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During the process of creation, first BrahmA sprang from Lord VishNu’s lotus navel. He was then blessed with the vEdas (in the form of four children), and was instructed to create the universe with the knowledge contained in it. But BrahmA became proud of the knowledge and became lethargic. Lord VishNu wanted to correct Him and bring balance in brahmA’s mind so that He becomes fit enough to perform the task of creation efficiently.
Two demons Madhu of rajO guNa and KaiTabha of tamO guNa emerged from Lord ViShNu's ear wax. They stole the vEdas when BrahmA was careless. Consequently, the vast earth along with its mountains, oceans, skies and all the living beings including the dAnavas, vanished into the darkness. Ashamed of his folly, brahmA cried out to Lord nArAyaNa for help.
Lord Hayagreeva then appeared in a huge resplendent form, with a horse face, shining like crystal, and seated on the white lotus. He fought with the strong demons for more than 1000 years and vanquished them. He then restored the vEdas back to BrahmA.
Then, taking the form of a lustrous swan, He imparted the knowledge of the vEdas to the Gods and sages, illuminating the world again. (annamAy anDru angu oru maRai payandAn).
In the kRuta yuga (satya yuga), the Lord appears in the form of a swan, the epitome of knowledge. Hence, Hayagreeva is referred by SwAmi Desikan as ‘rAja Hamsam’ in Hayagreeva StOtram 14.
मनॊगतं पश्यति य: सदा त्वाम् मनीषिनां मानस राजहंसम् ।
स्वयं पुरॊभाव विवाद भाज: किम्कुर्वतॆ तस्य गिरॊ यथार्हम् ||
svayam purObhAva vivAda bhAja: kimkurvatE tasya girO yathArhaM ll
Learned scholars and sages who always contemplate on Lord Hayagreeva as a King swan (rAja Hamsam) resting in their mind called the ‘mAnasa lake”, will experience proficiency in writing, speech, and debates.
mUvAt tani mudalAy * mUvulagum kAvalOn **
mAvAgi AmaiyAy * mInAgi mAniDamAm *
tEvAdi tEva perumAn * en tIrttanE (5)
2984. Creation, which involves birth and death and filled with agony and misery( OvA tuyar piRavi) is performed by emperumAn. Sustenance and annihilation are also performed by Him without a hitch. He does all the three deeds as His sole responsibility and protects the three worlds( mUvulagum kAvalOn).
He is the leader of the dEvas and the nityasooris. He alone is capable of reforming me to become pure and pristine (enteertan), and this, He does, by taking the avatArams of Hayagreeva (mA), tortoise( Amai), matsya( meen) and as human( rAmA and krishnA). (5)
isai koL vEda nUl enRivai payandavanE! * enakku aruL puriyE **
uyar koL mAdavip pOtoDu ulAviya * mArutam vIdiyin vAy *
tisai ellAm kamazhum pozhil sUzh * tiruveLLaRai ninRAnE (2)
1369. In this tiruveLLarai kshEtram, where the gentle breeze blows through the tall mAdhavi trees ( Hiptage), carrying the fragrance of the flowers through the streets of this town which is surrounded by groves and orchards, resides my swAmi.
Long ago, taking the roopam of the horse faced Hayagreevan (parimuganAy), You graciously retrieved the four faultless ( vasaiyil nAn maRai) vEdas, when BrahmA lost them, and handed it back to him, saying that they were indeed the vEda Shastras set in the musical format.( isai koL vEda nool)
AzhvAr entreats Lord nArAyaNa of such immense compassion, to bless him too so that he can perform devoted service.(2)
munivaroDu dAnavarhaL tiSaippa vandu
pannu kalai nAl vEda poruLaiyellAm
parimugamAi aruLiya em paraman kANmin
avaimurala Sengamala malaraiyEri
annamali peDaiyODum amarum Selvattu
aNiazhundoor ninruganda amarar kOvE || (2)
1619. The red paddy crop fills the fields and sways in the breeze, as if fanning the Lord. The creatures that thrive in the marshy fields (sangam) produce sound, as if from the conch. The male swan swims around elegantly and squats with its partner on the red lotuses in the pond.
In this beautiful town, TErazhundoor, the Lord of the nityasooris resides with delight.
Long ago, when the entire universe comprising the seven lOkas was immersed in the darkness of ignorance, the rishis and dEvas became very troubled. My swAmi incarnated as Lord Hayagreeva, ( pari mugan) and descending from the pARkaDal, He retrieved the lost scriptures ( paNNkalai) and the Vedas and revealed the meanings to the rishis. He is the extraordinary emperumAn (paraman). (2)
aNDamum suDarum * allA ARRalum Aya endai **
oNtiRal tennan ODa * vaDavarasu OTTam kaNDa *
tiNtiRalALar nAngUrt* tirumaNikkUDattAnE
1293. Here again, AlinAdan brings into the picture, scenarios from various incarnations of Lord Vishnu such as MatsyAvatAra (kenDai), vAmanAvatAra (kuaral), HamsAvatAra (puL), VarAhavatAra (kEzhal), NrusimhAvatAra (ari) and Hayagreeva AvatAra (mAvu). EmperumAn, who is the universe, the Moon and the Sun and is omnipresent and resides in TirumanikooDam.
ulappil valiyAl avarpAl vayiram
viLaindiTTadenreNNi viNNOr parava
avarnALozhitta perumAn munanAL |
vaLaindiTTa villALi valvAL eyiRRu
malaipOl avuNanuDal vaLLugirAl
aLaindiTTavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || (3)
Today, this supreme master is being tied to a rope by the Aychiyar of AyarpAdi for swallowing the curd and butter pretending that He cannot relieve Himself, showing His benevolence. inru AichchiyarAl aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE. (3)
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