

PeriyAzhvAr Tirumozhi is a delightful garland of 473 tamizh poems composed by the vaishNava saint PeriyAzhwAr, also called VishnNu Chittan or BhaTTar PirAn. 

In the first 12 pAsurams called "TIRUPPALLANDU",  periyAzhvAr prays for the wellness of Lord VishNu out of concern that nothing should trouble Him. 'TirupallANDu' is an important prabandham and so it takes the first place in the sEvAkAlam of divyaprabandhams and the sARRumurai pAsurams recited in daily prayers (nityAnusandhAnam). ( In some sampradAyams it is recited after chiRRanchirkAlE pAsurams of ANDAL, (his daughter and the only female AzhvAr).

SwAmi MaNavALa MAmunigaL explains in his tributary work "UPADESHA RATNAMALAI - 19" as to why "TIRUPALLANDU" is placed in the beginning of divya prabandham.  

கோதிலவாம் ஆழ்வார்கள் கூறு கலைக்கெல்லாம்
ஆதி திருப்பல்லாண்டு ஆனதுவும் - வேதத்துக்கு
ஓம் என்னும் அது போல் உள்ளத்துக்கெல்லாம் சுருக்காய்த்
தான் மங்களம் ஆதலால்.

kOdilavAm AzhvArgaL kURu kalaikkellAm
Adi tiruppallANdu Anaduvum – vEdattukku
Om ennum adu pOl uLLadukkellAm surukkAyt
tAn mangalamAdalAl.

TiruppAllANDu is the foremost of all divya prabandhams that were composed by the blemish free AzhvArs.  Just as praNava syllable "Om" is to the "vEdas", so is the "TirupallANDu" to "4000 Divya Prabandham".  It is the essence of all divyaprabandhams and auspicious (mangalam).

In the next 315 pAsurams,  periyAzhvAr assumes the role of Mother YashOdA and enjoys krishNa as his baby. This mode of bhakti is called "vAtsalyam" -  mother's love for her child. Vaatsalyam is listed as one among the eleven kinds of bhakti mentioned by nArada muni in "Naarada Bhakti Sootram". In these pAsurams, PeriyAzhvAr takes us through Lord KrishNa's miraculous childhood and mesmerizing youth. The poems are set in 'piLLai tamizh style' - childhood tamizh - one of the 96 types of tamizh literature compositions.   Filled with cuddly words, any mother would love to sing these pAsurams that bring baby KrishNa in front of our eyes. 

In the next 43 pAsurams, periyAzhvAr describes with admiration a few diya dEsham temples like TirumAlirunchOlai, DevaprayAg and Tiruvarangam.

The last set of 103 pAsurams advise us not to wait for our last days to surrender to the Lord but act immediately.  AzhvAr finally concludes his tirumozhi with gratitude to Lord vishNu who entered his heart and gave him sweet bhagavat anubhavam.

May we experience our dear little krishNa's baby steps in the eyes of PeriyAzhvAr!







रामानुज दयापात्रं ज्ञान वैराग्य भूषणम् ।
श्रीमद् वॆन्कटनाथार्यं वन्दॆ वॆदान्त दॆशिकम् ॥
rAmAnuja dayApAtram gyAna vairAgya bhooshaNam |
Shrimad vEnkaTanAthAryam vandE VedAnta dEsikam ||

I worship the auspicious swami vEdAnta desikan who was named vEnkaTanAthan.  He being the receptacle of the compassion of swAmi rAmAnuja*, was bedecked with the jewels of wisdom (gyAnam) and detachment (vairAgyam).
*rAmAnuja could mean both AppullAr alias AtrEya RaamaanujAchArya (his maternal uncle), and Shree bhAshyakAra.


श्रीसैलॆश दयापात्रम् धीभक्त्यादि गुणार्णवं ।
यतीन्द्रप्रवणं वन्दॆ रम्यजामातरं मुनिम् ॥
shreeshailEsha dayApAtram dheebhaktyAdi guNArNavam |
yatIndrapravaNam vandE ramyajAmAtaram munim ||

I salute Shree MaNavALa MAmunigaL (also called ramyajAmAtRu muni) who is the receptacle of the divine grace of his AchArya Shreeshailesha (Thiruvaymozhi Pillai or ThirumalaiyAzhvAr); who is the ocean of auspicious qualities such as knowledge and bhakti, and who is deeply devoted to SwAmi RAmAnuja.



लक्ष्मीनाथसमारम्भां नाथयामुनमध्यमाम् ।
अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे गुरु परम्पराम् ॥
lakshminAthasamArambhAm nAthayAmunamadhyamAm |
asmadAchArya paryantAm vande guru paramparAm ||

I salute that lineage of Gurus beginning with the Lord of Lakshmi, Shreeman nArAyaNa, at the beginning, NathamunigaL and yAmunAchArya (ALavandAr) in the middle, and extending up to our AchArya SwAmi RAmAnuja.

यॊ नित्यमच्युत पदाम्बुजयुग्मरुक्म व्यामोहतस्तदितराणि तृणायमेने ।
अस्मद्गुरॊर् भगवतॊस्य दयैक सिन्धॊ: रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्यॆ ॥

yO nityamachyuta padAmbujayugmarukma vyAmohatastaditarANi tRuNAyamene |
asmadgurOr bhagavatOsya dayaika sindhO: rAmAnujasya charaNau sharaNam prapadyE ||

I take refuge under the divine feet of swAmi rAmAnuja who is always obsessed with the divine, golden feet of Lord achyuta, and shuns everything else as a blade of grass; who is our Guru complete in all auspicious qualities, and who is the ocean of mercy.


मातापिता युवतयस्तनया विभूति: सर्वं यदॆव नियमॆन मदन्वयानां ।
आद्यस्य न: कुलपतॆर्वकुळाभिरामं श्रीमत् तदन्घ्रि युगळं प्रणमामि मूर्ध्ना ॥

mAtApitA yuvatayas tanayA vibhUti: sarvam yadEva niyamEna madanvayAnAm |
Adyasya na: kulapatEr vakuLAbhirAmam shreemat tadanghri yugaLam praNamAmi mUrdhnA ||

 I  bow my head at our kulaguru shree vakulAbhirAma's (NammAzhvAr's) pair of divine feet that shine forever. NammAzhvar's divine feet is forever mother, father, wife, children, wealth and everything else for those who are associate with me. (NammAzhvAr used to wear a garland of vakula/bakula flowers, hence named vakulAbhirama).


भूतं सरश्च महदाह्वय भट्टनाथ श्रीभक्तिसार कुलशॆखर यॊगिवाहान् ।
भक्ताङ्ग्रिरेणु परकाल यतीन्द्रमिश्रान् श्रीमत्पराङ्कुशमुनिं प्रणतॊस्मि नित्यम् ॥

bhUtam sarascha mahadAhvaya bhaTTanAtha shreebhaktisAra kulashEkhara yOgivAhAn |
bhaktAngrireNu parakAla yateendramishrAn shreematparAnkushamunim praNatOsmi nityam ||

I prostrate every day unto BhoodatthAzhvAr (bhootam), Poygai AzhvAr (saras, sarOyOgi), PEyAzhvAr (mahadAhvaya), PeriyAzhvAr (bhaTTanAtha), Tirumazhisai AzhvAr, (bhaktisAra), Kulasekara AzhvAr, TiruppAnAzhvAr (yOgivAha, munivAhana), TonDaraDippoDi AzhvAr (bhaktAngrirENu, aDi poDi), Tirumangai AzhvAr (parakAla), rAmAnuja (yateendra), and koorattAzhvAn (Mishra, shreevatsAnkita mishra), and NammAzhvAr (parAnkushamuni).



गुरुमुखमनधीत्य प्राह वेदानशेषान्
नरपतिपरिक्लुप्तं शुल्कमादातुकामः I
श्वशुरममरवन्द्यम्  रङ्गनाथस्य साक्षात्
द्विजकुलतिलकं तम् विष्णुचित्तं  नमामि II

gurumukhamanadheetya prAha vEdAnashEShAn
narapatiparikluptam shulkamAdAtu kAma:
shvashuramamara vandyam ranganAthasya sAkshAt
dvijakula tilakam tam viShNuchittam namAmi

Despite not having a formal Guru, Sri PeriyAzhvAr successfully established the paratva (the supreme principle) of SRIMAN NARAYANA, in a debate of learned scholars invited by the pANDya king.  With God’s grace he cited pramANas (proofs) from vEdas and vEdAntas.  I salute VishNuchittan (periyAzhvAr), who is the father-in-law of Lord RanganAtha, the Lord of nityasooris and dEvas, the one who married AzhvAr's daughter, AnDAl,  and who is known as the beacon light of the brAhmaNa kula.



மின்னார் தடமதிள் சூழ் வில்லிபுத்தூரென்று ஒருகால்
சொன்னார் கழற்கமலம் சூடினோம் முன்னாள்  
கிழியறுத்தான் என்றுரைத்தோம்  கீழ்மையினிற் சேரும் 
வழியறுத்தோம் நெஞ்சமே! வந்து 

minnAr taDa madil shoozh VilliputtUr yenRorukkAl
sonnAr kazhaRkamalam chUDinOm --munnAL
kizhi aRutthAn yenRuraittOm, keezhmaiyinil sErum
vazhi aRuttOm nenjamE ! vandu

Dear Mind! We have worn on our head the lotus feet of bhAgavatas, who uttered the name "SrivilliputtUr",  the divya desam surrounded by luminous buildings. We joyously remember today that PeriyAzhvAr removed the doubts in the mind of people by establishing the supremacy of Shreeman NArAyaNa and caused the bag of gold to fall down in his favour. We are indebted to Him for this great favor which destructs of our sins.

பாண்டியன் கொண்டாடப் பட்டர் பிரான் வந்தானென்று
ஈண்டிய சங்கமெடுத்தூத வேண்டிய  
வேதங்களோதி விரைந்து  கிழியறுத்தான் 
பாதங்கள் யாமுடைய பற்று .  

pANDiyan koNDADa paTTarpirAn vandAnenRu
eeNDiya shangam eDuttooda vENDiya
vEdangaL Odi viraindu kizhiyaruttAn
pAdangaL yAmuDaiya paRRu.

The pAnDya king felicitated PeriyAzhvAr with the title "bhaTTar pirAn" in a ceremony and was taken in a procession, seated on an elephant, with the sounds of drum beats and blowing of conch.  We seek refuge in periyAzhvAr who won the prize for establishing the paratvam of Shreeman NArAyaNa by citing pramANas from vEdas in the assembly of great scholars.




1.1 PeriyAzhvAr is honored by PANDYA king vallabhadEvan and taken along the streets of Madurai. Lord ViShNu appears in GaruDa vAhanam in a resplendent, beautiful form in front of AzhvAr.  In a rhapsodic mood,  AzhvAr immediately sings 'PALLANDU' to protect the Lord and keep all evil eyes away from the Lord for ever. Hence, this prabandham is called as TirupallANDu or MangaLAshAsana Prabandham.

1. pallANDu pallANDu pallAyirattANDu*
palakODi nooRAyiram*
mallANDa tiN tOL maNivaNNA!* un-
sEvaDi sevvi tirukkAppu. (1)

PeriyAzhvAr sings:  Long live dear Lord (pallANDu pallANDu)! Long live for many thousand years to come! (pal Ayirattu ANDu).  May you be praised for many crores of years to come, and for ever and ever (palakODi noor Ayiram).  Oh gem colored one (maNi vaNNA), the one who conquered the strong enemies with His mighty shoulders! (mallANDa tin tOL),  May your divine, reddish feet be protected for ever (un sEvaDi sevvi tirukkAppu). 

Key words: pal - many, ANDu - years, mal ANDA - mallars/ wrestlers like muShtikA and chanoora were conquuered by KrishNa, tiN tOL - the Lord has thousand shoulders (sahasrapAt), tiru kAppu - protection with undiminishing fame ( (1)

2. aDiyOmODum ninnODum* pirivinRi Ayiram pallANDu*
vaDivAy ninvala mArbinil *vAzhginRa maNgaiyum pallANDu*
vaDivAr sOdi valattuRaiyum* chuDarAzhiyum pallANDu*
paDaipOr pukku muzhangum* appANchachanniyamum pallANDE. (2)

May this connection between us continue for ever without separation! May “Goddess Lakshmi” who is ever seated on Your right chest as Your identity, bless us for ever!  Long live the 'SuDar Azhi' (the Divine glowing disc ) that is held gracefully on your right hand!  Long live the “pAnchajanyam” (the Divine Conch) that enters the war field filled with armies and resounds the clarion call. (2)

3. vAzhATpaTTu ninReer uLLeerEl *vandu maNNum maNamum koNmin*
koozhATpaTTu ninReergaLai* eNgaL kuzhuvinil pugudaloTTOm*
EzhATkAlum pazhippilOm nANGaL* irAkkatarvAzh* ilangai-
pAzhALAkap paDai porutAnukkup* pallANDu kooRutumE. (3)

Call to mumukshus!
Mumukshus are devotees who aim to attain mOksha with the only desire of rendering service to Lord Naaraayana.  Since endless servitude or ananta kainkaryam is their only desire and goal, they are also called "ananya prayOjanas".
Oh, devotees who have submitted themselves to spiritual service (mumukshus whose goal is  liberation, and service at the feet of Lord Narayana)! Come and join our bhAgavata gOshTi with whole hearted devotion. Bring things like rich soil (maN) and aromatic essentials like chandanam, kumkumam, flowers, etc. (maNamum) for the utsavams of perumAL. Let us not include those who have become slaves  for gaining material pleasures.  We have been serving our Lord without any distractions, for seven generations now. May we sing pallANDu to Lord rAma who conquered the rAkshasas of LankA with his weapons, and made them weak.. 

maN - For ankoorArpaNam ritual in brahmOtsavam, rich soil is placed, irAkkadar - rAkshasas of rAvaNa, pAzh AL Aga - to make LankA weak. (3)

4. EDunilattil iDuvatan munnam vandu * engaL kuzhAm pugundu*
kooDu manamuDaiyeergaL varampozhi* vandu ollaikkooDuminO*
nADum nagaramum nankaRiya* namO nArAyaNAya enRu*
pADu manamuDaip pattaruLLeer!* vandu pallANDu kooRuminE. (4)

Call to the kaivalyArthis!
(kaivalyArthis whose goal is - detachment from the material world but not devotion to Lord NarayaNa.  To achieve concentration, they meditate on the image of Lord Narayana but once it is achieved, they begin to enjoy their AtmA and leave God)! 

Dear devotees who are basking on the pleasures of AtmAnubhavam or self-absorption.  Rise just beyond the boundary of just liberation from birth and death (varam pozhi). Before your body (EDu - sthoola shareera) becomes one with the earth (nilam - moola prakRuti i.e. before your soul leaves the body,) join our bhAgavata group, and chant “NAMO NARAYANAYA” loudly so that it resounds to the villages and cities. Dear devotees who wish to sing thus - Join us in singing "pallANDu".

EDu nilam is also interpreted as Kaivalya mOksha. Before you enter kaivalya sthAnam, join our group of devotees who are heading towards Paramapad sthAnam (4)

5. aNDakkulattukku adipatiyAgi* asurar irAkkatarai*
iNDaikkulattai eDuttukkaLainda* iruDeekEsan tanakku*
toNDak kulattiluLLeer! vandaDi tozhudu* Ayira nAmam solli*
paNDaik kulattait tavirndu* pallANDu pallAyirattANDu enminE. (5)

Call to the aishwaryArthis! (toNDai kulam)
Dear devotees who worship dEvatas to seek material pleasures! (aishwaryArthis who have wealth and those who are seeking wealth)! 
 Lord hRusheekEsha*** (iruDeekEshan) is the leader of the crores of lOkas. (ANDa kulam adhipati). He empowers all the lOka dEvatas like BrahmA, Indra, etc  with the job of administration of the their respective worlds. He is the ultimate Lord who annihilates the cruel *asuras and **rAkshasas who are large in number (iNDai kulam) and destroys them from time to time, completely from the root. Come and worship the divine feet of Lord nArAyaNa, chant His thousand names ( Ayira nAmam solli - chant VishNu SahasranAmam), and sing "pallANDu, pallAyirattANDu", giving up your old, materialistic way of living. (panDai kulam).

*asuras are a class of beings born to Kashyapa and diti dEvi.  They have the advantage of tapas, and are capable of fighting even the dEvas.
** rAkshasas (irAkkadar) are being who trouble people on earth. They do not have powers to fight the dEvas.They are usually engaged by asuras to cause fear and misery to their enemies.
***hRusheekEshan is who controls our senses called "hRusheeka:". (5)

6. endai tandai tandai, tandaitammoottappan *EzhpaDi kAltoDangi*
vandu vazhivazhi ATcheykinROm* tiruvONat tiruvizhavil-
andiyampOdil ariyuruvAgi* ariyai azhittavanai*
pandanai teerap pallANDu* pallAyirattANDenRu pADutumE. (6)

The mumukshArthis/ananya prayOjanas mentioned in the third pAsuram come to AzhvAr introducing themselves and expressing their willingness to do bhagavat kainkaryam.

 We have been servants of Lord nArAyANa for seven generations, and several generations before.  We have come to join your bhAgavata gOShThi to sing "pallANDu, pallAyirattANDu' for the Lord who took the form of “Narasimha” during sandhyAkalam and destroyed “HiraNyan" on the auspicious asterism of tiruvONam. This will indeed destroy all our age old sins (pandanai).

 Note terse words used by AzhvAr to mention seven generations - 

1. myself (em),

2. my father (dai - which means tandai), 

3. my grandfather (tandai), 

4. great grandfather (tandai), 

5. great great grandfather (tandai),

6. includes the above's father and 7. his father  (tam moottappan).

Key words: pandanai teera pallANDu pADudumE - Pandanai also refers to the pain experienced by Lord Narasimha while devouring HiraNyakashipu's chest. We should sing pallANDu to reduce that pain. (6)

7. teeyiR poliginRa senchuDar Azhi* tigazh tiruch chakkarattin*
kOyilpoRiyAlE oRRuNdu ninRu* kuDikuDi ATseykinROm*
mAyap porupaDai vANanai* Ayiran tOLum pozhikurudi-
pAya* suzhaRRiya Azhi vallAnukkup* pallANDu kooRutumE. (7)  

The kaivalyArthis mentioned in the fourth pAsuram also join periyAzhvAr, expressing their new fond faith for Shreeman Naaraayana.

We have branded our shoulders with the stamp of the blazing, resplendent, red, bright, rounded, sacred chakkaram (disc), the symbol of the VishNu temple, thereby surrendering ourselves as dAsans.   We have assembled ourselves in unison to serve the Lord as kainkaryaparas for generations.  We shall sing “pallANDu” to Lord KrishNa who is adorned by the spiraling chakra with which He chopped off the well-armed and deceptive bANAsura's thousand arms, causing blood to gush out profusely.

Key Words: teeyil - surrounded by fire, Azhi - round, kurudi - blood, vANan - bANAsura, kOyil pori - temple symbol.  The mark of chakkaram on the shoulders refer to the pancha samskAram procedure of initiation by a qualified AchArya into VaishNavam.  (7)

8. neyyiDai nalladOr sORum* niyatamum attANich chEvakamum*
kaiyaDaik kAyum kazhuttukkup pooNoDu * kAdukkuk kuNDalamum*
meyyiDa nalladOr sAndamum tandu *ennai veLLuyirAkka valla*
paiyuDai nAgap pakaikkoDiyAnukkup* pallANDu kooRuvanE. (8)   

The aishvaryArthis mentioned in the fifth pAsuram had recited the 1000 names of Lord vishNu as advised by PeriyAzhvAr and bhakti dawned upon them.  Since their number is many, one aishvaryArthi comes on behalf of them and joins PeriyAzhvAr's gOshTi.

The Lord has given me all the comforts like rich food/rice mixed with ghee (ney iDai sOru), a mind to  perform inseparable servitude or nitya kainkaryam, betel leaves and nuts to eat after good food (kaiyaDai kAyum), ornaments like necklaces (kazhuttukku pooN) and earrings (kAdukku kUnDalamum), and sandal paste (sAndamum) to anoint my body, in order to purify me and give me the opportunity to serve Him. I shall sing pallANDu to this Lord who holds the flag of GaruDa, the enemy of serpents. (8)

Key Words:  sORu - food, rice, niyatam - always, attANi - inseparable, sEvakam - servitude,  paiyuDai nAga - The serpent AdisEsha with hoods, koDiyAn - garuDa who is serpents' enemy (pagaiyAn), nal uyir - pure AtmA

9. uDuttuk kaLainda nin peetaka ADai uDuttuk* kalattaduNDu*
toDutta tuzhAymalar sooDik kaLaindana* sooDum ittoNDar kaLOm*
viDutta disaikkarumam tiruttit* tiruvONat tiruvizhavil*
paDutta painnAkaNaip paLLikoNDAnukkup* pallAnDu kooRutumE. 

 In this pAsuram, the mumukshus take oath along with PeriyAzhvAr and sing pallANDu.  They express their realisation of sEshatvam - subservience to the Lord. They are committed to accept the remnants of dress, food, and tulasi garland, and do anantakainkaryam.

We, Your devotees, shall wear the peetAmbaram robe (peetaka ADai) worn and cast off by you. We shall eat the remnants of food lying in the vessel that was offered to you, as our bhagavat prasAdam. We shall be devotees who wear the tulasi and flower garlands (nirmAlyam) worn and cast off by you.  We are ever ready to follow your instructions and undertake your work in all directions, to the best of our ability, on this beautiful tiruvONam day. (the day of shravaNa which is the birth star of Lord Narayana). We will for ever serve you singing "pallANDu", Oh Lord sleeping on the multi-hooded serpent AdishEsha who has reclined (paDutta) to provide a comfortable couch for you. 

Key Words: peetaka - yellow silk robe, kalam - vessel having food offerings, tuzhAy - tulasee, toNDar - devotees, tisai - direction,   *pai means hood, nAga means serpent, paLLi - bed, tirutti - best of ability, paLLikkoNDAn - reclining (9)

10. ennAL emperumAn *un tanakku aDiyOm enRu ezhuttappaTTa-
annALE *aDiyOngaL aDikkuDil* veeDupeRRu uyndatukAN*
sennAL tORRit* tirumaduraiyuL silaikunittu *aindalaiya-
painnAkat talai pAyndavanE!* unnaip pallANDu kooRutumE. (10)

Now kaivalyArthis who gave up their 'AtmAnubhavam" and turned bhAgavatas, take oath and sing pallANDu along with periyAzhvAr.

On this special day (ennAL) when we have surrendered ourselves as your servants and no one else, on the same day, all our extended families have also been blessed to attain liberation. Oh Lord KrishNa who incarnated on the auspicious day (nannAL) having the combination of Rohini star and ashTami tithi, who broke the bow in kamsa's dhanur yAga in MathurA, and danced on the five hooded kAlinga snake! We sing your praises, "pallANDu". 

Key words: ennAL - the most auspicious day when a devotee does panchasamskAram, learns the ashTAkshara mantra, and becomes a prapanna, a servant of Lord VishNu, un tanakku aDiyOm - servant of Lord VishNu alone, aDi kuDil veeDu peRRu uyndadu - It is said that when one family surrenders to God, all his dependents and associates will also get liberated and become His servants, tORRi - incarnated, tirumadurai - mathurA, silai - bow, kunittu - broke, uyndadu - uplifted, liberated.

11. alvazhakku onRumillA *aNikOttiyar kOn* abimAnatungan-
selvanaippOlat * tirumAlE! nAnum unakkup pazhavaDiyEn*
nalvakaiyAl namO nArAyaNA enRu *nAmam palaparavi*
palvakaiyAlum pavittiranE! *unnaip pallAnDu kooRuvanE. (11)

Now the aishvaryArthis who have gave up their search for wealth and turned bhAgavatas, take oath severally and singly, and sing pallANDu along with periyAzhvAr.

I am just like Your dear devotee selva nambi, the proud vaishNava called abhimAnatungan who is the blemishless (alvazhakku onRum illA) leader of tirukOTTiyoor, who is solely devoted to you. Oh tirumAlE (the Lord with Shree Devi)! the pure one in every angle! I am also your servitor. Bless me so I chant 'namO nArAyaNa' and keep repeating your numerous holy names and sing "pallANDu" for ever. 

Key Words:   alvazhakku - blemish or dOshams, aNi - beautiful, kOn - king or leader, selvan -abhimAnatungan is considered the wealthiest person because he was a fervent devotee of Lord NaaraayaNa and performed abundant kainkaryam for tirukOshTiyur Sowmya Narayana PerumAL. (11)


Shri Selva Nambi was a vEdic scholar and AchArya of the then pANDya King SrimAran Srivallabha (VallabhadEvan).  He was a just and able administrator of the tirukOshTiyoor temple,  and highly revered by TirukOshTiyoor Nambi.


12. pallANDenRu pavittiranaip* paramETTiyai *sArngam ennum-
villANDAn tannai* villiputtoor viShNu chittan virumbiya sol*
nallANDenRu navinRuraippAr* namO nArAyaNAyavenRu*
pallAnDum paramAtmanai* soozhndirundu Ettuvar pallANDE. (12)

This hymn has been composed on the most sacred Lord, (pavitran) and the supreme God (paramEShThee). Those devotees who with joy and faith, utter "namO nArayaNa'"and recite these pallANDu pAsurams sung by VishNuchittan of SrivilliputtUr on the Lord wielding the "shArngam" bow, will be liberated and they will continue to praise ParamAtmA for ever without interruption (both on the earth and at the supreme abode VaikuNTham).

shArngam - The bow is mentioned to represent the other weapons like shankh, chakra, gadA too.  (12)




1.2 THE BIRTH OF KANNAN:  After having the darshan of the Lord and his consorts, PeriyAzhvAr enjoys 'The Birth of KrishNa' before he starts rearing Him, considering himself as YashOdA PirATTi.

13. vaNNa mADaNgaL soozh tirukkOTTiyoor
kaNNan kEsavan nambi piRantinil
eNNai suNNam etiretir tooviDa
kaNNan muRRam kalandu aLaRAyiRRE. (1)

13. KaNNan KEsavan is born in tirukOshTiyoor filled with beautiful mansions, just as in tiruAyarpADi (gOkulam). All the residents are over joyous that they spray fragrant oil and turmeric at each other making the place so slushy. (1)

14. ODuvAr vizhuvAr* ukandAlippAr*
nADuvAr  nampiraan* enkuttaan enbaar*
paaDuvaarkaLum* palpaRai koTTa ninRu*
aaDuvaarkaLum * aayiRRu aayppaaDiyE. (2)

14. Having heard the news of His birth, the whole AyarpAdi runs hither thither, excited, shouting in joy, dancing to the thunderous sound of music, falling and getting up and screaming, - “Where is He?” (2)

15. pENi cheeruDai* piLLai piRandinil*
kaaNattaam puguvaar* pukkup pOduvaar*
aaNoppaar * ivan nErillaikaaN*
 tiruvONattaan* ulagaaLum enbaar kaLE. (3)

15. People who come to see kuTTi KaNNan say, "Who can be compared to Him? Who can be equal to Him? He who is born in tiruvONam star is the ruler of the world. (3)

16. uRiyai muRRattu* uruTTi ninRaaduvaar*
naRuney paal tayir *nanRaaga  toovuvaar*
seRimen koondal* avizhath thiLaittu *
eNgum aRivazhindanar* aayppaadi aayarE. (4)

16. Seeing the Lord born in their midst, the folks of AyarpADi literally loose their senses forgetting themselves and rejoicing, throwing milk, curd, ghee and even letting their hair loose. (4)

17. koNda taaLuRi kOlak koDumazhu
taNDinar paRiyOlai sayanattar*
viNDa mullai* arumbanna pallinar*
aNdar miNdi *pugundu neyyaaDinaar. (5)

17. The cowherd folks who had gone out, the ones who hold their butter pots (uri), sharp mace-sticks (mazhu) and sleep on bamboo mats (pari Olai), entered AyarpAdi smearing themselves with ghee in extreme happiness. (5)

18. kaiyum kaalum nimirttu *kadaaraneer*
paiya aatti* pasunchiRu manjaLaal*
ayana vazhittaaLukku* aNgaandiDa*
vaiyam Ezhum kaNDaaL* piLLai vaayuLE. (6)

18. YashOdha PirATTi gives Him bath by gently massaging and stretching His hands and legs with turmeric water. When she opened His mouth for cleaning His tongue, YashOdhA saw all the seven lOkas inside. (6)

19. vaayuL vaiyakam kaNDa* madanallaar*
aayar puttiran allan* arundeyvam*
paaya seerudai paNbuDai baalakan*
maayan enRu * magizhndanar maadarE. (7)

19. When she saw all the lOkas in his mouth, she realised that He is not an “Ayar Puttiran” - cowherd boy, but the supreme Lord Himself, none other than the TirumAl “mAyan” Himself. (7)

20. pattu naaLum kaDanda *iraNDaa naaL*
ettisaiyum *sayamaram kODittu*
matta maamalai* taangiya maindanai*
uttaanam seydu* ugandanar aayarE. (8)

20. On the twelfth day after the child was born, His naming ceremony (nAmakaraNa) was done. The AyarpADis decorated all directions with flags ( torAnams) and hailed the birth of the Lord who carried the “gOvardhana” mountain. (8)

21. kidakkil tottil *kizhiya udaittiDum*
eduttuk koLLil* maruNgai iRuttiDum*
odukkippulkil *udarattE paayndiDum*
miDukkilaamaiyaal *naan melindEn naNgaay. (9)

21. In this pAsuram, YashOdA laments how KaNNan troubles her by kicking the cradle and jumping on her lap and thus she was emaciated due to the naughtiness of this toddler. (மிடுக்கிலாமையால் மெலிந்தேன்). (9)

22. sennelAr vayalsoozh* tirukkOTTiyoor*
mannu naaraNan *nambi piRandamai 
minnu nool* viTTuchittan viritta 
ippannu paaDal vallaarkku* illai paavamE. (10).


Summing up this decad, Vishnuchittan says, “Their sins will be washed away for those who chant these 10 verses on TirukkOTTiyoor KaNNan". (10)


In these ten verses, AzhvAr enjoys KaNNan from the tip of the toe to the head. Recollecting what YasOdhA had said to the cowherd women those days, here AzhvAr, taking a role of a mother, describes her enjoyment of KuTTi KaNNan. 

23. seetakkaDaluL * amudanna dEvaki *
kOthaik kuzalAL  * asOthaikkup pOttanda **
pEdaik kuzavi * pidittu suvaittuNNum *
pAda kamalaNgaL kANeerE * pavaLavAyeer vandu kANeerE. (1)

23. Devaki, who is sweet as nectar from the ocean (amudam),  gave the child to YashOdA having long hair braided with flowers.  Oh friends having mouth like the coral! Come and see this innocent child (pEdai kuzhandai) holding His little lotus feet and enjoying the act of sucking it. (1)

24. muththum maNiyum * vayiramum nanponnum *
tattip pathiththuth * talaippeydARpOl ** 
eNgkum pattu viralum * maNivaNNan pAdaNgaL *
ottiTirundavA kANeerE * oNNutaleer vandu kANeerE (2)

24. Oh, ladies with a glowing forehead! Come and see the divine beauty of His cute little fingers that are like the most valuable pearls, diamonds, gold and sapphire gems arranged closely and beautifully. (2)

25. paNaittOL iLavAychchi * pAlpAynda koNgai *
aNaittAra uNDu * kindanda ippiLLai **
iNaikkAlil veLLi * taLai ninRilaNgum *
kaNaikkAl irundavA kANeerE * kArikaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (3)

25. Oh, pretty ladies! Come and see the small pair of ankles adorned with glittering silver anklets that lay standstill on this cute little boy, as He suckles from his mother YashOdA Aycchi having shoulders like bamboo. (3)

26. uzantAL naRuney * OrOr tadA uNNa*
izantAL erivinAl * eerttu ezil mattin **
pazan tAmpAl Ochcha * payatAl tavazndAn *
muzantAL irundavA kANeerE * mukizhmulaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (4)

26. YashOdA lost all the collected fragrant ghee pots, one by one. Upset terribly due to KuTTi KaNNan’s act, she attempted to beat Him with the curd churner (mattu). KaNNan pretended to get scared, slowly kneeled and crawled away. Oh, beautiful ladies!  Come and see His beautiful knees. (4)

27. piRaNkiya pEychchi * mulai suvaittu uNDiTTu *
uRanguvAn pOlE * kiDanda ippiLLai **
maRaNkoL iraNiyan * mArbai mun keeNdAn *
kuRaNkukaLai vandu kANeerE * kuvimulaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (5)

27. Oh, dear ladies with beautiful bosoms! Come and see His thighs on which He tore open the chest of HiraNyan/HiraNyakashipu then. He is the same one who was lying on the thighs of the demon pootanA after sucking her poison-smeared breast along with her life. (5)

28. matta  kaLiRRu * vasudEvar tammudai *
sittam piriyAda * tEvaki tan vayiRRil **
attattin pattA nAL * tOnRiya achchutan *
muttam irudavA kANeerE * mukizhnakaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (6).

28. Oh, smiling ones! Come and see the beautiful muttam ( the male organ) of our KuTTi achchutan, who was born on the 10th day of Hastam, from the womb of Devaki, the wife who never disagrees with Vasudeva, the one with the valor of an elephant. (6)

29. iruNkai matakaLiRu * eerkkinRavanai *paruNgi paRittu * koNDOdu paraman tan **
neruNgu pavaLamum * nEr nANum muttum *
maruNkum irudavA kANeerE * vANuthaleer vantu kANeerE. (7)

29. Oh, bright fore-headed ladies! The tusks of the large trunk elephant (kuvalayApeeDam) were broken and plucked by kaNNan when Kamsa sent it to kill the supreme Lord, Paraman. Now look at the waist band along with pearl, corals tied on it. (7)

30. vanda matalai * kuzAttai valiseidu *
tanta kaLiRu pOl * tAnE viLaiyADum **
nandan matalaikku * nanRum azhagiya *
undi irundavA kANeerE * oLiyizhaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (8)

30. Like a little male elephant, He controls His peers and plays like a leader. This Nanda KumAran is sporting His most beautiful navel. Come and have a look at it Oh, ladies adorned with shining ornaments. (8)

31. adirum kaDalniRa vaNNanai * Aychchi
madura mulaiyUTTi * vanchittu vaittu **
padara paDAmE * pazhantAm pAl Artta *
udaram irundavA kANeerE * oLivaLaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (9)

31. Oh, ladies wearing dazzling bangles! Come and see the beauty of His stomach (udaram). This is where YashOdA tried to tie Him around with a rope for all the mischief He had done. She caught him in the pretext of feeding milk, and with ease, tied him with an old rope (pazhan tAmbAl Artta). (9)

32. perumA uralil * piNippuNDirundu * angu 
irumA marutam * iRutta ippiLLai **
kurumA maNippUN * kulAvittikazhum *
tirumArbu irundavA kANeerE *sEyizhaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (10)

32. He got tied on a huge sized mortar (உரல்) and stood standstill. Then, He went crawling between the two maruda trees to befall them in the ground and free them (Nalakubara & Manigreeva). Look at His glittering, bright SRIVATSA STHALAM, where “KurumAmaNi” is worn. Look at the chest, Oh, ladies wearing ornaments! (10)

33. nALkaLOr nAlaindu * tiNgaL aLavilE *
tALai nimirttu * sakadattai  chADippOy **
vALkoL vaLai eyiRRu * Aruyir vavvinAn *
tOLkaL irundavA kANeerE * surikuzhaleer vandu kANeerE. (11)

33. As a four to five months old baby, He lifted His small foot and kicked shakaTAsura to death. Drinking the milk from the curvy gory-teethed pootanA, He drank her life too. Come and see His shoulders. Oh, ladies with curly hair! (11)


murrilum thoodaiyum - periyazhvar tirumozhi 1.3.19

1.3 BEAUTY OF KANNAN FROM FEET TO HEAD - pAdAdi kesha varNanai

34. maittadaN kaNNi * yasOdai vaLarkkinRa*
seytalai neela niRattu * chiRuppiLLai **
neyttalai nEmiyum * saNgum nilAviya *
kaittalaNgaL vandu kANeerE * kanaNkuzhaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (12)

34. Oh, ladies wearing golden earrings! Come and see this little blue-hued boy who carries the resplendent sharp Chakra (நேமி) and Shankh in the palm of His hands. He is the one who is raised by YashOdA, who applies collyrium (மை) in her wide eyes.  (மைத்தடங்கண்ணி). (12)

35. vaNDamar pooNkuzhal * Aychchi maganAga*
koNDu vaLarkkinRa * kOvalak kuttaRku **
aNDamum nADum * aDaNga vizhuNkiya *
kaNDam irundavA kANeerE * kArikaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (13)

35. Oh, beautiful ladies! Look at the beauty of that little small neck which swallowed the vast universe and all the worlds in one gulp. This “kOvalarkuTTan” is being nurtured by YashOdA who adorns her hair with strings of flowers swarming with bees. (13)

36. entoNDai vAy chiNgam * vAvenRu eDuttu koNDu *
an toNdaivAy * amudAtarittu * Aychchiyar
thantoNDai vAyAl * tarukkip parugum * ich
chentoNDai vAy vandu kANeerE * sEyizhaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (14)

36. The Gopikas, with their lips red as kOvai fruit (tonDaippazham) kiss His red lips, taste it’s nectar and embrace Him saying, “You are a lion having lips as sweet as a tonDai fruit. Come to me”. Oh, ladies! Come and see his lips. (14)

37. nOkki yasOdai * nuNukkiya manjaLAl *
nAkku vazhittu * neerAttum in nambikku *
*vAkkum nayanamum * vAyum muRuvalum *
mUkkum irundavA kANeerE * moykuzaleer vandu kANeerE. (15)

37. Oh ladies having beautiful hair! Come and see His charming talks, sparkling eyes, red lipped mouth and its smile along with the sharp nose. YashOdA PirATTi carefully chooses the right turmeric and gives Him bath and cleans His tongue. (15)

38. viNkoL amarargaL * vEdanai theera * mun
 maNkoL vasudEvar tham * maganAy vandu **
tiNkoL asurarai  tEya vaLarkinRAn **
kaNgaL irundavA kANeerE * kanavaLaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (16)

38. Oh, ladies with golden bangles! Come and see the eyes of the Lord born as the son of “Vasudeva” to destroy the mighty asuras and alleviate the sorrow of the dEvas. (16)

39. paruvam nirampAmE * pArellAm uyya *
thiruvin vadivokkum * dEvaki peRRa**
uruvu kariya * oLi maNi vaNNan * 
puruvam irundavA kANeerE * pooNmulaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (17)

39. Oh, ladies having a bejeweled chest! Come and see the eyebrows on this dark, bright, blue-hued gem like form of KaNNan, who was born to save the worlds even as a young child, born of the blessed “Devaki”, beautiful as MahAlakshmi. (17)

40. maNNum malaiyum * kaDalum ulagEzhum *
uNNum tiRattu * magizhnduNNum piLLaikku **
vaNNam ezilkoL * makara kuzhai ivai *
tiNNam irundavA kANeerE * sEyizhaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (18)

40. Oh, bejeweled ladies! Come and see the beautiful makara kuNDalas (makara kuzhai - fish shaped earrings) of the Lord who happily relished swallowing the earth, hills, oceans and all the seven worlds. (18)

41. muRRilum tootaiyum * mun kaimEl pUvaiyum *
siRRil izhaittu * tiri taruvOrgaLai **
paRRi paRittu * koNDu ODum paraman tan *
neRRi irunthavA kANIrE * nErizaiyIr vandu kANIrE. (19)

41. When young girls wander around (tirutaruvOrgaLai) building sand houses (siRRil) with the help of small winnows (muRRil) and small pots (tootai), holding a “poovai bird” on their wrists, our “KuTTi KaNNan grabs them all and runs away. Oh, beautiful (nEr) ladies wearing ornaments (izhaiyeer), Come and see the forehead of that “Parama PuruShan”. (19)

42. azhagiya paimponnin * kOl aNgai koNDu *
kazhalkal sataNgai * kalandengum Arppa **
mazhai kanRinaNgaL * maRittu tirivAn *
kuzhalgal irundavA kANeerE * kuvimulaiyeer vandu kANeerE. (20)

42. Carrying a beautiful golden stick and making sounds with His anklets, He takes care of the calves. Oh, beautiful ladies! Come and see His curly hair locks. (20)

43. suruppAr kuzhali * yasOdai mun sonna *
tiruppAda kEsattai * ten puduvai paTTan*
*viruppAl uraitta * irupattODu onRum
uraippAr pOy * vaikundattu tonRuvar tAmE. (21)


Just as the curly haired YashOdA described the beauty of her child from His feet to head, “PuduvaipaTTan” PeriyAzhvr has explained his desire for KrishNa in these twenty plus one pAsurams. Those who recite them will get to stay in SHREE VAIKUNTHAM for ever. (21)


1.4 YASHODA’S LULLABY FOR KRISHNA -  After enjoying little KaNNan’s tirumEni, PeriyAzhvAr sings a lullaby (tAlATTu) imagining himself to be YashOdA.

44. mANikkam kaTTi * vayiram iDaikaTTi *
ANipponnAl seyda * vaNNa chiRutoTTil **
pENi unakku* piraman viDu tandAn*
mANikkuRaLanE! tAlElO * vaiyam aLandAnE! tAlElO. (1)

44. Oh, dear KrishNa! Lord BrahmA has sent with utmost love, this beautiful cradle made of the best gold (ANi pon) and embedded with rows of rubies (mANikkam) with  diamonds (vaiyiram) in between. To You who came as a BrahmachAri vAmana (mANi kuraL) and measured the whole world as Lord Trivikrama”, tAlElO, tAlElO! Lullaby to You. 

Key Words: mANikkam - ruby, vayiram - diamond, ANipon - matchless gold, pENi - love, care, piraman - brahmA, viDu - sent, mANi - bachelor, brahmachAri kuRaL - dwarf, vAmana, vaiyam - universe (1)

45.uDaiyAr kanamaNiyODu * oN mAduLampoo *
iDai viravi kOtta * ezhil tezhkinODu **
viDaiyERu kApAli * Isan viDu tandAn *uDaiyAy! 
azhEl AzhEl tAlElO* ulagam aLandAnE! tAlElO. (2)

45. KabAli, Lord Shiva who rides the bull, has sent a waist-chain dangling with golden beads, and a beautiful waist belt weaved intermittently with pomegranate flowers and tiny daggers. Oh, Lord who has all the world as your property, and who measured the universe! Don't cry, Don't cry my dear, tAlElO, tAlElO! Lullaby to You. 

uDaiyAr - waist belt, maNi - pearls, beads,oN - charming, mAdulam - pomegranate, tEzhgu - waist belt, kApAli - the one who held brahmA's kapAlam, Isan - Shiva, uDaiyAy - one who owns/has.  (2)

46. en tampirAnAr * ezhil tirumArvarkku*
sandam azhagiya * tAmarai tALarkku **
indiran tAnum * ezhiluDai kiNkiNi *
tandu uvanAy ninRAn tAlElO * tAmarai kaNNanE! tAlElO. (3)

46. Oh, my dear Lord having “Goddess Lakshmi“ on your chest called “Vakshasthalam”! The king of Gods, Indra brought sparkling anklets for your lovely, fragrant lotus feet, and stood beside You. To You, Oh Lord who is neither near nor far! The one with eyes as beautiful as the lotus flower, tAlElO, tAlElO! 

Key Words: en tampirAnAr - my dear Lord, ezhil - beautiful, sandam - fragrant, tAL - feet, kinkiNi - anklets, uvanAy - adooraviprakRShTa, one who seems to be very close but is unreachable, one who is neutral (3)

47. saNgin valampuriyum * sEvaDi kiNkiNiyum *
aNgai charivaLaiyum * nANum araittoDarum *
*aNkaN visumbil * amararkaL pOttandAr *
seNkaN karumukilE!  tAlElO * dEvaki singamE!  tAlElO. (4)

47. All the celestial Gods from the gorgeous swarga lOka wished to offer something and offered You the best of conches called valampuri shank (right coiled conch), anklets for the pinkish feet (kinkiNi), bangles (sari ) and armbands (vaLaiyum) for the hands, the sacred thread (nAN) and a waist chain (arai toDar). Oh, The one having the hue of the dark clouds and reddish eyes! Oh, the lion like child of dEvaki! (devaki singame), tAlElO, tAlElO! (4)

48. ezhilAr tirumArvukku * ERkum ivaiyenRu *
azagiya aimpaDaiyum * Aramum koNDu*
*vazhuvil koDaiyAn * vayichi ravaNan *
tozhudu uvanAy ninRAn tAlElO *tUmaNi vaNNanE! tAlElO. (5)

48. The spotless, benevolent KubEra (vaishravaNan) brought the most beautiful “Pancha Ayudhas ( shankh, chakra, gadA, shArnga and nandaka),  and the glittering necklace considering it to be most appropriate for You. He offered them and worshipped You with folded hands.  Oh the Lord having the hue of a pristine blue gem!  tAlElO, tAlElO! (5)

49. OdakkaDalin * oLimuttin Aramum *
sAdippavaLamum * sanda charivaLaiyum **
mAtakka enRu * varuNan vidutandAn *
sOdi suDar muDiyAy! tAlElO * sundara tOLanE tAlElO. (6)

49. VaruNan announced that he has brought the costliest gifts (mA takka enRu) namely the most beautiful pearl necklace, exotic coral pendant and conch bangles and armbands made out of materials obtained from the sprawling ocean (Oda kaDalin). Oh, ParanjOti who has the most resplendent crown! The one having beautiful shoulders! tAlElO, tAlElO! (6)

50. kAnAr naRuntuzhAy * kaiseyda kaNNiyum*
vAnAr sezhunjsOlai kaRpakattin vAsikaiyum**
tEnAr malarmEl * tirumaNgai pOttandAL *
kOnE azhEl azhEl tAlElO * kuDandai kiDandAnE!  tAlElO. (7)

50. MahAlakshmi who resides on the honey dripping lotus flower sent the most fragrant garland of tulasi leaves plucked from the forest. She also made a tiara of karpaka flowers plucked from the Karpaga grove for You. Oh, Supreme Lord of everyone (kOn), who reclines in the divyadEsam called “TirukkuDandai”, Don’t cry, Don't cry dear, tAlElO, tAlElO!. (7) 

51. kachchoDu poRsurigai * kAmbu kanakavaLai *
uchchi maNichuTTi * oNtAL niraip poRpoo*
achchudanukkenRu * avaniyAL pOttandAL *
nachchu mulaiyuNDAy tAlElOnArAyaNA!  azhEl tAlElO * (8)

51. BhUmi PirATTi (avaniyAL) sent a silk girdle cloth/angavastram (kacchu), a golden short sword (surigai) to be tucked in it, a striped silk dhoti or a dress with a border (kAmbu), golden bangles (kanaka vaLai), a forehead ornament made of precious gems (uchchi maNichuTTi), and shining golden flowers saying : "These are for achyutA!".  Oh, You drank the milk from the poisoned breast of “PootAna”, tAlElO! Don’t cry NArAyaNa, tAlElO! (8)

52. mey timirum nAna* poDiyODu manjaLum *
seyya tadaN kaNNukku * anjanamum sinduramum **
veyya kalaippAgi * koNDu uvaLAy ninRAL *
ayyA!  azhEl tAlElO * araNgattaNaiyAnE! tAlElO. (9)

52. Goddess Durga, rider of the fierce male deer, brought fragrant body (mey) powder (made of herbs like kastoori, sandalwood, kapoor), turmeric powder, and kAjal for the beautiful, large eyes, and sindhooram for your forehead. Oh, master (ayyA), Oh Lord reclining on AdisEsha in Shreerangam! tAlElO, tAlElO! (9)


53. vanjanaiyAl vanda * pEychchi mulaiyuNDa* 
anjana vaNNanai * Aychchi tAlATTiya 
senjsol maRaiyavar * sEr puduvai paTTan sol *
enjchAmai vallavarkku * illai iDartAnE. (10)

53. Puduvai PaTTan who resides along with vEdic scholars has sung the lullaby as sung by YashOdA for the collyrium-hued Lord who had sucked the milk from the cunning pootanA's breasts. Those who recite these pAsurams without fail, will never face any hurdles or sorrows (iDar). (10)



1.5 AMBULI PARUVAM - AzhvAr enjoys in the role of YashOdA, calling the moon to play with KaNNan, as He has started crawling.

54. tan mugattu chuTTi * toonga toonga  tavazhandupOy*
pon muga kiNkiNi yArppa * puzhudi aLaikinRAn**
en magan gOvindan * koottinai iLa mA madee*
nin mukam kaNNuLavAgil * nee ingE nOkkipO. (1)

54. Oh, youthful moon! If at all you have eyes, come and see my son Govindan playing with sand dust. As he sweetly crawls, His forehead chuTTi keeps swaying. The golden kinkiNis of His anklets ring loudly when He plays with the sand dust. (1)

55. en siRu kuttan * enakkOr innamudu empirAn*
tan siRu kaigaLAl * kAtti kAtti azhaikkinRAn**
anjana vaNNan ODu * ADal ADa uRudiyEl *
manjchil maRaiyAdE * mAmadee! maguzndODivA. (2)

55. My kuTTi KaNNan who is my unparalleled sweet nectar, calls you with His small hands, pointing to you again and again. If you really want to play with this dark coloured Lord, do not hide behind the clouds; come running happily. (2)

56. suRRum oLivattam * sUzhndu sOdi parandeNgum *
enttanai seyyilum * en magan mugam nEr ovvAy
vittagan vENkaDa vANan unnai viLikkinRa 
kaittalam nOvAmE ambulee! kaDitODivA. (3)

56. Even if you have a bright light surrounding you, and spread light all over the world, you can never be in par with my son’s divine face. He is the supreme master who resides in TiruvEnkaTam. So, come quickly in order not to give pain to His cute hands that keeps calling at you. (3)

57. sakkara kaiyan * tadaNkaNNAl malar vizhittu *
okkalai mEl irundu * unnaiyE sutti kAttuN kAN **
takkadu aRidiyEl * chandirA! salam seyyAdE *
makkal peRAda * maladan allaiyEl vA kaNSAy. (4)

57. The one who holds a Chakra in his hand, opens His beautiful flower-like eyes and points only at you, sitting on my waist. So, if you know what is good for you, don’t try to fool us. You know how precious the child is for a mother. (4)

58. azhagiya vAyil * amuda ooRal teLivuRA *
mazhalai muRRAda * iLanjsollAl unnai koovukinRAn**
kuzhagan sireedharan * koova koova nee pOdiyEl *
puzhaiyil AgAdE * nin sevi pukar mAmadee! (5)

58. With the babbling words that comes out of His cute little mouth, this little Shreedharan repeatedly keeps calling you. Does it not even enter your ears? Oh, great moon. (5)

59. taNDoDu chakkaram * sArNgam Endum taDakkaiyan *
kaN tuyil koLLa karudi * kottAvi koLkinRAn **
uNDa mulaippAl aRA kaNDAy * uRaNgaaviDil *
viN tanil manniya * mAmadee! viraindODi vA. (6)

59. The one holding the gada, chakra and shaarngam in His wide hands, wants to rest and yawn. If he doesn’t rest he can’t digest the milk that He has had. Oh, The one who is in the sky! Come soon. (6)

60. pAlakan enRu * paribavam  seyyEl * paNDorunAL
Alin ilai vaLarnda * siRukkan avan ivan **
mElezha pAyndu * pidittu koLLum vekuLumEl * 
mAlai madiyAdE * mAmadee! maguzhndu ODi vA. (7)

60.Oh, MAmadee! Do not ignore him that he is a small boy. He is the one who slept on the banyan leaf after the deluge. If He gets angry, He will jump on you and stop you. So please come fast. (7)

61. siRiyan enRu en iLanj siNgattai * igazhEl kaNDAy * 
siRumaiyin vArtaiyai * mAvaliyiDai chenRu kEL**
siRumai pizhai koLLil  * neeyum un tEvaikkuriyai kAN *
niRaimadee! neDumAl * viraindu unnai koovukinRAn. (8)

61. Do not underestimate my strong child. Go and ask King MahAbali adout His strength. If you make mistake by thinking He is small, You will need his help. “NeDumAl ViShNu" is calling you. (8)

62. tAzhiyil veNNey * taDaN kaiyAra vizhuNgiya *
pEzhai vayiRRu empirAn kaNDAy * unnai koovuginRAn 
AzhikoNdu unnai eRiyum * aiyuRavillai kAN *
vAzha uRudiyEl * mAmatee makizhndODi vA. (9)

62. He swallowed the entire butter from the pot with His small hands. Such a boy Is calling you. If you do not come anymore, He will take the chakra and destroy you. If you want to live, come quickly. (9)


63. maittaDaNg kaNNi * asOdai tan maganukku * ivai
ottana solli * uraitta mARRam * oLi puttUr 
vittagan viTTu chittan * virittaa tamizhivai 
ettanaiyum solla vallavarkku * iDarillaiyE. (10)

YashodA uttered clearly, her son's power and strength which ViShNuchittan has elaborated into 10 songs. Those who recite them will never have any hurdles. (10)



1.6 SENGEERAI PARUVAM (CRAWLING STAGE) - KaNNan starts crawling.  He raises His body with the support of hands and knees and moves his body. This is called SENGEERAI ADUDAL. 

64. uyya ulagu paDaittuNDa maNi vayiRA!
UzhitORoozhi pala Alin ilaiyatanmEl *
paiya uyOgu tuyil koNDa paramparanE!
paNgaya neeL nayanattu anjana mEniyanE!
seyyavaL nin akalam sEmam enak karudi 
selvu poli makara kAdu tikazhntilaka *
aiya! enakku orukAl ADuga seNkeerai *
AyarkaL pOrERE ADuga ADugavE. (1)

64. For the benefit of the jeevAtmA, You create and swallow the world. For time immemorial, you gently rest on a banyan leaf when the world ends and begins. Oh Lord! having the beautiful TirumEni with big lotus like eyes, protecting MahAlakshmi PirATTi on your chest, with your bright glittering ear studs (மகர குண்டலம்).  Please sway your body for me once. ADuga Sengeerai, ADuga ADugavE! (1)

65. kOLariyin uruvam koNDu avuNan udalam *
kurudi kuzambiyezha kUr ukirAl kuDaivAy!
meeLa avan maganai meymai koLak karudi *
mElai amarar padimikku vekuNDuvara **
kALa nan mEgam avai kallodu kAl pozhiya*
karudi varai kuDaiyA kAligal kAppavanE!
ALa enakku orukAl ADuga seNkeerai *
AyakraL pOrERE! ADuga ADugavE. (2)

65. To stand a proof of PrahlAdan's words, you took the form of NRUSIMHA and split Hiranya's body with your sharp claws. When Indra got angry and made the dark clouds pour the rain of stones, you carried the Govardhana mountain as an umbrella and protected the cows. Oh! Ayargal PorErE, ADuga ADugavE! (2)

66. nammuDai nAyakanE!  nAnmaRaiyin poruLE *
nAviyuL naRkamala nAnmukanukku orukAl *
tammanai yAnavanE! daraNi talam muzhudum *
tArakaiyin ulagum taDavi adan puRamum **
vimma vaLarndavanE! vEzhamum EzhviDaiyum *
viraviya vElaitanuL venRu varumavanE! *
amma! enakku orukAl ADuga seNkeerai 
AyarkaL  pOrERE! ADuga ADugavE. (3)

66. Oh Lord! The essence of the four Vedas, and the mother of “NAnmugan BrahmA” who is seated on a lotus from your navel! You had spread your foot over the world and the space above, as you grew as Trivikrama. You killed the KuvalayApeeDam elephant and the seven bulls. Oh! “Ayar talaivA, ADuga, ADugavE! (3)

67. vAnavar tAm makizha chakaDam uruLa *
vanjamulai pEyin nanjamudu uNDavanE!*
kAnaga valviLavin kAy udirakkarudi *
kanRadu koNDeRiyum karuniRa 
dEnukanum muranum tiNtiRal vennarakan *
enbavar tAm maDiya cheru adirachellum 
Anai!  enakku orkAl ADuga sengkeerai *
Ayargal pOrERE ADuga ADugavE. (4)

67. To the joy of Devas, you kicked ShaKatAsura, rolling him to death. You sucked the life of PootanA. Though you took the calf (dhEnukAsura) and hit it against the  “vilAmpazha” tree, you are still our delightful calf. You killed all the cruel asuras NarakAsura, MurAsura, DhEnukAsura and others like a valorous elephant. For the sake of me please, ADuga Sengeerai, ADuga ADugavE! (4)

68. mattaLavum tayirum vArkuzhal nanmaDavAr *
vaittana neykaLavAl vAri vizhuNgi* oruNgu
otta iNai marudam unniya vandavarai *
ooru karattinoDum undiya ventiRalOy! **
muttin iLamuRuval muRRa varuvadan mun*
munna mugattaNiyAr moykuzhalgaL alaiya *
atta!  enakku orukAl ADuga sengkeerai *
AyargaL pOrERE!  ADuga ADugavE. (5)

68. You stole and swallowed the curd and the ghee made by the Aychiyar (cowherd women) who have long lofty hair. Crawling between the two maruda trees, You made them fall and killed them. Before you get your pearl like teeth, with the sway of your forehead hair, please. ADuga Sengeerai, ADuga ADugavE! (5)

69. kAy malar niRavA!  karumugil pOluruvA! *
kAnaga mAmaDuvil kALiyan uchchiyilE *
tooya naDam payilum sundara! ensiRuvA! *
tuNga madakkariyin kombu paRittavanE!
AyamaRinthu poruvAn ethirvantha mallai 
antharaminRi aziththAdiya thALiNaiyAy*
Aya!  enakkorukAl ADuga sengkeerai*
AyargaL pOrERE!  ADuga ADugavE. (6)

69.Oh Lord! With the complexion of the dark “kAyAm” flower and a stature of the dense cloud, you danced on the hood of the poisonous snake “KAlingan”. My dear child, You broke the strong tusk of the angry elephant KuvalayApeeDam! You danced with your little feet after destroying the wrestlers. Please, ADuga Sengeerai, ADuga ADugavE! (6)

70. tuppuDai AyarkaLtam sol vazhuvAdu orukAl *
tooya karuNkuzhal nal thOgai mayilanaiya*
nappinai tantiRamA nalviDai Ezhaviya*
nalla tiRaluDaiya nAdanum AnavanE**
tappina piLLaigaLai tanamigu sOdipuda*
taniyoru tEr kaDavi tAyoDu kooTTiya*
en appa!  enakku orukAl ADugaseNkeerai*
AyargaL pOrERE ADuga ADugavE. (7)

70. Listening to the words of the Ayars, you fought and controlled the seven strong bulls to marry “nappinnai pirATTi, who is so beautiful as peacock with long black hair. For getting back the missing son of the vaidika Brahmin, You rode the chariot to your own Paramapadam and brought him back to his mother. Oh! ADuga Sengeerai, ADuga ADugavE! (7)

71. unnaiyum okkalaiyiR koNDu thamil maruvi *
unnODu taNgaL karuttAyina seydu varum *
kanniyarum maguzha kaNDavar kaN kuLira
kaRRavar teRRivara peRRa enakku aruLi 
mannu kuRuNkuDiyAy!  veLLaRaiyAy! madiL soozh
sOlai malaikkarasE! kaNNapurattamudE!
en avalam kaLaivAy ADuga seNkeerai *
Ezhulagum uDaiyAy!  ADuga ADugavE. (8)

71. Oh Lord, the one who resides in Tirukkurungudi, TiruveLLarai and in TirumAlirumchOlai, the nectar of TirukkaNNapuram, who relieves me of my sorrows! I got you as my son for the women to carry you on their waist. The young girls become happy when they see you. The learned scholars sing poems on You. Oh Lord of the seven worlds, ADuga Sengeerai, ADuga ADugavE! (8)

72. pAloDu neytayir oN sAndoDu saNbagamum*
paNgayam nalla karuppooramum nARivara*
kOla naRumpavaLa  senduvar vAyiniDai
kOmaLa veLLi muLai pOlsila pallilaga**
neela niRattazhagAr aimpaDaiyin naDuvE*
nin kanivAy amudam iRRu muRindu vizha*
Elum maRaipporuLE!  ADuga seNkeerai*
Ezhulagum uDaiyAy!  ADuga ADugavE. (9)

72. When you crawl and come, the fragrance of milk, ghee, yoghurt, pure sandalwood, shenbhaga flowers, lotuses and camphor (pachcha karpooram) spreads everywhere. The tiny teeth inside your coral red mouth shine like stars. The drooling of your mouth falls on your blue chest. Oh, essence of the Vedas, ADuga Sengeerai, ADuga ADugavE! (9)

73. seN kamalakkazhalil siRRidazh pOl viralil*
sEr tigazh AzhigaLum kiNkiNiyum* araiyil
taNgiya ponvaDamum tAL nanmAduLaiyin*
pUvoDu ponmaNiyum mOdiramum kiRiyum**
maNgala aimpaDaiyum toL vaLaiyum kuzhaiyum*
makaramum vALigaLum suTTiyum ottilaga*
eNgaL kuDikkarasE!  ADuga seNkeerai*
Ezhulagum uDaiyAy!  ADuga ADugavE. (10) 

73. Your tiny soft lotus petal like toes are adorned with silver rings, anklets with kinkiNis, the waistband, the rings, bracelets and all the ornaments are beautifully decked on you. Oh cute King of our tribe, ADuga Sengeerai, ADuga ADugavE! (10)


74. annamum meenuruvum ALariyum kuRaLum*
Amaiyum AnavanE!  AyarkaL nAyaganE!
en avalam kaLaivAy ADuga seNkeerai*
Ezhulagum uDaiyAy!  ADuga ADuga enRu**
anna naDai maDavAL asOdai uganda parisu*
Ana pugazh puduvai paTTan uraitta tamizh*
innisai mAlaigaL ippattum vallAr
*ulagil eNDisaiyum pugazh mikku inbamadu eyduvarE. (11)

Oh, chief of cowherds who took the form of swan, fish, a man-lion (Nrisimha), a dwarf (Vamana) and a turtle, the one who removes my sorrow! “ADuga Sengeerai ”. The bhaTTan of Puduvai has composed these 10 verses describing how YashOdA used to request KrishNa, the possessor of the ten worlds, to crawl.  Those who recite these verses will become popular all over the world. (11)


Chappaani Paruvam

1.7 CHAPPANI PARUVAM - KaNNan begins to clap his hands.

75. mANikka kinkiNiyArppa* marunginmEl*
ANipponnAl seyda* AyponnuDai maNi*
pENi pavaLavAy* muttu ilanga*
 paNDu kANikoNDa kaigaLAl chappANi*
karunkuzhal kuTTanE! chappANi. (1)

75. Your ruby anklets tinkle on your feet; Your precious golden waist-band glitters; Your pearly teeth in your coral mouth shines. Oh, the one who took the land from king MahAbali;  Oh, little boy with dark curly hair! (karungkuzhal kuTTane). Clap your hands! chappANi ! (1)

76.  ponnarai nANoDu mANikka kiN kiNi
tan araiyADa tanichchuTTi tAzhndADa
ennaraimEl ninRizhindu ungaL Ayartam*
mannarai mEl koTTAy chappANi*
mAyavanE! koTTAy chappANi. (2)

76. The ruby bells tied to your golden girdle (pon-arainAn) are tinkling; Your hanging forehead jewel (chuTTi) swings. Oh mAyavane! (the big magician), Get down from my lap, go and sit on the lap of your father Nandagopa, the chief of cowherds and clap your hands! chappANi! (2)

77. panmaNi muttu in pavaLa padittanna*
enmaNi vaNNan ilangu poRRETTin mEl*
ninmaNi vAy muttilanga nin ammaitan*
ammaNimEl koTTAy chappANi*
AzhiyaN kaiyanE! chappANi. (3)

77. Oh my sapphire-colored gem!  Your bright and lovely smile shines more than your pearl and gem studded ear-rings. Oh, Holder of the Chakra, (Azhiyan kaiyyane)! Come here dear, to your mother’s lap and clap your hands! chappANi! (3)

78.  tUnilA muRRattE pOndu viLaiyADa
vAnilA ambulee! chandirA! vAvenRu*
nee nilA ninpugazhA ninRa Ayartam*
kOnilAva koTTAy chappANi*
kuDandai kiDandAnE! chappANi. (4)

78. Nandagopa watches proudly as you call the bright moon that wanders in the sky, thus: “Come to our porch (muRRam) and play with me". My dear one who rests on the kauvery river in TirukkuDandai, (kuDandai kiDandAne)! Clap your hands! chappANi! (4)

79. puTTiyil sERum puzhudiyum koNDuvandu
aTTi amukki* agam pukkaRiyAmE*
chaTTi tayirum* taDAvinil veNNeyum uN*
paTTi kanRE! koTTAy chappANi*
paRpanAbhA! koTTAy chappANi. (5)

79. With innocent hands filled with mud and dirt, you came back after playing and sat on my lap. But you also stealthily entered our house and stole yoghurt and butter from large pots. You are like a loose calf that is not tied up. Clap your hands, Oh PadmanAbha! ChappANi! (5)

80.  tArittu nooRRuvar tandai sol koLLAdu*
pOruyttu vandu pugundavar maNNALa*
pAritta mannar paDa* panjavarkku 
anRu tEruytta kaigaLAl chappANi*
dEvaki singamE! chappANi. (6)

80. When the hundred Kauravas did not listen to their father’s advice and came to fight with the pANDavas, you became the charioteer for Arjuna in the battle and killed the Kauravas who wanted to rule the land. With the hands that drove the chariot, Oh, lion-like son of Devaki, (Devaki singamE)! Clap your hands! ChappANi! (6)

81. parandittu ninRa* padukaDal tannai*
irandiTTa kaimmEl* eRitirai mOda*
karandiTTu ninRa* kaDalai kalanga*
sarantoTTa kaikaLAl chappANi*
sArngaviR kaiyanE! chappANi. (7)

81. When Varuṇan hid and shot his arrows to stop you from building a bridge to Lanka, as rAma, you shot back the arrow called shArnga to calm the waves of the ocean.  Clap with the hands that carry the bow shArnga (sArngavir kaiyyanE),  ChappANi! (7)

82. kurakkinathttAlE* kuraikaDal tannai*
nerukki aNaikaTTi* neeL neer ilangai
arakkar aviya* aDu kaNaiyAlE*
nerukkiya kaigaLAl chappANi*
nEmiyaN kaiyanE! chappANi. (8)

82. In rAmAvatAra, you built a strong bridge with the help of monkeys, You went to LankA and killed the rAkshasas with your arrows. Clap your hands that shot those arrows (aDu-kaNai). Oh, holder of the chakra called nEmi, ChappANi! (8)

83: aLandiTTa tooNai* avaN taTTa* 
AngE vaLarndiTTu* vALugir singa uruvAy*
uLantoTTu iraNiyan* oN mArvagalam*
piLandiTTa kaigaLAl chappANi*
pEymulai uNDAnE! chappANi. (9)

83. Oh Narasimha, You came out of a tall pillar in the form of a huge man-lion when Hiraṇyan broke it and you split open his strong chest with your shining claws. Oh, the one who drank the milk from the demon PootanA and killed her! Clap your hands! ChappANi! (9)

84. aDaindiTTu amarargaL AzhkaDal tannai*
miDaindiTTu mandaram mattAga nATTi*
vaDam suRRi* vAsuki vankayiRAga*
kadaindiTTa kaigaLAl chappANi*
kArmugil vaNNanE! chappANi. (10)

84. When the gods churned the deep milky ocean, you helped them with the mountain Mandara as a churning stick and the snake Vasuki as the strong rope. Clap with the hands that churned the milky ocean. Oh, cloud coloured one! ChappANi! (10)

85. ATkoLLa tOnRiya Ayar thaN kOvinai*
nATkamazh poompozhil villiputtoor paTTan*
vETkaiyinAl sonna chappANi eeraindum*
vETkaiyinAl solluvAr* vinaipOmE.  (11)

85. This decad (10 verses) saying 'ChappANi!' is composed by BhaTTan of Villiputtoor which is surrounded by fragrant gardens.  They have been sung with love for KrishNa, the king of the cowherd clan, in order to redeem the world. Those who sing these 10 pAsurams will be freed of all problems. (11)



Toddler KaNNan - YashOdA is eagerly waiting to see KaNNan walk with his small steps.

86. toDar chaNgiligai salAr bilAr enna* tooNgu ponmaNi olippa*
paDu mummata punal sOra vAraNam paiya* ninRu oorvadupOl*
uDan kooDi kiNkiNi AravArippa* uDaimaNi paRai kaRaNga*
taDantALiNai koNDu sArNgapANi* taLar naDai naDvAnO. (1)

86. Just like an elephant walking slowly while its leg chains make the sound "salAr-pilAr”; the golden bells hanging on both sides of it’s body ringing; and it’s 3 temples of its head oozing ichor {matha punal sOra}, will not my child with the shArnga bow (sArngapANi), His kingkiNI anklets ringing like a drum, begin to walk with small steps? Will he not toddle? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (1)

87. sekkariDai nunikkombil tOnRum* siRu piRai muLaipOla
nakka senduvar vAy tiNNai meedE* naLir veNpal muLai ilaka*
akkuvaDam uDuttu Amai tAli pooNDa* ananta sayanan*
takka mAmaNivaNNan vAsudEvan* taLar naDai naDavAnO.  (2)

87. The teeth in my Kannan’s smiling red mouth resembles the moon in the red sky. He wears a waist chain made of shells {akku vaDam} and a neck amulet chain with a tortoise talisman {Amai tAli}. Won't the sapphire colored KaNNan, the child of Vasudeva sleeping on the AdishEshan begin to toddle? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (2)

88. minnu koDiyum Or veNtiNgaLum soozh parivEDamumAy*
pinnal tulaNgum arasilaiyum* peetaga siRRADaiyoDum*
minnil polindadOr kArmugilpOla* kazhuttinil kARaiyoDum*
tannil polinda iruDeekEsan* taLar naDai naDavAnO. (3)

88. His golden waist band shines like lightning, His hair is decorated with a white moon like ornament resembling the peepal leaf {arasu ilai}, His dark cloud-like neck is adorned with the bright golden kArai {necklace} that shines like lightning. But KaNNan, RishikEShan is himself more resplendent than all these. Won’t he toddle? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (3)

89. kannaR kuDam tiRandAl ottooRi* kaNakaNa sirittu uvandu*
munvandu ninRu muttam tarum* en mugilvaNNan tirumArvan*
tannai  peRRERkku tanvAy amudam tandu* ennai taLirppikkinRAn*
tanneRRu mARRalar talaigaLmeedE* taLar naDai naDavAnO. (4)

89. When KaNNan laughs with the sound “gaNa gaNa", it sounds like sugarcane juice pouring through the hole of a pot. He delights his parents as he comes and kisses them with his sweet nectar-like mouth. Oh, My dear cloud-colored child, {mugil vaNNan}, who has Lakshmi on His chest {tiru mArban}! Won’t he toddle on his enemies’ heads and conquer them? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (4)

90. munnalOr veLLi perumalai kuTTan* moDumoDu viraindODa*
pinnai toDarndadOr karumalai kuTTan* peyarndaDiyiDuvadu pOl*
panni ulagam paravi OvA pugazh* baladEvan ennum*
tan nambiyODa pin kooDa chelvAn* taLar naDai naDavAnO. (5)

90. Little KaNNan crawls swiftly behind his elder brother BaladEva who is praised by the whole world. He looks like a dark baby mountain running swiftly behind a large silver mountain. Won't the little child crawling behind his famous brother toddle? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (5)

91. oru kAlil shaNgu orukAlil chakkaram* uLLaDi poRindu amainda
irukAlum koNDu aNgaNgu ezhudinARpOl* ilachchinai paDa nadarndu*
perukA ninRa inba veLLattin mEl* pinnaiyum peydu peydu*
karu kAr kaDal vaNNan kAmar tAdai* taLar naDai naDavAnO. (6).

91. KaNNan has on one foot the sign of a shankh and on another foot the sign of a chakra and so wherever He walks, the foot-prints of the shankh and chakra are seen on the ground. Seeing this gives me joy again and again. Won’t the dark ocean-colored one, the father of KAma, toddle? taLar naDai naDavAnO? Pratyumna is the incanation of kAmadEva and first-born to Rukmini and KriShNa. (6)

92. paDar paNgaya malar vAynegizha panipaDu siRutuLi pOl*
iDaNgoNDa sevvAy ooRiyooRi* iRRiRRu veezha ninRu*
kadunjE kazhuttin maNikkural pOl* uDaimaNi kaNakaNena*
taDantALinai koNDu sArNgapANi* taLar naDai naDavAnO. (7).

92. KaNNan tries to stand slowly, as the drools from his red lotus mouth continually drip slowly like small cool drops of nectar from a blossomed lotus. The bells that decorate Him, ring “gaNa gaNa” like the bells tied on the neck of a strong bull. Won’t He with his shArngam bow toddle on his soft feet? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (7)

93. pakkam karunj siRuppARai meedE* aruvigaL pagarndanaiya*
akku vadam izhindERi tAzha* aNiyalgul puDaipeyara*
makkaL ulaginiR peydaRiyA* maNikkuzhavi uruvin*
takka mAmaNi vaNNan vAsudEvan* taLar naDai naDavAnO. (8.)

93. He toddles as his shining waist chain made of shells sway like a white waterfall dropping on a black hill. Oh VAsudeva, the gem of a child whom the world has never seen, Won’t He toddle now? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (8)

94. veNpuzhudi mEl peydu koNdaLaindadOr* vEzhattin karuNkanRupOl*
teN puzhudiyADi tirivikkiraman* siRupugarpada viyarttu*
oN pOdalar kamala siRukkAl* uRaittu onRum nOvAmE*
taNpOdu koNDa tavisin meedE* taLar naDai naDavAnO. (9)

94. Trivikraman plays in the sand, throwing mud on himself like a dark elephant calf throwing white dirt on his body. Won’t he toddle on the cool soft flower-covered earth without hurting his small feet that are like freshly blooming lotuses as his body sweats with small drops of water? Won’t He toddle? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (9)

95. tirai neer chandira maNDalampOl* seNgaNmAl kEsavan* tan
tiruneer mugattu tulaNgu chuTTi tigazhndu eNgum puDaipeyara*
peruneer tiraiyezhu kaNgaiyilum* periyadOr teerdA palam
taruneer* siRuchchaNNam tuLLam sOra* taLar naDai naDavAnO. (10)

95. When Keshavan’s moon like face shines with beautiful eyes, His chuTTi ornament glitters and swings like the shadow of the moon in rippling water. Even when he relieves himself, the little drops of water are more powerful than the drops of water splashing from the lofty Ganges. Won’t He toddle? taLar naDai naDavAnO? (10)

96. Ayar kulattinil vandu tOnRiya* anjana vaNNan tannai*
tAyar magizha onnAr daLara taLar naDai naDandadanai*
vEyar pugazh viTTuchittan* seerAl virittana uraikka vallAr*
mAyan maNivaNNan tAL paNiyum* makkaLai peRuvArgaLE. (11)

96. The famous poet Vishnuchittan of the vEyar clan (vEdiyar kulam) has written 10 verses about MAyan, MaNivaNNan born in the cowherd clan {Ayar kulam}.  He has beautifully explained how He toddled, giving joy to his mother at one end and making his enemies tremble at the other end. Devotees who recite and master these pAsurams of VishNuchittan will beget children who worship the feet of the dark jewel-like mAya KaNNan.(11)


1.9  ANAITTU KOLLA AZHAITTAL - PeriyAzhvAr imagines how YashodA called KaNNan to hug him. achchO! means “Come and embrace me”

97. ponniyal kiNkiNi* chutti puRamkaTTi*
tanniyal Osai* salan salan enRiDa*
minniyal mEgam viraindedir vandARpOl enniDai kOTTarA achchO achchO*
emperumAn! vArAy achchO achchO. (1)

97. Oh, dear Lord KaNNan! Come in front of me with your golden kingkiNis ringing on your waist-band and anklets while your netti chuTTi sways. You come like the cloud filled with lightning, sounding “chalan chalan”. Come dear, come and sit on my waist. achchO! achchO! (1)

98. seNgamala poovil tEn uNNum vaNDEpOl
paNgigaL vandu unpavaLavAy moyppa*
saNgu vil vAL taNDu chakkaram Endiya
aN kaikaLAlE vandhu achchO achchO*
Ara tazhuvA vandu achchO achchO. (2)

98. Your dark curly locks hover around your coral-lips like bumble bees drinking nectar from a lotus. With tender hands that gracefully hold the conch (shankha), discus (chakram), mace(gadha), bow (shArngam) and sword (khaDgam). Come running and embrace me tightly to my full satisfaction! achchO! achchO! (2)

99. panjavar doodanAy bAratam kaiseydu*
nanjumizh nAgam kiDanda naR poygai pukku*
anjappaNattin mEl* pAyndittu aruL seyda*
anjana vaNNanE! achchO achchO*
Ayar perumAnE! achchO achchO. (3)

99. O Dark-hued cowherd-Lord! You went as a messenger for the five pANDavas, then waged the great BhArata war. You entered the lake haunted by the venom-spitting serpent kAliya and leapt on his hoods, conquered him and then graced him. Come now and embrace me. achchO! achchO! (3)

100. nARiya sAndam* namakkiRai nalgenna*
tERi avaLum* tiruvuDambil pUsa*
ooRiya kooninai* uLLE oDuNga* 
anRu ERa uruvinAy! achchO achchO*
emperumAn! vArAy achchO achchO. (4)

100. My Lord, you asked for some sandal paste from a hunch-back woman (kubjA); she readily obliged and smeared it on you. In return you removed her hunch and straightened her back. Oh dear one! Come and embrace me. achchO! achchO! (4)

101. kazhal mannar soozh kadir pOl viLaNgi*
ezhaluRRu meeNDE* irundu unnai nOkkum*
suzhalai periduDai duchchOdananai*
azhala vizhittAnE! achchO achchO*
AzhiyaN kaiyanE! achchO achchO. (5)

101. The brilliant, sun-like DuryOdhana sat with kings around him and advised them against getting up when You would come to meet them. But when you actually went to see them in person, he rose from his seat involuntarily, then sat down and tried to cover up with a vindictive look. With your effulgent look, you cast upon him more heat and light than the Sun. O Lord with the chakra in hand! Come and embrace me. achchO! achchO! 

suzhalai periduDai duchchOdananai azhala vizhittAnE!

KrishNa approaced DuryOdhana as an emissary of the pANDavas to negotiate peace with him.  DuryOdhana did not like his views.  As conspired with DuchAdana and Shaguni the previous night, DuryOdhana pressed a button on his throne. The floor beneath KrishNa's chair opened up downwards and krishNa fell into the pit along with the throne.  DuchChOdana immediately tried to imprison krishNa as per their plans. But to everyone's astonishment, KrishNa took a virAT roopam as tall as the sky, with many arms wielding different weapons and blinding everyone with his brilliance. He showed this vishwaroopam even to the blind DhritarAshtra. Not only that, He also showed DuryOdhana glimplses of the end of the war and death of kauravas. DuryOdhana was petrified, yet He did not budge. He went for war. (5)

102. pOrokkappaNNi ippoomi poRai teerppAn*
tErokka oorndAy! sezhundAr visayaRkAy*
kArokkum mEni* karum peruN kaNNanE!*
ArattazhuvA vandu achchO achchO*
AyargaL pOrERE! achchO achchO.(6)

102. Oh Dark cloud-hued Lord! In the battle of mahAbharata, You wanted that pANDava and kaurva army have a equal status to fight. So, inorder to strendthen pANdava's side, You drove the chariot for the victory of garlanded Arjuna and freed the world from the burden of the cruel kings! Oh fierce bull of the cowherd clan! Come and caress me. achchO! achchO!

Akshauhini is a battle formation consisting of a 218700 warriors consisting of 21870 chariots, 21870 elephants, 65610 horses, and 109350 infantry of soldiers. In the battle of mAhAbhArata, the kaurava army had a force of 11 akshauhinis (24,05,700 warriors riding on chariots, horses, elephants and infantry). But , the pANDava army had only 7 akshauhinis (15,30,900 warriors).  To make it a battle of equals, KrishNa decided to take the side of the pANDavas who were weaker in army force compared to kauravas.  (6)

103. mikka perum pugazh* mAvali vELviyil*
takkattitanRenRu* dAnam vilakkiya*
sukkiran kaNNai* turumbAl kiLaRiya*
sakkara kaiyanE! achchO achchO*
saNgam iDattAnE! achchO achchO. (7).

103. Oh  Lord, wielding the conch and discus in your divine hands! In the great sacrifice of the famous MahAbali, You pricked the eye of the asura’s preceptor Shukra with the tip of your pavitram made of darbha grass (turumbu) when he protested and tried to stop the gift of the three strides of land. Come dear, Come and embrace me. achchO! achchO! 

turumbAl kiLariya chakkara kaiyanE!

VishNu's chakra takes many forms as per Lord VishNu's wishes.  In vAmana avatAram, when ShukrAcharya assumed the form of an insect and entered the spout of the waterpot, the VishNu's chakra is said to have taken the form of darbha grass to prick shukra's eyes. (7)


Vishnu took the avatAra of a dwarf brahmachAri called vAmana,  inorder to subdue the ego of King MahAbali who was flaunting his generosity. Asking for alms, vAmana came to MahAbali's yAga sporting a brilliant look, wearing the yagyOpaveetam, deer skin - ajinam and carrying a kamaNDalam. His effulgence captivated everyone present there.  Fascinated by His beauty,  MahAbali offered to give anything vAmana wanted. The clever vAmana asked Him for three feet of land. MahAbali agreed to it thinking that three measures of vAmana's small feet would be just a small piece of land.  He got ready to give water offering from his kamaNDalam. SukrAchArya, mahAbali's Guru understood the truth that it was Lord VishNu trying to trick mahAbali. Inorder to save mahAbali from losing all his wealth, He got into the spout of the kamaNDalam/tirukAvEri taking the form of an insect to stop the water from flowing out.  But vAmaNa pricked shukra's eyes with his pavitram made of darbha grass.  (The chakra is said to have taken the form of pavitra grass to punish shukran).  Shukra ran away. MahAbali then completed his dAnam. Later vAmana grew to a huge size as trivikrama, measuring the earth with one feet, the skies with another feet and finally keeping one feet on mahAbali's head and sending him to pAtAla lOka. (7)

104. ennidu mAyam?* ennappan aRindilan*
munnaiya vaNNamE koNDu aLavAy enna*
mannu namusiyai* vAnil suzhaRRiya*
minnu muDiyanE! achchO achchO*
vENkaTa vANanE! achchO achchO. (8)

104. When mahAbali’s son Namushi protested, “What trick is this? My father did not know your mAyA. You must resume your old form as a small boy and measure the land”. You then hurled him into the sky. Oh the one with a radiant crown, Lord of VenkaTam! Come and embrace me. achchO! achchO! (8)

105. kaNDa kaDalum* malaiyum ulagEzhum*
muNDattukkARRA mugilvaNNA O! enRu*
iNDai chaDaimuDi* eesan irakkoLLa*
maNDai niRaittAnE! achchO achchO*
mArvil maRuvanE! achchO achchO. (9)

105. When Shiva having matted locks of hair, went begging with brahmA’s skull stuck in his hands crying, “All the seven continents, the seven oceans and seven mountains are not enough to fill the brahma kapAlam, Oh, mugil vaNNA!, the cloud hued lord, Please help!",  You were the supreme one who filled his skull and caused it to fall off granting him relief from the brahmahatyA dOSham.  Oh Lord with the shreevatsa mark on your chest! Come dear and embrace me. achchO! achchO! (9)

106. tunniya pEriruL soozhndu ulagai mooda*
manniya nAnmaRai muRRum maRaindiDa pin ivvulaginil* pEriruL neeNga 
anRu annam adAnAnE!achchO achchO*
arumaRai tandAnE! achchO achchO. (10).

106. When eternal darkness enveloped the world and the four timeless Vedas disappeared, you came in the form of a swan (annam adu AnAne), and retrieved the Vedas and rid the world of darkness! achchO! achchO! (10)


Long ago, in one kalpa, when brahmA was sleeping, the four vEdas in his custody wandered around in the form of four beings (purushas).  The powerful demon called 'Somaka" carried them away and hid them under the praLaya waters.  Seeing this, Lord VishNu incarnated as a fish, swam into the waters and restored all the four vEdas.  He then awoke BrahmA and expounded the knowledge of the vedas to him, taking the form of a king swan (Hamsa).  (The four vedas were once upon a time called 'taittireeyam, pauDiyam, talavakAram and sAmam').

107. nachchuvAr munniRkum* nArAyaNan tannai*
achchO varugavenRu Aychchi uraittana*
machchaNi mADa puduvaikOn paTTan sol*
nichchalum pAduvAr* neeL visumbu ALvarE. (11)

107. PHALA SHRUTI: These words of bhaTTarpirAn of puduvai town filled with beautiful palaces recall the “achchO! Come and embrace me!” songs of YashOdhA addressed to NARAYANA who always appears before his sincere and loving devotees. Those who sing these verses always will rule over the vast heavens for ever. (11)

PASURAMS 108 TO 117  

1.10 - PURAM PULGAL - AzhvAr enjoys the hugging of KaNNan from behind, similar to the way YashOdA enjoyed. Puram Pulgal mean 'hugging from behind'.

108. * vaTTunaDuvE * vaLarkinRa * mANikka
moTTu nunaiyil * muLaikkinRa muttE pOl ** 
soTTuch soTTennat * tuLikkat tuLikka * en 
kuTTan vantu ennaip puRam pulkuvAn * gOvindan ennaip puRam pulkuvAn (1)

108. My son Govindan comes and hugs me from behind, with those droplets making the sound of (choTTu, choTTu), while He relieves Himself, similar to the white little pearl droplets from the small buds. (1) 

109. kinkiNi kaTTik * kiRi kaTTi * kaiyinil 
kangkaNamiTTuk * kazuttil toDar kaTTi ** 
tan kaNattAlE * satirA naDantu vantu *
en kaNNan ennaip puRam pulkuvAn * empirAn ennaip puRam pulkuvAn (2)

109. With the bells tinkling on his waist chain (kinkiNi), a red coral wristlet around his wrist (kiRi), an armlet(kangaNa) around his upper arm, and golden chain (toDar) around the neck, my KaNNan walks gracefully with his eyes full of love (kaNattAlE)* and hugs me from behind.  Oh my God hugs me from behind. * kaNattAlE - 'kaNam' can be take as ornaments, or, compassionate eyes. (2)

110. kattakkatittuk * kiDanta perunjselvam *
ottup poruntik koNDu * uNNAtu maNNALvAn ** 
kottut talaivan * kuDikeDat tOnRiya *
attan vantu ennaip puRam pulkuvAn * AyarkaL ERu enpuRam pulkuvAn. (3)

110. The chief of the Kauravas, DuryOdhana wanted to posses the abundant SAmrAjya Sampat (kingly treasures) without even sharing them with the PANDavas. To destroy the clan of Duryodhana, Lord came as KaNNan. This SarvEshwaran KaNNan, "The Lion of the cow herds", comes running behind and hugs me. (3)

111. nAntakam Entiya * nambi saraNenRu * 
tAznta tananjchayaRkAki * taraNiyil ** 
vEntarkaLuTka * visayan maNit tiNtEr * 
Urntavan ennaip puRam pulkuvAn * umbarkOn ennaip puRam pulkuvAn (4)

111. The Lord PurushOtthamA! who carries the sword (Nandakam), drove Arjuna's strong jeweled chariot and terrified his enemies when he surrendered and worshiped. That KaNNan, comes from behind and embraces me, the one who is the NirvAhakan of Paramapadam. (4)

112. veNkalap pattiram * kaTTi viLaiyADi * 
kaNpala seyta * karuntazaik kAvin kIz ** 
paNpala pADip * pallANDisaippa * paNDu
maNpala koNDAn puRam pulkuvAn * vAmanan ennaip puRam pulkuvAn (5)

112. During the days of "Tiruvikrama Avatara", the devotees sang in praise of Him and greeted Him, when He measured the Earth with His feet. This Lord who has a play sword (VeNkalapattiram) that adorns His waist, plays in the cool garden shadows. He comes and embraces me from behind. "vAmanan" comes and hugs me from behind. (5)

113. sattiramEntit * taniyoru mANiyAy * 
uttara vEtiyil * ninRa oruvanai ** 
kattiriyar kANak * kANi muRRum koNDa * 
pattirAkAran puRam pulkuvAn * pAraLantAn enpuRam pulkuvAn (6)

113. The Lord who has "PirATTi" on His TirumEni, who has the Divya Mangala Vigraham, took the form of Tiruvikrama when He came as a little brahmachAri boy holding an umbrella. All the kings stood and paid respect to the yAgam performed by MahAbali, who saw the PerumAn standing there. Such Lord who measured the world comes and embraces me. (6)

114. pottavuralaik kavizttu * atan mElERi * 
tittitta pAlum * taDAvinil veNNeyum ** 
mettat tiruvayiRu * Ara vizungkiya *
attan vantu ennaip puRam pulkuvAn * AziyAn ennaip puRam pulkuvAn (7)

114. Turning the pot with the hole upside down, KaNNan stood on top of it and reached out and drank the sweet milk and butter that hung from the top. This attan (Lord) who ate them all to His stomach full and who has "Chakra" in His hand will come and embrace me from behind. (7)

115. mUttavai kANa * mutumaNaR kunRERi * 
kUttu uvantADik * kuzalAl isai pADi ** 
vAytta maRaiyOr vaNangka * imaiyavar
Etta vantu ennaip puRam pulkuvAn * empirAn ennaip puRam pulkuvAn (8)

115.The Lord who climbed on a sand hillock, played His flute and danced to make the elder cowherdesses happy. He was worshiped by the rishis (maRaiyOr) and praised by the Gods (imaiyavar). He comes and embraces me from behind. (8)

116. kaRpakak kAvu * karutiya kAtalikku * 
ippozutu IvanenRu * intiran kAvinil ** 
niRpana seytu * nilAt tikaz muRRattuL * 
uyttavan ennaip puRam pulkuvAn * umbarkOn ennaip puRam pulkuvAn (9)

116. When "SatyabhAmA" desired to have the "pArijAta" (kaRpaka Vruksham) from dEvEndra lOka, KaNNan immediately said, "I will get it right now", brought it and planted it in her yard. Thus the leader (talaivan) of nityasooris (umbarkOn) will come and hug me from behind. (9)


117. * AychchiyanRAzhip pirAn * puRam pulkiya * 
vEyttaDantOLi sol * viTTuchittan makizntu ** 
Itta tamizivai * Iraintum vallavar *
vAytta nanmakkaLaip peRRu * makizhvarE (10)

117. YashOdA with her shoulders as broad as a bamboo, said about the pleasures of how KaNNan who holds the 'Chakra' embraced her. In the same way, VishNuchitta has also sung 10 verses on the enjoyment of KaNNan embracing him, assuming himself to be YashOdA. Those who sing these 10 verses will be blessed with good children and live happily. (10)



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