PASURAMS 1058 - 1067



The Lord veerarAghava is in bhujanga sayanam blessing his ardent devotee shAlihOtra maharishi with one hand and gyAna mudra on the other. He appeared in front of shAlihOtra maharshi asking "kim gRuham" or "evv-uL" meaning - 'Which is the place/room to rest?  ShAlihOtra maharishi invited the Lord home, offered him food and gave him a shawl to rest. Hence the Lord here is always seen covered with a checked/dotted shawl called *papli dupaTTi*. (The word 'pala puLLi' seemed to have evolved as 'papli')

Tirumangai AzhvAr’s northern pilgrimage (vaDa nADu divya dEsham) finishes with tirunvEnkaTam. He then moves on to visit tonDai nADu divya dEshams. He first visits TIRUEVVUL, now called TIRUVALLUR. On seeing perumAL, he is reminded of bhaghavAn’s kalyANa guNas and further deliberates on it.


1058. kAsaiyADai mooDiyODi kAdalSei dAnavan oor
nASamAga nambavalla, nambi namperumAn |
vEyin annatOL maDavAr veNNai uNDAn ivan enru
ESa ninra emperumAn evvuL kiDandAnE || (1)


The demon rAvaNa with wrong intent forcibly abducted Lord rAma’s wife seetA dEvi by disguising himself as a sage wearing a saffron robe (kAshai ADai). Our trustworthy Lord rAma, (Nambi), our brave Lord namperumAl set out in search of seetA with determination and destroyed LankA . (He is determined - siddha sankalpah).

In contrast, in Krishna avatAram, our Lord of such valour entered a loving form and allowed himself to be yelled at by the cowherdesses (Aychchi) having beautiful bamboo like shoulders, for stealing and eating butter. (He is loving - vatsalah)

That friendly emperumAn, veerarAghava is reclining beautifully in ‘evvuL’. “evvuL kiDandAnE’. (1)

1059. taiyalAL mEl kAdal Seida tAnavan vALarakkan
poiyyilAda ponmuDigaL onbadODu ornrum, anru |
Seida vempOr tannil angOr SenjarattAl uruLa
eida endai emperumAn evvuL kiDandAnE || (2)


The asura rAvaNa, the one blessed by Lord Shiva with an invincible sword called chandrahAsa (vAL arakkan), was infatuated with the inimitably beautiful seetA dEvi (tayalAL). He abducted seetA forcibly and Lord rAma searched for her with patience and forbearance.  (He is composed -  kshamah)

Though rAvaNa was capable of hiding his head by magic, he could not escape rAma’s powerful arrow which slashed down all his 10 heads crowned in the coronation ceremonies like veerAbhishEkam, vijayAbhishEkam, etc. (He is powerful -  satya parAkramah)

That gallant emperumAn, veerarAghava is reclining gracefully in ‘evvuL’. “evvuL kiDandAnE’. (2)

1060. mun Or toodu vAnarattin vAyil mozhindu arakkan
mannoor tannai vALiyinAl mALa munindu, avanE |
pin Or toodu AdimannarkAgi perunilattAr
innAr toodan ena ninrAn evvuL kiDandAnE || (3)


In rAmavatAra, Lord rAma as the leader of his vAnara army, sent Hanuman as a peace messenger to rAvaNa. As rAvaNa did not heed, Lord rAma had to fight a battle with him and bring down LankA. (He is the king - nEtAh)

On the contrary, in KrishNAvatAra, our emperumAn Himself went as a messenger to the kauravas trying to convince duryOdhana to avoid battle and give back Indraprastha to pANDavas who rightfully deserved the kingdom. (Adi mannar). At this point, KrishNa was a messenger of dharma and was not actually taking sides. Since duryOdhana refused his advice, KrishNa had to support the pANDavas who had taken refuge under Him. Hence He was praised by the people of the earth as “pANDava dootan”(innAr dootan) – the messenger of pANDavas. (He is the mesenger - satya vratah)

That ingenious veerarAghava is reclining elegantly in ‘evvuL’. “evvuL kiDandAnE’. (3)

1061. pandaNainda mel viralAL pAvai tan kAraNattAl
vendiral ErEzhum venra vEndan viri pugazh SEr |
nandan maindanAga hum nambi namberumAn
endai tandai tamperumAn evvuL kiDandAnE || (4)


Our dauntless Lord KrishNa, son of the famous Nandagopa of Gokula tamed the seven daring bulls that were destroying Nappinai’s farmland. (He is tough - bhaya kRut)

As an honour for His valour and caring attitude, KrishNa was married to the tender Nappinnai whose fingers were so soft that they could not hold even a ball of flowers (pandAr virali). (He is caring - sAttvikah)

Our Lord, my father veerarAghava is reclining majestically in ‘evvuL’. “evvuL kiDandAnE’. (4)

1062. bAlanAgi jnAlam Ezhum uNDu, paNDu Alilai mEl
SAla nALum paLLikoLLum tAmaraikkaNNan eNNil |
neelam Ar vaNDu vAzhum neidal andaN kazhani
Elam nArum paimburavin evvuL kiDandAnE || (5)


After pralaya, Lord KrishNa takes the form of an infant and absorbs all the seven worlds in his stomach and lies down sweetly on a banyan leaf, protecting everything for several years only to revive them for the next cycle. (He is small but pervasive - vishvayOnih)

That punDareekAksha, the lotus eyed unassuming Lord is reclining peacefully as veerarAghava in yOga nidrA in ‘evvuL’, where bees drink honey from the sweet flowers of the fragrant gardens of tiruvaLLUr, the neydal land surrounded by rich water bodies. “evvuL kiDandAnE’.

* neydal - one of the five sangam landscapes – kurunji, marudam, mullai, neydal, pAlai) (5)

1063. SOttam nambi enru toNDar miNDi toDarndu azhaikkum
Attan nambi SengaN nambi Agilum dEvarkku ellAm |
mootta nambi mukkaN nambi enru munivar tozhudu
Ettum, nambi emperumAn evvuL kiDandAnE || (6)


BhAgavatas throng in large numbers to temples, folding their hands in anjali mudrA and addressing emperumAn through simple words like sOttam nambi ! – meaning "NamskArams nambi" or  "my salutations, aDiyEn! namO nArAyaNa! Hari! etc”. Such come-at-able is our friendly Lord (Apta nambi) who shows his kAruNyam through his lotus like eyes (sen kaN nambi). (He is simple - sulabhah)

He who appears to be easily attainable in the eyes of his devotees is extolled through profound words by austere sages and powerful dEvas as “mootta nambi –BrahmA, mukkaN nambi – Shiva” because He is all Lord of Lords - surAnandah.

That glorious nambi, emperumAn veerarAghava is reclining amazingly in ‘evvuL’ - “evvuL kiDandAnE’. (6)

1064. tingaL appuvAn eri kAlAgi tiSaimuganAr
tangaL appan SAmiyappan bAgattu irunda vaNDuN |
tongal appu neeL muDiyAn Soozh kazhal SooDa ninRa
engaL appan emperumAn evvuL kiDandAnE || (7)


BhagavAn is the antaryAmi of the panchabhootas namely the earth having the moon (tingal), water (appu), sky (vAn), fire (eri) and air (kAl). (He is the source - bhootAtmA)

He is the father of the four faced brahmA who emerged from the navel of His tirumEni, (disai muganAr tangaL appan). He is sAmi-appan, the Lord of vEdas. (He is creater of all things - bhoota bhAvanah)

When He took the trivikrama avatAra, BrahmA gave arghyam to His one feet that measured the upper worlds and the water that flowed down became Ganges. Shiva then locked the Ganges into his tresses decked with konRai poo (tongal), carrying the Lord’s feet on His head. (He is the end - sadgatih)

That omnipresent emperumAN veerarAghava is reclining magnificently in ‘evvuL’. “evvuL kiDandAnE’. (7)

1065. munivan moorti moovarAgi vEdam virittu uraitta
punidan poovai vaNNan aNNal puNNiyan viNNavar kOn |
taniyan SEyan tAnoruvan Agilum tannaDiyArku
iniyan endai emperumAn evvuL kiDandAnE || (8)


BhagavAn is addressed as -

‘munivan - satyasankalpah’  - Whatever He wishes, he fulfils. (His will becomes reality)

‘moorti moovar Agi – trimoorti’  - He takes the form of BrahmA, VishNu and Shiva to create, maintain and dissolve the universe.

‘vEdam viruttu uraitta punidan – pavitran’ - He purifies all the jeevAtmAs through His teachings in the Bhagavat geetA which is an exposition of the vEdas.

‘poovai vaNNan’ –  He tirumEni resembles the blue-hued kAyA flower

‘aNNal – sarvEshvaran’ – He is the universal master.

‘puNNiyan – puNyah’ – He is the one whose form and proximity grant abundant goodness. His archAvatArams are testimony to this tirunAmam.

‘taniyan – Ekam’ – He is the only one without a second to him. ‘ekam Eva adviteeyam' – chAndOgya Upanishad, 6.2.1)

‘chEyan – achintya’ – He is the one who is incomprehensible, cannot be known through any process.

‘aDiyArku iniyan – bhakta vatsalah’ - yet, He is a sweet and compassionate friend to his devotees.

‘endai – pitA’ – He is my caring father.

That Supreme emperumAn veerarAghava is reclining enchantingly in ‘evvuL’. “evvuL kiDandAnE’. (8)

1066. pandirukkum melviralAL pAvai panimalarAL
vandirukkum mArvan neela mEni maNivaNNan |
andarattil vAzhum vAnOr nAyaganAi amainda
indirarkum tamperumAn evvuL kiDandAnE || (9)


BhagavAn is the fond consort of Shree (pAvai), the one born out of the cool lotus (pani malarAL), the one who has tender fingers softer than the ball of flowers that she holds. Periya pirATTi resides inseparably in the chest - tirumArbu of His tirumEni that shines radiantly like the blue sapphire. (the husband of  shree - shreemAn)

 At the same time, He is also the Lord of all the dEvas including Indra, who have been directed by Him to control the smaller lOkas. He readily comes forward to protect the dEvas whenever they are in trouble (Leader of the gods - surAdhyakshah).

That omnipotent emperumAn veerarAghava is reclining charismatically in ‘evvuL’. “evvuL kiDandAnE’. (9)

1067. iNDai koNDu toNDarEtta evvuL kiDandAnai
vaNDu pADum paimburavil mangaiyar kOn kaliyan |
koNDa SeerAl taNDamizh Sei mAlai eeraindum vallAr
aNDam ALvadANai anrEl ALvar amrulagE || (10)


These 10 ‘evvuL kiDandAnE’ pAsurams have been composed by kaliyan, the king of tirumangai filled with groves where bees buzz around sucking nectar from the gardens. Shree vaishNavas who sing these ten masterly tamizh pAsurams, offering flower garlands to Lord veerarAghava of tiru evvuL, will rule the earth and if they do not wish to rule this earth, they will be exalted to rule paramapadam. (10)


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