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Prabandha Saaram and Adhikaarasangraham by Swami Desikan |
उपनिषदाम् उपगान-मात्र-भोग: ।
अपि च गुणवशात् तदेकशॆषी
मधुरकवि: हृदये ममाविरस्तु ॥
அவிதித விஷயாந்தர: ஶடாரே:
உபநிஷதாம் உபகாந-மாத்ர- போக: |
அபி ச குணவஶாத் ததேகஶேஷீ
மதுரகவி: ஹ்ருதயே மமாவிரஸ்து ||
avidita viShayAntara: SaThArE:
upaniShadAm upagAna-mAtra-bhOga: |
api cha guNavashAt tadEkashEShee
madhurakavi: hRudaye mamAvirastu ||
May madhurakavi AzhvAr who considered nammAzhvAr as his only Lord (Eka shEShee) and concentrated only on his four prabandhams, unmindful about any other sooktis like the upanishads or other divya prabandhams, constantly reside in my heart.
மாறன் சடகொபன் வண்குருகூர் - ஏறெங்கள்
வாழ்வாம் என்றேத்தும் மதுரகவியார் எம்மை
ஆள்வார் அவரே அரண்.
vERonRum nAnaRiyEn vEdam tamizh cheyda
mARan saDakopan vaN kurukUr ERengaL
vAzhvAm enREttum madurakaviyAr emmai
AzhvAr avarE araN.
MadhurakaviyAr, who proclaimed that he does not know anything other than tirukkurugoor saDagOpan (nammAzhvAr) and who propagated his AchArya's tamizh prabandhams that are equivalent to the vEdas, is my master and my only refuge.
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AchArya NaDAdoor AmmAl with litle Desikan in his lap |
A summary of Madhurakavi AzhvAr’s ode to his guiding light, Shri NammAzhvAr (tenkurugoor saDagOpan), with parallel quotes from ‘prapanna pArijAtam – guru upAsana paddhati’ of AchArya Shri naDAdoor ammAL (also born chittiraiyil chittirai like madura kavi AzhvAr) and ‘guru geetA”.
अन्धकारनिरॊधित्वात् "गुरु:" इति अभिधीयते॥
paNNiya peru mAyan ennappanil |
naNNi ten kurugoor nambi enRakkAl
aNNikkum amudooRum en nAvukkE || 1 ||
गुरुरेव परागति: ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: |
Guru is the ultimate refuge. Humble salutations to my Guru!
Madhura Kavi AzhvAr says: My father (en appan), the wondrous one (perumAyan), kaNNan, proved his compassion by reducing himself to a small size so that he could be tied by the many knotted small rope brought by his mother yashOdA. (kaNNi- knot, nuN – thin enough to hurt, siru tAmbu – small rope). Although He is my father, I now seek refuge in my AchArya NammAzhvAr, the Lord of tenkurugoor, on the hearing of whose name, my tongue sweetens with the nectar of knowledge and bliss (aNNikkum amudoorum en nAvukkE).
AzhvAr introduces himself as nammAzhvAr’s sishya to Lord KrishNa, knowing well that bhagavAn loves it when his devotees utter their AchArya’s names again and again. (1)
mEvinEn avan ponnaDi meimmaiyE |
dEvu maRRaRiyEn kurugoor nambi
pAvin inniSai pADi tirivanE || 2 ||
गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: !
Guru is the supreme God. Humble salutations to our Guru!
I am experiencing bliss whenever my tongue glorifies him. It is a blessing that I was chosen by kurugoor nambi to serve His golden feet. This is absolutely true! I do not know any other God. He is the only God for me. I will wander propagating his prabandhams (aruLi cheyal) for ever. (pAvin innisai pADi tirivanE) (2)
kariya kOla tiru uru kANban nAn |
periya vaN kurugoor nagar nambikkAL
uriyanAy aDiyEn peRRa nanmaiyE || 3 ||
गुरुरेव परं धनम् ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: !
Guru is our greatest wealth. Humble salutations to our Guru!
As I wandered singing my guru’s prabandhams, I was blessed with the divine vision of the blue hued Lord dEvapirAn, the Lord of the dEvas, having the auspicious Shree DEvi on His chest. This is the immeasurable wealth I gained on account of being entirely devoted to my AchArya, tirukurugoor nambi. (uriyanAi aDiyEn peRRa nanmaiyE) (3)
punmaiyAga karuduvar Adalin |
annaiyAy attanAy ennai ANDiDum
tanmaiyAn saDagOpan en nambiyE || 4 ||
त्वमॆव मता च पिता तवमॆव, त्वमॆव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमॆव ! श्री गुरवे नम: !
Guru is my mother, father, relative and friend! Humble salutations to our Guru!
Even if the learned vEdic scholars criticise my act of eluding bhagavat bhakti, I shall not worry. As I have surrendered fully to my guru saDagOpan nambi avoiding everything else, I am sure he will take care of me as my mother, father, and governing master. (annaiyAi attanAi ennai ANDiDum tanmaiyAn saDagOpan en nambiyE) (4)
nambinEn maDavAraiyum munnelAm |
chemponmADa tirukkurugoor nambikku
anbanAy aDiyEn sadirttEn inRE || 5 ||
गुरुरेव पर: काम: ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: !
Guru is the best passion ! Humble salutations to our Guru!
Once upon a time, I used to be attracted to wealth and women, presuming them to be permanent. But now I have sought refuge at my resplendent Kurugoor Nambi’s feet and have become his trusted servant. I am no more attracted by those material pleasures. My only pleasure now is in serving him as a loving devotee. (anbanAy aDiyEn sadirttEn inRE) (5)
ninRu tan pugazh Etta aruLinAn |
kunRam mADa tirukkurugoor nambi
enRum ennai igazhvilan kANminE || 6 ||
गुरोः परतरं नास्ति ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: !
There is no one greater than a Guru. Humble salutations to our Guru!
My swAmi, Nambi born in the kurugoor town filled with mansions, has graced upon me the talent and servitude of glorifying him now and forever. He will never abandon me. He will for ever protect me from any miseries, always accompanying my actions and guiding them. (enRum ennai igazhvilan kANminE). (6)
paNDai valvinai pARRi aruLinAn |
eNdisaiyum aRiya iyambugEn
ONtamizh saDagOpan aruLaiyE || 7 ||
गुरुरेव परायणम् ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: !
Guru is the one to be worshipped! Humble salutations to our Guru!
The moment kArimARapirAn (nammAzhvAr was born in mAra vamsam and named kAri) identified me with folded hands and agreed to be my AchAryan, all my age-old sins have vanished away. In gratitude, I will for ever propagate the glories of my AchAryan shaTagOpan and the power of his tamizh prabandhams in all directions. (eN disaiyum aRiya iyampukEn ON tamizh saDagOpan aruLayE). (7)
aruLinAn avvaru maRaiyin poruL |
aruL koNDu Ayiram intamizh pADinAn
aruL kaNDeer ivvulaginil mikkadE || 8 |
There is no truth beyond the Guru, and no penance beyond the Guru. Humble salutations to our Guru!
niRka pADi en nenjuL niRuttinAn |
takka seer saDagOpan en nambikku
ATpukka kAdal aDimaippayan anRE || 9 ||
गुरुरेव परा विद्या ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: !
Guru is the ultimate knowledge! Humble salutations to our Guru!
My teacher and scholar has so brilliantly imparted to me, the inner meaning of the vEdic texts, that it will ever remain engraved in my mind. Having been attuned with such a secret knowledge, how will I return such a great favour (mahOpakAra) extended by him ? I believe that continued Acharya NiShThA (faith), AchArya Bhakti (fondness) and AchArya Kainkaryam (service) is the only adequate return. (takka seer kAdal aDimai payan anRE). (9)
seyal nanRAga tirutti paNi koLvAn |
kuyil ninRArpozhil soozh kurugoor nambi!
muyalginREn undan moykazharku anbaiyE || 10 ||
गुरो: पादॊदकं सम्यक् ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: !
Guru’s shree pAda teertham is the most sacred one! Humble salutations to our Guru!
Though I am incorrigible and though he gains nothing out of taming me, my Guru continues to correct me and transform me through the performance of his duties - (anuShThAnas) and kind teachings (upadEshas) - (tirutti paNi koLvAn). Oh, my king of kurugoor which is surrounded by greenery and cuckoo birds! May I always strive for the eternal love of your sacred feet, my dear AchArya!. (muyalginREn undan moykazhaRku anbayE) (10.)
anban ten kurugoor nagar nambikku |
anbanAi madurakavi sonna sol
nambuvAr pati vaikuntam kANminE || 11 ||
मोक्ष मूलं गुरुकृपा ! तस्मै श्री गुरवे नम: !
Guru’s grace is the basis for mOksha! Humble salutations to our Guru!
KaNNan, the loved one (anban) loves all his devotees (nitya sooris, the muktas and the mumukshus). I am a devotee at the feet of my AchArya tenkurugoor nambi who is in turn kaNNan’s devotee. Those who believe in this traditon of AchArya NishThA and Guru ParamparA propagated in this divya prabandham written by Madhurakavi, will surely reach vaikuNTham. (nambuvArpati vaikuntam kANminE) (11)
Our AchAryas have always made the following two references to back the maxim - “An Acharya is imperative to mOksha, irrespective of whether one has acquired puNyas or pApas”.
1 पापिष्ठः क्षत्रबन्धुश्च पुण्डरीकश्च पुण्यकृत्।
आचार्यवत्तया मुक्तौ तस्मादाचार्यवान् भवेत् ॥
pApiShThaH kShatrabandhushcha puNDareekashcha puNyakRut |
AchAryavattayA muktau tasmAdAchAryavAn bhavEt ||
Kshatrabandhu was the worst sinner (pApiShTha:) and in contrast, puNDareeka was full of virtuous deeds (puNyakRut). Both had to wait until they were graced by a Guru. Kshatrabandhu met a group of seven sages in the end and they liberated him. PuNDareeka also was emancipated only after he met Sage nArada.
2. कर्णधारमतो देही गुरुणा संस्कृतिं तरॆत् |
नृदॆहमाद्यम् प्रतिलभ्य दुर्लभं प्लवं सुकल्पं गुरुकर्णधारं ।
karNadhAramato dEhee guruNA saMskRutiM tarEt
nRudEhamAdyam pratilabhya durlabhaM plavaM sukalpaM gurukarNadhAraM |
This human body is a rarely obtained boat captained by a helmsman called Guru (karNadhAra – boat captain). The soul can swim across the ocean of bodily existence only with the help of the Guru.
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