Shree gurubhyO nama:


Tiruchchandaviruttam is an arithmetically amazing, esoteric poem set in an easy rhythmic sing-along meter (chandas) and viruttam style of tamizh prosody.  It is placed in the mudal Ayiram section of divya prabandham text.

Ingrained with the *puruSha-prakRuti-Ishwara tattvas* revealed in the vEdas, upanishads, purANas and the smRutis on one side,  and the *karma-gyAna-bhakti yOgas* taught by the Bhagavat geetA on the other side, AzhvAr’s poems extensively cover the tattva, hita and purushArtha of life. 

Let us seek AzhvAr's blessings and tune in to the divine melody of 120 pAsurams.




These two taniyans (laudatory verses) are special in the sense that they glorify tirumazhisai AzhvAr’s avatAra sthalam which is an abhimAna kshEtram next in importance to divya dEsams, instead of the AzhvAr.

தருச்சந்த பொழில்தழுவு தாரணியின் துயர்தீர 
திருச்சந்த விருத்தம்செய் திருமழிசை பரன்வருமூர் | 
கருச்சந்தும் காரகிலும் கமழ் கோங்கும் மணநாரும் 
திருச்சந்தத் துடன் மருவு திருமழிசை வளம்பதியே ||One)
taruchchanda pozhiltazhuvu tAraNiyin tuyarteera 
tiruchchanda viruttamchey tirumazhisai paranvarumoor | 
karuchchandum kAragilum kamazh kONgum maNanArum 
tiruchchandattuDan maruvu tirumazhisai vaLampadiyE || (2)|

Tirumazhisai is the birthplace of tirumazhisai AzhvAr who composed the tiruchchandaviruttam in order to remove the distress of the people of the earth that is covered with groves filled with trees like karpaga and sandal (taru-chanda), and having abundant water bodies.  Tirumazhisai flourishes as an auspicious town filled with the fragrance of dark sandal wood (karu chandam), agarwood (kAragil) and silk cotton (kOngu) trees due to the grace of periyapirATTi (Shri/tiru).

உலகுமழிசையும் உள்ளுணர்ந்து தம்மிற்  புலவர் புகழ் கோலால் தூக்க உலகு தன்னை | 
வைத்தெடுத்த பக்கத்தும் மாநீர் மழிசையே வைத்தெடுத்த பக்கம் வலிது || (Two)
ulagumazhisaiyum uLLuNarndu tammiR pulavar pugazh kOlAl tookka ulagu tannai vaitteDutta pakkattum mAneer mazhisaiyE vaitteDutta pakkam validu || (2)

The all knowledgeable BrahmA (pulavar), established the greatness of tirumazhisai, and proved that the fertile tirumazhisai kshEtram placed on one side of the balance scale was greater than the entire earth that was placed on the other side.




Once, the brahmarishis like vashiShTha and bhArgava approached chaturmukha brahmA in satyalOka and enquired about the greatest kshEtra on bhoolOkam to do penance for attaining higher realms.  Lord brahmA called for the architect VishvakarmA and asked him to make a huge balance scale. On one side of the scale, he placed the entire earth measuring fifty crore yOjanas and on the other side he placed the tirumazhisai kshEtram alone. The side which had the tirumazhisai kshEtram weighed heavier and lowered, proving that tirumazhisai was the greatest place. Lord Brahma then named the kshEtram based on the result - “maheesAra kshEtram”.

Bhrugu and mArkaNDEya maharishi once performed a penance at PURI (Orissa) for Lord krishNa’s darshan. But they could view only half the image of the Lord.  They were advised to go to tirumazhisai and continue their tapas. There, the Lord manifested fully before them as JAGANNATHAN. Hence the prime deity's name is tirumazhisai jagannAtha perumAL


Tirumazhisai, Chennai


TIRUMAZHISAI AZHWAR has dealt with philosophical doctrines with numerological concepts set in a rhythmic pattern.

752. bhoo nilAya aindumAi punar kaN niRra nAngumAi 

        tee nilAya moonRumAi siRanda kAl iRaNDumAi |

        mee nilAyadu onRumAgi vERu vERu tanmaiyAi 

         nee nilAya vaNNam ninnai yAr ninaikka vallarE ||  (1)

752. PARATVAM (The superior quality - mEnmai)

You are the FIVE inherent qualities of the EARTH, the FOUR features present in WATER, the THREE constituent qualities of FIRE, the TWO of the mighty WIND, 
the ONE quality of the vast SPACE. You reside in the soul of all the distinct animate being.
Oh! Lord, Who has the capability to think and understand about Your qualities, who is the cause of all the animate and inanimate things and pervades and controls everything in this cosmos? 

#Each element, as mentioned in PURANAS AND UPANISHADS has its own quality. All these elements form His body and He is the soul of all these elements. The Universe is constituted by the five gross elements called SPACE, AIR, FIRE, WATER AND EARTH. 

SOUND (oli) is the single quality or the attribute that the SPACE possesses. 

From space originates AIR. AIR is associated with feel or TOUCH (sparisam). Since Space is its source, it has both the attributes sound and touch. 

Next, generates FIRE from air. FORM (vaDivam) is the quality of fire and so it includes the other two qualities including its own, i.e sound, touch and form. 

The fourth is WATER with its special quality TASTE (suvai) and thus has the previous three to it, forming four attributes i.e sound, touch, form and taste. 

EARTH which is the last evolves from water and has five attributes of sound, touch, form, taste and SMELL (maNam) which is its specific quality. Further, the distinct animate beings mentioned here by the AzhvAr are the DEVAS, HUMANS, ANIMALS AND PLANTS. Thus, AzhvAr has explained the 'panchabhootas’ and its ‘tanmAtras’ here. (1)

 753. ARum ARum ARumAi Or aindum aindum aindumAi

         ERu Seer iraNDum moonRum Ezhum ARum eTTumAi |

         vERu vERu jnAnamAgi meyyinODu poyyumAi 

         ooRoDOSai Aya aindum Aya Aya mAyanE ||  (2)

753. SOULABYAM (easy accessibility)

You govern the SIX type of duties, the SIX seasons for execution of these respective duties, and form the base for the SIX types of Yagyams to be performed. You are the one invoked by the FIVE (pancha mahAyAgams, the FIVE great offerings for these Yagyams, including the FIVE different stages of Fire. You are one who can endow us with the TWO marvelous qualities ‘GNANAM’ and ‘VAIRAGYAM’, bestow upon us the THREE supreme devotions, the SEVEN factors of devotion. You are the embodiment of SIX qualities and the EIGHT attributes of the liberated soul. You become the different paths of knowledge, the truth for those who believe in You and otherwise for those non-believers. You become the FIVE basic elements like touch and sound thus forming the essentials like the food and water. Who can realise You, Oh! Lord who was born amongst the wondrous cowherd people? (2)

6 type of duties – Learning of VedAs (adhyayanam), teaching of VedAs (adhyApanam), performing sacrifices (Yagyam), performing sacrifices for others (yAgam), giving donation (dAnam) and accepting donations (pratigraham).

6 types of seasons – Vasanta (ilaveNil), Greeshma (kODai or muduveNil), Varsha (mazhai or kar), Hemanta (munpani), Sharad (kulir or pani), Shishira (pinpani).

6 types of yAgams (sacrifices) -  AgnEyam, AgneeshOmeeyam, UpAmsu YAgam, Aindram tadi,  Aindram bhaya, AindrAgnam.

5 types of Yagnams – Deva, Pitru, Bhoota, Manushya, Brahma

5 types of offerings - (Ahuti) PrANa, apAna, vyAna, udAna, samAna

5 types of fire – gArhapatyam, Ahavaneeyam, dakshinAgni, sabhyam, Avasthyam

3 types of devotion – Parabhakti, ParagnAnabhakti, Paramabhakti.

7 qualities of devotion – Wisdom (vivekam), Dispassion (vimOham), Meditation (abhyAsam), Sacrifices (KriyA), Good qualities (KalyAna), absence of mental anguish (anavasAdam), Ascetic (Anuddarshebhyam)

6 Gunas of the Lord – nyAna, balam, aishwaryam, Veeryam, Shakthi, tEjas. 

8 attributes to the liberated soul – ApahadapApma, (no sin), Vijara (no old age), Vimrutyur (no death), VisOka (no sorrow), Vijighatsa (no hunger), ApipAsa (no thirst), SatyakAma (unfailing desires), Satyasankalpa (unfailing will). 

754. aindum aindum aindumAgi allavaTTRuL AyumAi 

        aindum moonRum onRumAgi ninRa Adi dEvanE | 

        aindum aindum aindumAgi andaRattu aNaindu ninRu    

        aindum aindum Aya ninnai yAvar kANa vallarE || (3)

754. The 24 Philosophy (Tattvams)in VisiShTAtdvaitam.

Oh Lord!  who is competent enough to understand You and see with their own effort, You who is the ancient primary cause of the Universe (LeelA vibhUthi) constituting the FIVE elements, the FIVE senses, the Five organs in action? In addition to this, You pervade in the animate beings too. You further govern the subtle essence of the FIVE elements, the THREE principles and the UNIQUE mind. Not only here even in the Supreme abode (Nithya vibhUti) You form the FIVE powers (PachOpanishads) together with its FIVE senses of knowledge and FIVE organs of action. You stand firmly as the FIVE types of experiences like the sound etc(shabdAdi bhOgyangal), including  the abode of enjoyment (bhOgasthAnam)their instrumental means (bhOgOpakaranam), the eternal attendants (Nithyasoories), sages and the liberated souls. (3)
5 elements – (panchabhootas) Space, wind, fire, water and earth.

5 senses - (pancha gyAnEndriyas) auditory, touch, vision, taste and olfactory

5 organs of action – (pancha karmEndriyas) speech, hands, feet, excretion and reproduction 

2nd line –  5 attributes of the elements, sound, touch, form, taste and smell.
3 elements of principles – moolaprakruti, mahat, ahamKAra
1 – the single mind
All these culminate to form the (23 +1) 24 principles of VISHISHTADVAITA. These 24 tattvas along with jeevAtmA and paramAtma make 26 tattvas in all.

5 Upanishads – Parameshti, PumAn, Visva, Nivriththi, Sarva (all these are the achith)
5 types of bliss - bhogyams, bhOgasthAnam, bhogopakaraNam, vaikunTa devAs and muktAs. 

755. moonRum muppattArinODu Or aindum aindum aindumAi 

        moonRu moortiyAgi moonRu moonru moonru moonRumAi | 

        tOnru SOdi moonRumA tuLakkamil viLakkamAi

        enRanAviyuL pugundadu  en kolO em eeSanE || (4)

755. NEERMAI (quality of flowing from a higher level to a lower level)

Oh Lord! such is Your grace, that You entered my mind to be its master on your own accord even though I have not made any efforts to understand your intricacies. You form the alphabet source of the THIRTY-THREE consonants of the Vedic language. SIXTEEN vowels, and the additional FIVE letters beginning with ‘La’, totaling to 54 letters. You are the embodiment of the THREE VedAs namely Rig, Yajur, and Sama. You are the inner meaning of the (3+3+3+3=12), the dwAdashAkshara MantrA (Om Namo BhagavathE VAsudEvAya).  You are the light indicated by the THREE letter (OmkAra = akAram+ ukAram +makAram), PraNava Mantram. You stand as the steady beginning of the PraNava, the letter akAra. Such a supreme has entered my body and soul.  (4) 

756. ninRu iyangum onRalA urukkaL tORum AviyAi 

        onRi uL kalandu ninRa  ninna tanmai innadenRu 

        enRum yArkkum eNNiRanda AdiyAi nin undivAi 

        anRu nAn mugan payanda Adi dEvan allaiyE || (5)

 Oh Lord!who can apprehend You with their own efforts. Even the sages find it difficult to presume You, who pervades as the soul and govern from within the stationary bodies like the mountains, shrubs and trees, and the mobile bodies like humans, animals and celestials. Oh! The primeval one, who made BrahmA arise from Your navel at the end of the cosmic deluge. (5).

757. nAgam Endum mEru veRpai  nAgam Endum maNNinai 

        nAgam Endum Aha mAham mAgam EnduvArpunal |

        mAham Endu mangul tee Or vAyu aindu amaindu kAttu

         EgamEndi ninRa neermai  nin kaNE iyanRadE || (6)


Oh Lord! who is held by the serpent AdhishEsha! Mount MERU that holds the heavenly abode through its brilliance, ashtadiggajas (the elephants of the eight directions) that holds the earth including the Adisesha, the supreme abode devoid of sorrows, the ever flowing Ganga borne by the sky, the clouds in the sky, the *VaishvAnarAgni - You protect and reside in all these and You are the one who is responsible for holding all these and supporting everything.

  The form of Agni that resides in the bodies of creatures and in association with prANa and apAna digest the four kinds of food. (6)

758. onRiraNDu moortiyAi  urakkamODu uNarchiyAi  

        onRiraNDu kAlamAgi  vElai jnAlam AyinAi |

        onRiraNDu teeyumAgi  Ayan Aya mAyanE 

        onrRiraNDu kaNNinAnum unnai Etta vallanE ||  (7)

758. Oh Lord! You are the primary form of ‘VishNu’, in addition to the other two forms of ‘BrahmA’ and ‘Rudra’. You administer the inactive state of ignorance and the active state of knowledge. You have under your control the time frame formed by the THREE Gunas’, satva, rajas and tamas. You are the supreme ruler of this earth surrounded by oceans. You are the controller of the THREE types of Fire. You were born as the amazing child KRISHNA in the cowherd family. Can Even the three eyed Rudra who bestows knowledge praise You? (7).
The three types of fire mentioned here are household fire (GArhapatya), offering fire (Ahavaneeya), southern fire (dakshiNa).

759. AdiyAna vAnavarkkum aNDamAya appurattu 

        AdiyAna vAnavarkkum AdiyAna Adi nee 

        AdiyAna vAna vANar  anda kAlam nee uraitti 

        AdiyAna kAlam ninnai yAvar kANa vallarE || (8)

759. Oh Lord! You are the chieftain of all the Devas involved in creation, sustenance and dissolution  of this universe and beyond. You are the chief of the Nityasooris. You predetermine the end of the Adi Devas including Brahma and Siva.  Who can understand You, the primitive controller of the final deluge?  (8)

760. tAdulAvu konrai mAlai tunnu senjaDai chivan

        neediyAl vaNangu pAda ninmalA nilAya seer | 

        vEda vANar geeda vELvi neediyAna keLviyAr

        neediyAl vaNanguginRa neermai nin kaN ninRadE || (9)

760. Lord Rudra adorned with pollen laden golden shower (KonDrai) flowers and reddish locks of hair revere Your pristine Feet with Vedic rituals. Oh Lord! You are the one worthy of being worshipped by the Vedic exponents who conduct Yagyas by singing the sAma Veda in a formal manner.  (9)

761. tannuLE tiraittu ezhum taranga veN taDaNkaDal 

        tannuLE tiraittu ezhundu aDanguginRa tanmai pOl 

        ninnuLE piRandu irandu nirpavum tiripavum 

        ninnuLE aDaNguginra neermai nin kaN ninRadE || (10 )

761. Similar to the ocean which has the surging whitish wave within itself, rising up and settling into itself, the entire animate and inanimate things that emerge and disappear from You are innate to You. Such is Your unique nature Oh Lord!  (10)

762. sollinAl toDarchchi nee SolappaDum poruLum nee 

        sollinAl SolappaDAdu  tOnruginRa SOdi nee | 

        sollinAl paDaikka nee paDaikka vandu tOnrinAr 

        sollinAl suruNga nin guNangaL solla vallarE || (11)

762.You stimulated the human pursuit in obtaining the Values (the four PurusArthAs) through the VedAs. You are the one spoken about through the vedas, itihAsas and purAnas. Though You cannot be realised through the Vedas, You are the emerging radiance. The Devas including the BrahmA created the world with the help of the Vedas initiated by You. Even they are incapable of describing Your qualities in brief.  (11)

763. ulagu tannai nee paDaitti uLLODukki vaitti 

        meeNDulagu tannuLE piRatti OriDattai allaiyAl |

        ulagu ninnoDu onRi nirka vEru niTTri AdalAl 

        ulagil ninnai uLLa soozhal yAvar uLLa vallarE || (12 )

763. You, create the world, and make it condense into Your stomach at the time of dissolution.  Overlooking Your supremacy, You descend and take birth in this world. You make Yourself difficult for us to comprehend the nature of Your state. Even though this Universe forms a part of Your entity, yet You stand unique with Your distinct divine form. Hence Who is competent enough to comprehend Your wondrous nature?  (12)


764. innai enru sollal Avadu illai yAdum iTTiDai 

      pinnai kELvan enbar un piNakku uNarnda peTTRiyOr 

      pinnai Aya kOlamODu pErum oorum Adiyum 

      ninnai yAr ninaikka vallar neermaiyAl ninaikkilE || (13)

764 Dear Lord ! Nobody can define You as being this or that. The seasoned, learned scholars who understand the dissent between the devotees and non-devotees, refer to BhagavAn as Nappinnai’s husband (pinnai kELvan). Unless you yourself reveal to us out of your compassionate disposition (neermaiyAl ninaikkayEl), about your divya mangala vigraham (swaroopa), your tirunAmams (names), your sthalam (abode), and the kAraNam (cause), nobody will be able to comprehend You (ninnai yAr ninaikka vallAr). (13)

Pinnai kELvan
பின்னை கேள்வன்
Nappinnai's husband, KRISHNA


NeelA Devi incarnated as Nappinnai, the daughter of YashOda’s brother kumban. 

Just around that time, the sons of kAlanEmi asura were born as seven bulls in kumban's farm. They were very troublesome causing destruction to the cowherds and the cows. Kumban could not manage them. Tired of them, one day he declared that he would give his lotus eyed daughter NeelA to the one who tames the seven ferocious bulls.

तप्तानां वृषमल्लानां दमिता यो भवेद्भुवि । 
तस्मै कन्यां प्रदास्यामि नीलां नीरदलोचनाम् ॥
Harivamsham (Southern Recension), Chapter 12-34

After some days, yashodA took her children krishNa and BalarAma to Kumbhan uncle's house.  During their playtime with Nappinnai, kriShNa glanced upon the ferocious bulls. He went forward and tamed the seven bulls effortlessly. Kumban then happily sent Nappinnai along with YashOdA as krishNa’s partner to grow up with him. 

This is how NeelA became krishNa’s wife, referred to in tiruppAvai 18-20 as “nandagopAlan marumagaLE nappinnAi, gandam kamazhum kuzhali, pandAr virali, maittaDankanni, nappinnai nangAy, tiruvE. 

765. tUymai yOgam AyinAi tuzhAi alangal mAlaiyAi 

        AmaiyAgi AzhkaDal tuyinRa AdidEva 

        nin nAmadEyam innadu enna vallam alla vAgilum 

        sAmavEda geetanAya chakrapANi allaiyE || (14)

765. Dear Lord adorned with the pure tulasi garland, You purify the embodied souls who are in an impure state on account of connection with the shareeram and achetanas.  Oh AdidEvA! The primordial cause! You incarnated as a giant turtle (koorma avatAram) and lay submerged in the deep ocean (Samudra manthan).  I am incapable of listing all Your glorious nAmes (nAmadEya).  Are You not the one who is praised in the sAma vEda as the paramapurusha holding the chakra? (chakrapANi) (14)

766.  angam ARum vEda nAngum  Ahi ninRu avaTTRuLE

         tanguginra tanmaiyAi taDaNgaDal paNattalai

         sengaN nAgaNai kiDanda selva malgu seerinAi

         saNga vaNNam anna mEni sArngapANi allaiyE || (15)

766 Dear Lord reclining on the red eyed hooded serpent, above the milky ocean! You are extolled by the six vedAngas (limbs of the vEdas) and the four vEdas (RIG, YAJUR, SAMA AND ATHARVA).  You are a repository of wealth and auspiciousness.   Are you not the one who took the conch like white colored hamsa form (anna mEni) in the kRuta yuga (satya yuga) (SB 11.5.21-23) and the form of Lord rAma holding the bow(shArngapANi) in the trEtA yuga (15)

The 6 vEdAngas are the ancillary studies of Vedic Literature and are called the six limbs (veda-anga) of vEdas.They are---
ShikshA (phonetics or pronunciation)
Kalpam (ritual)
VyAkaraNam (grammar)
Niruktam (etymology)
Chandas (meter)
JyotiSham (astronomy)

pANini, an ancient scholar and grammarian, pens two verses in his work pANiNeeya shikshA (41-42). He personifies Veda as a puruSha having six limbs.

छन्दः पादौ तु वेदस्य हस्तौ कल्पोऽथ पथ्यते
ज्योतिषाम् अयनं चक्षुर् निरुक्तं श्रोत्रं उच्यते।
शिक्षा घ्राणं तु वॆदस्य मुखं व्याकरणं स्मृतं
तस्मात् साङ्गम् अधीत्यैव ब्रह्मलोके महीयते॥

chandah pAdau tu vedasya hastau kalpo&tha pathyate
jyotiShAm ayanaM cakShur niruktaM shrotraM ucyate|
shikShA ghrANaM tu vEdasya mukhaM vyAkaraNaM smRutaM
tasmAt sAngam adheetyaiva brahmaloke maheeyatE||

For the vEda purusha, Chandas are His feet, Kalpa are His arms, jyOtisha are His eyes, nirukta are His ears, shikshA is His nose and vyAkarana is His mouth. Hence, the one studying the vEdas with all its limbs (vedAngas),  ascends the brahma lOka.

767. talai kaNa tugaL kuzhambu sAdi sOdi tOTTRamAi 

        nilai kaNaNgaL kANa vandu niTTRiyElum neeDiRum 

        kalai kaNaNgaL sor poruL  karuttinAl ninaikkoNA 

        malai kaNaNgaL pOl uNartum mATchi nindan mATchiyE || (16)

767 Dear Lord, You have incarnated in all the four types of bodies namely, *dEva-manushya-tiryak-sthAvara*. 
dEvas are celestials born out of puNYa yOni (talai gaNam). 
Manushyas are born out of a mix of pApa and puNya yOnis. 
Tiryak (animals) are also born out of a mix of pApa and puNya yOnis. (both belong to kuzhambu jAti). 
sthAvaras (plants) are born out of pApa yOni.  

Though You have taken a simple form so that all chit and achit can enjoy your touch, all the vedas and vedAngas put together cannot describe Your nature by words or meanings.  Your greatness is like that of a mountain, very difficult to assess. (16)

768. Eka moorti moonRu moorti  nAlu moorti nanmai sEr 

        bOga moorti puNNiyattin moorti   eNNil moortiyAi 

        nAga moorti sayanamAi  nalaNkaDar kiDandu 

        mEl Aga moorti AyavaNNam enkol Adi dEvanE || (17)

768 Dear Lord, You are the sole paravAsudEvan in nitya-vibhooti, paramapadam (Ekamoorti)
As vyooha Vasudevan in tirupArkaDal, you assume three vyooha forms namely sankarshana, pratyumna, and aniruddha for managing the cosmic functions. (moonDru moorti).  
As four forms, you form the basis of the entitiies pradhAna (cause), purusha (manifested jeevas), avyakta (unmanifested) and kAla (time). (nAlu moorti)
You take many many divine vibhava avatAras like rAma, krishNa, Narasimha on the earth to protect the jeevas. (bhOga moorti)
You recline on the blessed cosmic ocean as ksheerAdbi nAthan, worshipped by the dEvas. (nAga moorti).  And it is again You who have entered the temples in archAvataram to bestow your grace on the devotees of the earth. (Aga moorti). What a wonder! (17)

769. viDattavAi Or Ayiram  eerAyiram kaN ventazhal

        viDuttu veeLvilAda bOgam mikka sOdi tokka seer  

        toDuttu mEl vidAnamAya pouva neer arAvaNai 

        paDutta pAyal paLLi koLvadu  enkol vElai vaNNanE || (18)

769. Dear dark ocean hued Lord! (vElai vaNNanE) AdishESha radiates with brilliance, sporting his 1000 poisonous heads and 2000 flary eyes.  He rests continuously enjoying the nearness of the Lord just like the ever-surging waves of the cosmic ocean.  What a beautiful sight it would be to see You reclining on this beautiful serpent mattress in tirupArkaDal (18)

770. puLLadAgi vEdam nAngum  OdinAi adanRiyum 

        puLLinvAi piLandu putkoDi piDitta pinnarum 

        puLLai oorti AdalAl  adu  enkol minkoL nEmiyAi 

        puLLin mei pagaikkaDal kiDattal kAdalittadE || (19)

770. Dear Lord holding the glowing sudarshaNa chakra! (min koL nEmiyAy)! You incarnated as the swan in hamsa avatAram and taught the four vedas. (puL Agi), You tore open the mouth of bakAsura in krishNAvatAra (puLLin vAy piLandu).  You accepted GaruDa as Your vAhana to help You rush to Your devotee’s call. (puLLai oorti). I am puzzled about your love to sleep on the serpent though he is the enemy of garuDa. (puLLin meypagai) (19)

771. koosam onRum inRi mAsuNam paDuttu vElai neer

        pEsa ninRa dEvar vandu pADa mun kiDandadum 

        pAsam ninRa neeril vAzhum AmaiyAna kEsavA

        Esa anRu nee kiDanda vARu kooRu tERavE || (20)

771. Dear Lord kEshava! It’s a wonder that You are both the upAyam (means) and the upEyam (goal). From time immemorial, You have been unhesitatingly sleeping on the cosmic ocean in an approachable form for devAs to come and worship You.  For one with such greatness, tell me, how did You choose to lie below the ocean waters, taking such a lowly turtle form, and dutifully holding the heavy mandAra mountain upright for so long during Samudra manthanam, notwithstanding the criticism of the ignorant ones. (20)

772. aranganE taranga neer kalanga anRu kunRu soozh 
        marangaL tEya mAnilam kuluNa mAsuNam sulAi 

        nerunga nee kaDaindapOdu ninRa soorar en seidAr 

        kurangai ALuganda endai kooRu tERa vERidE || (21)

772. Dear Lord rangA! The Lord who was compassionate to the vAnaras! Once, due to the curse of durvAsa maharishi, the dEvas lost all their powers. You advised them to churn the frothy milky ocean with the mandAra mountain and the serpent vAsuki, to get the amRutam, causing tremors on the earth.  The whole episode of this Samudra manthanam seems to be entirely executed only by You. And after all that, You have allowed the world to speak that the dEvas churned the milky ocean. May I know what they did? (ninDra soorar en seydAr?). Did they hold the mountain mandAra? Did they give powers to the vAsuki serpent? Or did they tie the vAsuki serpent as a rope and pull it all on their own? (21)

773.  paNDum inRum mElumAi Or bAlanAgi jnAlam Ezh uNDu 

         maNDi Alilai tuyinRa AdidEvanE  

         vaNDu kiNDu taN tuzhAi alaNgalAi kalanda seer

         puNDareeka pAvai sErum mArba boomi nAdanE || (22)

773. Dear AdidEva! (the primordial Lord)! You are the controller of the past, present and future. (panDum inDrum mElumAy).  But contrary to Your greatness, You sleep calmly on the banyan leaf in the form of a baby boy, after swallowing all the seven worlds at the time of deluge (unDu maNDi).  Glory to the Lord of the lotus born periya pirATTi (puNDareeka pAvai), who eternally resides on Your chest adorned with the tulasi garland surrounded by bees swarming for honey. (vaNDu kiNDu tanDuzhAy) and the Lord of bhoomi pirATTi (bhoomi nAdanE) (22)

774. vAl niRattOr seeyamAi vaLainda vAL eyiTTRavan 

        oon niRattu uhir talam azhuttinAi ulAya seer 

        nAlniratta vEda nAvar nalla yOginAl vaNaNgu 

        pAl niRakkaDaRkiDanda paRpanAban allaiyE || (23)

774. Dear Lord Narasimha! You incarnated as a white man lion and tore the marma sthAnam, the heart of the strong HiraNyAksha with Your sharp nails.  The vedic scholars are well versed in extolling You by reciting the vEdas with its four swaras/tones namely udAtta उदात्त (middle tone), anudAtta अनुदात्त (lower tone), svarita स्वरित (high tone) and deergha svarita दीर्घस्वरित (extended high tone). Yet they surrender by doing prapatti and find it easy to approach You in the form of Lord PadmanAbha reclining on the milky ocean (23)

775. gaNgai neer payanda pAda paNgayattu em aNNalE 

         aNgai Azhi saNgu taNDu villum vALum EndinAi 

         siNgamAya dEva dEva! tEn ulAvum men malar

         maNgai manni vAzhum mArba! Azhi mEni mAyanE || (24)

775.  Dear Lord having lotus feet that brought forth the pure Ganges (during trivikrama avatAra, brahma gave arghya to his feet that touched the sky.  The water flowed as Ganges purifying everything)! The beholder of the panchAyudas namely chakra, shankha, gadha, shArnga and nandaki ! Oh! deVAdi dEva, Narasimha! Our mother mahAlakshmi born out of the honey filled fragrant soft lotus is seated beautifully on the chest of Your ocean colored tirumEni. Oh the wondrous one resplendent like the chakra! What a sight it is! (Azhi mEni mAyanE) (24)

PASURAMS  776 TO 787

AzhvAr continues to wonder at the display of paratvam and saulabhyam of bhagavAn in His avatAras.

776. varattinil sirattai mikka vAL eyiTTRu maTTRavan

        urattinil karattai vaittu uhir talattai oonRinAi 

        iratti nee idenna poi? iranda maN vayiTTRuLE karatti 

        un karuttai yAvar kANa vallar? kaNNanE || (26)

776. Hiranyan was enamoured by the boons he got from Brahma. But, You, taking the form of Narasimhan, with Your nails as sharp and strong as the sword, ripped him apart, placing Your hands on his chest and spilling his blood. Strong and invincible as You are, You took the humble form of the dwarf, vAmana, and begged for the land, which You hid in Your stomach! Who ever is capable of comprehending Your leelA, Oh KaNNA? (25)

777. ANinODu peNNumAgi allavODu nallavAi

        ooNoDOSai ooRum Agi onRalAda mAyaiyAi  

        pooNi pENum Ayan Agi poyyinODu meyyumAi

        kANi pENum mANiyAi karandu senRa kaLvanE || (26)

777. You manifest as Man, woman and eunuch, and as the best quality in each; You manifest as taste( ooNN), sound (Osai), touch (ooru), and as everything in the universe (onRu allAda). You are deceptive to the deceitful and truthful to Your devotees.  You, as vAmana, went begging for a piece of land! Who can comprehend Your schemes? (26)

778. viN kaDanda sOdiyAi viLaNgu jnAna moortiyAi 

        paN kaDanda tEsa mEvu pAva nAsa nAdanE!

        eN kaDanda yOginODu irandu SenRu mANiyAi

        maN kaDanda vaNNam ninnai yAr madikka vallarE ||

778. You glow as the self illuminating,  radiant torch, beyond the space( moola prakruthi). You are the most enlightened one, having the jeevAtmA as Your body. You reside in Paramapadam,  whose glory cannot be described even by the Vedas. With unbelievable stature, (eNN kadandha yOni) You took the form of the dwarf, vAmana and measured the universe.  None can completely understand Your deeds! (27)

779.  paDaitta pAr iDandu aLandu adu uNDu umizhndu bouva neer

         paDaitta aDaittu adirR kiDandu mun kaDainda peTTRiyAi! 

         miDaitta mAli mAli mAn vilaNgu kAlan oor puga 

         paDaikkalam viDutta pal paDai taDakkai mAyanE || (28)

779. You created the universe! Taking the varAha avatAr,  You scooped the earth from under the ocean( pAr iDandu). You measured the earth and space in your Trivikrama roopam. You swallowed and protected it at the time of pralayam (unDu) and again created it ( umizhndu) after the deluge! You built the sEtu across the ocean (adaittu)! You lay in yOganidra in the same ocean ( adil kiDandu)! Once, You also churned the ocean to procure the amRutam for the dEvas.  Such is your valour.  You killed the demons, the haughty mAli and the mighty sumAli, and mAreechan who came in the guise of a deer, and sent them to yamalOkam ( kAlan oor), with Your divine weapons that You hold in Your mighty arms! (28)

780. parattilum parattai Adi bouva neer aNai kiDandu 

        urattilum orutti tannai vaittu ugandu adu anRiyum  

        narattilum piRatti nAda! jnAna moorti AyinAi 

        oruttarum ninAdu tanmai innadu enna vallarE || (29)

780. The omniscient one! You lay in yOganidrA in the milky ocean! You have seated eternally, the peerless MahAlakshmi, lovingly in Your broad chest. You are the epitome of knowledge! You even took the human form as rAma and lakshmana  and lived in this world, out of compassion for your devotees! Can any one comprehend Your leelAs? (29)

781. vAnagamum maNNagamum veRpum Ezh kaDalgaLum 

        pOnagam seidu Alilai tuyinRa puNDareekanE 

        tEnaham sei taNNaRum malar tuzhAi nan mAlaiyAi

        koonagam pugetteRitta koTTRa villi allaiyE || (30)

781. Krishna! The one with features like the Lotus! You are the one who swallowed the Earth, space, the seven mountains and the seven seas, and lay as a baby on the banyan leaf! You are adorned with garlands made of fragrant, cool, honey dripping flowers and tulasi. Aren't You the same one, who, as rAma, playfully hit on the hump of the hunchback, kooni? (30)

782. kAlanEmi kAlanE kaNakkilAda keerttiyAi!

        jnAlam Ezhum uNDu paNDu Or bAlanAya paNbanE 

        vElai vEva vil vaLaitta vel Sinatta veera 

        nin pAlarAya pattar chittam mutti seyyum moortiyE || (31)

782. Oh Krishna! One of immeasurable reputation! You came as Yama to kAlanEmi! What magnificence  when you lay as a baby, having swallowed the seven seas,  at the time of deluge! Oh Valorous one! You strung your bow with raging anger and made the ocean boil. Displaying your Divine and graceful roopam, You fulfill the desires of your devotees and grant them mukti! (31)


783. kurakkina paDai koDu kurai kaDalin meedu pOi 

        arakkar aNgu araNga vem saram turanda Adi nee  

        irakka maN koDuttavakku irukkam onRum inRiyE 

        parakka vaittu aLandu koNDa parpapAdan allaiyE || (32)

783. You are the supreme warrior, who led the battalion of monkeys, crossed the roaring ocean and with your powerful arrows, destroyed the land of the asura king, rAvanA.  With Your lotus feet, You measured all the three worlds, when You went seeking for land from mahAbali, and You did not spare any space for him! (32)

784. minniRattu eyiTTRu arakkan veezha venjaram turandu 

        pinnavaRku aruL purindu arasaLitta peTTRiyOi 

        nan nirattu Or insol Ezhai pinnai kELva mannu seer 

        ponniRatta vaNNanAya puNDareekan allaiyE || (33)

784. Oh Lord, with eyes like lotus! You shot arrows to kill the asura rAvana, who had shining teeth like lightning. You blessed and gracefully appointed the younger brother as the king of Lanka. You are the beloved of nappinnai pirATTi,  who has a beautiful complexion and speaks sweet words and is very fond of you. You are the one with complexion glowing like gold. (33)

785. Adi Adi Adi nee Or aNDamAdi AdalAl

        sOdiyAda sOdi nee adu uNmaiyil viLanginAi  

        vEdam Agi vELviyAgi viNNinODu maNNumAi

        AdiyAgi AyanAya mAyam enna mAyamE || (34)

785. You are the three main causes of the universe.... the material cause (upAdAnam), instrumental (nimittam) and supportive ( sahakAri). You are the cause for everything in space. You are the undisputed supreme being! Hence you are exclusive and independent of everything else. You command the Vedas! You are the sacrificial hOmam performed to worship You! You are the space and the Earth! Isn't it incredible, that You, with Your immense qualities, were also born as the simple cowherd Krishna! (34)

786. ambulAvum meenumAgi AmaiyAgi AzhiyAr 

        tambirAnum Agi mikkadu anbu mikku adu anRiyum  

        kombarAvu nuN maruNgul Ayar mAdar piLLaiyAi 

        embirAnum Aya vaNNam enkolO? em eesanE || (35)

786. Oh Wielder of the Sudharshana chakrA! Out of compassion for your devotees, You took the form of a fish and a tortoise which swims in water. Besides, You were born as a child to yashOdhA, with waist as slender as a twig and fine as snake. What a wonderful feat! (35)

787.  ADagatta pooN mulai yasOdai Aichchi piLLaiyAi 

         sADudaittu Or puLLadAvi kaLLadAya pEi mahaL 

         veeDa vaitta veyya kongai aiyya pAl amudu seidu 

        ADagakkai mAdar vAi amudam uNDa  tenkolO || (36)

787. You were born as Krishna to yashOdhA, who decked herself with gold ornaments! You killed shakaTAsuran with your little feet! You sucked the life out of the deceitful pootanA! You enjoyed drinking the nectar off the lips of the AyarpADi girls, who wore golden bangles! What wonderful and enjoyable leelAs you performed! (36)


788. kAitta neeL viLaNgani udirttu edirnda pooN gurundam sAittu

        mA piLanda kai talatta kaNNan enbarAl 

        Aichchi pAlai uNDu maNNai uNDu veNNai uNDu 

        pin pEichchi pAlai uNDu paNDu Or EnamAya vAmanA || (37)

788.Oh, Krishna! It is said it was you who ferociously shook the fruit laden wood apple tree (as kapitAsura), killed vatsAsura, uprooted the kurunda tree (an asura form) in full bloom and flung it; you split the mouth of the asura Kesi (mA piLanda). After drinking milk from cowherd mother yashOdA (uNDu); you enjoyed gulping sand and butter (uNdu) and sucked the life out of demoness pootanA (uNDu) when she fed you with breast milk. At the end of the kalpa, you ingested (uNDu) the earth in your stomach, lying on the tender banyan leaf. In the beginning of the kalpa (paNdu), you incarnated as varAha and protected mother earth from the deluging waters, retrieved the earth from asura mahAbali as vAmana. Your saulabhyam (accessibility) and your protection is assured if one has immense faith in you! (37)

789. kaDam kalanda van kari maruppu osittu Or poigaivAi

        viDam kalanda pAmbin mEl naDam payinRa nAdanE!   

        kuDam kalanda koottanAya koNDal vaNNa taN tuzhAi

        vaDam kalanda mAlai mArba kAlanEmi kAlanE || (38)

789. Krishna! You have always eliminated the evil to protect your devotees. You broke the tusks of the mighty mad elephant (kadaNkalanda) kuvalayApeeDam as if it were a sport! Trees got burnt, cowherds who drank the water fell down unconscious, when KAliya the huge snake spitted poison(viDaNkalanda) into the lake. You saved the cowherds by diving into the lake, controlling it and ultimately dancing on its uplifted hoods and made him leave the lake.! Oh nAthanE! You stacked pots on your head and danced beautifully (kuDaNkalanda) along with the gOpis! He who is adorned with vanamAlA and tulasi mAlA (vaDaNkalanda) on his chest, is the lord of all beings and the god of death for the asura kAlanEmi. (38)

790. verpeDuttu vElai neer kalakkinAi adanRiyum

        verpeDuttu vElai neer varambu kaTTi vElai soozh  

        verpeDuttu inji soozh ilangai kaTTazhitta nee

        verpeDuttu mAri kAtta mEhavaNNan allaiyE ? (39)

790. Oh the lord with dark hue of clouds! Your acts of protecting Indra and also shattering his ego are so commendable! To help churn the milky ocean, you incarnated as a tortoise (koormam) supporting the mandAra mountain (verpu) on your back. In rAma avatAra, you built the sEtu bridge with several hills (verpu). You established dharma in lankA, enclosed by huge walls, built on trikooTa hills (verpu).  Are you not the one who protected the cowherds from the wrath of Indra who poured heavy rains for seven long days, by holding the gOvardhana hill (verpu) on your little finger?(39)

791. Anai kAttu Or Anai konru adanRi Ayar piLLaiyAi 

        Anai mEittu Anai uNDi anRu kunRam onRinAl 

        Anai kAttu maiyari kaN mAdarAr tiRattu 

        mun Anai anRu senRu aDaRtta mAyam enna mAyamE ? (40)

791. Son of the cowherd clan! You protect and punish all without any distinction. You rescued the elephant king GajEndra (Anai kAttu), killed the matchless mighty mad elephant (Anai konRu). By displaying your beauty, you tend the cows affectionately (Anai mEyttu) and enjoy consuming the clarified butter from the milk. Once, you protected the cows under the gOvardhana hill, tamed seven ferocious bulls and won the hand of the well decorated Nappinnai with long eyelashes. These ventures of yours are breathtaking! (mAyam yenna mAyamE). (40)

 792. AyanAgi Ayar mangai vEya tOL virumbinAi 

         Aya! ninnai yAvar vallar ?ambarattoDu imbarAi 

         mAya! mAya mAyai kol? adanri nee vaguttalum 

         mAya mAyam AkkinAi un mAyam muTTRum mAyamE || (41)

792. Oh lord! You willingly took birth as a cowherd and married the cowherdess Nappinnai who has arms like that of a bamboo. Can great seers ever comprehend your power and simplicity and your eternal form of a simple cowherd? Are you the super amazing power (mAya) whom even Brahma and great seers do not understand? For the emancipation of the souls, you create the prakriti, five great tattvas, the cosmos, stellar system, various worlds, four-fold beings (devas, humans, animals and plants), which is wondrous! (mAya). Yet the jeevas get caught in false knowledge due to association of mAyA, and abstain from realizing you (mAyam mAyai koL). You destroy the physical body for the souls to get emancipated (mAyam AkkinAy) and absorb them unto you. Isn’t this a wonder (mAyA)? Your sankalpam is always full of wonders (mAyA) only! (41)

793.  vErisainda sekkar mEni neeRaNinda pun saDai

         keeRu tiNgaL vaittavan kai vaitta vankapAl misai 

         ooRu seN kurudiyAl niRaitta kAraNAm tanai

         Eru senru aDaRtta eesa! pEsu koosam inRiyE || (42)

793. PerumAnE! You tamed the ferocious bulls in the righteous way to attain Nappinnai! I know your supreme reality. Please do not feel shy and share with me the fact that you are the one who carries out the creation, sustenance and destruction or dissolution. You absolved lord Shiva, the one with matted locks and wearing a crescent moon ( tiNgaL vaithu) from the brahmahatya dOsha when he stood holding brahma’s skull (kabAlmisai) to be filled up with blood. Isn’t this act of yours to be applauded?(42)

794. veNsinatta vEzha veN maruppu osittu uruttamA 

        kanjanai kaDindu maN aLandu koNDa kAlanE! 

        vanjanattu vanda pEichchi Avi pAluL vANginAi 

        anjanatta vaNNanAya Adi dEvan allaiyE? (43)

794. The dark hued one (anjanattu vaNNan)!! You are the jagatkAraNabhootan! How? You broke the tusks of the mighty elephant (vemsinattu), killed the mighty angered filled demon Kamsa, killed the deceitful (vanjanattu) pootanA by sucking her soul along with milk while she was feeding you. Are you not the AdidEvA? Assuming your huge form in TrivikramA avatAra, you blessed all beings in all the worlds and relieved mother earth of her burden by placing your feet on Her. You are the eternal form fit to be meditated upon.(43)

795. pAlin neermai sempon neermai pAsiyin pasum puram

 pOlum neermai por puDai taDattu vaNDu viNDu ulAm 

 neela neermai enRivai nirainda kAlam nAngumAi

 mAlin neermai vaiyagam maraittadu enna neermaiyE?  (44)

795. In all the four yugas, to fulfill the desires of the beings and appropriate to their gunas, you changed the colour of your beautiful tirumEni too, to attract them and thus emancipate all beings.
1. Kruta yuga—white like milk (pAlin neermai)—people were filled with sattva guna and there was completeness.
2. Treta yuga—red like gold (sem pon neermai) showing command and respect—there was a domination of rajo guna .
3. DwApara yuga—green like the fresh moss (pAsiyin pasum pOl) that is cool (taDathu) and enchanting(porpudai) to the eyes.
4. Kali yuga---dark hue (Neelam neermai) ---like bees hovering around flowers( bhagavatas sing and enjoy Him as if drinking nectar.)
Oh the dark hued one! How could the beings fall for mundane and worldly pleasures without realizing your easy accessibility? (44)

796. maNNuLAi kol viNNuLAi kol maNNuLE mayangi ninRu 

        eNNum eN agappaDAi kol enna mAyai

        nin tamar  kaNNuLAi koL SEyai kol anantan mEl kiDanda em puNNiyA 

        punanduzhAi alaNgal am punidanE || (45)

796. Where can I find you? You are there in the upper worlds controlling the nityasooris (viNNuLAy). On the earth you take divine incarnations (maNNuLAy) in physical form (vibhava) due to your grace (kAruNyam) towards your devotees (kaNNuLAy). To great bhAgavatas, you present yourself to them (pratyaksham) and help them get rid of miseries (iShTa prApti and aniShTa NivRuti). Yet, you are not reachable to us due to our own attachment and desires in this world? To other non-believers you remain aloof from their acts. Oh, the one who is in yoganidrA on AdiseshA and adorned with the fragrant tulasi mAlA! Dear Lord! You are a wonder!(45)

797. tODu peRRa taN tuzhAi alaNgal ADu senniyAi

        kODu paRRi Azhi Endi anjiRai puL oordiyAl 

        nADu peRRa nanmai naNNam illaiyEnum  nAyinEn 

        veeDu peRRu iRappoDum piRapparukkumA SolE || (46)

797. I admire your beautiful look as you hold the pAnchjanyA (kODu paRRi) and sudarshana chakram in both hands. The petals of the tulasi garland (tODu peRRa) sways on your chest and you ride your vehicle GaruDa! When you tilt your head with the crown and see us (kaTAksham), our samsAric distress is removed. I have no experience of a previous birth, neither have I witnessed your incarnations nor have I seen people of earlier ages. Please explain to this lowly person (equal to a dog) the means to attain the state of nityasooris or mOksha (veeDu pERRu), so I can be at your service all the time.(46)

798. kAroDotta mEni nangaL kaNNa viNNin nAdanE

        neeriDattu arAvaNai kiDatti enbar anRiyum 

        OriDattai allai ellai illai enbar AdalAl 

        sErviDattai nAyinEn terindu iRainjumA solE || (47)

798. Our kaNNan (nangaL kaNNan) with tirumEni like thick dark cloud! Lord of the nityasuris (viNNin nAthanE)! One who cannot be captivated! The learned men say that you reside in tirupArkadal reclining on AdiseshA as your bed. I wish to take refuge in you. GyAnis also say that you take various manifestations, as para, vyUha, vibhava ( which I have not witnessed), archai and antaryAmi. You reside in various places in archai form and in every jeeva as antaryAmi. Being a totally ignorant and lowly person, please tell me the holy sthalam where I can take refuge unto you! (47)

799. kunRil ninRu vAn irundu neeL kaDal kiDandu 

        maN onRu senRu adu onRai uNDu adu onRiDandu panRiyAi 

        nanRu Senra nAL avaTTRuL nalluyir paDaittavarku 

        anRu dEva amaittu aLitta AdidEvan allaiyE || (48)

799. The ancient supreme Lord whose abode is the ocean of milk , now majestically stands on the hills of tiruvEnkaTam. He measured the earth with one foot and protected it from destruction, swallowed the universe and protected it in his stomach. In the beginning of the kalpa, you lifted the earth out of the deluging waters by assuming the varAha avatAram. Are you not the one who created good humans who followed shAstras diligently and also created all the devas? (48)



800. koNDai koNDa kOdai meedu tEnulAvu kooni koon

        uNDai koNDu aranga OTTi uL mahizhnda nAdan oor 

        naNDai uNDu nArai pEra vALai pAya neelamE 

        aNDai koNDu keNDai mEyum andan neer arangamE || (49)

800. The handsome rAma as a young boy with beautiful hairlocks and flower garlands and bees hovering on them, playfully aimed soft arrows from a toy bow on the hunchback of mantarA to straighten it (His will to remove the defects of ego (koon —ahankAram in the embodied jeevas). After eating a crab (indicating the sensual pleasures), a crane (nArai--mundane pleasure) walks slowly along the river. The vALai or ribbon fishes jump up and down impatiently out of fear (seekers who wish liberation from samsAra) while the sword fishes or kenDai swim fearlessly (relaxed state of the prapannAs who have taken refuge in Him). 

He is the kaNNan (nAthan) who resides in Srirangam with contentment (uL maguzhnda) having an enchanting tirumEni to quench the thirst of devotees and eliminate the sufferings of those who surrender in Him. (49)

801.  veNtirai karuNkaDal sivandu vEva munnOr nAL

         tiNtiral silai kai vALi viTTa veerar SErum oor 

         eNDiSai kaNangaLum irainji ADu teertta neer

         vaNDiraitta SOlai vEli mannu seer arangamE || (50)

801.The turbulent ocean seems dark in colour due to its depth and the lashing waves look white. Long ago, rAma, you turned the ocean red by discharging arrows and astram in great anger (towards samudrarajan to shatter his ego). People from all the eight directions (eNDisai kaNangaLum), bathe in the river Cauvery and flock to worship him. 

The unparalled prince Sri rAma resides here as RanganAtha in Srirangam, which is the perfect place for refuge, surrounded by beautiful gardens with bees swarming around them. (50)

802. saraNgaLai turandu vil vaLaittu ilangai mannavan 

        siraNgaL pattu aRuttu udiRtta selvar mannu ponniDam

        parandu pon nirandu nundi vandu alaikkum vAr punal

        arangam enbar nAn mugattu ayan paNinda kOyilE || (51)

802. The victorious rAma discharged various types of arrows (saraNgaLai turandu), speeding like wind and cut the ten heads of Ravana (siraNgaL pattu--ten heads denote ten senses, mind being friend and foe). Lord Brahma knowing that his power as creator, given by the Lord is temporary, frequently rushes to Srirangam to take refuge in Rangan, desiring for mOksha.
That perumAL who was brought from brahma lOka, worshipped by the IkshvAku lineage is now reposing in Srirangam which is as valuable as gold (mannu ponniDam), surrounded by the wide and large golden-hued river cauvery. Sri rAma tired after the vibhava avataram decided to rest here permanently. (51) 

803. poTTRai uTTRa muTTRal yAnai pOr edirndu vandadai 

        paTTRi uTTRu maTTRu adan maruppu ositta pAganoor  

        siTTreyiTTRu muTTRa mooNgil moonRu taNDar onRinar

        aTTRa paTTRar suTTri vAzhum andaNeer araNgamE || (52)

803. When the mad elephant (muRRal) living in the dense forest came charging towards Krishna, he held its trunk, tamed it and broke its tusks (uRRu maRRu) though it surrendered as if he were its mahout. You thus remind devotees that you will remove obstacles that come in their way, if they surrender unto you. Bhaktas, sAdhus and sanyAsis (moonRu taNDar) holding the bamboo stick having small teeth like nodes (sitRayitRu) have made Srirangam their homes. They are detached (aRRa paRRa) from the samsAra considering the Lord as their only goal.

This is the abode of the praiseworthy Lord Krishna who resides in Srirangam along the beautiful river Cauvery. (52)

804. mODi ODu ilajjai Aya sApam eidi mukkaNAn
        kooDu sEnai makkaLODu koNDu maNDi venjamattu ODa 
        vANan Ayiram karam kazhitta Adi mAl 

        peeDu kOyil kooDu neer araNgam enRa pEradE || (53)

804. Shiva (mukkaNan), despite his curse (which was resolved by perumAL), audaciously (ilachchayAy) came along with DurgA (mODiyOdu) and his army to support BAnAsura (vANan) who was fighting a war with Lord Krishna. The Lord had come to rescue his grandson Aniruddha from the asura. KrishNa cut the thousand arms of BAnAsura with his chakra and in the battle Shiva retreated in fear with his army.

This paramapuruShan (AdimAl) resides in this esteemed temple having Cauvery as its river and fondly called Tiru arangam divya desam. (53)

805.  ilai talai charam turandu ilaNgai kaTTu azhittavan 

         malai talai piRandu izhindu vandu nundu sandanam 

         kulaittu alaittu iruttu erinda kunguma kuzhambinODu 

         alaittu ozhugu kAviri araNgam mEya vaNNalE || (54)

805. Lord rAma discharged sharp arrows like the tip of the leaf (ilai talai) and killed Ravana, the king of Lanka surrounded by ramparts. The wide river cauvery, originating from the sahya hills (malai talai), comes rushing {(izhundu—compared to the samsAra}) towards Srirangam, uprooting sandalwood trees and breaking the saffron flower creepers (kulai talaittu). As she approaches Srirangam, she brings along with her a fragrant blend of sandalwood and saffron as samarpanam for the lord. The lord uproots our ego and inner adversaries and fills us with bhakti towards Him.

It is here in Srirangam, that our dear tired rAmapirAn rests after destruction of Ravana, making himself available for all types of devotees. 
In srivaishnava sampradAyam, this pAsuram is recited while taking bath.(54)

806. mannu mA malar kizhatti vaiya maNgai maindanAi 

        pinnum Ayar pinnai tOL maNam puNarndadu anRiyum 

        unna pAdam enna sindai manna vaittu nalginAi 

        ponni soozh araNgam mEya puNDareekan allaiyE || (55)

806. Ranga! You have blessed this samsAree, by placing your holy feet or tiruvaDigaL (unna pAdam) in my heart (enna sindai) as if to prove that I am more laudable than your consorts MahAlakshmi, BhoomA DEvi and Nappinnai. The sweet youthful KrishNa may have been in the state of divyAnubhavam with goddess MahAlakshmi born in a lotus (mA malar manni), BhoomipirATTi (vaiyyam mangai) and Nappinnai pirATTi (Ayar piLLai—daughter of kumbhan). His heart has now melted (manam puNardadu anRiyum) to shower me with his divine grace(nalhinAy). What have I done to gain showers of your kAruNyam?

It is here in Srirangam surrounded by Ponni river that our dear Lord reposes as puNDareekan with his consorts, to protect all the worlds and free the bhaktas from this ocean of samsAram. (55)

807. ilaNgai mannan aindoDu aindu paindalai nilattuga

        kalaNga asru SenRu konRu venRi koNDa veeranE  

        vilaNgu noolar vEda nAvar neediyAna kELviyAr

        valaNkoLa kuDandaiyuL kiDanda mAlum allaiyE || (56)


VeeranE! Long ago(anRu) you severed the ten heads (ainDodu aindu) of the mighty Ravana as they fell apart (shattering the ego due to indulgence in sensual pleasures), invaded Lanka, destroyed his army and emerged victorious. 

This sarvEshwaran (mAlum allayE) is reclining (kiDanda) here in tirukkuDandai Divyadesam, where vaidikas adorn the yagnyOpaveetam (viLangu noolar) and strictly follow their tenets (valam koL). They are learned in vedas, with mantras on the tip of their tongues (veda nAvar) and always thirsty to acquire more knowledge from great seers. He blesses them as they circumambulate around the shrine offering prayers. (56)

808. sangu tangu munkai naNgai koNgai taNgal uTTRavan 

        angam manga anRu senRu aDarttu erinda AzhiyAn 

        kongu tangu vAr kuzhal maDandaimAr kuDainda neer

        pongu taN kuDandaiyuL kiDanda puNDareekanE || (57)

808. Long ago, O rAmapirAn! To rescue your dear consort(pirAtti) adorned with conch bangles(saNgu taNgu), you won the kingdom of Lanka by severing the heads of RAvaNa who had abducted pirAtti with wrong intentions. The one with hue as soothing as that of the ocean (AzhiyAn)! you are always accessible to devotees. 

Oh! puNDareekan (sundarANgan)! It is here in the cool kshetram tirukkuDandai , that you repose peacefully. Damsels (maDandaimAr) with long locks of neatly woven, fragrant hair, serve you with respect ( the inner meaning is --- A soul is welcomed by such damsels when it reaches the doors of paramapadam). (57)

809. maram keDa naDandu aDarttu matta yAnai mattagattu 

        uram keDa puDaittu Or kombu osittu uganda uttamA 

        turaNgam vAi piLandu maNNaLanda pAda 

        vEdiyar varam koLa kuDandaiyuL kiDanda mAlum allaiyE?  (58)

809. Oh! Loving Krishna! as a child, you crawled between the two maruda trees(yamaLArjunA trees--maRam keda nadandu ), uprooted them and absolved them (two devas) of a curse. You subdued the strength of the mad elephant by sitting on its head (mattagattu), breaking its tusks. Then you tore the mouth of the asura kEsi in horse form (turangam). You who measured the three worlds with your holy feet (maN aLanda pAda) incarnated out of love to protect your devotees. 

paramapuruShanE (uhanda uttamA)! Are you not the who is reclining in tirukkuDandai kshEtram inorder to fulfill the desires of the vedic exponents? (58)

810. sAli vEli taN vayal taDam kiDaNgu poompozhil

        kOlamADa neeDu taN kuDandai mEya kOvalA 

        kAlanEmi vakkaran karan muran siram avai 

       kAlanODu kooDa vil kunitta viRkai veeranE || (59)

810. KrishnanE (kOvalA)! You are awe-inspiring! You put an end to the atrocities of the demons kAlanEmi (ravana’s brother in law), dantavaran (he intervened when Krishna abducted Rukmini pirAtti), karan (killed during rAma avataram), muran (narakAsura’s minister) so skillfully that their severed heads reached yama lokA (kAlanodu kooda). 

VeeranE! The one who bent the bow (vil kuvithha), has beautiful arms like a bow (vil kai) resides in tirukkuDandai surrounded by huge magnificent houses, moats (taDam kidaNgu), beautiful gardens and tall healthy paddy fields forming a fence. (59)

811. sezhum kozhum perum pani pozhindiDa 

        uyarnda vEi vizhundu ularndu ezhundu viN puDaikkum

        vEngaDattuL ninRu  

        ezhundu irundu tEn porundu poompozhil tazhai kozhum 

        sezhum taDaN kuDandaiyuL kiDanda mAlum allaiyE? (60)

811. You are the loving Lord who stands (ninRu) majestically in the huge foggy hills of tiruvEnkaTam which seems to reach SreevaikuNTham . It has gushing streams, beautiful gardens filled with colourful flowers and bees hovering around them. Tall bamboo trees bend low due to thick heavy fog and rise up (ezhundu) on drying (ularndu) aiming to meet the sky when its sunny.

Are you not the peRumAl (mAl allayE) who stands in tiruvEnkaTam and reposes in tirukkuDandai, so that devotees can worship and relish you in whichever form they like and ultimately get emancipated? (60)

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