi garland swarming with bees! Due to association with bhAgavatAs if we partake the left-over food (pOnagam seida sEDar) in the cooked vessels (bhagavad bhAgavata prasAdam) after offering to perumAl or acharyAn , it is considered to sanctify (punidam) us. The celestial beings are deprived of this in the higher worlds. (41)


913. pazhudilA ozhugalATTru pala chaduppEdimArgaL

izhikulattavarhaLElum emmaDiyArgaL Agil |

tozhumin neer koDumin koLmin enru ninnODum okka

vazhipaDa aruLinAi pOlum madiL tiru arangattAnE (42)

Those who are born in the lineage of brahmA and have mastered the vedAs are respected by You(emperumAn). Oh araNgane! The one residing in the temple surrounded by huge walls! Your desire is that those born in the lower castes, who have surrendered unto your holy feet (tiruvaDigaL) should not be considered inferior. Instead they should be respected (tozhumin) as equals as they have procured Your infinite grace(em adiyAr Agil). Your other wish is that there should be a healthy exchange of knowledge (kodumin-koLmin) between the chaturvEdis and such bhAgavatAs. (42)


914. amaravOrangam Arum vEdam Or nAngum Odi

tamargaLil talaivarAya chAdi andaNargaLElum |

numargaLai pazhipparAgil noDippadOr aLavil AngE

avargaL tAm pulaiyar pOlum aranga mA nagaruLAnE (43)

 The learned men-brahmins who have acquired and imbibed the infinite knowledge of the four vedAs and its six branches, do bhagavat kainkaryam with dedication are indeed bhAgavatAs. Yet, if such men abuse (pazhippar Agil) bhAgavatAs or prappanAs on the basis of their lower caste and birth (numargaLai) they will be reduced to the state of a chandAla (pulaiyar) in a minute. You, the Lord who reposes in SriraNgam , cannot tolerate or forgive anyone who does bhAgavata apachAram to prapannas( being closest to your heart) as they have totally surrendered at Your lotus feet. (43)


915. peNNulAm chaDaiyinAnum piramanum unnai kANbAn

eNNilA oozhi oozhi tavam seydAr veLgi nirpa |

viNNuLAr viyappa vandu Anaikku anRu aruLai eenda

kaNNarAi unnai ennO kaLaikaNA karudumArE (44)

Even devas like Lord Shiva who locked the river Ganga in his matted hair have to do penance for many kalpas to see you directly. What about the creator and first deva, Brahma? He also kept quiet in shame(veLgi nirpa) when the elephant Gajendra called out for help saying "Adi moolamE". It was you who released him from the clutches of the crocodile, to the awe of the nityasooris. Hence, aren’t you the only protector (kaLaikaNA) for all (Sarva rakshakan)? (44)


916. vaLavezhum tavaLamADa madurai mA nagaram tannuL

kavaLa mAl yAnai konRa kaNNanai arangamAlai |

tuLava toNDAya tol cheer toNDaraDippoDi chol

iLaiya pun kavitai Elum embirArku iniyavArE (45)

Our dear Krishna who controlled the huge and violent elephant kuvalayApeeDam, in the beautiful city of MathurA filled with white mansions, is TirumAl arangan indeed. This poem tirumAlai has been sung for tirumAl by His eternal servant, tonDaraDipoDi, who was immersed in tuLasi kainkaryam to periya perumAl and bhAgavata sEshatvam to bhAgavatAs. Though it may have many mistakes, it is offered as a humble service to my periya perumAL who eliminated the sins which were an obstruction to enjoy emperumAn. This will become His favourite song. Those who recite these pAsurams will make emperumAn happy (45)



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