Gopikas waiting for KrishNa and expressing their anger.

After enjoying the divya dEsa vigraha forms (ArchAvatAram), KulasEkara Azhvar steps into enjoying the human AvatArams of Lord (vibhavAvatAram) like rAma and KrishNa, taking the role of the GopikAs. Let us enjoy the nAyaki bhAvam of AzhvAr. He easily brings out the true state of mind of a nAyikA who is being dodged by her nAyaka.

698. Er malar poonguzhal Ayar mAdar enaippalar uLLa ivvooril untan

mArvu tazhuvudarku ASai inmai arindu arindE untan poiyyai kETTu |

koor mazhai pOl panikku oodal eidi kooSi naDungi yamunai ARRil

vAr maNar kunril pulara ninrEn vAsudEvA un varavu pArttE || One || 

698. Oh! Lord VAsudevA, Though I was desirous to embrace your strong chest, in the midst of several Gopikas adorned with the most fragrant flowers, who live in this place, you disappointed me with your deceitful words. I was looking forward and standing on the sandy plains along the banks of river YamunA until dawn shivering and trembling caught under the snowy downpour of the chill weather. (1)

699. keNDai oN kaN maDavAL orutti keezhai ahattu tayir kaDaiya 

kaNDu ollai nAnum kaDaivan enru kaLLa vizhiyai vizhittu pukku | 

vaNDamar poonguzhal tAzhndu ulAva vAN muham vErppa SevvAi tuDippa 

taN tayir nee kaDaindiTTa vaNNam dAmOdarA meyyarivan nAnE || Two ||

699. Oh! Lord dAmOdara, I am totally aware of all your naughty fraudulent attitude by which you went into the house of the beautiful damsel at the eastern side whose eyes are as beautiful as the fish (Gallic fish), seeing her churning the curd, and with a naughty stare told her that, ” I can join you and help you churn faster”. While you were churning, I lost myself looking at the swaying of your lofty hair adorned with flowers swarming with bees, the droplets of sweat on your forehead and your reddish lips quiver due to the strain. (2)

700. karu malar koondal orutti tannai kaDai kaNittu AngE orutti tan pAl 

maruvi manam vaittu maRRoruttikku uraittu oru pEdaikku poi kurittu | 

puri kuzhal mangai orutti tannai puNardi avaLukkum meyyanallai 

marudu iruttAi un vaLarttiyODE vaLarginradAl untan mAyai tAnE || Three ||

700. Oh! Lord Krishna, who knocked down both the ‘maruda trees’, your dishonesty is increasing and growing with your age. With a slightest side glance, you gazed at a girl having thick black hair adorned with flowers and at the same time made another girl believe that you have lost your heart for her. Leaving both in dismay, you went to another gOpikA and said, that you are addicted to her. You deceived an innocent girl by making her believe and wait for your arrival, while ultimately you were in love with another GopikA. Will you atleast be truthful to this girl? (3)

701. tAi mulai pAlil amudu irukka tavazhndu taLar naDai iTTu chenru 

pEi mulai vAi vaittu nanjai uNDu pittan enrE pirar ESa ninrAi | 

Ai mihu kAdaloDu yAniruppa yAn viDa vanda en toodiyODE 

nee mihu BOgattai nangu ugandAi aduvum un kOrambukku Erkum anrE || Four ||

701. Oh! KaNNA, even though you had the most elixir mother’s milk from mother YashOdA, you still went crawling to the demon pootana who came to suckle you and sucked her life along with the milk and thereby earning the name “pittan”, by the cowherd folks. When I stand before you with so much passion and love towards you, deceitfully you turned towards the maid whom I sent and started adoring her. Is this the way you cheat those who trust on you? (4)

702. minnotta nuNNiDaiyALai koNDu veengu iruL vAi entan veediyooDE 

 ponnotta ADai kukkooDaliTTu pOhinrapOdu nAn kaNDu ninrEn | 

 kaNNuRRu avaLai nee kaNNAl iTTu kai viLikkinradum kaNDE ninrEn 

 ennukku avaLai viTTu ingu vandAi innam angE naDa nambi neeyE || Five ||

702. Oh! Nambi, in the pitch darkness, holding a beautiful GOpikA with a waist as thin as a lightning close to you and covering your faces with a golden cloth, I saw you passing through my street. I even saw you winking at another girl who came that way and called her with your hand gesture. What is the reason for you to come to me leaving her? You better go to her itself. (5)

703. marporu tOLuDai vAsudEvA valvinaiyEn tuyil koNDavArE 

 iRRai iraviDai yEmattu ennai innaNai mEl iTTa ahanru nee pOi | 

 aRRai iravum Or piRRai nALum arivaiyarODum aNanindu vandAi 

 eRRukku nee en marungil vandAi emberumAn ezhundaruLE || Six || 

703. Oh! VAsudevA, who wrestled against the Mallars (Mushtika & ChAnoora) with your valorous shoulders. After I, the greatest sinner dozed off, You left me in the middle of the night and went away through the night and the day after rejoicing with all the other Gopikas. After doing all such acts why do you come to me now my Lord? (EmperumAnE). (6)

704. paiyyaravu innaNai paLLiyinAi paNDaiyOm allOm nAm nee uhakkum 

 maiyari oN kaNNinArum allOm vaihi em SEri varavozhi nee | 

 Seyya uDaiyum tirumuhamum Sengani vAyum kuzhalum kaNDu 

 poyyoru nAL paTTadE amaiyum puLLuvam pESAdE pOhu nambi || Seven || 

704. Oh! Lord who reclines on the hooded ‘AdisEshan’, we, who have got trapped under your cunningness are not our usual self as before. We are no longer your desirous collyrium smeared eyed ladies. You can refrain from coming to us. It is enough of us suffering till this day, believing in your deceitful words and falling for the beauty of attire, the reddish lips like the kOvai fruit , your hair locks and others. Please leave from here with no more of such untruthful words. (7)

705. ennai varuha ena kurittiTTu ina malar mullaiyin pandal neezhal 

 manni avaLai puNara pukku maRRu ennai kaNDu uzharA nehizhndAi | 

 ponnira ADaiyai kaiyil tAngi poyyachcham kATTi nee pOdiyElum 

 innam en kaiyahattu eengu oru nAL varudiyEl en Sinam teervan nAnE || Eight || 

705. After calling me to come to a location and wait, you never turned up. Instead you went away to enjoy with another girl under the shade of the mullai plant. On seeing me, you escaped from that place, as though you were troubled and pretending to be scared held your golden yellow dress (peetAmbaram) tightly in your hand and ran away. Some day or the other when you will come to my house, I shall vent all my anger on you at that moment. (8)

706. mangala nal vanamAlai mArvil ilanga mayil tazhai peeli SooDi 

 pongiLavADai araiyil SAtti poongottu kAdil puNara peidu | 

 kongu narunguzhalArhaLODu kuzhaindu kuzhal inidu oodi vandAi 

 engaLukkE oru nAL vandu ooda un kuzhal inniSai pOdarAdE || Nine || 

706. Wearing the auspicious beautiful vanamAlA on your chest, adorning the hair with the gentle peacock feathers and a thin cloth around your waist with matching flower bunch on the side of your ears, you stroll around playing your flute along with the beautiful Gopikas who have such fragrant hair. Won’t your flute play for us just for a day? Are we not worthy of that? (9)

707. alli malar tirumangai kELvan tannai nayandu iLavAichchimArhaL 

 elli pozhudinil Emattu ooDi eLhi uraitta uraiyadanai | 

 kolli naharkku irai kooDar kOmAn kulaSEKaran inniSaiyil mEvi 

 Solliya intamizh mAlai pattum Solla vallArkku illai tunbam tAnE || Ten || 


KulasekarAzhvAr talks about the young cowherd gOpikAs, who longed to unite and spend time talking through the night to the Lord of MahAlakshmi who rests on the lotus flower.  There shall never be any misery for those who recite these ten verses sung by the great emperor of the two states ‘Kolli’ and ‘kooDal. (10)






k\KulasEkara AzhvAr imagines the scene when krishNA released his parents dEvaki and vasudEva from their shackes after killing kamsa.  AzhvAr pours out dEvaki’s lamentation on separating from krishNa immediately after his birth, in a heart melting 10 verses.


708. Alai neeL karumbu annavan tAlO ambuya taDangaNNinan tAlO 

 vElai neer nirattannavan tAlO vEzha pOdaham annavan tAlO | 

 Ela vAr kuzhal en mahan tAlO enru enru unnai en vAyiDai niraiya 

 tAl olittiDum tiru vinai illA tAyaril kaDaiyAyina tAyE || One || 

708. Devaki says, - Oh my darling kaNNan who looks like a juicy sugarcane ready to be extracted! tAlO! Lullaby to you! Oh lotus eyed Lord! tAlO! Lullaby to you! Oh blue hued ocean colored Lord! tAlO! Lullaby to you! Oh my little majestic elephant calf! tAlO! Lullaby to you! Many times tAlO to you my dear kuTTi kaNNan! What an unfortunate mother am I who could not sing lullabies for my own child? (1)


709.vaDikkoL anjanam ezhudu Semmalar kaN maruvi mEl inidu onrinai nOkki 

 muDakki SEvaDi malar chiru karundAL poliyum neer muhir kuzhaviyE pOla | 

 aDakkiyAra chenjiru viral anaittum angaiyODu aNaindu Anaiyir kiDanda 

 kiDakkai kaNDiDa peRRilan andO kESavA keDuvEn keDuvEnE || Two || 

709. You lay on the cradle with your sharp, collyrium anointed (anjanam ezhudu), red lotus eyes. You gaze at the toy that hangs above the cradle.  You hold your little feet with all your little fingers. The inner portion of your feet is pinkish red, and your upper body is ocean blue colored.  You pose like a majestic male elephant.  Oh, I am a big sinner who could not enjoy the beauty of your enchanting tirumEni. (2)


710.mundai nan murai anbuDai mahaLir murai murai tandam kurangiDai irutti 

 endaiyE endan kula perum chuDarE ezhu muhil kaNattu ezhil kavarErE | 

 undai yAvan enru uraippa nin SengEzh viralinum kaDaikaNNinum kATTa 

 nandan peRRanan nal vinai illA nangaL kOn vasudEvan peRRilanE || Three ||

710. The elders and loving ladies of the house take little kaNNan in their laps and admire his beauty taking turns one by one.  They cuddle you by sweet names like “yendaiyE-my master”, “yendan kula perunchuDarE – the beacon light of our clan”, “yErE- the beautiful bull looking like the rain clouds. And when the ladies ask you, “Where is your father?”, you point to Nandagopan with your little fingers. But I whine - my husband “vasudEva” was not blessed enough to be identified as “father” by you. (3)


711.kaLi nilA ezhil madi purai muhamum kaNNanE tiN kai mArvum tiN tOLum 

 taLi malar karunguzhal piraiyaduvum taDangoL tAmarai kaNgaLum polinda | 

 iLamai inbattai inru entan kaNNAl paruhu vErku ivaL tAiyena ninainda 

 aLavil piLLaimai inbattai izhanda pAviyEn enadAvi nillAdE|| Four || 

711. Oh krishNa, I now enjoy your beauty as a grown up young boy. You have become very handsome.  Your face radiates like the happy full moon (ezhil madi purai mugamum), your chest and shoulders look broad, your dark tresses filled with wild leaves and flowers cascade on your half-moon like forehead. I am enjoying your beauty fully now, but I still miss my stage of motherhood when a child can identify only his mother. But I was unlucky for that too. (4)


712. maruvum nin tiru neRRiyil chuTTi aSai tara maNi vAyiDai muttam 

 tarudalum untan tAdaiyai pOlum vaDivu kaNDu koNDu uLLam uL kuLira | 

 viraLai chenjiru vAyiDai chErttum vehuLiyAi ninru uraikkum avvuraiyum 

 tiruvilEn onrum peRRilEn ellAm deiva nangai yaSOdai peRRALE|| Five ||

712. Dear kaNNA, I missed the kiss of your sweet lips during the days when your netti chuTTi dangled on your charming forehead. I missed enjoying your beautiful resemblance with your father.  It is unfortunate that I missed all Your childhood pranks- your little fingers in your mouth, your blabbers and stammers. Hail yashOdA! the divine lady who was blessed with the saubhAgyam to enjoy KriShNa. (5)


713. taNNan tAmarai kaNNanE kaNNA tavazhndu ezhundu taLarndadOr naDaiyAl 

 maNNil SempoDi ADi vandu entan mArvil manniDa peRRilEn andO | 

 vaNNa chenjiru kai viral anaittum vAri vAikoNDa aDiSilin michchal 

 uNNa peRRilEn Oh! koDuvinaiyEn ennai en Seyya peRRadu em mOyE || Six || 

713. Oh dear kaNNA, the cool lotus eyed one! I missed your little baby steps like crawling, getting up, toddling, playing with red mud and hugging me with those hands, grabbing food with all your little fingers and putting it into your mouth. I was also not lucky enough to eat the food left over by You. (aDisil michcham peRRilEn O).  It is sad that I a sinner was born to my beloved mother. (6)


714. kuzhakkanE entan kOmaLa piLLAi gOvindA en kuDangaiyil manni 

 ozhuhu pErezhil iLanjiru taLir pOl oru kaiyAl oru mulai muham neruDA | 

 mazhalai mennahai iDai iDai aruLA vAyilE mulai irukka en muhattE 

 ezhil koL nin tirukkaNNiNai nOkkandannaiyum izhandEn izhandEnE || Seven ||

714. Oh the friendly little one, (kuzhakkanE)! the gentle one born from me! (endan kOmaLa piLLAy)! gOvindA! When I hold You in my hand while feeding, You glance at me with a smile rubbing one side with your tender fingers and holding on to the other with your sweet mouth. Oh I lost the chance to see and enjoy You watching me. How unlucky I am! (7)


715. muzhudum veNNai aLaindu toTTu uNNum muhizh iLanjiru tAmarai kaiyyum 

 ezhil koL tAmbu koNDu aDippadarku eLhum nilaiyum veN tayir tOinda SevvAyyum | 

 azhuhaiyum anji nOkkum annOkkum aNihoL Senjiru vAi neLippaduvum 

 tozhuhaiyum ivai kaNDa yaSOdai tollai inbattu irudi kaNDALE || Eight ||

715. Dear kaNNA, You put your tender lotus like hands inside the butter pot, took out the butter and ate them all.  You were caught red handed licking the butter. You were then beaten with the rope on your soft hands. You stood apologising humbly with folded hands and jittering and beautiful coral like lips and innocent looks. Oh! Blessed yashOdA has seen the penultimate bliss of your pranks. (paramAnandam). (8)


716. kunrinAl kuDai kavittadum kOla kuravai kOttaduvum kuDamATTum 

 kanrinAl viLavu erindadum kAlAl kALiyan talai midittadum mudalA | 

 venri SEr piLLai nal viLaiyATTam anaittilum en uLLam uL kuLira 

 onrum kaNDiDa peRRilEn aDiyEn kANumAru ini uNDenil aruLE || Nine ||

716. Oh krishNa! I have rejoiced enough on hearing about the miraculous deeds of your childhood viz. holding the gOvardhana hill as an umbrella to protect the cowherds (kunDrinAl kuDai kavittadum), holding the hands of gOpikas in rAsa leelA (kOla kuravai kOttadum), dancing with a row of pots on your head (kuDamATTum),  throwing the disguised vatsAsura calf on the disguised wood apple tree (viLAmpazha maram) called kapitthAsura thereby causing both to fall down, you dancing on the kAliyan snake, etc. But I have not seen with my own eyes any of them. Is there any chance that you can grant me the power to see all those wonderful leelAs now? (9)


717. vanjamEviya nenjuDai pEychchi varaNDu nAr narambu ezha karindu ukka 

 nanjamAr taru Suzhi mulai andO Suvaittu nee aruL seydu vaLarndAi | 

 kanjan nAL kavar karu muhil endAi kaDai paTTEn varidE mulai Sumandu 

 tanjamEl onrum ilEn uindirundEn takkadE nalla tAyai peRRAyE || Ten || 

717. When the malicious demon pootanA came disguised as yashOdA and suckled You with her poison smeared breast, You sucked her life, causing her blood and flesh to spout out  and her nerves to wither. Oh God! Leaving me behind and ignoring YashOdA too, You chose to grow up by taking feed from pootanA and converting the poison into amRutam. 

Oh my dark cloud hued Lord who reduced the life span of the wicked king kamsa! What a bad mother I am! Holding these bosoms that are deprived of serving You, I should have died then itself.  Without any other refuge, I am still alive for the sole purpose of seeing You. Perhaps, You considered pootanA alone to be a good mother. (10)


718. mallai mA naharkku iraiyavan tannai vAn Selutti vandu eengaNai mAyattu 

 ellaiyil piLLai Seivana kANA deiva dEvaki pulambiya pulambal | 

 kolli kAvalan mAlaDi muDi mEl kOlamAm kulaSEKaran Sonna 

 nalliSai tamizh mAlai vallArgaL naNNuvAr ollai nAraNan ulagE || Eleven ||

718. Lord krishNa was born to Devaki, the sister of the rich MathurA’s king and separated away in order to bring an end to kamsa.  KulasEkara Azhwar, the one who bears the Lord’s feet on his head as an ornament, has composed this beautiful garland of tamizh pAsurams on the divine dEvaki’s lamentation of missing krishNa’s childhood deeds. (bAla leelA).  Those who recite these pAsurams well will reach “nArAyana’s abode”, (shree vaikunTham) in this birth itself. (naNNuvAr ollai nAraNan ulagE). (11)




PASURAMS 719 TO 729)




KulasEkara AzhvAr's chosen deity is Sri rAmA! He probably had a regret that no lullaby was attributed to Lord rAmA, while Krishna charitram was full of His leelas and lullabies sung to Him by YashOdhA. So, donning the role of mA KaushalyA, AzhvAr sets upon himself to compose a lullaby for his favorite deity, Lord rAma and dedicated it to tirukaNNapuram emperumAn.


719. mannu pugazh kousalai tan maNi vayiru vAittavanE 

 tennilangai kOn muDigaL sinduvittAi Sempon SEr |

kanni nan mA madiL puDai Soozh kaNapurattu en karumaNiyE 

ennuDaiya innamudE irAghavanE tAlElO || One ||

719. rAmA !  By being born as son to the praiseworthy KaushalyA, You made her womb sacred (maNi vayiru). You effortlessly chopped off the ten heads of the king of LankA in the South. Oh! My glittering sapphire gem, residing in KaNNapuram, which is surrounded by ever-strong, amazing ramparts made of pure gold on all sides! rAghavA! My sweet nectar! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! (1)

Kaushalya sings lullaby for Rama

720. puNDarika malar adan mEl puvani ellAm paDaittavanE 

tiNDiralAL tATagai tan uramuruva chilai vaLaittAi | 

kaNDavar tam manam vazhangum kaNapurattu en karu maNiyE 

eNDiSaiyum ALuDaiyAi irAghavanE tAlElO || Two || 

720. You created the universe through BrahmA (ayan) who is seated on the lotus that arose from your navel. You pierced the heart (uram uruva) of the strong and mighty tATakA* by bending your bow and aiming arrows at her. Oh! My glittering sapphire gem of KaNNapuram. the Lord to whom devotees lose their hearts!  Oh, rAghavA who rules over all the eight directions! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! 

*tiNDiraL -  mighty - The demon tATaka had the strength of a thousand elephants. (2)


721. kongu mali karunguzhalAL kousalai tan kula madalAi 

tangu perum pugazh chanakan tiru marugA dASarathee | 

gangaiyilum teertta mali kaNapuratten karu maNiyE 

engaL kulattu innamudE irAghavanE tAlElO || Three ||

721. rAmA! The celebrated child of Kausalya who has dark, scented tresses. Oh dAsharathee (the great son of Chakravarti Dasharatha)! The son in law (tiru marugA) of the valorous and highly reputed King JanakA! Oh! My glittering sapphire gem of kaNNapuram which is dotted with ponds and lakes filled with waters holier than Ganges!  rAghavA! Nectar of our clan! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! (3)

722. tAmarai mEl ayan avanai paDaittavanE dayaratan tan 

mA madalAi maithili tan maNavALA vaNDinangaL | 

kAmarangaL iSai pADum kaNapuratten karu maNiyE 

Emaruvum Silai valavA irAghavanE tAlElO || Four ||

722. You created BrahmA who is seated on the lotus! You are Dasaratha's eldest son (mA madalAi), and Mythili's beloved consort.  Oh! My glittering sapphire gem of kaNNapuram, where bees hover around buzzing and humming. RAghavA! The wielder of the bow (silai -kOdanDam) and arrows! Lullaby to You! tAlElO. (4)

Dasharatha blesses Seetha Rama

723. pArALum paDar Selvam barada nambikkE aruLi 

ArA anbu iLaiyavanODu arungAnam aDaindavanE | 

SeerALum varai mArbA tiru kaNNapurattu araSE 

tArALum neeN muDi en dASarathee tAlElO || Five || 

723. You bestowed the kingdom of Ayodhya that is spread over the entire world  to Bharata, and retired to the dense forests with the devoted and doting (ArA anbu iLaiyavan) younger brother, LakshmaNa.  Emperor of kaNNapuram, whose broad and strong chest is like the mountains, and is the abode of mahAlakshmi ( seeraarum varai mArbA)!  My dAsharathi,  bedecked with garlands and wearing the crown! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! (5) 

Rama Pattabhishekam

724. SuRRam ellAm pin toDara tol kAnam aDaindavanE 

 aRRavargaTku aru marundE ayOdhi nagarkku adhipatiyE | 

 kaRRavarhaL tAm vAzhum kaNapuratten karumaNiyE 

 SiRRavai tan SolkoNDa SeerAmAtAlElO || Six ||

724. rAmA! You went to the distant and dense forest,  the danDakAraNyam, with all the relatives (suRRam) following You. You are the precious remedy ( aru marundhu) to your devotees (aRRavargaTku) who have surrendered unto You. Oh! the king of AyodhyA! My glittering sapphire gem of kaNNapuram where learned scholars live! Oh, Shri rAmA who studiously stood by the words of KaikEyi! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! (6)

* siRRavai - the younger mother kaikeyi, aRRavargaTku - they are Rishis of daNDakAraNya who approached Raama to be saved from demons. Since Raama promised to save them and stood by his words, he is termed as "panacea"- aru marundhu.

Divya Desam Ayodhya rebuilt and inaugurated on 15th January 2024.

725. Alinilai bAlakanAi anru ulagam uNDavanE 

 vAliyai konru araSu iLaiya vAnarattukku aLittavanE | 

 kAlin maNi karai alaikkum kaNapuratten karumaNiyE 

 Alinaharku adipatiyE ayOddhimanE tAlElO || Seven ||

725. During deluge, You lay on the banyan leaf in the guise of a baby, bearing the entire universe in your stomach! You gifted the kingdom to Sugriva, after killing vAli! My glittering sapphire gem of kaNNapuram,  where the waters flowing in the canals wash up precious gems along the banks! Oh ruler of tiruvAli tirunagari divya dEsam! King of AyOdhya! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! (7)

726.malai adanAl aNai kaTTi madiL ilangai azhittavanE 

 alai kaDalai kaDaindu amararkku amudu aruLi SeidavanE | 

 kalai valavar tAm vAzhum kaNapuratten karumaNiyE 

 Silai valavA SEvaganE SeerAmA tAlElO || Eight ||

726. You built the rAm sEthu across the ocean with mountains and rocks, and destroyed Lanka abound with tall ramparts. You churned the milky ocean and gave the amRutam to dEvAs.  Oh! My glittering sapphire gem of kaNNapuram where knowledgeable intellectuals live ( kalai valavar).  Oh skilled Archer!  ( silai valavA)! Valiant Warrior!( sEvakA), ShreerAmA! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! (8)

727. talai avizhum narungunji tayaradan tan kula madalAi 

vaLaiya oru Silai adanAl madiL ilangai azhittavanE |

 kaLai kazhu neer marungu alarum kaNapuratten karumaNiyE

 iLaiyavargaTku aruLuDaiyAi irAghavanE tAlElO || Nine || 

727. Oh dAsarathi's precious son who has dark, fragrant locks of hair that fall down your shoulders! You, with Your invincible rAmA bANam, destroyed LankA ! My glittering sapphire gem of kaNNapuram filled with blooming lilies! RAghavA, who is filled with compassion for your brothers! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! 

*talai avizhum - falling tresses, silai - bow, kaLai kazhuneer - red lotuses which are plucked in bunches, marungu alarum - spread across blooming (9)

Lord Rama embraces his brothers when Bharata and Shatrugna
approach him to call him back to Ayodhya

728. dEvaraiyum asuraraiyum tisaigaLaiyum paDaittavanE 

 yAvarum vandu aDi vaNanga aranga nagar tuyinravanE | 

 kAviri nal nadi pAyum kaNapuratten karumaNiyE 

 Evari venjilai valavA irAghavanE tAlElO || Ten ||

728.  Oh, rAmA who created the dEvAs, asurAs, and all the directions! You recline in tiruvarangam, where everyone comes to seek refuge at your feet. My glittering sapphire gem of kaNNapuram, where the sacred river Cauvery flows! Oh, RAghavA who bears the sArngam bow fixed with a volley of sharp arrows,  which is a bane to enemies ! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! 

E - sharp, vari - rows of arrows, vem silai - raging bow. (10)

729kanni nan mA madiL puDai Soozh kaNapuratten kAkuttan 

tannaDi mEl tAlElO enru uraitta tamizh mAlai | 

konnavilum vEl valavan kuDai kulaSEKaran Sonna 

panniya nool pattum vallAr pAngAya pattargaLE || Eleven ||


The daring KulasEkara AzhvaAr who wields the spear and has the royal umbrella ( veNN koRRa kuDai which is the symbol of being a king), has composed these ten melodic songs on his chosen deity Shri rAma/kAkutsthan, and dedicated them to the Lord of the well fortified kaNNapuram divya dEsam. Those who sing these pAsurams will remain as devout bhaktas for ever. (11)



AzhvAr poses as king Dasharatha. He laments and wails over his vile deed of sending his dear son rAma to the forest on exile for fourteen years.

730. van tALin iNai vaNangi vaLa nagaram tozhudEtta mannanAvAn 

 ninrAyai ariyaNai mEl irundAyai neDungAnam paDara pOhu | 

 enrAL em irAmA vO unai payanda kaikESi tan Sor kETTu 

 nanrAha nAnilahttai ALvittEn nan mahanE unnai nAnE || One || 

730. rAma! You are such an obedient son! The moment kaikeyi, the one who brought you up, showed dislike to see you on the throne and commanded you to go to the forest, you immediately left willingly to respect my words. How much I wished to see you sitting on the throne and ruling the earth *{nAnilattai*—Sangam literature landscapes are kurunji (mountains), mullai (forests), marudam (green lands),neydal (seashore)}, locals and chieftains falling at your feet with respect . It was a wonder seeing AyodhyA waiting for your kingship. (1)

 No wonder I am a stone hearted person and you have all the putra lakshaNam!

731. vevvAyEn vevvurai kETTu iru nilattai vENDAdE viraindu venri 

 maivAya kaLir ozhindu tEr ozhindu mA ozhindu vanamE mEvi | 

 nei vAya vEl neDungaN nErizhaiyum iLangOvum pinbu pOha 

 evvAru naDandanai em irAmA vO! emberumAn en SeigEnE || Two ||

731. rAma! How did you dare proceed to the forest leaving behind affectionate citizens? Listening to those cruel words *( vevvAyEn vevvurai)* of mine, just to keep up my word, you left for the forest followed by the beautifully decked up spear-like eyed Seeta and young LakshmaNa! Without hesitation you left behind the huge kingdom, majestic elephants *(mA ozhindu)* who are the epitome of victory, chariots and horses. EmperumAn! My son! How will you walk on the rugged paths?

 Alas! I cannot bear this as I am helpless! (2)

732. kollaNai vEl vari neDungaN kousalai tan kula madalAi kuni villEndum 

mallaNainda varai tOLA val vinaiyEn manam urukkum vahaiyE kaTTrAi | 

mellaNai mEl mun tuyinrAi inru ini pOi viyan kAna marattin neezhal 

kallaNai mEl kaN tuyila kaRRanaiyO kAkuttA kariya kOvE || Three ||

732. Oh! rAma, one with strong shoulders carrying the divine bow, the darling son of the sharp eyes Kaushalya, heir of this dynasty! You have always slept on soft mattress and now, how will you sleep under the shade of a tree with bed made of dry leaves and rocky stones *(kal aNai mEl)*?

 Oh! beautiful dark skinned One ! kAkutstha! You know the way to melt the heart of this great sinner! What can I do now? (3)

733. vA pOgu vA innam vandu orukAl kaNDu pO malarAL koondal 

 vEi pOlum ezhil tOLi tan poruTTA viDaiyOn tan villai cheTTrAi | 

 mA pOhu neDungAnam val vinaiyEn manam urukkum mahanE inru 

 nee pOha ennenjam iru piLavAi pOhAdE nirkumArE || Four ||

733. rAma, one who melts the hearts of all! Just to enjoy your beauty and gait, I would call for you, tell you to come towards me (enjoying your beauty in front-- mun azhagu), then tell you to turn back and walk (admiring your -pin azhagu). I have deprived myself of that enjoyment! You broke the powerful bow of Shiva and married beautiful Sita pirAtti decked with fragrant flowers adorned in her tresses. Now, my heart shudders thinking of the ferocious elephants in the forests.

 Why does my heart not break into two pieces *(nenjam iru piLavAy)* seeing you leave for the forest? Being a great sinner, It’s still strong. (4)

734. porundAr kai vEl nudi pOl paral pAya mel aDihaL kurudi SOra

 virumbAda kAn virumbi veyil uraippa vempaSi nOi koora inru |

 perum pAviyEn mahanE pOhinrAi kEkayar kOn mahaLAi peTTra

 arum pAvi Sor kETTu aruvinaiyEn en SeigEn andO yAnE | Five ||

734. Alas! I asked you to go to the forest! As you walk, the blazing hot sun  rays will fall on your slender body , sharp stones as sharp as the edge of the spear *(kai vEl nudhi pOl)* of enemies will press your soft feet and blood will ooze out of them, afflicted by hunger and disease , how will you be able to bear these afflictions? Dear rAma! Probably being born to a great sinner like me *(peRum pAviyEn)* you have to undergo all these hardships.

 I committed a great sin of listening to the harsh words of the daughter of kaikEyArAjan, kaikEyi. There is no way of amending (parihAram) this act of mine. (5)

735. ammA enru uhandu azhaikkum Arva chol kELAdE aNi SEr mArvam 

en mArvattiDai azhunda tazhuvAdE muzhuSAdE mOvAdu uchchi | 

kaimmAvin naDai anna mennaDaiyum kamalam pOl muhamum kANAdu 

emmAnai en mahanai izhandiTTa izhittahaiyEn irukkinrEnE || Six ||

735. Oh, I lost you , my dear son rAma! by sending you to the forest! You would lovingly address me as AIYYA with your sweet voice. No more can I feel the pleasure of your ornaments pressing against my chest while I hugged and kissed you on your forehead *(mOvAdu uchhi)*! No longer will I be able to cherish your lotus like face, smell your fragrant hair locks, enjoy your elegant strides like an elephant!

Inspite of this despicable act of mine, I am still alive! (6)

736. poo maruvu narungunji pun SaDaiyAi punaindu poonduhil SEr alhul

kAmarezhil vizhal uDuttu kalanaNiyAdu angangaL azhahu mAri |

EmarutOLen pudalvan yAn inru Selattakka vanantAn SErdal

too maraiyeer idu tahavO SumandiranE vaSiTTanE Solleer neerE || Seven ||

736. O Vedic brahmins! Guru sage VashiShThA and Sumantara! I have a question for you.  My dear son rAma, whose hair, used to smell of fragrant flowers, is now tied up into matted locks *( pun shadaiyAy)* like sages! His royal clothing of best quality silk which I earned over sixty thousand years is replaced by dress of a hermit which is tough and hard , made of wood peels without any ornaments. Yet, devoid of the artificial enhancements (royal dress and jewellery), the beautiful broad shouldered *( Emaru tOL)* rAma’s natural beauty remains unchanged. I cherished the royal life all these years. He who was to enjoy the royal amenities and kingship, is gone!

 O! Scholars! Is this act which had to happen due to my action, appropriate? Is this rAjadharmA? Please answer me. (7)

737. pon peRRAr ezhil vEda pudalvanaiyum tambiyaiyum poovai pOlum

 min paRRA nuN marungul melliyal en maruhiyaiyum vanattil pOkki |

 nin paRRA nin mahan mEl pazhi viLaittiTTu ennaiyum neeL vAnil pOkka

 en peRRAi kaikESee irunilattil inidAga irukkinrAyE || Eight ||

737. Dasaratha reminds kaikEyi of her villainous behavior. kaikEyi! rAma, your son is a Vedic scholar and very knowledgeable. HIS handsome young brother Laxmana, Sita my dear daughter in law *(maruhiyaiyum)* who is tender, well natured, speech as sweet as a parrot and waist as slim as lightning were sent to the forest by you. The reason is your avaricious nature to crown your son Bharata as the king of Ayodhya thus creating a permanent blemish *( pazhi vilaitiTTu)* on the character of your innocent son who is unaware of your deed. Instead of rightly enjoying the samsaric life with your husband, you desire to send me to the upper worlds very soon. What have you gained by doing this heinous deed? After all, what skill do you possess that you remain happy while the world is mourning over  Rama’s absence? Are you not ashamed?

I cannot bear this separation (putra viraham) from my son anymore. (8)

738. mun oru nAL mazhu vALi Silai vAngi avan tavattai muTTrum SeTTrAi

 unnaiyum un arumaiyaiyum un mOyin varuttamum onrAha koLLAdu |

 ennaiyum en meyyuraiyum meyyAha koNDu vanam pukka endAi

 ninnaiyE mahanAga pera peruvEn Ezh pirappum neDundOL vEndE || Nine ||

738. My Lord rAma! One day, you destroyed the penance of the *( mazhuvALi)* great Parashurama (tamed his anger and tapO balam) and won his bow. I am so proud of your brave and awesome nature! Without thinking of your lineage or power , you left for the forest with one pointedness only to keep up my oral promise ( forced upon me due to boons I gave) to kaikEyi. How could you leave your mother Kausalya and me permanently in grief? No one can beget a son like you!

 O rAma, one with broad shoulders! Even if I have to take seven consecutive births,*(Ezhu pirRappum)*,you should be born as my son. That is my earnest wish. (9)

739. tEnahu mA malar koondal kousalaiyum sumittiraiyum Sindai nOva

 koonuruvin koDun tozhuttai Sor kETTa koDiyavaL tan Sor koNDu inru | 

kAnahamE miha virumbi nee turanda vaLa naharai turandu nAnum

vAnahamE miha virumbi pOhinrEn manu kulattAr tangaL kOvE || Ten ||

739. He is peerless in the clan of Manu, my dear son! Sumitra and Kausalya clad with fragrant flowers smelling of honey, were left lamenting by you. Out of the three mothers, you left two crying! While Ayodhya was being decorated for your paTTabhishEkam, heartless kaikeyi listened to the hunchback servant mantarA and acquired the two boons from me. To fulfill my promise given, willingly you left for the forest. ( kAnagamE miga virumbi)

Dear rAma! I no longer wish to live! I am also willingly leaving this world to reach heaven (vAnagamE). (10)

740. ErArnda karu neDumAl irAmanAi vanam pukka adanukku ARRA 

 tArArnda taDa varai tOL tayaradan tAn pulambiya appulambal tannai | 

 koorArnda vEl valavan kOzhiyar kOn kuDai kulaSEKaran Sor Seida 

 SeerArnda tamizh mAlai ivai vallAr tee neri kaN SellAr tAmE || Eleven || 


The beautiful divine black hued MahAvishNu,*( karu neDu mAl)* incarnated as rAma, to keep up the word of his father Dasharatha and went on exile to the forest to complete His mission ( to protect the sages in the forest and kill rAvaNA). The mountain like strong shouldered emperor, Dasharatha, moans over his separation from rAma and regrets his action. This wailing of Dasharatha is recited in the form of a beautiful garland of sacred verses written by the ruler of Uraiyur, KulashEkaran in chaste tamizh. Those who recite this with devotion will never get swayed in the wrong path. (11)






KulasEkara perumAl visits the GOVINDARAJA PERUMAL of TILLAI NAGARAM.  Tillai nagaram, also called “punDareekapuram” was so beautiful that he was reminded of rAmA’s pass times in the enchanting chitrakooTa hill.  He sees only Lord rAma in GovindarAja perumAl and sings the full rAmAyaNam for Him, naming the kshEtra “TIRUCHITRAKOODAM”.


741. angaN neDu madiL puDai Soozh ayOddi ennum aNi nagarattu ulaganaittum viLakkum SOdi

vengadirOn kulattukku Or viLakkAi tOnri vin muzhudum uyya koNDa veeran tannai |

sengaN neDun karumugilai rAman tannai tillai nahar tiruchittira kooDam tannuL

engaL tani mudalvanai emberumAn tannai enRu kolO kaN kuLira kANum nALE || One ||


Born in the beautiful city called ayOdhyA which is surrounded by tall ramparts on all four sides, my Lord who was named “RAMA”, was the light of the soorya dynasty. He is mahAveera whose very brilliance seems to have the valour to wipe out everyone's sorrows and protect all the dEvas.  

This is a great day as I can see the red eyed, rain-cloud hued emperumAn (my own master) SHRIRAMA in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam to my full satisfaction. (1)

742. vandu edirnda tADagai tan urattai keeri varu kurudi pozhi tara van kaNai onru Evi 

 mandirangoL marai munivan vELvi kAttu vallarakkar uyir uNDa maindan kANmin | 

SendaLir vAi malar nahai SEr SezhundaN SOlai tillai nahar tiru chittira kooDam tannuL 

 andaNargaL oru moovAyiravar Etta aNi maNi Asanattu irunda ammAn tAnE|| Two ||


# Lord rAma aimed a sharp arrow on the chest of the demoness “tATakA” causing blood to spurt out. 

# He also protected the yAgas performed by Sage VishvAmitra, by killing the demons “subAhu” and “mareechi”, (tAtakA’s sibling sons). 

Do you know who He is? The same SHRIRAMA sitting on the gem studded golden throne, is present here in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam surrounded by cool fresh gardens filled with blooming flowers resting on red tender leaves, the place where around 3000 brAhmaNas (tillai moovAyiravar) gather to see this ammAn (sarvEshvaran). (2)


743. Sevvari nar karu neDungaN SeedaikkAga china viDaiyOn Silai iruttu mazhu vALEndi 

 vevvari nar chilai vAngi venri koNDu vEl vEndan pahai taDinda veeran tannai | 

 devvar anja neDum puriSai uyarnda pAngar tillai nahar tiru chittira kooDam tannuL 

 evvari venjilai taDakkai irAman tannai irainjuvAr iNai aDiyE irainjinEnE || Three ||


# Lord RAma, the one with dark long eyes having red veins, bent Shiva’s dhanush and broke it to marry seetA dEvi, the daughter of Janaka and the princess of MythilA. 

# On the way back from MithilA, ParashurAma challenged Him to bend his bow, the viShNu dhanush. RAma stringed it with ease and emerged victorious there too, getting the bow as a gift. 

# He returned to ayOdhyA with seetA to protect the kshatriya clan from the enemies. 

That valourous king, SHRIRAMA whose name is enough to scare the enemies shows himself, in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam surrounded by sturdy walls, where the bhAgavatas do sharanAgati to the taDakkai rAman. (beholder of the bow). I do sharanAgati at the holy feet of such bhAgavatas. (3)

744. tottalar poonjuri kuzhal kaikESi SollAl tonnagaram turandu turai gangai tannai 

 pattiyuDai guhan kaDatta vanam pOi pukku baradanukku pAdukamum araSum eendu | 

chittira kooDattu irundAn tannai inru tillai nahar tiru chittira kooDam tannuL 

 ettanaiyum kaN kuLira kANa peTTra iru nilattArku imaiyavar nEr ovvAr tAmE || Four ||



# Possessive kaikEyi, the one with curly, flower-decked dark tresses, wanted RAMA to leave the kingship.  Immediately obeying her words, RAMA abandoned the hierarchical royal kingdom.  

# RAma, Lakshmana and SeetA Devi reached the banks of the Ganges to cross the river with the aid of the much-devoted hunter boatman Guhan and entered the forest.

# RAma’s younger brother Bharata followed them to the charming chitrakooTa hill, pleading for their return. But RAMA conferred the kingship on bharata and granted His auspicious pAdukAs to rule the kingdom.  

That SHRIRAMA who lived in chitrakooTa is now living in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam bestowing happiness to his visiting devotees, the enjoyment which even nityasooris would yearn for. (4)

745. vali vaNakku varai neDun tOL virAdai konRu vaNtamizh mA muni koDutta varivil vAngi 

 kalai vaNakku nOkku arakki mookkai neekki karanODu tooDaNan tan uyirai vAngi | 

 chilai vaNakki mAn mariya eidAn tannai tillai nahar tiru chittira kooDam tannuL 

 talai vaNakki kai kooppi Etta vallAr tiridalAl tavam uDaittu daraNi tAnE || Five ||


# RAma and company then changed their living place to danDaka forest to hide from the people. There the two brothers kill the troublesome rAkshasha virAdha who was invincible to weapons. 

# Tamizh muni, Sage Agastya initiated rAma with the Vishnu danush given by parashurAma which was kept in temporary custody of varuNa by rAma. 

#  RAma then chopped the nose of the most beautiful deer-envied shoorpanakhA. 

# The duo then vanquished kharadhooShaNa and their army of 14000 rAkshasas. “mAreecha”, an asura disguised as a golden deer was also shot by an arrow by rAma.  

That SHRIRAMA of such fame is now blessing us in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam, unto whom the bhAgavatas bow their heads and humbly fold their hands in anjali mudrA. The earth is indeed purified by such bhAgavatas who wander around in praise of Lord rAma. (5)

746. danam maruvu vaidEgi piriyaluTTru taLarvu eidi chaTAyuvai vaigundattu ETTri 

 vanamaruvu kavi araSan kAdal koNDu vAliyai konru ilangai nagar arakkar kOmAn | 

 Sinam aDanga mArutiyAl SuDuvittAnai tillai nahar tiruchittira kooDam tannuL 

 inidu amarnda ammAnai irAman tannai EttuvAr iNai aDiyE EttinEnE || Six ||



#  RAma then had to part with His wife vaidEhi, the embodiment of “shree”, whom he considered as His only wealth.  rAvaNa abducted her and flew to Lanka, hurting the JaTAyu bird (king of eagles) who opposed him.  

#  Worried rAma set on a search for seetA dEvi. He gave mOksha to the dying jaTAyu.  

#  He then helped vAnara Sugreeva to regain his lost kingdom by killing his enemy elder brother vAli. In gratitude, the vAnaras took the responsibility of uniting seetA with rAma. 

#  MAruti (hanumAn) spotted seetA’s whereabouts.  He was then sent as a messenger to Lanka by rAma. HanumAn burnt the city challenging ravaNa’s arrogant rule.  

That SHRIRAMA is now sitting like my “ammAn”(father) sweetly in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam unto whom the bhAgavatas surrender.  Let me offer my humble prayers to the divine pair of the bhAgavata’s feet. (6)

747. kurai kaDalai aDalambAl maruga eidu kulai kaTTi maru karaiyai adanAl Eri 

 eri neDuvEl arakkaroDum ilangai vEndan innuyir koNDu avan tambikku araSum eendu | 

 tirumahaLODu inidu amarnda Selvan tannai tillai nahar tiru chittirakooDam tannuL 

 araSamarndAn aDi SooDum araSai allAl araSAha eNNEn maRRa araSu tAnE || Seven ||




# Shri rAma then commanded the building of a bridge to Lanka with the help of the vAnaras, after controlling the fierce sea waves by shooting arrows into the ferocious ocean. 

# He then crossed the bridge and annihilated the asuras and their king rAvaNa with ease, making rAvaNa’s younger brother, vibheeshaNa, the king of Lanka.

#  Lord rAma finally re-united with seetA pirATTi. 

That SHRIRAMA is sitting happily with seetA pirAtti here in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam.  I will not consider any sovereignty greater than carrying His pair of lotus feet on my head. (7)

748. ambon neDu maNi mADa ayOddi eidi araSu eidi ahattiyan vAi tAn mun konrAn 

 tan perum tol kadai kETTu mithilai chelvi ulahu uyya tiruvayiru vAitta makkaL | 

 SempavaLa tiraL vAi tan charidai kETTAn tillai nahar tiru chittira kooDam tannuL 

 emberumAn tan charidai SeviyAl kaNNAl paruhuvOm innamudam madiyOm anrE || Eight ||




# SHRIRAMA triumphantly returned to the magnificent ayOdhyA filled with gold plated, gem studded tall buildings and ascended the throne as the king.  

# He listened to the old stories of rAvana killed by him, from Sage agastya. 

# He also enjoyed listening the whole RAMAYANA story from the coral mouths of his sons, Lava and Kusha, the masters born to mithilA selvi, seetA devi. 

That SHRIRAMA is now here at tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam.  I see his divine beauty with my eyes and listen to his stories with my ears. No other nectar can match this enjoyment. (8)

749. Seri tava chambugan tannai Senru konru Sezhu maraiyOn uyir meeTTu tavattOn eenda 

 nirai maNi pooN aNiyum koNDu ilavaNan tannai tambiyAl vAnETTri munivan vENDa | 

 tiral viLangum ilakkumanai pirindAn tannai tillai nahar tiru chittirakooDam tannuL 

 uraivAnai maravAda uLLam tannai uDaiyOm maTTru uru tuyar aDaiyOm anrE || Nine ||


# After 11000 years of peaceful rAma rAjyam without any deaths in the kindgdom, trouble mounted. A pseudo tapasvi called shambooka, was trying obnoxious tricks of tapas to become God. That adharma lead to the untimely death of a vedic brahmin boy aged 14. Lord rAma killed shambhooka and brought the brahmin boy back to life, there by preserving dharma. 

# In appreciation, Sage Agastya gifted rAma the most radiant and most precious gem necklace crafted by Vishvakarma.  

# Another enemy called LavaNAsura began to trouble all the sages. Under Lord rAma’s orders, his younger brother shatrugna killed LavaNAsura. 

# Lord Yama disguised as a sage, came down and  engaged in a secret conversation with Lord rAma and ordered that He should not allow anyone to disturb their conversation, lest they will have to separate from Lord rAma.  RAma promised the same and cautioned LakshmaNa to guard their room. Sage DurvAsa arrived and ordered LakshmaNa to allow him to meet rAma. LakshmaNa, out of fear of being cursed, allowed him inside. In order to fulfill the promise made to Yama, Lord rAma had to abandon LakshmaNa.  LakshmaNa then immersed himself into the Sarayu river and disappeared to VaikunTham.

That dutiful rAma is doing nityavAsam in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam.  I will always meditate on this SHRIRAMA. Hence forth, no agony will befall me. (9)

750. anru charAcharangaLai vaihundattu ETTri aDal arava pahai yEri aSurar tammai 

 venru ilangu maNi neDuntOL nAngum tOnra viN muzhudum edir vara tan tAmam mEvi | 

 Senru inidu veeTTrirunda ammAn tannai tillai nahar tiru chittirakooDam tannuL 

 enrum ninrAn avan ivan enru Etti nALum irainjuminO eppozhudum toNDeer neerE|| Ten ||



# Lord rAma’s mission (avatAra prayOjanam) was completed and it was time to go back to his original abode, VaikunTham. He took all the moving and non-moving things, (charAcharam) -  his people, creatures, grass, etc along with him to paramapadam, riding on GaruDa, the serpent enemy. 

# The nityasooris welcomed rAmA who assumed a divine glowing figure with broad shoulders and four hands. 

That vaikunTha SHRIYAH PATI SHRIRAMA permanently resides in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam. Dear devotees! Please eulogise this divya dEsa perumAl as vaikunThanAtha and do nitya kainkaryam to him. (10)

752. tillai nahar tiru chittira kooDam tannuL tiral viLangu mArutiyODu amarndAn tannai 

 ellaiyil Seer tayaradan tan maganAi tOnRiRRadu mudalA tannulagam pukkadu eerA| 

 kolliyalum paDai tAnai koTTra voLvAL kOzhiyar kOn kuDai kulaSEKaran Sor Seida 

 nalliyal in tamizh mAlai pattum vallAr nalam tihazh nAraNan aDi keezh nannuvArE || Eleven || 



SHREE RAMA is residing here in tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam with his mighty devotee, mAruti (hanumAn). KulasEkaran, the king of the kOzhiyur, sporting the sharp spear capable of vanquishing all his enemies, has composed this beautiful garland of rAmAyaNa which narrates the story of dAsharati rAma from birth to vaikunTham in sequence.  Those who sing these 10 verses well, will attain the lotus feet of Shriman nArAyanNa in paramapadam. (nalam tigazh nAraNan aDi keezh nannuvArE). (11)





ANJALI- A prapanna’s greatest attribute

अञ्जलि: प्रपन्नस्य उत्तम लक्षण:

உம்மாச்சி கைக்கூப்பு

ummAchchi kaikooppu


…is what parents have first taught us in childhood.


 "தன்னை தில்லை நகர்த்திரு சித்திரகூடம் தன்னுள் தலை வணக்கிக் கை கூப்பி ஏத்த வல்லார் திரிதலால், தவம் உடைத்து தரணி தானே" ||5|| 

"tannai tillai nagarttiru chittirakooDam tannuL talai vaNakkik kai kooppi Etta vallAr tiridalAl, tavam uDaittu daraNi tAnE" || Five ||


The importance of anjali mudrA in humble obeisance is highlighted in this pAsuram of KulasEkara AzhvAr. anjali mudrA is the gesture of folding the palms together in reverence.  While anjali mudrA of a prapanna is the very symbol of prayer,  “abhaya mudrA” of bhagavAn is the very symbol of assurance to devotees.


swAmi Desikan has dedicated a chillarai rahasyam named the “anjali vaibhavam” for this topic, where he reflects in length on Sri AlavandAr’s 28th shlOka of stOtra Ratnam which reads:

त्वत् अन्घ्रिम् उद्दिश्य कदापि कॆनचित्

यथा तथा वापि सकृत् क्रृत अञ्जलि:

तदैव मुष्णाति अशुभानि अशॆषत:

शुभानि पुश्णाति न जातु हीयतॆ

tvat anghrim uddishya kadApi kEnachit

yathA tathA vApi sakRut krRuta anjali:||

tadaiva muShNAti ashubhAni asEshata:

shubhAni pushNAti na jAtu heeyatE||

When anyone surrenders unto your feet considering it as the only means (upAyam), at any time, in any way, and folds his hands in anjali mudrA just once, all evils are destroyed fully, and it fosters auspiciousness for him.

In the words of Sage BharadvAja:

अञ्जलि: परमा मुद्रा क्षिप्रं दॆव प्रसादिनी|

“anjali: paramA mudrA kshipram dEva prasAdinee|”

anjali is the most powerful mudrA which bestows God’s grace immediately.

anjalis to Lord rAma and rAmAyaNa.


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